Vivica A. Fox hahmona Vicki Atwood

Jaksot 6


5 maaliskuu 1997

Vivian is disappointed when she's not made a partner at her law firm, and Michael does precisely the wrong thing upon hearing the news.

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Secrets and Lies

12 maaliskuu 1997

Mike's uncooperative source on a sports story is Vivian, who invokes lawyer-client privilege because her firm represents the athlete in question.

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Lisa's First Script

19 maaliskuu 1997

Vivian and Michael are reluctantly drawn into a comedic dating circus when Al decides to pursue Vivian's best friend, Laura, and asks for Michael's help.

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We Can Still Be Friends

26 maaliskuu 1997

It looks as if the torch is being passed when a new producer retools the guys' show - Mike is in (the studio) and Al is out (in the field).

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Show Me the Money

2 huhtikuu 1997

Without consulting each other, the Atwoods drop some big money: Mike buys a big-screen TV from a ""guy"" whom Al knows; Vivian loses interest in Laura's shop.

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Throw Momma From the House

Season Finale
9 huhtikuu 1997

Mike's mother, who thinks her son has married beneath him, visits from Chicago. Her cooking scores with Matthew, but Vivian can't stomach her nit-picking nature.

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