John Waters hahmona R. Vincent Smith

Jaksot 2

Smoke Gets in Your Eyes

24 maaliskuu 199347m

Quitting smoking dominates the conversation ad behavior of the homicide detectives even as they solve what may be a gang-related killing of a 14-year-old boy. Lt. Giardello discovers a secret asbestos removal project on the third floor and confronts his superiors on behalf of his squad.

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Law & Disorder

24 helmikuu 199548m

Pembleton receives an extradited prisoner from New York City Detective Logan. Bayliss is put in charge of investigating the death of Gordon Pratt, but gets no cooperation from anyone on the force. Beau wants to return to active duty. A woman recognizes Munch from an old picture that is hanging in an art gallery across from the precinct. To Munch's embarassment he discovers that an old girlfriend, who's a photographer, is displaying an old picture of him in the buff at her gallery showing. Pembleton and Meldrick investigate a random shooting of a woman, and they clash over where the weapon may have been fired. They also find a woman who's shot her boyfriend and stuffed him in the freezer. Beau accompanies Gee on an investigation and must come to grips with his inability to look at a dead body the same way.

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