Jennifer Love Hewitt — Ohjaaja

Jaksot 3

Past is Prologue

Season Finale
17 kesäkuu 201240m

Kyle returns to find Riley and the family he abandoned anything but welcoming. Meanwhile, Riley is entrusted with the reins of The Rub of Sugar Land after Georgia is tipped off that authorities have her on their radar. This added new authority, however, puts Riley's secret life in jeopardy of being exposed.

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I Ain’t Broke But I’m Badly Bent

21 huhtikuu 201340m

When Riley forms a personal connection to a wealthy and fellow single dad client, Dylan, she finds herself in tempting and unfamiliar territory. When Kyle loses all his visiting privileges after fighting with a fellow inmate, Riley feels the impact more than she could have predicted. Riley, Selena, and Nikki get creative when the electricity in the spa goes out. Meanwhile, Georgia helps Lacey throw a baby shower for Dale’s obnoxious sister, Earlene.

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What Kind Of Fool Do You Think I Am

16 kesäkuu 201340m

Riley discovers the "client list" has been stolen and she must find out who took it before her secret life is exposed. Meanwhile, Evan's investigation into Carlyle reveals that Nikki used to be his employee, putting Evan one step closer to Riley's hidden life. Dale and Lacey get news that could accelerate their plans to have a family of their own. Derek asks Selena to make a commitment in their relationship, but Selena isn't sure she's ready.

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