Linda Cardellini als Wendy Corduroy (voice)

Episoden 40

Creature in the Closet

17. April 201222m

Creature in the Closet is the first Gravity Falls promotional short.


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Trappola per turisti

15. Juni 201223m

Dopo aver trovato uno strano libro nel mezzo della foresta, Dipper inizia a scoprire il lato oscuro di Gravity Falls, sospettando anche che il nuovo fidanzato di Mabel sia in realtà uno zombie.


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La leggenda del drago trita-ossa

29. Juni 201224m

Stan porta i nipoti a pescare per svagarsi, ma i suoi piani cambiano quando i ragazzi gli chiedono andare a caccia di un mostro lacustre chiamato "il Drago trita-ossa" nel tentativo di vincere un contest fotografico.


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Cacciatore di teste

30. Juni 201224m

I nipoti scoprono la vecchia collezione di statue in cera di Stan e Mabel decide di crearne una a sua volta. Ma quando la sua nuova opera viene manomessa, toccherà a lei e a Dipper mettere le cose a posto.


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Il magico Gideon

6. Juli 201222m

Dipper e Mabel vanno a trovare la vecchia nemesi di Stan, un fisico noto come il piccolo magico Gideon, che diventa ossessionato da Mabel.


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Il fantas-market

13. Juli 201222m

Dipper cerca di fare colpo su Wendy accompagnando lei e i suoi amici in un vecchio negozio di alimentari abbandonato che si dice possa essere stregato.


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Dipper e la mascolinità

20. Juli 201222m

Nel tentativo di diventare più mascolino, Dipper chiede aiuto a una banda di minotauri che vivono nel bosco. Nel frattempo, Mabel dà allo zio un nuovo look.


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I sosia di Dipper

10. August 201222m

Stan organizza una grossa festa per fare pubblicità al museo Mistery Shack, mentre Dipper utilizza una strana fotocopiatrice per creare dei cloni di se stesso in modo da conquistare Wendy.


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L'irrazionalità è un tesoro

17. August 201222m

Nel giorno della festa della fondazione di Gravity Falls, i due bambini cercano di fare luce su una cospirazione che ruota intorno al fondatore della città.


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Il maialino e l'uomo che viaggiava nel tempo

24. August 201222m

Dipper rovina l'occasione di fare colpo su Wendy, decidendo così di utilizzare una macchina del tempo per rimediare al suo sbaglio.


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Avversari irriducibili

14. September 201222m

Dipper viene sfidato a duello dal ragazzo di Wendy, Robbie, e materializza il personaggio dei videogiochi Rumble McSkirmish a fargli da guardia del corpo.


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Il "piccolo" Dipper

28. September 201222m

Dipper trova un cristallo magico con il potere di ingrandire e rimpicciolire qualsiasi cosa, ma Gideon se ne adopera per vendicarsi di Stan e riprendersi il Mystery Shack.


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5. Oktober 201222m

È Summerween, e Dipper e Mabel ricevono la visita di un mostro chiamato il Giustiziere, che dice loro di procurarsi 500 caramelle onde evitare di essere mangiati.


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Mabel il capo

15. Februar 201322m

Mabel diventa la titolare del Mistery Shack dopo aver fatto una scommessa con Stan su chi dei due riuscirà a guadagnare più monete nell'arco di tre giorni, e quindi stabilire chi sia il miglior gestore.


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Pozzo senza fondo!

1. März 201322m

Dipper, Mabel, Stan e Soos cadono per sbaglio nel pozzo senza fondo del Mistery Shack e decidono di raccontarsi l'un l'altro delle storie per passare il tempo.


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Mermando il tritone

15. März 201322m

È la giornata più calda di tutta l'estate, nonché il giorno d'apertura della piscina di Gravity Falls, dove Mabel stringe amicizia con un misterioso ragazzo di nome Mermando.


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Il segreto del tappeto

5. April 201322m

Dipper vuole una stanza tutta per sé e quando Soos ne trova una nello Shack, Stan fa competere Dipper e Mabel per aggiudicarsela. Nel frattempo, Dipper scopre che il tappeto al suo interno permette di scambiare i corpi di chiunque lo tocchi.


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Il controllo della mente

19. April 201322m

Quando Mabel scopre che la sua boy band preferita non è nient'altro che un gruppo di cloni imprigionati, decide di liberarli per poi tenerli con sé. Dipper è convinto che Robbie cerchi di fare il lavaggio del cervello a Wendy con un messaggio cifrato.


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Alla ricerca del maialino perduto

28. Juni 201322m

Un dinosauro scappato a Gravity Falls rapisce il maialino di Mabel, Dondolo, costringendo la famiglia Pines a una spedizione preistorica per riportarlo indietro.


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Il catturasogni

12. Juli 201322m

Dipper, Mabel e Soos entrano nella mente di Stan per sconfiggere un perfido demone evocato da Gideon.


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2. August 201322m

Quando Gideon conquista il Mistery Shack, Dipper e Mabel tentano il tutto per tutto per cercare di scacciarlo.


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La guida di Dipper all'inspiegabile: La cosa

14. Oktober 20135m

Dipper and Mabel must battle a monster who takes their Summerween candy.


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Dipper devises a plan to unravel the enigma that is Stan’s tattoo.


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Dipper and Soos stumble upon a mailbox in the middle of the forest and make it their mission to discover who (or what) picks up the mail left inside.


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Dipper sets out to discover why a certain Gravity Falls resident always faces left.


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La guida di Dipper all'inspiegabile: Il dente

17. Oktober 20134m

Dipper and Mabel find a gigantic tooth on the shores of the lake, and set out in a rowboat to find out where it came from.


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After hearing rumors of a local lumberjack legend, Dipper investigates a mysterious creature that has been heard, but never seen.


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La guida di Mabel all'arte della conquista

3. Februar 20145m

Mabel gives her thoughts on dating and puts her dating quiz to the test with three of Gravity Falls’ most eligible bachelors — Grunkle Stan, Dipper and Soos.


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La guida di Mabel agli adesivi

4. Februar 20145m

Mabel gives her unique perspective on the history of stickers, their many styles and uses.


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La guida di Mabel alla moda

5. Februar 20145m

Mabel reveals her fashion secrets to the world, including FLASH MAKEOVERS!


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La guida di Mabel al colore

6. Februar 20145m

Mabel’s survey into everyone’s favorite colors causes a color emergency when she learns Grunkle Stan has never seen a rainbow.


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La guida di Mabel all'arte

7. Februar 20145m

Mabel reveals that her gift of art has driven her to genius level with the creation of her own personal art movement — the “Caticature.”


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Fai da te con Soos: La golf cart

21. April 20144m

Soos fixes up the golf cart so that Dipper and Wendy can perform a stunt.


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Fai da te con Soos: L'orologio a cucù

22. April 20144m

Soos fixes up a Cuckoo Clock and gives it an ultra-awesome remodel.


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La TV di Gravity Falls: Episodio 1

23. April 20144m

Mabel watches Gravity Falls Public Access TV. On the channel, she sees a commercial for the Mystery Shack, a show called 'Soos Says Some Words', and Li'l Gideon's Big House: a reality show about Gideon's interaction with his fellow inmates in prison.


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La TV di Gravity Falls: Episodio 2

24. April 20145m

Grunkle Stan watches Gravity Falls Public Access TV. On the channel, he sees a talk show called 'Why You Ackin' So Cray-Cray?', a police public service announcement called 'Teenz Talk', and the daytime TV drama 'Duck-tective'.


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Mabel recalls the Pines' eleborate plan to break into a movie theatre.


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Mabel remembers when the family visited a petting zoo.


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Il karaoke della paura

1. August 201422m

La famiglia Pines cerca di tornare alla normalità organizzando una festa dal titolo "Il Mistery Shack è tornato"... Ma niente è mai "normale" a Gravity Falls!


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Nel bunker

4. August 201422m

Quando il diario segreto di Dipper conduce lui e gli altri nel bunker segreto dell'Autore, un misterioso personaggio dal passato di Gravity Falls fa la loro conoscenza.


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Vittoria ad ogni costo

11. August 201422m

Dopo essere stata snobbata da Pacifica troppe volte, Mabel la sfida a una partita di golf in miniatura che prende una piega inaspettata quando alcuni residenti del luogo offrono loro aiuto.


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La calzino-novela

8. September 201422m

Ormai vicino a sbloccare il computer portatile dell'Autore, Dipper riceve la visita del demone Bill che è intenzionato a fare un patto. Mabel mette in scena uno spettacolo di burattini per fare colpo su di un ragazzo.


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Lo spirito dell'amore

22. September 201422m

Soos promette alla nonna che un giorno riuscirà a trovare una fidanzata e compra un videogioco simulatore d'incontri per imparare come si parla alle donne.


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Tre storie inquietanti

4. Oktober 201422m

Stan racconta una serie di tre storie inquietanti a uno sfortunato visitatore del Mistery Shack per ore.


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La Società dell'Occhio di Tenebra

27. Oktober 201422m

Dipper e la banda scoprono un'antica società segreta, la cui esistenza è stata cancellata dalla memoria dei cittadini di Gravity Falls.


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Lil Gideon writes to Mabel and things get weird.


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Il compleanno di Soos

10. November 201422m

Blendin torna a sfidare Dipper e Mabel in una battaglia futuristica che potrebbe rinchiuderli in prigione per sempre.


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L'appiccica cuori

26. November 201422m

Durante un'uscita con Wendy ed i suoi amici, Dipper e Mabel trovano Robbie ancora afflitto dall'essersi lasciato con Wendy.

Mabel decide a tutti i costi di far trovare pace ai problemi di Robbie e fargli dimenticare la storia con Wendy usando le sue abilità di "appiccica cuori" organizzando quindi un incontro combinato con Tambry, ma le cose non vanno per il meglio.


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The Mystery of Gravity Falls (1)

14. Februar 201522m

Episode 1 is an intro to the series, and briefly discusses Dipper's discovery of Journal 3.


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The Mystery of Gravity Falls (2)

14. Februar 201522m

Episode 2 discusses the episode "Headhunters," and discusses the symbols on the Zodiac.


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The Mystery of Gravity Falls (3)

14. Februar 201522m

Episode 3 discusses the episode "The Inconveniencing" and discusses the symbols on the Zodiac.


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The Mystery of Gravity Falls (4)

14. Februar 201522m

Episode 4 discusses the episode "The Hand That Rocks the Mabel" and the symbols on the Zodiac.


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The Mystery of Gravity Falls (5)

14. Februar 201522m

Episode 5 discusses the episode "Carpet Diem" and the symbols on the Zodiac: the glasses and the question mark.


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The Mystery of Gravity Falls (6)

14. Februar 201522m

Episode 6 discusses the episode "Dreamscaperers" and the symbol on the Zodiac: the triangle man with a hat.


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Il mistero di Villa Northwest

16. Februar 201522m

Durante i preparativi per l'annuale festa della famiglia Northwest, riservata esclusivamente a figure importanti e celebrità, avvengono fenomeni sovrannaturali; Preston quindi ordina a Pacifica di chiamare Dipper a risolvere il problema. La mattina seguente, Pacifica si reca al Regno del Mistero e nonostante il suo iniziale rifiuto, Dipper accetta il lavoro di Pacifica in cambio di un invito per Mabel, Candy e Grenda.


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Conto alla rovescia

9. März 201522m

Stan sta lavorando al macchinario sotto il Regno del Mistero e, dopo averlo rifornito di un liquame radioattivo che il congegno usa come carburante, attiva un conto alla rovescia portatile sincronizzato al marchingegno.


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It's a clue from a creature from another dimension...right?


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Have you seen this mixed up gobbly gook?


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You ever notice how many people in Gravity Falls have only one eye?


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The city-slicker Government Agents are watching all of us!


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Who is the ice bag?!


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The number on the computer box is the coordinates to Possum town!


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The Gold Medallions are for a Secret Society!


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Who is Relation Shipping up with who? It's a bunch of hog wash!


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Does Stan have a twin brother...


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All Old Man McGucket can think about is those lousy triangles.


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Creepy Letters from Lil Gideon - Devoted

20. April 20151m

Lil Gideon writes Mabel once again.


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Creepy Letters from Lil Gideon - Revenge

20. April 20151m

Lil Gideon writes to the people of Gravity Falls wishing the love and forgiveness.


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Lil Gideon writes the Pines family letting them know they are always in his thoughts, and other places.


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Lil Gideon writes to Dipper to offer up an apology...or not.


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Grunkle Stan's Lost Mystery Shack Interviews was a series of promotional ads aired during showings of Gravity Falls on Disney XD. The ads aired as part of a Gravity Falls marathon on June 28th, 2015 and were comprised of short, 30-second segments where a puppet version of Stan Pines, desperate for summer workers at the Mystery Shack, would give job interviews to stars from some of the channel's live-action sitcoms whose bus had broken down outside.


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Grunkle Stan's Lost Mystery Shack Interviews was a series of promotional ads aired during showings of Gravity Falls on Disney XD. The ads aired as part of a Gravity Falls marathon on June 28th, 2015 and were comprised of short, 30-second segments where a puppet version of Stan Pines, desperate for summer workers at the Mystery Shack, would give job interviews to stars from some of the channel's live-action sitcoms whose bus had broken down outside.


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Grunkle Stan's Lost Mystery Shack Interviews was a series of promotional ads aired during showings of Gravity Falls on Disney XD. The ads aired as part of a Gravity Falls marathon on June 28th, 2015 and were comprised of short, 30-second segments where a puppet version of Stan Pines, desperate for summer workers at the Mystery Shack, would give job interviews to stars from some of the channel's live-action sitcoms whose bus had broken down outside.


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Grunkle Stan's Lost Mystery Shack Interviews was a series of promotional ads aired during showings of Gravity Falls on Disney XD. The ads aired as part of a Gravity Falls marathon on June 28th, 2015 and were comprised of short, 30-second segments where a puppet version of Stan Pines, desperate for summer workers at the Mystery Shack, would give job interviews to stars from some of the channel's live-action sitcoms whose bus had broken down outside.


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Grunkle Stan's Lost Mystery Shack Interviews was a series of promotional ads aired during showings of Gravity Falls on Disney XD. The ads aired as part of a Gravity Falls marathon on June 28th, 2015 and were comprised of short, 30-second segments where a puppet version of Stan Pines, desperate for summer workers at the Mystery Shack, would give job interviews to stars from some of the channel's live-action sitcoms whose bus had broken down outside.


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Grunkle Stan's Lost Mystery Shack Interviews was a series of promotional ads aired during showings of Gravity Falls on Disney XD. The ads aired as part of a Gravity Falls marathon on June 28th, 2015 and were comprised of short, 30-second segments where a puppet version of Stan Pines, desperate for summer workers at the Mystery Shack, would give job interviews to stars from some of the channel's live-action sitcoms whose bus had broken down outside.


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Grunkle Stan's Lost Mystery Shack Interviews was a series of promotional ads aired during showings of Gravity Falls on Disney XD. The ads aired as part of a Gravity Falls marathon on June 28th, 2015 and were comprised of short, 30-second segments where a puppet version of Stan Pines, desperate for summer workers at the Mystery Shack, would give job interviews to stars from some of the channel's live-action sitcoms whose bus had broken down outside.


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Grunkle Stan's Lost Mystery Shack Interviews was a series of promotional ads aired during showings of Gravity Falls on Disney XD. The ads aired as part of a Gravity Falls marathon on June 28th, 2015 and were comprised of short, 30-second segments where a puppet version of Stan Pines, desperate for summer workers at the Mystery Shack, would give job interviews to stars from some of the channel's live-action sitcoms whose bus had broken down outside.


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Grunkle Stan's Lost Mystery Shack Interviews was a series of promotional ads aired during showings of Gravity Falls on Disney XD. The ads aired as part of a Gravity Falls marathon on June 28th, 2015 and were comprised of short, 30-second segments where a puppet version of Stan Pines, desperate for summer workers at the Mystery Shack, would give job interviews to stars from some of the channel's live-action sitcoms whose bus had broken down outside.


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Grunkle Stan's Lost Mystery Shack Interviews was a series of promotional ads aired during showings of Gravity Falls on Disney XD. The ads aired as part of a Gravity Falls marathon on June 28th, 2015 and were comprised of short, 30-second segments where a puppet version of Stan Pines, desperate for summer workers at the Mystery Shack, would give job interviews to stars from some of the channel's live-action sitcoms whose bus had broken down outside.


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Grunkle Stan's Lost Mystery Shack Interviews was a series of promotional ads aired during showings of Gravity Falls on Disney XD. The ads aired as part of a Gravity Falls marathon on June 28th, 2015 and were comprised of short, 30-second segments where a puppet version of Stan Pines, desperate for summer workers at the Mystery Shack, would give job interviews to stars from some of the channel's live-action sitcoms whose bus had broken down outside.


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Grunkle Stan's Lost Mystery Shack Interviews was a series of promotional ads aired during showings of Gravity Falls on Disney XD. The ads aired as part of a Gravity Falls marathon on June 28th, 2015 and were comprised of short, 30-second segments where a puppet version of Stan Pines, desperate for summer workers at the Mystery Shack, would give job interviews to stars from some of the channel's live-action sitcoms whose bus had broken down outside.


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Grunkle Stan's Lost Mystery Shack Interviews was a series of promotional ads aired during showings of Gravity Falls on Disney XD. The ads aired as part of a Gravity Falls marathon on June 28th, 2015 and were comprised of short, 30-second segments where a puppet version of Stan Pines, desperate for summer workers at the Mystery Shack, would give job interviews to stars from some of the channel's live-action sitcoms whose bus had broken down outside.


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La storia dei due Stan

13. Juli 201522m

L'Autore, il fratello di Stan, è tornato ma piuttosto che ringraziarlo lo rimprovera sull'incoscienza dell'aver riattivato il Portale, oltre che accusarlo di essere egli stesso la causa del fatto di essersi perso in esso trent'anni prima. Mabel seda gli animi e Dipper è eccitatissimo alla vista dell'Autore.


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La sfida finale

3. August 201522m

Dipper vorrebbe giocare a Dungeons, Dungeons, e ancora Dungeons con qualcuno, ma data l'elevata complessità del gioco perché pieno di matematica non trova nessuno con cui fare una partita. Provando a giocare con Gompers, Dipper finisce nel laboratorio di Ford (che all'inizio dell'episodio aveva negato l'accesso al laboratorio a chiunque poiché pericoloso) e, nella caduta, libera una specie di polipo proveniente da un'altra dimensione acciuffato ad inizio episodio costringendo Ford a riacciuffarlo.


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Un nuovo sindaco per Gravity Falls

24. August 201522m

È morto il sindaco di Gravity Falls ed è giunta l'ora di eleggerne uno nuovo. Nonostante all'inizio sia riluttante all'idea, Stan si candida quando vede che l'unico a candidarsi all'inizio è Bud Gleeful: inizia quindi la campagna elettorale. Al contrario di Bud però, Stan non riscuote successo e Dipper e Mabel, con l'aiuto di un'invenzione di Ford, decidono di aiutarlo facendogli guadagnare velocemente popolarità e le sorti si ribaltano.


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Mabel e gli unicorni

7. September 201522m

Ford, una notte, ha un incubo nel quale parla direttamente con Bill e la mattina seguente chiama a sé Dipper e Mabel per informarli del pericolo. I gemelli però lo informano che conoscono già il demone e Ford, piuttosto sorpreso, li avverte però che sta diventando sempre più forte e che l'unico modo che hanno e proteggersi con uno scudo di natura magica: per attivarlo però hanno bisogno di crine di unicorno.


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Attrazione "stradale"

21. September 201522m

Stan chiama a raccolta Dipper, Mabel, Soos, Grenda e Candy, dicendo loro di andare con lui in tutte le altre trappole per turisti presenti nell'Oregon per vendicarsi degli scherzi che gli altri gestori gli fanno ogni anno. Intanto, durante i preparativi, Mabel e Soos scoprono una scatola nella quale Dipper ha segretamente tenuto delle foto di Wendy e capiscono che non ha ancora superato del tutto la cotta per la ragazza. Mabel e Soos quindi convincono Dipper a guardare avanti dicendo che durante il loro viaggio potrebbe trovare qualche altra ragazza interessante e superare la situazione.


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Il compleanno di Mabel e Dipper

12. Oktober 201522m

Manca una settimana al compleanno di Dipper e Mabel, e la ragazza comincia i preparativi per una grande festa, anche se Stan vieta ai nipoti di tenere un'altra festa al regno del Mistero dopo gli avvenimenti di "Il karaoke della paura". Su consiglio di Soos, i due gemelli decidono quindi di organizzare la festa nella palestra del liceo di Gravity Falls ma Dipper viene chiamato da Ford dicendo che la sua faccia sta andando a fuoco.


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'Pocalypse Preppin' - Ready for Anything

23. Oktober 201522m

Ice age? World War 3? Toothache? McGucket is ready for anything.


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'Pocalypse Preppin' - Hunkered Down

24. Oktober 201522m

Mesopotamians were the forerunners of modern graham cracker technology.


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'Pocalypse Preppin' - Hillbilly Shelter

24. Oktober 201522m

There's pliers for everyone!


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'Pocalypse Preppin' - Food Stockpile

25. Oktober 201522m

I hate split pea.


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26. Oktober 201522m

Bill ce l'ha fatta: è finalmente riuscito ad entrare nel nostro mondo e si appresta a dominarlo. Il suo corpo ottiene finalmente una forma fisica e, mentre Blendin torna nel suo tempo per avvertire il Bebè del Tempo e lo Squadrone di Rinforzo Anti-Paradossi Temporali, imprigiona Mabel in una bolla rosa.


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'Pocalypse Preppin' - How'd It Happen?

8. November 201522m

One thing's for sure, I'm lovin' this beef stew in a bag!


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'Pocalypse Preppin' - Checkmate

11. November 201522m

I never said we were playing for money!


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'Pocalypse Preppin' - Governor of America

15. November 201522m

My fellow Americans, we will get through this crisis together.


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'Pocalypse Preppin' - Rememberance

15. November 201522m

I'm going to miss those kids something awful.


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Shop at Home with Mr. Mystery - Jar of Eyes

15. November 201522m

Grunkle Stan has a jar of eyeballs to sell, but what are they looking at?


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Shop at Home with Mr. Mystery - Aztec Calendar

16. November 201522m

Grunkle Stan can help put ancient wisdom to work for YOU!


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Shop at Home with Mr. Mystery - Fez

18. November 201522m

Why not wear a Fez like Grunkle Stan? Perfect for all occasions!


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Shop at Home with Mr. Mystery - Deer Teeth

19. November 201522m

For centuries, internet scholars have debated the significance of Deer teeth. Now you can join the fun with your very own collection!


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Shop at Home with Mr. Mystery - Mystery Box

20. November 201522m

Mr. Mystery has a mystery box for what's in it?


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Shop at Home with Mr. Mystery - Nacho Necklace

21. November 201522m

Grunkle Stan has a Nacho Necklace for sale. Perfect for you, or your significant other!


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Shop at Home with Mr. Mystery - Outtakes

21. November 201522m

We'll do it live!


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Shop at Home with Mr. Mystery - Diving Helmet

21. November 201522m

This is an exclusive, folks!


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Oscurmageddon 2: Fuga dalla realtà

23. November 201522m

Bill, dato che hanno ottenuto il pieno controllo su Gravity Falls, annuncia ai suoi compari che finalmente possono portare la follia e la devastazione dell'Oscurmageddon su scala mondiale e li manda perciò ai quattro angoli del pianeta per metterlo a soqquadro. Quando però comincia già a pregustare la vittoria scopre che attorno a Gravity Falls è presente un misterioso campo di forza che impedisce a lui ed agli altri demoni di uscire dal perimetro dalla cittadina, andando su tutte le furie.


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Between the Pines

8. Februar 201622m

Hosted by creator Alex Hirsch and Gravity Falls character Time Baby. The special elaborates on the production of the show, giving fans an inside look behind the scenes.


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Mabel's 10 Favorite Sweaters

11. Februar 201622m

Welcome to Sweater-Town. Land of the best Mabel sweaters ever!


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Top 10 Weirdest Monsters

15. Februar 201622m

Celebrate the Weirdpocalypse with the weirdest monsters of Gravity Falls.


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Oscurmageddon 3: Riprendiamoci Gravity Falls

15. Februar 201644m

Dipper, Mabel, Wendy e Soos, andando a rifugiarsi nel Regno del Mistero, lo trovano occupato da un gruppo di persone e creature varie sfuggite all'Oscurmageddon con a capo Stan. I gemelli sono felici di trovare il loro prozio al sicuro ma la felicità dura poco quando Stan mostra loro le condizioni nelle quali i rifugiati, tra più o meno gravemente feriti e contusi, vessano.


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Gravity Paws

3. März 2016

If the Gravity Falls Theme Song went into a weirdness bubble...


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Soos' Stan Fiction - Behind The Scenes

4. März 20162m

A look behind the scenes of the Soos' Stan Fiction shorts.


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Unaired Pilot

6. August 201622m

The unaired pilot is the unofficial pilot of Gravity Falls. It is a low-budget, pre-production test version of the show with a premise similar to that of episode "Tourist Trapped."


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Soos' Stan Fiction - The Stan Bros.

17. Februar 201722m

Wondering what the Stan Bros. have been up to since saving the world? Well, Soos has some ideas...


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Here's some more Stan Fiction written by Soos! In today's episode, Stan Bros. in "Ghost Detectives."


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Soos' Stan Fiction - Axolotl

17. Februar 201722m

Soos explains what the creature living in the tank at the Mystery Shack came from, and how it got there.


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Journal 3 Infomercial

28. März 2017

Gravity Falls Journal 3 Infomercial is a special infomercial promoting the real-life edition of Journal 3 and its special edition, that was released online by Disney's Oh My Disney YouTube channel on March 28, 2017.

The commercial brought back voice actors Kristen Schaal (Mabel Pines) and Jason Ritter (Dipper Pines), who try to sell their Journal 3 accessories.


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One Crazy Summer - First Day of Summer

24. Juli 201822m

A behind the scenes documentary and look back at the production of Gravity Falls, and how it came to be.


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One Crazy Summer - Summer Friends

24. Juli 201822m

A behind the scenes documentary and look back at the production of Gravity Falls, and how it came to be.


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One Crazy Summer - Journaling

24. Juli 201822m

A behind the scenes documentary and look back at the production of Gravity Falls, and how it came to be


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One Crazy Summer - Into the Bunker

24. Juli 201822m

A behind the scenes documentary and look back at the production of Gravity Falls, and how it came to be.


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One Crazy Summer - Lay of the Land

24. Juli 201822m

A behind the scenes documentary and look back at the production of Gravity Falls, and how it came to be.


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One Crazy Summer - Siren's Song

24. Juli 201822m

A behind the scenes documentary and look back at the production of Gravity Falls, and how it came to be.


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One Crazy Summer - Summer's Over

24. Juli 201822m

A behind the scenes documentary and look back at the production of Gravity Falls, and how it came to be.


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The Hirsch Twins

24. Juli 201822m

Alex & Ariel Hirsch remember their own summers growing up.


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Deleted Scenes

24. Juli 201822m

Never-Before-Seen deleted scenes from Gravity Falls.


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