池田秀一 com a Dii

Episodis 26

第 1 集 不速之客

3 , de 200623m

一個女孩和她的家人發現了一個陌生人,並將其調養。 他似乎已經失去了所有的記憶,並且似乎無法去除額頭上附著的骨頭面具。

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第 2 集 發狂的森林之王

10 , de 200623m

森林女王穆蒂卡帕(Mutikapa)激怒了,並開始殺死一些城鎮居民。 Hakuoro與其他人一起尋找一種方法來擊敗它。

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第 3 集 紫琥珀

17 , de 200623m


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第 4 集 不歸路

24 , de 200623m


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第 5 集 森林的女兒

1 de 200623m

Hakuoro接管了他所佔領的地方,開始戰略性地領導大規模的叛亂。 但是,當集結軍隊起來對抗壓迫政府時,他遇到了帝國的武士領袖貝納維。

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第 6 集 匯聚的力量

8 de 200623m


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第 7 集 侵略皇都

15 de 200623m

最後,白櫻郎的一支小部隊到達了因卡拉皇帝城堡,當他們到達時,發現他已經被貝納維的刀片殺死。 此後,Benawi和Kurou加入了Hakuoro。

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第 8 集 調停者

22 de 200623m

Several Onkami come to Hakuoro's castle as arbitators and to gather more information on his new country Tusukuru.

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第 9 集 禁忌

29 de 200623m

As the large country of Shikeripetim threatens invasion, Hakouro devises a cunning plan to hold off Shikeripetim's emperor, Niwe, and his far superior military force.

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第 10 集 傭兵

5 " de 200623m

A powerful mercenary is brought to the castle and held captive until she is able to show her worth as a fighter and joins Hakuoro's army.

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第 11 集 永遠的約定

12 " de 200623m

Kuccha Keccha attacks Erurū's former village and massacres the inhabitants. In response to continued attacks, Tusukuru is forced to declare war with them.

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第 12 集 動搖

19 " de 200623m

Kuccha Keecha turns out to be a more formidable opponent than originally anticipated, more so now that they have the support of the Evinkuruga Touka. Hakuoro tries to find another way to attain victory.

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第 13 集 血戰

26 " de 200623m

Hakuoro's plan to defeat the Kuccha Keccha succeeds and he confronts Emperor Orikakan; the result of their encounter however, is quite unexpected.

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第 14 集 戰禍

3 g de 200623m

More helpless villages in Tusukuru are attacked by Niwe, the emperor of Shikeripetim, as he advances through the countryside. Hakuoro hatches a desperate plan in order to defend his nation.

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第 15 集 盛宴告終

10 g de 200623m

A final decisive battle between Hakuoro and Niwe begins in Shikeripetim's capital.

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第 16 集 戰爭過後

17 g de 200623m

Hakuoro is still haunted by what Niwe said to him and has nightmares about it. Later a duel between Benawi and Oboro takes places to see how strong each is. Near the end of the episode, Hakuoro is introduced to another emperor named Kuuya.

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第 17 集 年幼的皇帝

24 g de 200623m

Kuuya and Hakuoro have a long talk alone about the world they live in and the state of affairs. Later, Oboro is suffering from a hangover and must take Erurū revolting medicine in order for it to pass quicker. Also, the trader from before comes back to sell them a Mikyūm which is a rare and extremely valuable animal. Finally, Hakuoro has yet another private discussion with Kuuya where he discovers that the masked emperor is in fact a young girl.

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第 18 集 解放軍

31 g de 200623m

Karura's younger brother Derihouri is leading a revolt in a neighboring country though his small army is no match for the force he is trying to oppose. It will take the aid of Hakuoro, Karura and the several others to overcome the emperor.

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第 19 集 訣別

7 e de 200623m

Derihouri, with the aide of Hakuoro and his party and a secret from Karura's past, infiltrate the capital of Nan-tunk, only to discover that the Kenam rebellion was formed with ulterior motives.

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第 20 集 首戰

14 e de 200623m

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第 21 集 大封印

21 e de 200623m

Kuuya, convinced by her bloodthirsty advisers, starts a war against every nation in order to unite the whole continent. Soon the war reaches Hakuoro's empire. The avu-kamuu of Kuuya seem unstoppable, and Hakuoro decides to evacuate the capital.

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DVD Special 1 - Hidden Chimaku

23 e de 200611m

Hakuoro is working and finds that he is hungry so he sets out to find Erurū, but is unable to locate her. Upon going to the food storage hut, Oboro approaches him and helps him find some food hidden in a secret compartment. Erurū almost catches them and frustratingly remarks how the hidden food was spoiled and leaves. Afterwards, Hakuoro and Oboro are stricken by serious stomach problems and fight to go to the restroom before the other does. However, the situation is further complicated by Aruru, who has shown up ready to dive headfirst into Hakuoro.

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第 22 集 不祥的契約

28 e de 200623m

As the forces of Emperor Kuuya descend upon Tusukuru's capital, Hakuoro realizes that the evacuation is going to take longer than they have, and so decides to sacrifice himself to draw their attention away. However, Aruruu isn't prepared to let this happen, and shows up riding Mukkuru. The immortal Mutikapa is able to attack the Avu-Kamuu without being hurt, but Aruruu is hit with a single blow and died. However, the pool of blood growing behind Aruruu begins to bring back Hakuoro's memories, and new questions start arising in his mind: What is he? What unknown powers does he harbor?

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第 23 集 心之所在

4 n de 200623m

The first heavy defeat in battle with Kuuya in the previous episode slows down the war. In the next, relatively calm, days Hakuoro remembers some of his past. Who really is the Iceman? Why does this "Mikoto" in his memories resemble Erurū so much? Genjimaru leaves Kunnekamun since he knows they are on a path to annihilation. He joins Hakuoro offering his guide for the armies. Genjimaru seems to be betraying Kuuya, but he acts this way since he wants to save her from the war. Understanding that, Hakuoro accepts his help. The first step is unite all the rebels left by Kunnekamun's passage. In order to do that, Hakuoro arranges a mission to rescue the Oruyankuru. The old man is saved, but then he declares that Urutorii is the new Oruyankuru and retires.

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第 24 集 註定滅亡者

11 n de 200623m

With the help of the rebels and Genjimaru's military command the Tusukuru empire stops Kunnekamun and soon turns the tables of the war. Inside the castle of Kuuya the final battle ensues, but there are more factions at work than just Tusukuru and Kunnekamun...

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第 25 集 太古夢蹟

18 n de 200623m

The episode begins with the fate of Kuuya being revealed. Hakuoro rushes to Onkami Yamukai to rescue Kamyu, but all is not as it seems. Hakouro's true identity is confirmed and he remembers more of the Iceman's heartbreaking story.

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第 26 集 受讚頌者

Final de temporada
25 n de 200623m

After a climatic battle and the final pieces of Hakouro's past being revealed, Hakouro makes a very difficult decision that will forever have an impact on the future.

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DVD Special 2 - Eyewitness

25 e de 200611m

Munto searches around the castle for Kamyu, who has skipped out of her lessons. It is revealed she is playing hide-and-go-seek with Arurū. Hakuoro watches the entire tableau from his balcony, while drinking tea with Erurū and Benawi. Once Arurū is flushed from her "hiding place" the girls decide to head to the bath house and clean themselves up.

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Recap 1

22 r de 200615m

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Recap 2

21 " de 200615m

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DVD Special 3 - The One Being Broken

7 n de 200711m

Touka is seen caring for a doll that she treasures. She runs off to get some tea for Hakuoro, leaving him alone with the doll. Hakuoro plays with the doll and accidentally breaks it, leading to him running frantically around the castle looking for some way to repair it. He quickly glues it back together, but it's a very sloppy job. Oboro wanders in and starts playing with the already damaged doll, which breaks again. It is at this point that Touka returns, and Hakuoro lays all the blame on Oboro, leading to him taking the brunt of Touka's fury.

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DVD Special 4 - The God Of Nugizono

21 i de 200711m

Touka's doll from the previous episode is fixed by a merchant in town, but she loses it soon after when she places it on a transport wagon. Touka starts to pursue the wagon, effectively terrifying the drivers into thinking she is a monster that is going to kill them. In the end, one of the men in the wagon throws Touka's doll over a cliff which makes Touka jump after it and fall a vast distance. Later, Erurū recounts the story of the "monster" to Hakuoro, and Touka is shown lying in bed, injured from the fall.

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DVD Special 5

21 i de 200711m

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DVD Special 6

21 i de 200711m

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OVA 1: The Watchtower's Lullaby

24 " de 200930m

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OVA 2: Prescription for a Secret Love

23 " de 200929m

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第 16 集

30 l de 201613m

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第 17 集

29 " de 201614m

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Included with the premium collection release of the PS4 remake of Utawarerumono: Chiriyukumono e no Komoriuta. The anime will tell the story of Kuon's childhood days.

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