うえだゆうじ jako Ikuya Asano (voice)

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Beast on Land


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Youko, nieśmiała uczennica i wzorowa prymuska, dręczona jest nawiedzającymi snami o fantastycznych stworzeniach. W szkole stara się dopasować do otoczenia i dba o opinię swoich kolegów, w przeciwieństwie do samotnej outsiderki, Sugimoto. Spokojne życie Yoko zostaje wywrócone do góry nogami, gdy pewnego dnia w jej szkole pojawia się tajemniczy mężczyzna imieniem Keiki. Ogłasza on, że Yoko jest „Wybraną” i musi podążyć za nim do jego świata, by wypełnić swoje przeznaczenie. Youko, przestraszona i sceptyczna, odmawia wiary dziwacznemu przybyszowi.

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Cień Księżyca, Morze Cienia – Rozdział 2

16 kwietnia 200225m

Podczas podróży do innego świata Youko, Sugimoto i Asano zostają rozdzieleni. Pozostawiona sama sobie Youko zostaje zaatakowana przez mieszkańców spustoszonego miasteczka. Oskarżają ją o wszystkie nieszczęścia i pragną odebrać jej miecz Keikiego. Youko zostaje uwięziona i przewieziona do sąsiedniej wioski. Tam spotyka ponownie Sugimoto, jednak ta nie rozpoznaje Youko ze względu na zmianę jej wyglądu. Dziewczyny zdają sobie sprawę, że tylko Youko rozumie język mieszkańców tego świata. Następnie zostają wysłane do stolicy. W drodze spotykają Asano, który również został uwięziony.

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Cień Księżyca, Morze Cienia – Rozdział 3

23 kwietnia 200225m

Podczas podróży do stolicy regionu konwój, w którym przetrzymywani są Yoko, Asano i Sugimoto, zostaje zaatakowany przez wilkopodobne stwory. Uratowani zostają dzięki interwencji Hinmana, ducha, którego Keiki umieścił w ciele Youko.

Youko, Asano i Sugimoto docierają do wioski w poszukiwaniu jedzenia i spotykają Takki, młodą kobietę, która postanawia im pomóc, ale Sugimoto jej nie ufa. Takki proponuje im pracę w gospodzie Kasai w królestwie Kou. Tam Youko odkrywa, że jest wielu uchodźców z królestwa Kei, gdyż nie ma ono już cesarza i jest nękane przez złośliwe stwory.

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Cień Księżyca, Morze Cienia – Rozdział 4

30 kwietnia 200225m

Za radą Takki nasi bohaterowie rozdzielają się, aby uniknąć rozpoznania. Dziewczyny zostawiają Asano i udają się do gospody matki Takki. Tam Yoko przypadkowo podsłuchuje rozmowę obu kobiet: chcą sprzedać Youko i Sugimoto temu, kto zaoferuje najwyższą cenę!

Przyjaciółki uciekają i po drodze spotykają Asano. Sugimoto zrzuca całą winę na łatwowierną Youko, która jest tak przygnębiona, że próbuje odebrać sobie życie. Na szczęście Asano zdążył przybyć na czas, ale Sugimoto jest tak zniesmaczona „teatralnym zachowaniem” Youko, że rozstaje się z przyjaciółmi.

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Korin udaje się przekonać Sugimoto, by podążyła za nią i porzuciła swoich przyjaciół. Youko coraz bardziej wpada w sidła ducha w swoim mieczu, który chce ją manipulować: obwinia wszystkich i wzbudza w niej niechęć i nieufność do każdego. Nagle Asano i Yoko zostają zaatakowani i rozdzieleni w walce. Kiedy Yoko się budzi, odkrywa Sugimoto w towarzystwie Korin. Oboje przybyli, aby ją zabić. Przyjaciółki staczają ze sobą walkę na miecze. W tym samym czasie dziwne wydarzenia wstrząsają królestwem Kei, gdzie właśnie Lady Joei została koronowana na nową królową, mimo że jej lud nie jest jednomyślnie przekonany do jej osoby...

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Po trzech dniach snu Youko budzi się w nieznanym domu. Obok swojego łóżka dostrzega dziwną istotę o imieniu Rakushun, która wygląda jak szczur nadnaturalnej wielkości, ale mówi i zachowuje się jak człowiek. Rakushun opiekował się osłabioną Youko i opatrywał jej rany.

Początkowo Youko jest nieufna, ale szybko zdaje sobie sprawę, że Rakushun nie życzy jej źle i stopniowo wprowadza ją w arkana życia w świecie Dwunastu Królestw. Youko dowiaduje się o istnieniu królestwa, gdzie obcy goście są mile widziani i postanawia tam wyruszyć. Wraz z Rakushunem udaje się w drogę, lecz po drodze zostają zaatakowani.

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W trakcie walki Youko wreszcie udaje się zapanować nad Aozaru, duchem w jej mieczu, jednak zostaje rozdzielona z Rakushunem. Ponownie zdana tylko na siebie, spotyka rodzinę, która również podróżuje do królestwa En. Dołącza do nich i w drodze dowiaduje się o oszustwie związanym z koronacją Joei na królową Kei. W tym samym czasie Sugimoto zostaje uwięziona w opuszczonym domu w pobliżu Shuusei, ponieważ nie zabiła Youko. Tam pojawia się młody człowiek o złotych włosach, który szuka swojej dawnej przyjaciółki...

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Sugimoto is shown talking to King Kou.. Turns out he wants to her service once again. He gives her a sword and tells Kourin to place her hinman on her again. This changes Sugimoto's appearance making her look different. As she is ready to set out she realizes Kourin has fallen ill.. She runs out of the room. Sugimoto arrives at the dock where Youko is and she goes on the same ship as Youko will be traveling on. As the ship takes off she realizes Youko isn't on it. Youko purposely stayed behind because she didn't wanna involve the nice family who helped her anylonger. She goes on a smaller boat that will catch up with ship later. While on the ship Sugimoto meets a hanjyuu who is traveling to En so he can live freely. Youko catches up with the ship and boards it. She ends up standing in the same area with Sugimoto but she doesn't reconigze her due to her hinman. Just then a group of men are harassing the hanjyuu, commanding him to turn back into his human form. Just as they are about to

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Youko przybywa do miasta Ugou w Królestwie En, gdzie spotyka się ponownie z Rakushun. Razem wyruszają do Houryou, tam poznają Heikiego. W końcu wyjaśnia im on, dlaczego Keiki złożył Yoko przysięgę wierności w Japonii. Sugimoto, wciąż podróżująca na zlecenie króla Shuujo, odkrywa w En zupełnie inną stronę tego świata. W En ludność nie jest uciskana jak w Ko, a mutanci są w pełni zintegrowani ze społeczeństwem jako pełnoprawni członkowie. Spotyka ponownie Enkiego, chłopca o złotych włosach, a on zabiera ją do Houryou.

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Youko poznaje Shoryu, króla En. Odkrywa on przed nią tajemnicę jej miecza „Suiguutou”: uwięziony w nim duch Aozaru był źródłem jej wizji. Król przedstawia jej również Enkiego, święte zwierzę En, i wyjaśnia, że ​​jeśli ona, przyszła królowa, opuści ten świat, spowoduje śmierć Keiki, świętego zwierzęcia Kei, i sprowadzi chaos na swoje królestwo. Sugimoto również dowiaduje się o przeznaczeniu Youko, ale zazdrość przesłania jej osąd i nie potrafi zaakceptować tej prawdy. Uparcie twierdzi, że ​​to ona jest prawdziwą królową Kei, wybraną przez Keiki.

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King En's servant explains to Youko and Rakushun how King En was once a the son of a king back when he was a taika. His father, and the entire kingdom was destroyed by a rival group. With his father gone.. He became the leader of the group. They found a new land to live in but war still seemed to follow them. The servant also tells them how Enki was found by his nyokai. He was brought back to the Twelve Kingdoms and raised. He discovered he was a kirin and knew he had to choose a king for En. In a rage of frusteration he created a shoku and came to the land that the soon to be King En was at. They met eachother and King En wanted to him to leave so he wouldn't be harmed by the battle about to begin. Enki decided that he was the one.. And saved him from death in the battle. He bowed to him and made him the king. They came back to the Twelve Kingdoms and that is how King En came to be the ruler of En.

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Youko and Rakushun are shown outside their room talking about how Youko will become queen and save Keiki. Later on Youko looks into her sword and it shows her visions of how the last ruler of Kei failed to be a good queen and how it saddended Keiki.. Youko is afraid she will make the same mistake. Back in the village Heki explains to Sugimoto how he was once like her.. And how she should change her ways and soon. Sugimoto ignores him and runs off only to find King Kou.. He tells her that Youko must still be killed, Sugimoto agrees. Back at the palace Enki explains to Rakushun and Youko how what King Kou is doing is against the wills of the heavens and can't be allowed. Youko goes to town and sees visions in her sword of Sugimoto arguing with Heki. At the palace, King Kou goes to meet King En.. King Kou argues that Youko is a fake queen and King En tells him he knows about how he set up the false queen of Kei and kidnapped Keiki. King Kou denies it and leaves. Back in the town Heki is t

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King En yells to King Kou to give it up. Before Kou can speak Kourin appears. Everyone realize she has shitzudo due to King Kou. Enraged King Kou charges at Youko with his sword but Kourin stands in the way and gets stabbed instead.. Kourin falls and dies. Realizing what he's done King Kou wonders what will happen to him now and screams. Later at the palace Youko agrees to save Keiki. King En sets up the attack for the next morning. Before she goes to bed she talks outside with Rakushun. He tells her how much he wants her to become queen. Still doubting herself, Rakushun turns into his human form again and tells her that she was chosen for a reason and to trust Keiki's decision. The next morning Youko, Sugimoto, King En and his army are ready to set off. They arrive at the palace of Kei and King En tells Youko to find Keiki while he and his troops battle the defenses. Youko finds the dungeon where Keiki is being held, she realizes he has a spell on him and uses her magic ball from her

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Cień Księżyca, Morze Cienia – Interludium

Season Finale
16 lipca 200225m

Youko and Rakushun are shown in Rakushun's house discussing whats all happened. Rakushun goes over with Youko about how the Twelve Kingdoms have 12 rulers.. And what exactly a kirin and ruler is. Youko tells him about how she got transported here, and how shes had such a difficult time here. They go through numerous flashbacks.. And give information on all characters, including Keiki, Enki, Sugimoto, Asano, King En, King Kou, Kourin and others.. Youko tells Rakushun how her friend Asano is still missing and how she is worried about him. Youko tells Rakushun she has to go and leaves him a special bird.. This bird can ""record"" voices and play them back to whomever you send it too. As Rakushun is holding the bird it replays Youko's message to him.. Which states that she is so glad she met him.. How she never would have made as far as she did without him.. And how she promises to make a great kingdom.

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The episode opens with a little boy out in the cold snow looking in the window.. His mother and grandmother are arguing over how he is spoiled and misbehaves. He trips and all the sudden it is one year later.. He is in a different part of town.. The location is his grandmothers funeral. Flash forward to present day Japan.. The same boy, now older is named Kaname Takasato. He is in art class having strange flashbacks of the inncindent. We see Sugimoto, having already met Takasato, she goes up and talks to him. She keeps asking him why he was spirited away to The Twelve Kingdoms.. Takasato doesn't want to talk about it. Back in Kei, we see Youko and Keiki flying to Mount Hou to see an old friend of Keiki's. When they arrive Keiki introduces Youko to Youka. Youka tells Youko about the special raboku tree here that gives life to kirin. Taiki, the missing kirin of Tai is brought up and Keiki tells about how his nyokai, Sanshi was born.

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Youka continues her story of Taiki: Taiki wakes up in his new bedroom. He is greeted by Sanshi. Youka tells him how happy she is that he's back, she tells him about his past and how he is a kirin. The next day when Taiki woke up Sanshi bathes him. When he goes to eat he doesn't understand why he must eat alone.. Youka explains to him that kirin eat alone.. But Taiki insists that everyone comes to eat so no food is wasted. Afterwords, Youka takes him to a chamber that has a giant replica of The Twelve Kingdoms so Taiki can be a little more familiar with where he is. That night Sanshi and Taiki play hide and seek games with eachother. While Taiki is bathing in a stream he meets a man named Kenro Shinkun, he helps explain to Taiki that he will be able to transform soon enough. As he leaves they see what appears to be his youma.. Back in the palace Youka is explaining to Taiki not to worry about transforming and that it will occur naturally on its own eventually. The next day Taiki and San

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Youka is still telling her story of Taiki to Keiki and Youko. As Goson and his men are kidnapping Taiki, Sanshi tried to help but gets cut, then Lord Shinkun appears and reveals to them how he is a god. The men stop and bow, Youka comes to take Taiki back while Shinkun warns them never to return. The next day Youka tells Taiki the time to choose a ruler is coming, and that he will recognize the ruler by a special revelation they give off to him. As the chamber maids and Sanshi are taking Taiki for a walk a girl whom is on the estate grabs his hand and tells him she is just like him, Sanshi appears and hits the girl. Later she reveals that she came from Japan too and wanted Taiki's help to get back home.. The council commands she stay away from Taiki and bans her from the palace. Realizing Taiki needs some sherei to help protect him.. They bring in Keiki to help teach him how. He asks Keiki how to transform.. Keiki has no real way to describe it and he makes Taiki feel bad. Taiki runs o

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Taiki continues his sherei training, but has no luck. That night Keiki apologizes to Lady Gyokuyou about not being able to help Taiki out. The next morning it is time for Keiki to leave, Taiki thanks him and Keiki says the day he chooses a ruler he will be the first one to congradulate him. Soon after the ceremony for choosing a ruler began. But Taiki could not sense the revelation from anyone. That night Youka tells Taiki that when the person is not the chosen one, to simply say ""be well until the next time."" The next morning Taiki sees more possibly canidates, but none seem to be it. A tall man with crimson red eyes comes to see if he has the revelation.. Taiki feels scared of his presence and requests to leave. As he is walking with Youka he sees a youma resembling a dog. The owner comes out and introduces herself as Risai. Taiki enjoys her kindness.

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Lord Gyousou and Risai take Taiki with them on sugu hunt. They find a place to camp for the night and Taiki explains to Gyousou that he is like fire, while he brings good things, too much of it can be a bad thing. He tells Taiki that he has nothing to worry about. They find footprints at a cave and decide to go investigate Taiki senses something just as Risai gets grabbed down by something. Sanshi appears to stop Taiki from following but he slips under her and runs down the tunnel. Gyousou follows as they both reach the end. A giant youma called a toutesou appears and attacks Gyousou knocking him out. Taiki is forced to face it alone. He does the chant that Keiki taught him to tame sherei and after a well fought challenge the sherei submits to him. They return to the palace. Everyone is amazed of Taiki's power to tame the Toutetsou. The next morning Taiki goes to visit Risai to see how she's feeling. Gyousou appears and tells Taiki it is his time to leave. Taiki is sad as they say good

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The episode opens back in Japan. Sugimoto is talking to Kaname in a library. Later that night his brother, Suguru, sees Sugimoto and confirms with her about the strange things that happen around Kaname. Back to Youka's story, Gyousou is disturbed at the fact that Taiki seems dissapointed in him somehow ever since he became a king. Youka tries to re assure Taiki that Gyousou will be a good king. In Japan, Kaname is being hassled by his art teacher. Back to Youka's story, Taiki is being questioned by Gyousou. He wonders why Taiki disapproves of him. Taiki won't speak of it. As Taiki leaves the room he finds Keiki. Keiki came to congradulate him but Taiki tells him the story of how he did not recieve a revelation when he chose the king. Keiki says its best if he leaves. Taiki begins to cry. The next day Gyousou and Taiki get summoned to see Keiki. He sits in a room with King En and Enki. King En says he must show respect and bow, Taiki tries but for some reason he can't bow. Everyone thin

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Enki gives us a lesson on The Twelve Kingdoms. He goes over all 12 kingdoms and gives information on each ruler and kirin. Among these kingdoms he gives special attention to Kei, En and Kou seeing how these are the kingdoms the viewers are most familiar with so far. He also tells the story of Tai, and the mystery of what happened to Taiki and king Tai. In addition he discusses all the major events that happened in this last book.

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Sea of the Wind, Shore of the Labyrinth - Correspondence Chapter

Season Finale
22 października 200225m

Yoko contacts Rakushun through her bird and they correspond. She tells him everything is all right in her kingdom while he tells her about his studies. He has qualified for a scholarship but must learn to do more as a man so that he can ride a horse and shoot a bow. She tells him that she's visited his mother and thanked her. She also visited the children of the now dead King Kou. She also informs her that she's had news that could mean her friend Asano may still be alive somewhere. Although everything seems well with Yoko, Rakushun seems to think that she's not telling him everything but he knows she is strong.

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The episode opens with a girl named Suzu being escorted to a new family to live with. A storm begins and Suzu slips down a hill into a raging river.. When she awoke she was in the world of the Twelve Kingdoms. Not being able to understand the lanquage.. She was forced into slavery. One day while performing a show for a high ranking woman.. She noticed this woman spoke her lanquage. She begged her to take her with her and that she would do anything. The woman's name was Riyou and she accepted her but with a evil look on her face. Riyou takes her to palace and makes her an official senin, which means she cannot age and will be able to speak the lanquage. She puts her to work and it is then that Suzu realizes she made a poor choice by coming here. In a different kingdom we meet a girl who is the daughter of a king. Her name was Shoukei. Her father has been killing people for petty reasons. Enraged, the lord of Kei attacked the palace and killed Shoukei's mother and father right before her

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King En, Enki and Rakushun stop by the palace to see Youko. They assure her she's doing a good job. Later Youko meets with her decision staff. They debate a conspiracy that is going on withint the kingdoms. Afterwords Youko changes to go speak with King En. He discusses with her about how she needs to find aids she can count on. Elsewhere Rakushun and Enki talk about how Youko seems to be a little depressed. Youko tells King En that people bowing to her just doesn't seem right. King En reassures her that its the only way.

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Suzu is having a dream that she met queen Kei and that she made Riyou work for her instead. She wakes up only to be scolded by Riyou and given more chores. Back in Kei, Youko is meeting with her officials again. Everyone seems to be against Youko's decisions. Later one of Youko's servants teachers her the ranks and jobs of all her officials.

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Youko is imformed of the depception in her ranks. She returns to the palace. Later Keiki comes to ask Youko what happened, Youko, still getting the feeling that Keiki dissaproves of her, lashes out at him again and sends him away. Her sword glows and shows her images from her child hood of always trying to be liked. Back to Shoukei, Gobo is giving her dinner. Shoukei is now in jail and tells Gobo how her parents were killed infront of her. Gobo tells her now she knows how it feels. The next morning the villages are about ready to execute Shoukei when all the sudden troops arrive saying the lord of Kei requests her.

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Shoukei is being mistreated by the queen of Kyou, due once again to her father's previous ruling ways. Later, queen Kyou's kirin is trying to plead with the queen to be a bit nicer to Shoukei.. Queen Kyou doesn't seem to listen. Back in Sai, Suzu is being treated with nothing but kindness from the queen. Lady Riyou comes to meet with the queen about Suzu. Queen Sai tells her that she will nolonger mistreat Suzu and she is claiming her. Enraged, Riyou leaves. Queen Sai informs Suzu that she cannot stay at the palace. The queen gives her money and a immunity pass and sends her out on her own.

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Suzu is confused by Asano's gun due to the fact that she came from a time where that type of pistel didn't exist. He forces her out of the wagon and just then the travelers approach them and ask whats going on. Asano has a youma flashback to the day he fell off the cliff and freaks out; running back into the wagon. They explain to Suzu how they tried to explain to Asano about Queen Kei but he never understood. She goes to ask him if he wants to come with her to find queen Kei but he doesn't reply.

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Enho teaches Youko about the measuring system they use here. He also gives her advice on being a good ruler. On their way to eat lunch they come across a boy named Seki, Enho used to teach him but he runs away from them. Back on the boat, Suzu saves Seishuu from falling off the ship once again.

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Youko is in her room thinking about what she heard Enho say when all of the sudden Auzura's voice echoes the room telling her that Keiki was in on her assanination the whole time. Back in Ryuu, Rakushun and Shoukei get set free after bribing the council with the jewels she took. They set off together in search of Youko. In Wa, Asano, Sheishuu and Suzu arrive and attempt to find a doctor to help Sheishuu's eyes. In Riyou, Rakushun and Shoukei stay at a inn for the night. That night Rakushun tells her how she had a responsibility to try to stop her father's evil ways. She breaks down and cries. The next day they take a wagon and continue their journey. In Kei, Suzu and the rest are taking a wagon aswell when all of the sudden they get attacked by bandits. A group of travelers save them and tell them they are gathering allies for their cause and leave. As they continue on, Seishuu tells Suzu how he hates people who cry for nothing. They come to an understanding and share a heart warming m

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Rakushun describes to Shoukei a little more about how the world of The Twelve Kingdoms works. He also tells her about how he met Youko, and how they traveled together. Shoukei reveals to Rakushun everything that she's been through since her father was killed. Elsewhere, Asano is talking with Shoukou. He tells him about how he ended up in this world and what he and Suzu went through. Shoukou offers for Asano to come work for him.

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Suzu curses Asano for leaving Seishuu alone as the villagers help her carry him out of the road. Everyone denies seeing the incident leaving Suzu to wonder whats going on... A man named Sekki tells her not to cry about him for herself.. and she remembers how against Seishuu was against crying. Sekki brings her to an Inn for dinner. Sekki introduces himself and his brother Koushou. They tell her to forget about what happened because the man who ran Seishuu over is called Shoukou, and he has people in high places to help him so there is no pinning him. He also seems to run the town. In Kokei, Youko tells the same story and Shoukou's name gets brought up again. Youko is very curious about this evil man. She goes to Enho about the situation but he tells her there is no point and she can't sentence him at all due to lack of proof. At Shoukou's place, Asano shows him how his gun works. Shoukou wants Asano to make more for him, but Asano doesn't know how. It is then that Shoukou reveals to As

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Suzu visits the palace of Kei, only to find out Youko isn't there. She leaves and decides to come back another time. Back in Kokei, Youko finds out that there have been strange men lurking around the area. Convinced that they are spying on her, she isn't very worried. Youko decides to leave town for awhile and informs Enho that she is leaving, figuring that whoever these mysterious men are, will follow her out. Suzu runs into Sekki again in town and goes back to their inn to spend the night. She goes to try and kill Shoukou but is stopped by Koshou and Sekki. They decide to let Suzu in on their group. While they have no name, they share the common hatred of Shoukou and plan on taking him down.. But they'll have to do it carefully. Elsewhere, Shoukou gives Asano a special pass that will grant him access anywhere. They then go together to a meeting with Gaou, a political figure that keeps Shoukou safe. They decide to send Asano on a mission to find out Queen Kei. Elsewhere, Shoukei is wi

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Youko defeats all the guards chasing her, and they run away. Shoukou sends Asano with his men to visit the house Youko's been staying at. Shoukei gets hidden at a house in town by her new friend who saved her. In exchange for staying she does all his dishes for him. He discusses with her about how Shoukou runs this area and often goes to ""hunt"" people. Enraged, she wonders why Queen Kei allows such a man to run this area. Elsewhere, Koshou is explaining the ways of their group to Suzu. Suzu seems determined to make Queen Kei pay... Youko goes to the groups inn and talks to Suzu. Suzu explains why she hates Queen Kei. Youko, still using the alias, is upset that her people think this way of her and leaves. Shoukou's men storm Enho's house. Asano sees the boy, Kei Kei, and feaks out. Thinking it's Seishou, he shoots the boy. Confused about what he just did, the men kill her mother and leave with Enho as their hostage. Just then Youko and Keiki return there. Keiki smells blood so Youko che

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Youko decides to go look for Enho. She's bewildered by what could have injured Kei Kei like that. Shoukei discusses with her group about the bad situation of the area. They bring up the idea of a rebellion. It's clear that Shokou must be stopped. Meanwhile Sekki and his group are in the middle of moving locations of their hideout. Suzu and Shoukei end up being sent to the same inn as representives to exchange money with toki weapons with their respected groups. The master of the inn prevents them from getting personal with eachother. They end up having to stay the night. That night they realize their both after Shokou and how much they've lost along the way. Suzu begins to cry but Shoukei assures her that Queen Kei must be a good person. Back at Shokou's palaca, he is describing to Asano how he is protected from being punished by the heavens for his sins. Asano wants to save the queen of Kei, but Shokou forbids it. Youko butst into Sekki and Koshou's new hide out and proves to them t

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Raiders strike at Shoko's estates and write the word ‘Shu-On’ on the walls when they can't find him.

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Youko and the rebels have managed to infiltrate into Shouko's inner castle walls. And Youko finally finds Shouko and they do battle.

Meanwhile, Asano goes on a mission to Meikaku to get help.

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Former Chosai, Seikyo, orders the Royal Army to Shoko’s Go castle, and he expects the rebels there to surrender themselves upon seeing the Dragon Flag carried by the army. Meanwhile, the rebels worry that the Takuho villages will be taken hostage by the soldiers.

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Youko finally reveals to her army her true identity, and the war is ended.

Youko returns to her throne and with the proof that she has acquired, she has the corrupt officials arrested. Seikyo's scheme is exposed. And Youko gives her first official order.

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In the Moonlight

Season Finale
5 lipca 200325m

General Seishin of Kei Kingdom, has been tasked with the delivery of some letters to Gekkei, one of Ho Kingdom's state leader. And to try and convince Gekkei to take the post of provisional king.

Seishin has also been asked to deliver a letter from Youko to Kyo Kingdom's queen, to asks Kyo-O to forgive Shokei for her indisciplinary acts and theft.

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Shouryuu begins his tale about Atsuyu, an officer of Gen State who raised a rebelliion against his rule. And of Koya, a boy that was raised by a pack of monsters.

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Shouryuu continues his tale of Atsuyu. With Rokuta held captive in Gen State, Atsuyu sends a messenger to Shouryuu at Kankyuu, to give him his terms.

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The river embankment is under construction causing Atsuyu to fear that the king is attempting to flood his town. Rokuta discovers Atsuyu's father, Genkai, weakened and locked in a cell.

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Atsuya loses support from his people when the people rebel against Atsuya's army for attempting to destroy the dam that the king had ordered his men to built.

Later face to face with the King of En, Atsuya is given a choice to either surrender or to take the throne by a one to one sword battle.

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En-O concludes his tale of Tatsuyu and the Gen State rebellion.

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