Rob Paulsen في Buck Tuddrussel (voice)

الحلقات 53

Eli Whitney's Flesh-Eating Mistake

يونيو 8, 2001

The story follows a light-bulb-head orphan, named Otto Osworth, who is under the watchful eye of the nasty nun of the School for Wayward Tots, named Sister Thornly, who treats him badly for reading history books. Otto soon finds his ticket out of the orphanage, by using his knowledge of history to talk time cop Buck Tuddrussel and his robot Larry into abducting him. He is suddenly zapped to the satellite and to Eli Whitney's time where they must convince him to invent the cotton gin, not the flesh-eating robot.

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Tuddrussel is showing Otto some outrageous souvenirs from the past when they get a mission to the time of the Trojan War, where the Greeks sneaked a giant, wooden horse into Troy's kingdom, filling it with solders to attack when the horse is opened, to win the war. Instead, they're filling it with candy for the king of Troy's birthday!

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Napoleon the Conquered

يونيو 15, 2001

It's a mission to Napoleon, the conqueror. Tuddrussel upsets him, and they almost get their heads cut off. (When it comes to Larry, the word "almost" just doesn't fit!) Suddenly his wife comes along and drags him home! Can Time Squad help him get away to conquer again, away from his husband-conquering wife?

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Confucius Say... Way Too Much

يونيو 15, 2001

Confucius was famous for coming up with short phrases. "Short phrases?" any one of the three Time Squad members might say. "You've got to be kidding!" And it's true! He's making his stories way too long! But will Tuddrussel's beating him up help?

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The Island of Dr. Freud

يونيو 22, 2001

The Time Squad must go back to the year 1899 to convince Sigmund Freud to stop hypnotizing his patients and making them act like animals (done by someone else).

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Daddio DaVinci

يونيو 22, 2001

Then, they meet up with famous artist and sculptor Leonardo Da Vinci. They have to find some way to encourage him to create great art.

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To Hail with Caesar

يونيو 29, 2001

After a problem with Tuddrussel messing with the controls, Time Squad travels to the year 46 BC to improve upon the flimsy city of Rome for Julius Caesar. But by the time the mission's complete, Tuddrussel doesn't want to leave! The Romans don't want him to leave ether. And Larry is forced by program to stay! It's up to Otto to train out-of-shape Caesar to beat Tuddrussel in combat to get everyone to snap out of their foolishness.

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Robin' N Stealin' With Mr. Hood

يونيو 29, 2001

After chaos from Otto and Tuddrussel in the gulf dome, Time Squad visits Robin Hood, who is stealing from the poor and giving to the rich, instead of the vice versa action he's supposed to do!

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Dishonest Abe

يوليو 6, 2001

"Honest Abe" Lincoln grows tired of being upstanding when he starts getting ridiculed for it. When he finally snaps and becomes the prank-pulling "Dishonest Abe", it's up to Time Squad to give him a taste of his own medicine.

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Blackbeard, Warm Heart

يوليو 6, 2001

Time Squad goes back to the Age of Pirates, where Edward Teach (AKA Blackbeard) is more concerned about saving the environment than looting and pillaging, much to the chagrin of his crew.

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Ludwig van Bone-Crusher

يوليو 13, 2001

During a musical argument between Larry and Tuddrussel, Time Squad gets sent to the time of the great musician Ludwig van Beethoven. Now they have to get the message across to him, "No more pro wrestling!"

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Tea Time For Time Squad

يوليو 13, 2001

After being upset with grumpy Tuddrussel, Larry is delighted to discover that instead of dumping tea into the Boston Harbor, the Sons of Liberty are having civilized tea parties. Tuddrussel and Otto have to convince them into dumping the overtaxed colonial beverage, for the sake of all America!

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If It's Wright It's Wrong

يوليو 20, 2001

As an aftermath to Larry showing Otto their awful bloopers from their missions before he came, Time Squad is now trying to get the Wright brothers to making the first airplane instead of working on their incredibly dull stunt show, and Otto is scared when Tuddrussel wants to do things his way.

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Recruitment Ad

يوليو 20, 2001

Want to join Time Squad? Here's an ad that shows you what you get and what you do for Time if you join.

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Killing Time

يوليو 20, 2001

After convincing Copernicus to be an astronomer, not a farmer, Time Squad finds out that Larry's time circuits have to reboot and they're stuck in the past for a few minutes. But it seems like a few hours, as they try to come up with things to look at to "kill time" as they wait for Larry's time circuits to warm up!

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Big Al's Big Secret

أغسطس 25, 2001

Time Squad goes to 1945 to prove that Albert Einstein is a math genius and not a car salesman.

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Larry Upgrade

أغسطس 25, 2001

Larry refuses Tuddrussel's orders and accidentally downgrades himself. Tuddrussel asks for a burger, so Larry gives him burgers everywhere he goes.

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Every Poe Has a Silver Lining

سبتمبر 21, 2001

Edgar Allen Poe, the writer of horror stores is writing cheerful stories! Can Time Squad remind him how horrible the world can be?

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Betsy Ross Flies Her Freak Flag

سبتمبر 21, 2001

While checking on the subjects of their past missions, Time Squad gets sent on another colonial mission for Betsy Ross, the designer of the first American flag. Now they have to convince her to shut down her Woodstock-1969-ish camp and return General Washington's troops to him (Yes, and to make a flag for them too).

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The Prime Minister Has No Clothes

سبتمبر 28, 2001

Winston Churchill, the prime minister who leads England through World War II, is also leading everyone into being naked! Including Larry!

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سبتمبر 28, 2001

It's the time of George Washington Carver, the man who invents more than 100 uses for the peanut. When Time Squad gets there he's doing just that. "Where's the glitch?" Larry wonders. The glitch is that George's brother, who hates the peanut, is trying to make it look bad!

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Kubla Khan't

أكتوبر 26, 2001

Kubla Khan, a conqueror as a child, when history unravels, is a comic book collector. When Tuddrussel tries to bring him back by ripping one of his comics, Otto and Larry must help him escape before he's executed!

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Lewis and Clark and Larry

أكتوبر 26, 2001

Their mission: Lewis and Clark, the two men who explored most of future western America. But the partners have broken up and Time Squad will have to do whatever it takes to bring them back together.

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Ivan the Untrainable

نوفمبر 2, 2001

After a mission to Ivan the Terrible, the Russian king, he and Tuddrussel worry about them missing each other. Thus, he sneaks Ivan onto the satellite. But how long will it be before Otto and Larry discover him because of all the doggy clues Ivan's leaving?

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Where the Buffalo Bill Roams

نوفمبر 2, 2001

Buffalo Bill was the one to start the first mail service called the pony express. But when Time Squad finds him, he has some crazy ideas on his mind other than postal service. And I mean crazy. Time Squad must get him on his horse, delivering mail.

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A Sandwich by Any Other Name

فبراير 1, 2002

Cleopatra decides to convert King Tut's pyramid into a mall.

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Shop Like an Egyptian

فبراير 1, 2002

The Earl of Sandwich gives his new food the wrong name.

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Planet of the Flies

مارس 1, 2002

When Tuddrussel squashes a fly in the Stone Age; giant flies are ready to squash them in the Time Travel Age! They must go back in time to stop Tuddrussel from ever squashing the fly!

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Keepin' It Real With Sitting Bull

مارس 1, 2002

Sitting Bull was known for battling Colonel George Armstrong Custer after seeing a sign from his ancestors. But instead he thinks they're telling him to "get down" as some people may say it.

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Houdini Whodunnit!?

مارس 29, 2002

Oh NO!! Mean ol' historically incorrect George Washington's on the satellite!! He's set it toward the earth and on fire!!! Right after he leaves, the satellite crashes into the earth, and Time Squad has lost their lives!!! In a virtual reality game, that is. Right after, they are sent on a mission to Harry Houdini who is using his escape tricks to rob places.

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Feud for Thought

Season Finale
مارس 29, 2002

After Larry stands up to Tuddrussel thanks to a program called "Bustin' the Barrier" by Thor Robertson, the two neighbors who always fought, the McCoy's and the Hatfield's, get a visit. But the McCoy's aren't sticking up for them. With a little help from Larry's special program, the two families start to--get along?! Tuddrussel and Otto must get them fighting, for the sake of the mission.

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A Thrilla at Attila's

أبريل 5, 2002

After returning from an exausting mission to Attila's army of huns, Time Squad is having a hard time deciding whose description of their adventure to believe!

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Cabin Fever!

أبريل 5, 2002

When Time Squad wishes the alarm not to go off, their wish comes true and all are doing whatever they want to! But how long can they last without a mission?

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Pasteur's Packs O' Punch

أبريل 12, 2002

Louie Pasteur is inventing fruit drinks rather than medicine or pasturised milk. And with Larry having an on/off malfuntion from an electrical shock, fixing a fuse, they may have a bit of trouble.

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Floundering Fathers

أبريل 12, 2002

Time Squad goes to help Ben Franklin. But with what? And where can they find him? Those questons go through Tuddrussel and Larry's heads when they have to leave Otto behind because a bad cold he developed durring their previous mission to Antarctica. Now the two have to go alone into the mission--and the disaster they've always experienced before Otto came!

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The Clownfather

أبريل 19, 2002

While Time Squad goes on a mission to Al Corleone, the ganster leader known mostly as the "Godfather", they are mistaken for three of his workers! You think that's crazy, the Godfather's having his gansters trade places with clowns!

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Hate and Let Hate

أبريل 19, 2002

Durring a mission to explorer Hernando de Soto, Tuddrussel and Larry are too busy fighting, they don't notice they leave Otto behind! While back in history, poor Otto's living off of sand and sea water, the other two paint themselves a boarder line--accidentaly painting themselves into eachother's favorite areas! Things are getting pretty wierd!

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Love at First Flight

يونيو 7, 2002

It's Otto's birthday and one of his presents is a time squad outfit! Then it's a mission to Amelia Earheart, who's now ubsested with clensiness! But soon, Larry discovers that the suit has gone to Otto's head and he is now acting like Tuddrussel. And what's worse? All the two are doing are teaching her how to be--well--discusting!

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Forget the Alamo

يونيو 7, 2002

After Larry is trying to teach Otto how to sew, they get a mission to the Alamo. But the people of the Alamo are making a fiesta for the Mexicans, not defending Texas! And Larry's trying to pitch in! And Tuddrussel and Otto are thrown in the dungeon when they try to do something about it! What now!?

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Repeat Offender

يونيو 14, 2002

After Tuddrussel shows Otto a prision for "repeat offenders", Time Squad gets a mission--back to Black Beard!? It turns out he's gone back to his old wildlife tricks again, so Tuddrussel has to take him in. But they are sent to ancient Greece to convince Scocrates into being a pholosifer, not a fitness instructer, before they can even get back to the satellite. And once the missions complete, they notice that Black Beard has escaped!

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Ladies and Gentlemen... Monty Zuma!!!

يونيو 14, 2002

After Tuddrussel hurts Larry's feelings, Otto tries to make him more sensitive. They soon get a mission to Montesuma who is not being emperor, but doing stand up comedy! They must keep him from winning the Amature Night contest, but all the other acts are terrible! And Otto's history jokes aren't helping one bit!

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White House Weirdness

نوفمبر 8, 2002

The Time Squad go on a Scooby Doo adventure in the White House.

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Nobel Peace Surprise

نوفمبر 8, 2002

Alfred Nobel has become evil and has given the Nobel Evil Prize (and one million dollars) to Buck because he beat up a guy that said 'Guten Morgan' (or 'good moring' in sccotish). But when the prize is presented, the entire cast gets a suprize visit from... SHIELA AND XJ5!?!

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Out with the In Crowd

مارس 14, 2003

The gang have to save Dr. Livingstone from cannibals but decide to have a vacation instead! So Tuddrussel and Larry's Time Squad heroes come to do the job.

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Child's Play

مارس 14, 2003

The Time Squad meet Shakespeare, who is doing children's plays! Shakespeare does a play about the Time Squad (called Timeth Squad) but Larry argues about the content of it.

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Day of the Larrys

مارس 21, 2003

Larry, tired of having all the chores, makes another Larry out of spare parts. But, as the spare Larry says, "Great software think alike" and, soon, Larrys are getting tired of the chores and are making more Larry's!

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Old Timers Squad

مارس 21, 2003

After, one by one, our heroes get attached to a soap opera Larry was watching, the alarm goes off for Mr. Morse, of morse code. Soon another squad appears.... THEM FROM FIFTY YEARS LATER!!!

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Billy the Baby

مارس 28, 2003

The Time Squad encounters Billy the Kid, one of the roughest and toughest outlaws in history. But what's this.... he's not rough or tough, and he's not one of the most wanted men? What will the squad do to get him to be what he is supposed to be? Become outlaws themselves?

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Father Figure of Our Country

مارس 28, 2003

Tuddrussel is trying to teach Otto a few things, like how to ride a bike, fishing, and catch, but Tuddrussel is not exactly the best person to. The History Instablility Alarm goes off, and the Squad goes back to help George Washington. Otto, of course, gets very excited. Washington and Otto strike up a friendship,... a very good friendship. So good, that Otto might want to stay with him and not go back to the satilite.

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Ex Marks the Spot

أبريل 4, 2003

The paths of Off. Tuddrussel's unit and Lt.Off. Sternwell(Sheila)'s unit meet again when their missionees, Mr. Gutenburg and Joan of Arc, switch roles. Soon afterwards, Tuddrussel and Sheila start to fall in love all over again. For some of you, that sounds like a sweet thing, but for Larry and XJ-5, that sounds bad.

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Horse of Horrors

أبريل 4, 2003

After Larry gets a birthday present from Otto (but not before he gets mad at Tuddrussel for denying he can even have one) the alarm blares for Paul Reverre. Yup, the guy who rides through Concord and Lexington warning the minute-men that the British are comming. Only one, eensy-weensy little tiny proplem: The guys afraid of horses! In need of a psychiatrist, our heroes have to transport to Austria to get help from--you guessed it--Sigmund Freud.

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Floral Patton

نوفمبر 26, 2003

General Patton is running a flower shop.

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Orphan Substitute

Season Finale
نوفمبر 26, 2003

Tuddrussel has Otto temporarilly left in the 21st century, after a mission to George W. Bush, when he gets spotted by, none other than... SISTER THORNLEY!!! When Tuddrussel and Larry get back, Tuddrussel assumes that Otto had abandoned them and they hold auctions for genious orphins.

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