John DiMaggio as Fung (voice)

Epizode 80



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Secrets of the Furious Five

9 studeni 200823m

With Po's status as the Dragon Warrior proven to all, Master Shifu has a new challenge for him; teaching Introduction to Kung Fu class to a bunch of a rambunctious bunny children. After getting the class to come to order, Po teaches them that fighting is only part of kung fu, while its true meaning is "Excellence of Self." To explain this philosophy, Po tells stories of each of his comrades, The Furious Five, and how they faced formative challenges in their youth that helped define them as true masters of kung fu.

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Holiday Special

24 studeni 201023m

The Winter Festival is coming and Po is asked to host the great exclusive formal banquet for all the Masters of Kung Fu. However, the occasion is on the same night as his father's restaurant's own party and Mr. Ping, upset at his son's absence, will not cancel it to cook for the masters at Po's request. Burdened by his father's imposed guilt about his conflicting responsibilities, Po finds all the preparations a dispiriting struggle. However, the solution comes from where he least expects it even as the panda must decide who truly needs him more on the big night.

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La puntura di Scorpione

19 rujan 201123m

Tigre contrae la Febbre del Fiume, una malattia infantile. L'unica cura è il tè fatto con l'Orchidea del Sole che può essere trovata soltanto nella Valle dello Scorpione. Po e Scimmia si assumono il pericoloso compito di recuperare il fiore, ma Scimmia viene catturata da Scorpion che la spinge mediante il lavaggio del cervello a distruggere Po. Po deve ora fermare il suo amico e portare la cura a Tigre prima del tramonto.

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La principessa altezzosa

21 listopad 201123m

Po è incaricato di proteggere la figlia dell'imperatore durante il suo viaggio diplomatico in visita al clan Qidan. Fortunatamente, anche Tigre e Mantide si aggregano alla spedizione.

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Situazione appiccicosa

7 studeni 201123m

Po distrugge accidentalmente gli attrezzi di allenamento del Palazzo di Giada ed invita un genio della meccanica di nome Taotie per risolvere il problema. Po non sa che Taotie è un vecchio nemico di Shifu e questo invito è tutto quello che gli serve per cercare la sua vendetta.

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Reazione a catena

8 studeni 201123m

Po fa letteralmente impazzire Tigre con i suoi modi da ammiratore mentre sono in missione per recuperare una statua per conto di Shifu. Le cose peggiorano quando vengono attaccati dal coccodrillo Fung e dai suoi banditi e devono combattere fianco a fianco. C'è però un problema: sono incatenati tra loro. Riusciranno a sconfiggere i banditi e salvare la statua?

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Scorciatoie pericolose

9 studeni 201123m

Po impara una nuova mossa saltando la lettura di 50 rotoli sacri e finisce per cancellare le memorie dei Cinque Cicloni.

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L'inganno del coccodrillo

10 studeni 201123m

Fung aiuta Po ad uscire da una fossa nella quale era caduto e questi si impegna a restituire il favore. Ma quando Fung chiede a Po di aiutarlo a liberare suo fratello che è stato catturato dai soldati di Jong Sung Jai Kai Chow, il Guerriero Dragone impara rapidamente che ripagare un favore a Fung potrebbe essere più difficile di quanto si immaginava.

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L'eroe della città natale

11 studeni 201123m

Quando Po visita la città natale di Mantide, scopre che questi non è stato del tutto onesto con gli abitanti del villaggio sulla vera identità del Guerriero Dragone.

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Missione in... prigione!

18 studeni 201123m

Po si reca sotto mentite spoglie come prigioniero nel carcere di Chor Ghom per scoprire dove un criminale diabolico ha nascosto un'arma estremamente pericolosa, il Sacro Martello di Guerra Lei Lang.

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Il ritorno di Fenghuang

26 studeni 201123m

The Furious Five discover that Po has incredible kung fu abilities far beyond anyone else’s in the group. This worries them as they believe he will turn evil like Fenghuang, a member of the Furious Five before the current team who was also greatly powerful.

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Il buono e il cattivo

26 studeni 201123m

Po has split himself into two opposing parts by looking through the Mystic Mirror of Yin and Yang and needs to stop his duplicate from destroying his reputation and friendships with his bad personality traits.

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Intrighi al palazzo di Giada

27 studeni 201123m

When a villainous rival of Master Shifu manipulates Po into breaking an important rule, the consequences allow him to become Grand Master of the Jade Palace.

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La vendetta di Rhino

27 studeni 201123m

Hundun, a former guard at Chor Ghom prison, wants revenge against the Dragon Warrior for making him lose everything in his life as a result of defeating Tai Lung.

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Maestro Ping

28 studeni 201123m

Shifu invites Mr. Ping to stay at the Jade Palace when his noodle shop is badly damaged during a fight between Po, Monkey and three pig brothers. This causes tension between him and the others until he is asked to leave and is subsequently captured by the pig brothers believing him to be Master Shifu.

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Il fantasma di Oogway

29 studeni 201123m

Po encounters the ghost of Master Oogway, who seems strangely bent on causing dissension in the Jade Palace.

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Kung Fu Kid

30 studeni 201123m

When a kung fu prodigy arrives at the Jade Palace, Po’s enthusiasm begins to sour when he gets a little jealous of the attention being heaped onto the young master.

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Le signore dell'ombra

1 prosinac 201123m

Po befriends a troupe of dancers, unaware that they are actually a band of traveling thieves. When a prized item goes missing from the Jade Palace, Po has to disguise himself to infiltrate the band.

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Fratellone Po

2 prosinac 201123m

Po must look after Taotie's son after he is taken to prison after a failed attack on the Jade Palace. His loyalties are split when he tries to help his father get out of prison though he has warmed to Po.

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Il fan club di Po

9 prosinac 201123m

Po finds he has a fan club in the valley but they are unimpressed when they find the Dragon Warrior's day to day life isn't as action packed as they imagined. With this newfound attention flagging, Po releases a demon in order to fight it and impress his fan club.

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Secrets of the Masters

13 prosinac 201123m

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La sfida

16 prosinac 201123m

It's Dragon Warrior Challenge Day, and if anyone can defeat Po in battle before sundown, they will become the Dragon Warrior.

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Il maestro Yao

30 prosinac 201123m

Shifu's personal hero arrives at the Jade Palace, but in his overenthusiasm, Shifu accidentally lets him run amok while Temutai schemes to abduct him.

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Una vecchia gloria

31 ožujak 201223m

Po's kung fu hero comes to town for an exhibition match.

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L'amore fa male

2 travanj 201223m

Po sets up his father, Mr. Ping, on a series of unsuccessful dates, only to find out Mr. Ping already has a girlfriend. Po's happiness for his dad is short lived when he finds out the mystery lady's identity.

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Il trofeo del guerriero

3 travanj 201223m

Po needs to find an awesome Dragon Warrior trophy for the Hall of Heroes or be humiliated in front of the entire village at the upcoming Warrior Festival.

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Padre furfante

4 travanj 201223m

When Shifu's con-man father comes back into town, Po finds himself in the middle.

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Un fratello scomodo

Season Finale
5 travanj 201223m

The villagers are outraged over a rash of thefts in the Valley of Peace.

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Asilo nido Kung Fu

6 travanj 201223m

Tigress must babysit a child who has been separated from his parents. The Croc Bandits are trying to kidnap him for a ransom.

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Realmente incapace

26 rujan 201223m

Master Shifu and the Furious Five meet their newest trainee – The Emperor's Grandson!

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Largo ai vecchi!

30 rujan 201223m

When the Furious Five go out of town and the Jade Palace is attacked, Po has to rely on a team of elderly Mahjong players for back-up.

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Il generale picchiatello

13 listopad 201223m

While visiting a famous war hero named General Tsin, Po discovers that the retired general has lost his mind.

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Po e i fantasmi saltellanti

27 listopad 201223m

Costretto a passare la notte vicino a un cimitero dove ha accompagnato Shifu per verificare voci di apparizioni inspiegabili, Po si troverà a tu per tu con un Fantasma Saltellante. Nessuno gli crederà, ma quando Shifu viene rapito da altri Fantasmi Saltellanti, i Cicloni dovranno fare fronte comune per salvare il loro maestro da una cospirazione ultraterrena.

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Le scarpe magiche

3 studeni 201223m

Po buys shoes that promise to make him better at Kung Fu without the training, but the shoes were created with evil magic and threaten the Furious Five.

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Nemici per la pelle

10 studeni 201223m

After being defeated by Po, Taotie has a nervous breakdown.

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Operazione dragone (prima parte)

12 studeni 201223m

Po and the Furious Five meet their greatest challenge yet: a supernatural creature who is invincible to the powers of kung fu. Part 1 of 2.

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Operazione dragone (seconda parte)

12 studeni 201223m

Po and the Furious Five meet their greatest challenge yet: a supernatural creature who is invincible to the powers of kung fu. Part 2 of 2.

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Una scomoda parentela

24 studeni 201223m

Po's the only one unhappy when Peng returns to town, because Po knows who Peng's uncle is.

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Un regalo prezioso

8 prosinac 201223m

Po takes a job as a bounty hunter to earn money to buy his father a gift.

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Il sostituto di Shifu

14 siječanj 201323m

Po must sit in as master of the Jade Palace when Shifu hurts his back.

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L'esercito di terracotta

16 siječanj 201323m

Un fallimento dopo l'altro costringe Fung a tornare a lavorare col padre, dove, per caso, ritrova l'antica formula segreta per far vivere un esercito di terracotta.

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I Globi dello Spirito del Maestro Ding

16 siječanj 201323m

Tigre, dopo essersi accorta che Po e' migliorato al punto di riuscire sempre a battertela, comincia a nutrire una grossa invidia nei suoi confronti. Libera quindi i Globi dello Spirito...

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Giochi da grandi

17 siječanj 201323m

Po and Mantis visit the equivalent of an ancient Chinese Comic-Con, where Po’s fanboy enthusiasm gets out of hand.

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Solo un invito

18 siječanj 201323m

Po is sad when he learns that everyone has been invited to a dinner party except for him, due to his poor table manners. Will Shifu be able to teach Po proper etiquette AND foil the attack of the evil Temutai and his army?

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Lo sconosciuto della notte

20 siječanj 201323m

When kung fu is outlawed, Po turns to donning a mask to fight crime.

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Ambasciator porta pena

22 siječanj 201323m

Po and Tigress must track down and stop a messenger from delivering a scroll that could thrust China into all-out war!

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Addestramento al Palazzo di Granata

23 siječanj 201323m

When Master Mugan from the Garnet Palace decides she needs a new Kung Fu Master, Tigress volunteers. Will the Furious Five be minus one or will Po convince Tigress to return to the Jade Palace?

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La vendetta di Fenghuang

24 siječanj 201323m

Po tries to help Crane get his "mojo" back after he is humiliated at a charity event.

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Il museo segreto del Kung Fu

25 siječanj 201323m

With Po and the Furious Five at each other's throats, Shifu takes them all on a disastrous road trip.

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La sposa di Po

15 veljača 201323m

Po saves a girl from some bandits, only to learn that she's engaged to be married to the Dragon Warrior.

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I sei cicloni

17 lipanj 201323m

Master Chao visits the valley to oversee a Tournament. Shifu is convinced that Po and Master Chao want to replace him. Shifu's old enemy, Pai Mei, arrives in the middle of the tournament and threatens to destroy Shifu.

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Una mamma iperprotettiva

18 lipanj 201323m

When Crane's mother visits the Valley of Peace, Crane asks his friends to help him keep a secret from her.

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Scimmia innamorata

19 lipanj 201323m

Po plays a prank on Monkey with a fake love letter and their relationship is tested.

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Arriva il Qilin!

20 lipanj 201323m

After his father takes him on a wild goose chase, Po becomes embarrassed.

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Grande a dismisura

Season Finale
21 lipanj 201323m

Mantis ingests a growth potion that makes him huge and inadvertently puts himself and his friends in danger.

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La Ex di Shifu

24 lipanj 201323m

When Shifu's thieving ex-girlfriend visits the Jade Palace seeking redemption, Shifu quickly learns she wants more than simple forgiveness.

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Il ristorante di Hundun

25 lipanj 201323m

Hundun opens up a noodle shop in the village, threatening to put Mr. Ping out of business.

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Un nuovo figlio per Ping

26 lipanj 201323m

Po and Mr. Ping must make things right when two Croc Bandits have a spat.

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Il nuovo potere di Po

27 lipanj 201323m

Po is struck by lightning which gives him the power to read minds.

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Meraviglie e domande

28 lipanj 201323m

Master Yao announces that anyone who brings him a new wonder will be allowed to ask him a single question.

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Il Clan delle Valve

1 srpanj 201323m

Despite Po's objections, Shifu calls in a samurai prawn to help take down a villain from Japan.

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2 srpanj 201323m

Shifu suggests that Po should take a vow of silence to help with his focus.

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Dente di serpe

3 srpanj 201323m

The villagers begin to adopt an anti-snake sentiment when Fu-xi turns renegade and attacks the Valley of Peace.

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Il boss della zuppa

11 siječanj 201423m

The local thugs love Mr. Ping's soup so much, the noodle shop becomes a villain hangout.

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Piccoli furfantelli

26 siječanj 201423m

Po befriends a group of orphans who have been stealing money and goods from the villagers.

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I nuovi Cinque Cicloni

2 veljača 201423m

Fed up with his constant complaining, Shifu puts lazy Po in charge of training the Furious Five. Things go from bad to worse when the Croc Bandits receive training from a mysterious kung fu master and become the new heroes of the Valley of Peace.

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Un picnic per sempre

9 veljača 201423m

Po is suspicious when Shifu gets back together with his evil ex-girlfriend, Mei Ling.

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Il Club del Kung Fu

16 veljača 201423m

Shifu sends Po to shut down an underground fight club.

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Razzie al villaggio

23 veljača 201423m

Po and the Five must stop food-stealing rats to end a famine, but Po's weakness for food may hinder the mission.

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Indietro nel tempo

2 ožujak 201423m

Po discovers the seeds of Shuyong: magical items that can actually take the user back in time. After Po disobeys Shifu, evil Fenghuang steals one of the seeds, putting the entire world in danger.

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L'Accordo Eterno

8 lipanj 201423m

Po's qi is out of balance, and Shifu and wise Master Lun attempt to re-harmonize the panda using the ancient tradition of musical kung fu.

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I Cinque Grandi Segreti

15 lipanj 201423m

Mystic secrets are stolen from Master Yao's head, so the master turns to Po for help.

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Il vero guerriero dragone

22 lipanj 201423m

Po and Monkey discover a small village and meet an impostor claiming to be the Dragon Warrior.

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Secrets of the Scroll

5 siječanj 201623m

As Po looks for his lost action figures, the story of how the panda inadvertently helped create the Furious Five is told.

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Rivolta giovanile

15 veljača 201623m

Bian Zao steals magical lightning powers.

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Messi alla Po-rta

16 veljača 201623m

The furious five quit the Jade Palace and head out on their own.

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Po il coccodrillo

17 veljača 201623m

Po is left with amnesia after a blow to the head.

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18 veljača 201623m

Shifu and Mr. Ping compete for Po's attention.

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Ricerca inutile

19 veljača 201623m

Zeng unhappily quits his job at the Palace.

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I primi cinque

8 lipanj 201623m

Po hosts a reunion for the First Furious Five, and Shifu's heroic legacy is questioned at the gathering.

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La pazzia del Generale Tsin

15 lipanj 201623m

General Tsin has a conspiracy theory about alien rice weevils taking over the world.

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Un bullo per Po

22 lipanj 201623m

Nemamo pregled preveden na engleski jezik. Pomozite nam proširiti našu bazu podataka dodavanjem jedne.

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La scelta dell'Imperatore (prima parte)

29 lipanj 201623m

Po becomes head of Imperial Security when Lu Kang returns. Part 1 of 2.

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La scelta dell'Imperatore (seconda parte)

Season Finale
29 lipanj 201623m

Po becomes head of Imperial Security when Lu Kang returns. Part 2 of 2.

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