Tony Hale hahmona Wadska (voice)

Jaksot 12


27 lokakuu 201130m

Jersey boy Mondo moves to a laid-back Southern California beach town in the premiere of this animated comedy. He feels like an outsider until he meets Woodie, a local teen who offers to help him navigate through his new school, the bullies and the girls.

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3 marraskuu 201130m

The boys find out about a loophole that lets them drink alcohol on the open seas, so they throw a party off the shore.

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Tech Rehab

10 marraskuu 201130m

The kids' parents get frustrated with the younger generation's dependence on technology, so they send the gang on a wilderness trip with a former tech addict, which goes horribly wrong.

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Don't Blow Your Wadska

17 marraskuu 201130m

Mondo finds out his crush's parents are out of town, and uses her eccentric brother to get close to her during a sleepover that goes horribly wrong. Babs and Ms. Teets go out.

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The D-List

1 joulukuu 201130m

Mondo accidentally drops his pants after swimming in freezing water, exposing himself to the entire school. Then, he's ranked at the bottom of "The D-List."

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Breast Friends

1 joulukuu 201130m

Jeena launches a mobile breast-exam initiative, inspiring the boys to cross-dress so they can attend and observe the event.

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The Grass is Always Greener

8 joulukuu 201130m

Mondo escorts Woodie's sister to her sweet-16 and gets a little too comfortable in her wealthy world.

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Red Tuxedo

15 joulukuu 201130m

Mondo and Woody find out that Jeena and Turk broke up, so Mondo finds out that this is his chance to be with Jeena on the night of prom. Meanwhile Wadska helps Mila Kunis hide from photographers and in return takes Mila to the prom.

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Mondo Mia!

15 joulukuu 201130m

Mondo tries to find out the identity of his father by hacking his mother's Facebook account.

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Virgin Hangover

22 joulukuu 201130m

Mondo, Woodie and Wadska ditch school in search of a nudist beach.

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Surf Legend

29 joulukuu 201130m

Woodie loses a surf competition and worries that he's lost his "stoke," so the boys turn to Woodie's surf hero, Duke Sanchez, for help conquering an infamous wave, which would bring Woodie's "stoke" back. Milan thinks she might be pregnant.

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Backstage Babs

Season Finale
29 joulukuu 201130m

A call from the principal's office makes Babs worry that she's been too lax as a parent, so she decides to step up her parenting skills when she takes Mondo to a music festival, and helps him impress Jenna in the process. Wadska helps Turk get into the concert.

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