Norman Lloyd — 제작자

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10월 2, 195527m

Elsa y Carl viven en un camping. Al volver él un día del trabajo, encuentra a su mujer muy alterada y afirmando haber sufrido el ataque de un hombre. El marido entonces decide hacer justicia por su mano y le pide a la esposa que le señale al atacante.

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10월 9, 195527m

Un famoso pianista regresa a su ciudad natal para encontrar al hombre que mató a su padre.

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Gatillos bajo control

10월 16, 195527m

Un tiroteo cesa repentinamente tras una señal de Dios.

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No vuelvas con vida

10월 23, 195527m

Un hombre y su mujer pretenden estafar a una empresa de seguros simulando la muerte de ella, para lo cual será necesario que desaparezca durante siete años.

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La dama desaparecida

10월 30, 195526m

En un viaje a París, la madre de Diane Winthrop desaparece misteriosamente al caer enferma.

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11월 6, 195526m

Un gángster clama venganza contra la cantante de club nocturno que es indirectamente responsable de la muerte de su hermano.

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11월 13, 195526m

El señor Callew supone que las emociones son una exteriorización de la debilidad de las personas. Así que, como férreo hombre de negocios, se maneja por la vida sin mostrar ningún tipo de sentimientos. Pero un accidente automovilístico le deja paralizado y aparentemente muerto. La versión original del cuento de Louis Pollock también fue interpretado en la radio por Joseph Cotten.

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Nuestra cocinera es un tesoro

11월 20, 195526m

Una mujer que se hace pasar por cocinera asesina a tres personas.

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Una jugada arriesgada

11월 27, 195526m

Un hombre tiene una terrible mala suerte. Responde un aviso periodístico en el que un hombre mayor busca a un joven como acompañante para realizar un viaje a los Estados Unidos. En el medio se entera que posee una carta, a cuya entrega en San Francisco, recibirá 200.000 dólares.

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El caso del Señor Pelham

12월 4, 195526m

El sr. Pelham comienza a sospechar que alguien intenta suplantarlo, en el trabajo y en la vida social. Un cambio de firma bancaria y otras estratagemas no tienen sentido. Su doble las copia a la perfección.

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Testigo culpable

12월 11, 195526m

Los propietarios de una tienda de alimentación están molestos por los constantes enfrentamientos entre sus vecinos, hastas que descubre que uno de ellos ha sido asesinado.

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Un ex convicto consigue empleo como Santa Claus en una importante tienda. Comienza a planear un robo, pero cambia luego de ver el comportamiento de un chico.

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El jarrón Cheney

12월 25, 195526m

Stepp, un hombre que ha trabajado toda su vida para el señor Baldwin como contable y que una noche de sábado tras ser injustamente despedido, Stepp lo asesina de un balazo. Cuando esta esperando la noticia del asesinato y se toma la siesta en su cama, la señora de la casa le comenta que le llaman por teléfono, y ¿quién sera?, la mujer de la oficina le llama pidiéndolo que vaya a trabajar y que tiene a su jefe muy cabreado. ¿Que habrá pasado con el asesinato? ¿Lo habrá soñado o la memoria le habrá cogido alguna mala pasada? Lo que esta claro es que en la empresa se juega un contrato que supondría la vida o quiebra de esta...¿Que hay de real en todo esto?

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Una bala para Baldwin

1월 1, 195626m

Stepp, un hombre que ha trabajado toda su vida para el señor Baldwin como contable y que una noche de sábado tras ser injustamente despedido, Stepp lo asesina de un balazo. Cuando esta esperando la noticia del asesinato y se toma la siesta en su cama, la señora de la casa le comenta que le llaman por teléfono, y ¿quién sera?, la mujer de la oficina le llama pidiéndolo que vaya a trabajar y que tiene a su jefe muy cabreado. ¿Que habrá pasado con el asesinato? ¿Lo habrá soñado o la memoria le habrá cogido alguna mala pasada? Lo que esta claro es que en la empresa se juega un contrato que supondría la vida o quiebra de esta...¿Que hay de real en todo esto?

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El gran varapalo

1월 8, 195626m

Sam Donleavy quiere matar a su novia y escaparse, para lo que se pone en contacto con un hombre que proporciona coartadas.

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Hay que tener suerte

1월 15, 195626m

Alfred Hitchcock nos señala lo importante que llega a ser el tiempo, sobretodo para un asesino que se ha fugado de la cárcel y que esta totalmente asediado por la policía. Cuando este entra en la casa de un mujer que acaba de quedarse sola. Sam el convicto se refugia en la casa secuestrando a la mujer, la cual la tendrá presa y sin ninguna posibilidad de huida.

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La hermana mayor

1월 22, 195626m

Hace años un matrimonio mayor apareció asesinado a hachazos. No se encontró el arma homicida, y aunque todo apuntaba a la culpabilidad de la hija mayor, está fue absuelta por falta de pruebas. Pasado el tiempo ella sigue siendo una presencia inquietante para su hermana y para el servicio de la casa. La llegada de una periodista chismosa a su casa, en busca de nuevos datos de la historia, siembra la inquietud en todos.

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Buscando la muerte

1월 29, 195626m

En una nueva historia nos relata un suceso que le paso a un agente de seguros ya retirado que cree que la muerte se puede eludir, y que al mismo tiempo no existe los accidentes, sino que la gente busca sin saberlo la muerte.Un buen día se cruza con la señora Shrike, una mujer muy agresiva, muy gruñona y demasiado irritable, tanto que su furia llama a la muerte por si misma, para Clarence junto a su amigo Elmer deciden ayudarla, pero ¿la señora Shrike se dejara ayudar?

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Los abandonados

2월 5, 195626m

Un hombre joven, de vida excéntrica y poco dinero, asesina a una persona que pretendía cobrarle un pagaré de 10.000 dólares. Cuando busca el papel, se enfurece al saber que ha sido robado por dos vagabundos, uno de los cuales ha presenciado el crimen.

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Y entonces murió Riabouchinska

2월 12, 195626m

Riabouchinska, la marioneta de una ventrílocua, se parece mucho a una chica que ha desaparecido.

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El salvoconducto

2월 19, 195626m

Una famosa periodista regresa a Occidente luego de mantener una entrevista con un dictador comunista llamado Stoska, quien le entrega un salvoconducto para poder abandonar la Cortina de Hierro. En el tren conoce a un jugador de fútbol que la pone en una situación comprometida.

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Lugar de sombras

2월 26, 195626m

Ray Clements acude a un alejado monasterio y allí busca la amistad de un hombre llamado Rocco, a quien pretende asesinar.

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Regreso por Navidad

3월 4, 195626m

Un matrimonio mayor planea irse a California por un largo periodo de tiempo. Pero antes de irse el marido lleva a cabo su plan y asesina a la esposa, enterrándola en el piso del sótano. En Norteamérica se da la gran vida, pero llega una carta desde las Gran Bretaña dirigida a su esposa.

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El crimen perfecto

3월 11, 195626m

Un detective arrogante no se ha equivocado jamás en toda su carrera, y queda anonadado cuando un abogado le acusa de haber ayudado a declarar culpable a un hombre inocente, ya ejecutado.

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Érase una vez una anciana

3월 18, 195627m

Una vieja mujer excéntrica tiene la extraña costumre de colgar una corona de flores en la puerta de su casa cuando quiere anunciar el fallecimiento de uno de los miembros de su familia imaginaria.

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Una novela policiaca. ¿Quién lo hizo?

3월 25, 195626m

A su llegada al cielo, un ángel permite a un famoso escritor de novelas policíacas revivir el momento de su asesinato para saber quién fue el que lo mató ya que se encontraba durmiendo cuando ocurrió y no se enteró de nada.

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Se busca ayuda

4월 1, 195626m

El señor Crabtree encuentra un nuevo trabajo, y todo marcha bien hasta que su nuevo empleador le da una asignación inesperada.

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El retrato de Jocelyn

4월 8, 195626m

Un hombre regala a su mujer un retrato de ella, pero cuando se lo entregan ve en el cuadro a su antigua mujer, Jocelyn.

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El metódico mundo del Señor Appleby

4월 15, 195627m

Un coleccionista de antigüedades lleno de deudas mata a su mujer para hacerse con la prima del seguro. Como sale airoso del primer crimen lo intenta una segunda vez con una millonaria pero, ¿le saldrá igual de bien?

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Nunca más

4월 22, 195626m

Karen Stewart ha roto una vez más su promesa de no beber más, y ahora ella está en una cama extraña, lesiones, y sin memoria de lo sucedido la noche anterior.

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El caballero americano

4월 29, 195626m

Howard Latimer apuesta con dos hombres ingleses que será capaz de permanecer solo durante la noche en el Hustwood Manor, una terrorífica casa encantada.

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La niñera

5월 6, 195625m

Lottie Scolum es interrogada por la policía acerca del asesinato de la señora Nash, para quien ella estaba trabajando la noche del crimen.

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El campanario

5월 13, 195626m

El peculiar asesinato del prometido de una maestra a manos de un amigo que encoleriza tras saber el próximo enlace entre ellos dos.Una persona que lleva mucho tiempo obsesionado con ella, y hasta en su perturbada mente ha diseñado ya una vida a su lado. Pero en un ataque de furia este comete el asesinato. Para escapar del pueblo no se le ocurre que esconderse en el campanario de la escuela, donde guarda celoso para cometer el último asesinato y darse a la fuga para que nadie se entere...

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Algo oculto

5월 20, 195626m

En una noche John y Dana se encuentran al lado de una hamburguesería. En un descuido a Dana se le olvida el bolso en el coche, en esto que un conductor atropella a la chica y se da a la fuga. Cuando llega la policía su estado de shock le hará perder la memoria, hasta el numero de matricula del coche que había atropellado a su novia. Todo parece ser un hueco vació hasta que aparece un hombre que esta dispuesto a ayudarle...

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El legado

5월 27, 195627m

Irene Cole y su estafador marido van a la playa en Palm Beach, donde ella conoce a un hombre que se enamora profundamente y amenaza con cometer suicidio si no deja a su marido.

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6월 3, 195626m

Paula Hudson es denunciada a la policía por haber robado un abrigo de visón. Ella dice haberlo comprado usado por recomendación de su peluquera, pero cuando la policía la acompaña a corroborar su historia, todos niegan haber hablado con ella.

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La trampa

6월 10, 195626m

Gil Larkin es sospechoso de asesinato cuando el marido abusivo de Mona Cameron es muerto a tiros frente a él, quedando Larkin fuera de combate por un desconocido.

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El reptador

6월 17, 195626m

Un asesino de mujeres anda suelto por la ciudad. Una mujer que se va quedar sola en casa porque su marido se va a trabajar vive aterrorizada y pide al portero que le ponga un fechillo. ¿Será él el asesino? ¿O lo será la vecina entrometida? ¿O podría ser cualquiera de los personajes que van desfilando por el capítulo? Todos son sospechosos pero tendrían que verlo para conocer el final.

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Season Finale
6월 24, 195626m

Un hombre acepta que le rebajen el sueldo, dado que la empresa para la que trabaja está a punto de quebrar. Al llegar a casa, su esposa lo reta severamente.

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Un sábado lluvioso

9월 30, 195627m

Una chica comete un asesinato pasional. Enterado a tiempo, su padre, intenta proteger a su familia, y busca por todos los medios inculpar a un tercero.

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Rodeados de niebla

10월 7, 195627m

Con su marido en viaje de negocios, una mujer de nervios frágiles recibe una visita inesperada: un enfermo mental escapado del sanatorio. Sorprendentemente, el fugitivo resulta ser un buen tipo, pero en este episodio (que ganó el Premio Emmy al Mejor Guión) nada es lo que parece.

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De Mortius

10월 14, 195626m

Un profesor mayor es engañado por su esposa, cosa que sabe todo el vecindario, menos el marido. Un día comienza a llenar de cemento un hueco en el sótano.

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Matar con amabilidad

10월 21, 195626m

Unos hermanos planean estafar a un seguro prendiendo fuego a su casa pero fracasan en el intento.

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Nadie es tan ciego

10월 28, 195627m

Seymour Johnstone cree que ha planeado el asesinato perfecto tras hacerse con una falsa identidad.

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11월 4, 195626m

Un hombre solitario se reúne con su amada a quien perdió hace tiempo, pero pronto se dará cuenta de que la ausencia ha empequeñecido su corazón.

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11월 11, 195626m

Una vieja rivalidad de la niñez termina convirtiéndose en asesinato y Georgie Moore busca a alguien que respalde su coartada.

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Conversación sobre un cadaver

11월 18, 195625m

Las hermanas Enright han añadido algo extra a sus pasteles y a su té.

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El día del juicio final

11월 25, 195626m

La suerte se muestra escurridiza cuando un hombre joven apuesta a una carta todas sus posesiones.

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12월 2, 195626m

Los lazos familiares siguen unidos mucho más allá de la tumba cuando un estudiante universitario regresa a casa para el funeral de su padre.

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Un negocio mejor

12월 9, 195626m

El matrimonio puede ser mortal, especialmente cuando un hombre comienza a sospechar que su mujer, mucho más joven que él, tiene algunas aventuras en secreto.

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El rosal

12월 16, 195626m

La realidad supera a la ficción cuando un editor visita a dos peculiares hermanas.

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El secreto del Señor Blanchard

12월 23, 195626m

Una escritora de misterio e intriga comienza a creer que su nuevo vecino ha asesinado a su esposa.

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El cuerpo de John Brown

12월 30, 195625m

La esposa de John Brown y su amante quieren sacarle a él y a su dinero de un centro de tratamiento mental.

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El chiflado

1월 6, 195726m

Una luna de miel se transforma en pesadilla cuando una pareja tiene su coche averiado y un hombre desquiciado se ofrece para ayudarlos.

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Pesadilla en 4D

1월 13, 195727m

Una mujer causa estragos en su vecino de arriba cuando le pide que se deshaga de un cadáver.

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Mi hermano Richard

1월 20, 195726m

La política resulta mortal de puertas adentro cuando el hermano de uno de los candidatos decide eliminar a la competencia.

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El esposado

1월 27, 195726m

Un hombre a quien "se busca" trata de comprar su libertad a bordo de un tren.

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Una botella de vino

2월 3, 195726m

Wally Donaldson acepta tomar un vino con el celoso ex-marido de su nuevo amor, Grace.

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Malicia Doméstica

2월 10, 195726m

Los amigos de un club de campo descubren que uno de ellos ha sido envenenado con arsénico.

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El número veintidos

2월 17, 195726m

Toda la fascinación de un joven matón se desvanece al saber el resultado final de sus crímenes.

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El veranillo de San Martin

2월 24, 195726m

La investigación de un seguro de vida da un giro inesperado.

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Uno para el camino

3월 3, 195726m

Una cucharada de azúcar ayuda a bajar el veneno cuando una mujer descubre que su marido tiene una amante.

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Lo más gracioso de todo

3월 10, 195726m

Un actor desesperado intenta potenciar su carrera chantajeando al productor de un teatro.

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Yo maté al Conde (parte 1)

3월 17, 195726m

El asesinato del alcoholizado Conde Victor Mattoni pone al descubierto falsas identidades y falsas coartadas.

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Yo maté al Conde (parte 2)

3월 24, 195726m

Un ascensorista aparece en escena para hacer una inesperada confesión.

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Yo maté al Conde (parte 3)

3월 31, 195726m

Más confesiones y un veredicto que dejará a todos boquiabiertos.

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Una milla más

4월 7, 195726m

Sam Jacoby debe luchar contra el tiempo para deshacerse de un cuerpo que yace en el maletero de su coche.

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Un círculo vicioso

4월 14, 195726m

Un hombre herido se encuentra atrapado en un círculo de asesinato y venganza.

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Los tres sueños del Señor Findlater

4월 21, 195726m

El Sr. Findlater se asusta cuando la chica de sus sueños comienza a aparecer en su vida real.

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La noche del fin del mundo

4월 28, 195726m

Una broma resulta demasiado pesada cuando un borracho cree que el fin del mundo terminará a las 11'45 PM.

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Las manos del Señor Ottermole

5월 5, 195726m

El tiempo puede ser mortal, sobre todo cuando una niebla le impide a un sargento de policía capturar a un maníaco estrangulador.

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Un hombre muy querido

5월 12, 195726m

Una precoz niña de nueve años se ocupa de un hombre solitario que ha llegado al pueblo con la ayuda de una medium, e investiga sobre el pasado del hombre.

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Martha Mason, estrella de cine

5월 19, 195726m

Los cotilleos de los famosos van demasiado lejos cuando la mayor fan de la actriz Martha Mason, Mabel McKay, decide eliminar a su esposo por tomarle el pelo debido a su gran pasión por la estrella de cine.

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La cápsula del tiempo de West Warlock

5월 26, 195726m

Algunas nociones creativas de taxidermia y una cápsula del tiempo son las herramientas que le brindan a George Tiffany la oportunidad perfecta de deshacerse de su molesto cuñado.

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Padre e hijo

6월 2, 195726m

Cuando Sam Saunders descubre que su anciano padre está dando cobijo a un viejo amigo fugitivo, decide utilizar esta información para su propio beneficio.

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El indestructible Señor Weems

6월 9, 195726m

Parece que al viejo sr. Weens no le queda demasiado tiempo, así que sus compañeros deciden pagarle una cuota semanal si se decide a hacer la primera compra en su nuevo cementerio y marque así una tendencia entre la gente reservando "un lugar para el eterno descanso".

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Dormir un poco

6월 16, 195726m

Una joven y salvaje mujer se encuentra fuera de sus casillas cuando decide viajar hasta una remota cabaña en la montaña y termina flirteando con un asesino.

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Gente peligrosa

Season Finale
6월 23, 195726m

Un peligroso delincuente ha escapado de un manicomio y, en una estación de tren, dos hombres comienzan a sospechar el uno de el otro, creyendo que se trata del lunático asesino.

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Suspicion: Four O' Clock

8월 27, 195725m

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El ojo de cristal

10월 6, 195726m

Captivated by his physical beauty, an aging spinster develops an obsession for a ventriloquist, travelling all over the country to watch his act with his child-sized dummy.

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Profeta por correo

10월 13, 195726m

When an ordinary clerk starts receiving letters which accurately predict the outcome of future events, he takes a dangerous gamble with his life.

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El crimen perfecto

10월 20, 195725m

A lawyer, with blackmail in mind, meets with a famous detective who prides himself on never having committed a single mistake in his long and distinguished career, to prove that he convicted an innocent man.

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Corazón de oro

10월 27, 195727m

A convicted robber is released to the family of one of his cell mates, against the better judgment of his parole officer.

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Testigo silencioso

11월 3, 195726m

Intending to break up with an infatuated student, professor Donald Mason tracks her down at a babysitting job, where the conversation ends in murder.

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Recompensa al que lo encuentre

11월 10, 195726m

After finding a cash-laden wallet John Gaminski promises his wife that he'll return it. But when he reneges, she demands that he share the money.

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Suficiente cuerda para dos

11월 17, 195726m

An ex-con heads to a mine to retrieve a cache of stolen loot. When his two former partners show up, three's a crowd with $100,000 at stake.

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Última petición

11월 24, 195726m

A death-row inmate awaiting the electric chair uses his final hours to prove his innocence in a killing.

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La joven

12월 1, 195727m

A pretty underage girl, bored with adolescence and eager to experience all that adulthood allows, acts out in ways that could ultimately prove deadly.

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El cuerpo diplomático

12월 8, 195727m

Touring Mexico, Janet's rich aunt dies, and the car holding her corpse is stolen. Without a body, Janet can't claim the inheritance.

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El implacable

12월 15, 195726m

A conniving handyman tries to blackmail an innocent housewife for a fabricated dalliance.

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El gato de la señorita Paisley

12월 22, 195726m

An elderly woman is terrified that her disagreeable male neighbor will kill her beloved—but habitually roving—tabby cat.

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La noche de la ejecución

12월 29, 195726m

Warren, a prosecuting attorney with a long history of acquittals, must deliver a guilty verdict in a murder case to ensure his political future.

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El porcentaje

1월 5, 195826m

A successful businessman who once acted cowardly in the war—but got undeserved credit for heroism—attempts to buy off an old Army buddy who knows the truth.

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1월 12, 195826m

When a businessman's mistress threatens to expose their secret relationship to his wife, he realizes he must do anything to stop her.

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1월 19, 195826m

Her elderly father becomes alarmed when a jilted woman purchases a handgun.

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El Motivo

1월 26, 195826m

Dos amigos obsesionados con el crimen planean el asesinato perfecto, uno de ellos sin ningún motivo.

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Traveling in Paris, an Englishwoman finds herself accidentally locked in a hotel room with a corpse.

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El ecualizador

2월 9, 195827m

Filled with jealous rage, a man plots revenge on a coworker he is convinced has had an affair with his wife.

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2월 16, 195827m

A gambling-addicted housewife owes money to a bookie, and resorts to desperate measures in order to raise the money.

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Invitado A Desayunar

2월 23, 195826m

In this violent home-invasion tale, a gun-wielding convict terrorizes a married couple whose relationship is already on the ropes.

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The Return of the Hero

3월 2, 195826m

Things are not what they seem when two soldiers discharged from the Algerian war spend some time together in Marseilles.

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La casa adecuada

3월 9, 195827m

After the death of her troubled son, a mother decides to sell her house, but a potential buyer discovers she may be hiding something.

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Sirena en la niebla

3월 16, 195826m

A woman alone in a quiet house finds herself haunted by the noise of a foghorn. As the story progresses, she tries to recall how the sound became so horrifying to her, but the answer may be deeper than she thinks.

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Vuelo Hacia Oriente

3월 23, 195825m

The plight of an American war correspondent suddenly becomes front-page news when a former British Army nurse recalls a strange incident from the past.

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Un toro en una cacharrería

3월 30, 195827m

A handsome homicide detective is befriended by four old ladies who invite him for tea and proceed to play out a variation of Arsenic and Old Lace for his benefit.

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Truco para desaparecer

4월 6, 195827m

A debonair tennis player looks into his attractive partner's past and her presumed dead husband.

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Cordero que llevan al matadero

4월 13, 195827m

Domestic bliss comes to a rapid halt when a housewife discovers that her police chief husband has been having an affair while she's been pregnant.

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Fatal Figures

4월 20, 195827m

It's all in the numbers when a bookkeeper becomes obsessed with his mundane life and crime statistics.

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Sentencia de muerte

4월 27, 195827m

Love is in the eye of the beholder when a happily married woman sees a bomb attached to the family car as a sign of her husband's affection.

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Las navidades

5월 4, 195827m

'Tis the season to resurrect old family grudges when a brother accuses his sister of murdering his wife on a less than jolly Christmas Eve.

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Escucha, escucha

5월 11, 195827m

When three beautiful blonde women are strangled with a silk stocking, Mr. Morgan becomes convinced he knows how it happened, even though no one will hear him out.

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Post Mortem

5월 18, 195827m

When a newly married couple realizes that a lottery ticket is in her recently deceased ex-husband's burial suit, they put their love on the line to exhume the winnings.

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El neceser de piel de cocodrilo

5월 25, 195827m

A man learns never to separate a woman from her accessories when his "perfect" murder plot is spoiled by a missing piece of luggage.

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Un chapuzón en la subasta

6월 1, 195827m

A desperate man takes the ultimate plunge when he gambles a fortune without his wife's knowledge.

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Lugar seguro

6월 8, 195826m

A senior bank teller is tempted by the prospect of sudden wealth when a known gangster makes a large withdrawal from his account.

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El sedan amarillo

6월 15, 195827m

A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing when a woman discovers she has extraordinary powers to see the past of objects.

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Asesinato improvisado

6월 22, 195826m

Still waters run deep when a lawyer with mayoral ambitions murders a woman who claimed he tried to embezzle money from her in the past.

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El vestidito blanco

Season Finale
6월 29, 195826m

An elderly actor proves he still has the chops to grace the stage when he reveals a tragic tale from his past.

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10월 5, 195827m

Two partners discover their real feelings for one another when one is bitten by a poisonous snake and it's up to the other to save his life.

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Don't Interrupt

10월 12, 195826m

Silence may be golden, but it also proves lethal when a young boy witnesses an escaped mental patient and can't tell anyone about it.

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The Jokester

10월 19, 195826m

A morgue attendant gets the last laugh when he finally has enough of a man who has been provoking him.

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The Crooked Road

10월 26, 195827m

A joyride in a new convertible is seriously called to a halt as the corrupt public officials in a small town attempt to take advantage of the defenseless drivers.

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The $2,000,000 Defense

11월 2, 195827m

A lawyer gets creative when the man he is defending offers him half of his net worth if he will find a way out of the case.

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Design for Loving

11월 9, 195826m

A man's marriage seriously malfunctions when he buys a robot to take over his relationship with his demanding wife so he can escape to Rio.

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Man with a Problem

11월 16, 195827m

A man relates the series of events that led him to contemplate suicide to a police officer.

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Safety for the Witness

11월 23, 195826m

A gunsmith sets his sight on two gangsters who will kill him if he testifies to what they've purchased in court.

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Murder Me Twice

12월 7, 195825m

When a hypnotist puts a young woman into a trance during a seance, things go wildly out of control and she stabs her husband. But is she really to blame for her actions?

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Tea Time

12월 14, 195826m

It's hard to tell who's the bigger cheater when a wife and her husband's jealous mistress sit down for some lethal negotiating.

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And the Desert Shall Blossom

12월 21, 195826m

When two old men need a miracle in order to keep their home, the answer arrives in the unlikely form of a killer on the run from the law.

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Mrs. Herman and Mrs. Fenimore

12월 28, 195827m

Two women plot to do away with an irascible old man and seize his money, but their plan is foiled when one of them decides she deserves more of the fortune.

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Six People, No Music

1월 4, 195926m

A funeral parlor owner is put in an awkward position when a deceased client comes back to life and demands a much smaller affair than what was planned for his funeral.

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The Morning After

1월 11, 195927m

Motherly love knows no bounds when a woman decides to get revenge on the married man who has been dating her daughter.

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A Personal Matter

1월 18, 195927m

Two construction engineers are between more than just a rock and a hard place when one of them discovers the other's violent past during an explosive tunnel blast.

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Out There - Darkness

1월 25, 195927m

When a wealthy woman mistakenly accuses her elevator boy of robbing her, his resulting imprisonment will take her to levels of guilt she never expected.

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Total Loss

2월 1, 195927m

A desperate department store owner foolishly agrees to a scheme to have her store burned down so she can collect the insurance, but the fiery transaction doesn't go down as planned.

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The Last Dark Step

2월 8, 195927m

It's murder most foul when a man decides to drown the longtime girlfriend who's been supporting him, but his crime doesn't go unnoticed for very long.

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The Morning of the Bride

2월 15, 195927m

A young woman with her eye on marriage wonders why she still hasn't met her boyfriend's mother.

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The Diamond Necklace

2월 22, 195927m

During his last week of work before retirement, the longtime employee of a jewelry store serves an unusual client.

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Relative Value

3월 1, 195927m

When John learns that he has been made the beneficiary in his cousin's will, he decides he can't wait for nature to take its course and begins plotting murder.

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The Right Price

3월 8, 195926m

A middle-aged couple, recently wed and constantly bickering, learn how married life can be murder.

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I'll Take Care of You

3월 15, 195927m

A used car salesman with a spendthrift wife concocts a killer deal with his father and two college boys.

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The Avon Emeralds

3월 22, 195926m

Nothing is as it seems when a young Scotland Yard inspector follows a widow suspected of smuggling jewelry.

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The Kind Waitress

3월 29, 195927m

Thelma Tomkins and her deadbeat boyfriend begin poisoning an old and wealthy woman in order to get an inheritance ... but the results are not what they expected.

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Cheap Is Cheap

4월 5, 195927m

When a miser discovers how expensive a divorce will cost, he comes up with another way to rid himself of his wife.

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The Waxwork

4월 12, 195927m

A reporter with a gambling problem will do anything for a lucrative story - including spending the night in the Murderers' Den of a wax museum.

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The Impossible Dream

4월 19, 195927m

Pining for her boss - a former movie star now forced to take supporting roles - a middle-aged secretary shows how she will do anything to make her romantic fantasy a reality.

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Banquo's Chair

5월 3, 195925m

A retired Scotland Yard inspector goes to extreme lengths to prove the guilt of a suspect in an old murder case.

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A Night With the Boys

5월 10, 195927m

When he loses all his money in a poker game, a man tells his pregnant wife an involved lie to explain the missing cash.

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Your Witness

5월 17, 195925m

A prominent lawyer appears able to manipulate any situation successfully - except, perhaps, for his marriage.

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Human Interest Story

5월 24, 195927m

A newspaper reporter gets a tip about an out of this world story: a man who claims to be a Martian.

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The Dusty Drawer

5월 31, 195927m

When a local bank clerk cheats him out of $200, a man takes extreme measures to get back his money.

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A True Account

6월 7, 195927m

Paul Brett is a top-notch criminal attorney who is consulted by Mrs. Cannon-Hughes. She was a nurse by profession who tended to the bedridden wife of Gilbert Hughes until her death. In the time since then, she married Mr. Hughes only to come to the conclusion that he murdered his first wife. Brett advises her that little that can be done without evidence, but he takes a liking to her and they eventually become lovers and marry when Gilbert takes his own life. Little does he realize the consequences of the choices he has made.

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6월 14, 195926m

A millionaire takes a hunting trip during which he hatches a plan to make his wife's lover his prey.

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Invitation to an Accident

Season Finale
6월 21, 195927m

When a woman's blatant indiscretions with her ex-husband continue even after a confrontation with her current spouse, the consequences are dire.

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Startime: Incident at a Corner

8월 27, 195925m

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9월 27, 195927m

When his former fiancee turns up missing, chicken farmer Arthur obligingly lets the police search his ranch, despite the fact that they seem to suspect him of her murder.

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The Crystal Trench

10월 4, 195927m

Dangerous secrets are revealed when a devoted widow travels to the glacier in Switzerland where her husband's body has been preserved since his deadly fall forty years earlier.

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Appointment at Eleven

10월 11, 195927m

A 17-year-old causes havoc at a bar and alarms everyone around him when he talks hysterically about how he'll be "born again" when someone else dies at eleven o'clock.

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Coyote Moon

10월 18, 195926m

John Piltkin picks up three hitchhikers who rob him. After he spots them in a diner, he exacts his revenge. He steals a car and picks the hitchhikers up. Concealing his face in shadows, he then pretends the car has stalled and walks off to get help. The hitchhickers are then arrested in the stolen car.

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No Pain

10월 25, 195927m

Nothing is as it seems when a polio victim in an iron lung suspects his wife of becoming attracted to a new neighbor and wonders if she's planning to get rid of him for good.

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Anniversary Gift

11월 1, 195926m

Sick of his wife's menagerie of strange and high-maintenance animals, a frazzled husband decides to get her the perfect present - a highly poisonous coral snake.

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Dry Run

11월 8, 195927m

An aspiring hitman takes on a risky assignment to kill a rival gangster but then finds himself easily conned by his target in a treacherous game of cat and mouse.

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The Blessington Method

11월 15, 195926m

Troubled by the responsibility of his aging mother in law, a man takes advantage of a society that specializes in "taking care of" elderly relatives and then soon finds out that he may be in for a similar fate.

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Dead Weight

11월 22, 195927m

Lovers' Lane becomes a dark and deadly destination when an ad executive and his former girlfriend are attacked by a young thug, and his efforts to protect them quickly go from heroic to something much more criminal.

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Special Delivery

11월 29, 195927m

After his neighbor warns him about suspicious disappearances around them, a man wonders if the vanishings have anything to do with a delivery to his young son.

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Road Hog

12월 6, 195927m

When a traffic delay prevents a dying boy from reaching the hospital in time, his bereaved father and brothers swear revenge on the salesman who hogged the road when a life was on the line.

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Specialty of the House

12월 13, 195926m

A successful businessman finally gets his greatest wish to see inside the kitchen of his favorite dining club, but has he just ordered his final meal as well?

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An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge

12월 20, 195926m

Moments before he's set to swing from the end of a Union rope, a Southern supporter reflects on the sabotage attempt that brought him there and sees a possibility for freedom.

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Graduating Class

12월 27, 195926m

A teacher's interest in the one student who seems to care about her lessons turns tragic when she and a kindly neighbor follow the girl to a man's apartment.

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Man from the South

1월 3, 196027m

A down-on-his-luck gambler bets his hand (literally) for a convertible, but the game is stopped by a person with an even larger interest in the outcome.

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The Ikon of Elijah

1월 10, 196026m

An antiques dealer takes refuge in a tucked away monastery with the goal of seizing a priceless manuscript, but his greed will extend his stay at the holy place for much longer than he ever imagined.

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The Cure

1월 24, 196027m

Some important things get lost in translation when a South American oil explorer agrees to have his loyal native assistant take his murderous wife to a head shrinker for her health.

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Backward, Turn Backward

1월 31, 196026m

A middle aged plumber is suspected of bludgeoning to death the father of his 19-year-old love interest, but the Sheriff can't figure out how the man could have done the crime and been caring for his baby grandson at the same time.

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Not the Running Type

2월 7, 196026m

After twelve years in prison for stealing $200,000 from his investment firm employers, Milton Potter calmly returns all the money he embezzled and pursues some very unique post-prison retirement plans.

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The Day of the Bullet

2월 14, 196026m

When Clete Vine, a successful businessman, reads about a gangster's violent death, he recalls how he and a childhood friend were profoundly affected by an event that began with their innocent admiration of an elegant car.

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Hitch Hike

2월 21, 196026m

A righteous and hypocritical civic leader on a road trip accepts mechanical help from a young man who then asks for a lift, soon afterwards he reveals he's recently been released from reform school.

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Across the Threshold

2월 28, 196027m

When his over-bearing mother mentions missing her dead husband, a selfish bachelor is happy to arrange the reunion and enlists his actress girlfriend to help by posing as a clairvoyant.

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Craig's Will

3월 6, 196027m

It's one lucky dog who is named the beneficiary of his deceased master's estate, but he then becomes the target of murderous plots concocted by the humans in his life.

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Madame Mystery

3월 27, 196027m

A ruthlessly ambitious Hollywood publicist capitalizes on the drowning death of an actress, but his hopes for success sink like a stone when he learns that she's still alive.

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The Little Man Who Was There

4월 3, 196026m

The patrons in a copper town saloon initially scoff at the mysterious, small man who barges in, but soon find themselves handing over their valuables when he takes on two strapping brothers.

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Mother, May I Go out to Swim?

4월 10, 196027m

What begins as a mother-son vacation soon becomes a trip to agony when he falls in love with a girl who is determined to share his affections ... and will do anything to get rid of her nemesis.

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The Cuckoo Clock

4월 17, 196026m

A sensible widow beginning her stay in a remote summer cottage refuses to be alarmed by news of an escaped mental patient, but her resolve weakens as she visits with an off-beat local.

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Forty Detectives Later

4월 24, 196025m

The forty-first private eye hired by a man to find his wife's killer follows the clues to a suspect, and then realizes that the case is more complex than he had realized.

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The Hero

5월 1, 196026m

A wealthy entrepreneur is sure that the man he meets on a cruise ship is the same person he robbed and left for dead many years ago ... or is he?

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5월 8, 196026m

Lack of sleep is ruining a widower's life, but the real nightmare begins when he finally meets his brother-in-law, a menacing veteran still holding a grudge for his sister's death.

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I Can Take Care of Myself

5월 15, 196027m

A beautiful Greenwich Village nightclub singer unwittingly risks her life - and that of her pianist - when she makes the mistake of brushing off "Little Dandy", a dangerous mobster.

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One Grave Too Many

5월 22, 196027m

Chronic unemployment makes a poor husband desperate enough to steal from a man he believes is dead, but he soon regrets the decision when he sees that the lifted wallet contains more than just cash.

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Party Line

5월 29, 196026m

A busybody fears for her life when she learns that the man who blames her for his wife's death has escaped from prison and may be planning a visit with his former neighbor.

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Cell 227

6월 5, 196026m

A falsely convicted prisoner is determined to make his walk to the gas chamber on of dignity, but his plan suddenly changes when he hurls himself at the jovial guard known as "Pops".

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The Schartz-Metterklume Method

6월 12, 196026m

An unconventional governess disrupts a conservative household with her radical ideas about interior design, wines, art and - especially - children and their education.

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Letter of Credit

6월 19, 196026m

When he goes to a bank to transfer money, a man writing a book on the subject of unsolved crimes has no idea that he will find information about the $500,000 robbery he is chronicling ... or does he?

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Escape to Sonoita

6월 26, 196027m

A pair of truck drivers stranded in the Arizona desert find themselves at the mercy of two kidnappers who are heading to the border ... and determined to take the last of the drinking water with them.

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Psycho Featurette

8월 27, 196025m

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Season Finale
9월 25, 196027m

Believing that financial reasons prevent him from leaving his wife, an unhappily married man and the woman he really loves hatch a scheme that they believe will solve all their problems.

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Mrs. Bixby and the Colonel's Coat

9월 27, 196026m

A touch of mink for Mr and Mrs Bixby is only part of a story of love grown cold and a hidden passion beneath the surface.

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The Doubtful Doctor

10월 4, 196026m

Bewitched advertising executive Ralph Jones seeks psychiatric help when he inexplicably finds an escape from his present day marital woes by traveling back in time to his earlier carefree bachelorhood.

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Very Moral Theft

10월 11, 196026m

Lumbered with more than an enormous debt, a businessman needs money - and fast. His doting fiance-in-waiting provides an instant solution, but in so doing, her act of desperate kindness leads to fatal consequences.

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The Contest for Aaron Gold

10월 18, 196026m

A pensive, withdrawn child attending a summer camp fashions a one-armed warrior knight in clay, to the consternation of his counselors. Is there a reason behind this particular display?

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The Five Forty-eight

10월 25, 196026m

Two passengers on a train leaving Grand Central station at 5:48 - one in fear of his past catching up with him at long last, the other intent on exacting a revenge which will restore the balance of power.

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Pen Pal

11월 1, 196026m

Love letters from a pen pal bring an escaped convict to a country cottage in search of the woman he plans to make his bride. With the police closing in, is more than his heart trapped?

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Outlaw in Town

11월 15, 196026m

At the Last Chance Saloon, an outlaw rides in to town amidst a raging blizzard. The "Whistling Kid" has a price on his head, and everyone wants a piece of the action.

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O Youth and Beauty!

11월 22, 196026m

A midlife crisis for a man with a teenage past boasting athletic prowess and vigor puts a dangerous strain on his marriage, and his own physical state. How much more can a wife take living under starter's orders?

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The Money

11월 29, 196026m

To win the hand of his beautiful girlfriend, a bookie-turned-import agent eyes the main chance with a deceitful ploy. In so doing, he finds himself earning more than the highest prize.

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12월 6, 196026m

On the passing of his wife, a man reflects on a marriage filled with bitterness and suspicion through the pages of her diary, and comes to realize he never really knew her at all.

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The Man With Two Faces

12월 13, 196026m

The theft of a woman's purse is the start of a tale of profit and loss which strikes close to home when the identity of the culprit is sought through a series of conflicting photographs.

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The Baby Blue Expression

12월 20, 196026m

Philip Weaver concocts a scheme to murder his employer.

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The Man Who Found the Money

12월 27, 196026m

When a down-on-his-luck man finds a small fortune on the streets of Las Vegas, a simple act of charity pays more dividends than he ever expected.

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The Changing Heart

1월 3, 196126m

The time for love is any time, but for Dane Ross and his beloved Lisa, the clock is almost certainly ticking.

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Summer Shade

1월 10, 196126m

The witches of Salem are getting younger by the year, and for nine-year-old Kate Kendall this isn't a problem as she has a new playmate for the summer. Parents Phyllis and Ben are altogether more concerned, and consult the local Reverend on the subject of exorcism.

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A Crime for Mothers

1월 24, 196126m

When a mother returns to seek out her long-lost abandoned daughter, money rather than love seems to be her driving motive. Refusing to pay, the girl's pseudo-adoptive parents call the woman's bluff and demand a court settlement to the matter.

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The Last Escape

1월 31, 196126m

An escapologist with a daring new act, a deceitful wife with a passion for music and the musician performing it, and a last escape worthy of Houdini himself, make cheating death a circus act to bend anyone's sanity.

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The Greatest Monster of Them All

2월 14, 196126m

The Prince of Darkness stalks the living once more as legendary Hollywood producer Ernst Von Kroft makes a low-budget bid for a return to the fame and glory of the big screen. When he falls short of renewed stardom, it could be a pain in the neck for all concerned.

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The Landlady

2월 21, 196126m

In a small provincial town, an English lady takes in lodgers. For Billy Weaver, the town of Bramley offers accommodation at a reasonable rate, and a vacation to die for.

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The Throwback

2월 28, 196126m

A knight's tale of chivalry and honor sees two men vying for the affections of a beautiful woman fighting an honorable duel for her heart and hand. All is fair in love and war, but a little cheating is expected.

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The Kiss Off

3월 7, 196126m

When a man is released from prison for a crime he didn't commit, he sets about balancing the ledger of life by pulling off an audacious robbery which he believes the police can never prove he was responsible for. Will his hotel key prove his undoing?

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The Horse Player

3월 14, 196126m

On a wing and a prayer, a gambler with a mission thinks he has a hotline to God in praying for a string of successful winners. Convincing a naive minister to play the odds with the parish funds, could this be the race which beats the horse player?

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Incident in a Small Jail

3월 21, 196126m

An arresting tale of crime and misdemeanor in a small town sees a traveling salesman embroiled in deceit and murder. In a twisted variation on the prince and the pauper, the swapping of clothes reveals the true identity of a murderous fiend.

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A Woman's Help

3월 28, 196126m

When you're handsome and attractive, the ladies will always pay you the sort of attention you want. For Arnold Bourdon, there's only one problem: how to get rid of his shrewish but wealthy wife. Perhaps her new companion and nurse hold the key.

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Museum Piece

4월 4, 196126m

Dark secrets lie at the heart of a private Indian museum, with one particular exhibit telling a sinister story of seduction, betrayal and murder.

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Coming, Mama

4월 11, 196126m

Lucy Baldwin wishes to marry her boy friend Arthur. Unfortunately, her domineering mother believe that Arthur is only out for money opposes the marriage. When Lucy's mother falls ill, Lucy sees her chance. She slips her a fatal dose of sleeping tonc and she dies. Lucy and Arthur are married and Arthur takes Lucy to visit his mother. Unfortunately, Arthur's mother is just as domineering as Lucy's. Since Arthur's mother is ill, Lucy suggests a dose of sleeping tonic to take care of the problem.

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4월 18, 196126m

A cash-strapped, treacherous couple set on being together no matter what the cost find that the price of love runs high when a private investigator comes onto the scene and discovers bigamy and murder are the perfect deathmate.

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4월 25, 196126m

When a prosperous racketeer with a fear of death gambles with life, those closest to him turn their backs on him in his hour of need. Can a dead man walking really show gratitude?

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The Pearl Necklace

5월 2, 196126m

How to marry a millionaire becomes a pathway to a loveless union for a beautiful young woman already in a relationship with a grasping and handsome man. Thinking she has married a man with a year to live and a fortune to inherit, her future plans soon go awry when her husband does the unexpected - he continues to live!

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You Can't Trust a Man

5월 9, 196126m

When a nightclub beauty is visited upon by the misfortune of a former husband whom she has carelessly neglected to divorce amidst her rapid rise to stardom and subsequent bigamy, murder seems the only answer. Surely, reasons beautiful Crystal Coe, you can't trust a man to be of any worth her now?

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The Gloating Place

5월 16, 196125m

The boy who cried wolf got his comeuppance in the end. What of a spurned girl seeking the attention of all and sundry? When one lie replaces another and the stakes are raised to murder, what of the girl at the gloating place?

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Self Defense

5월 23, 196126m

When a robbery goes wrong and one fatal bullet becomes four, can self defense really be the motive behind a frightened man's gun-toting pursuit of the culprits? The police think not ... and they may have a point.

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A Secret Life

5월 30, 196126m

James Howgill wants a divorce from his wife. When she refuses to give him one, he hires a private eye to follow her in hopes of finding evidence of adultery.

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Servant Problem

6월 6, 196126m

Good staff are hard to come by and, once found, are as priceless as one's own wife when it comes to their talent in the kitchen. At least, for handsome and distinguished Kerwin Drake, this is certainly the case when the arrival of his dowdy down-at-heel wife is a mere hors d'ouevres for the murderous meal that follows.

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Coming Home

6월 13, 196126m

When an armed robber is released from prison, beaten down by the system and wanting to retreat to his long-lost family life, his homecoming makes for a shocking revelation.

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Final Arrangements

6월 20, 196126m

Browbeaten husband seeks nothing but the best for his late-lamented wife. The most expensive casket from the best in the business, every detail attended to in the making of final arrangements. Just one item left of the to-do list: kill the wife.

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Make My Death Bed

6월 27, 196126m

When music is the food of love, sweet passion spells more than cream in the coffee for two couples.

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Season Finale
7월 4, 196126m

The price of ambition for District Attorney Rudolf Cox is high when a hard-bitten hoodlum prepares to make a confession that could put an end to his high-profile career.

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The Hatbox

10월 10, 196126m

When caught cheating on a test, Perry Hatch visits his college Professor to plead his case before a letter is sent to his parents. But upon witnessing the Professor disposing of a brand new ladies hat box, Perry thinks he may be onto something sinister.

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Bang, You're Dead

10월 17, 196126m

Young Jackie Chester is ostracized by his fellow playmates because he doesn't own a toy gun like theirs. Upset at being left out, he finds a gun in his Uncle's suitcase - unaware he has a real revolver ... and it's loaded.

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10월 24, 196126m

The manager of a carnival discovers his drunken purchase of a monkey is in fact a female midget dressed up as the animal. Falling in love with her "owner", she sets about to break up his marriage.

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Cop for a Day

10월 31, 196126m

Two bank robbers, Phil and Davey, are forced to act when it is revealed a woman was an eye-witness to their crime. Phil devises a clever plan to dress up as a policeman to gain entry to her secure location, but will his plan go without a hitch?

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Keep Me Company

11월 7, 196126m

A lonely housewife invents the story a prowler is on her property in order to entice a handsome detective to visit her. But she may have inadvertently helped the police with a major investigation that will affect her own life.

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Beta Delta Gamma

11월 14, 196126m

After a drinking contest, students decide to play a joke on one of their fraternity friends, Alan. Putting fake blood on one of them, they lead Alan to believe he has committed murder, placing into action a deadly chain of events.

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You Can't be A Little Girl All Your Life

11월 21, 196126m

When a young wife is assaulted in her home, her husband is enraged upon her selecting who she thinks was the culprit from a police line-up. But his wife is on the brink of making a shocking discovery.

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The Old Pro

11월 28, 196126m

A hit-man's retirement is jeopardized when he is blackmailed by a man threatening to reveal his past to his wife - who knows nothing about his wicked ways.

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I Spy

12월 5, 196126m

Private detective Al Frute falls love with his client's wife when her husband hires him to prove her infidelity. Al decides the best way forward is to provide the required evidence to ensure a happy ending for all.

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Services Rendered

12월 12, 196126m

Being hit by a falling plank of wood has rendered a young man with amnesia. All he has in his possession is a $1000 bill and a note with a doctor's address. Visiting the doctor jogs his memory, which is unfortunate for one of them.

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The Right Kind of Medicine

12월 19, 196126m

A doctor gets more than he bargains for when he attends to a man's gunshot wound. However, the doctor may have the ultimate revenge from the grave.

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A Jury of Her Peers

12월 26, 196126m

A local sheriff has failed to find enough evidence to prove Millie Wright killed her husband. When the sheriff's wife stumbles across some clues that may prove Millie guilty, will she speak up?

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The Silk Petticoat

1월 2, 196226m

Elisa Minden begins to question her actions when discovering her fiance talking to his late wife's grave about the virtues of torture and the fact he had caught his wife having an affair. Will Elisa regret going through with the vows?

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Bad Actor

1월 9, 196226m

Two young actors are up for the same role and get together for an afternoon's rehearsal. Alcoholic Bart Collins shows just a tad too much realism when he strangles his friend Jerry to death. Now what to do with the body?

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The Door Without a Key

1월 16, 196226m

Two lonely people, one an old man suffering amnesia, the other a young, lost boy, find they have more in common that they realize when meeting at the police station.

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The Case of M.J.H.

1월 23, 196226m

Young criminal Jimmy French convinces his girlfriend to take a peek at her psychiatrist boss' files in order to find the perfect blackmail victim. But will Jimmy end up being the one under analysis?

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The Faith of Aaron Menefee

1월 30, 196226m

When a faith-healer cures a mechanic's stomach ulcer, it leads to love and murder.

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The Woman Who Wanted to Live

2월 6, 196226m

When a convict takes a girl hostage after murdering a gas station attendant, he is puzzled why she doesn't try to escape when several opportunities arise ... and why she is being so helpful.

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Strange Miracle

2월 13, 196226m

Following a train accident, Mr. Sequiras fakes being paralyzed from the waist down so he can collect compensation from the train company. When tiring of having to pretend he cannot walk, Sequiras comes up with a plan to "walk" again when meeting a girl who really is paralyzed.

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The Test

2월 20, 196226m

When a young boy murders another boy with a knife, his father convinces attorney Vernon Wedge to take on the case. Wedge comes up with a rather unique "test" to prove the boy's innocence, providing it can be used in court.

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Burglar Proof

2월 27, 196226m

As part of a publicity gimmich, ex-criminal Sammy Morrissey agrees to attempt opening a "burglar proof" safe. If he can unlock the safe at a press conference, he can keep the $50,000 contained within. But will Morrissey prove the hand is quicker than the eye?

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The Big Score

3월 6, 196226m

A group of young thieves hit on the idea of robbing a wealthy man by one of them volunteering to babysit. However, when robbing the premises, the man returns home, leading to murder and revenge.

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Profit Sharing Plan

3월 13, 196226m

When a long-time employee retires with little in the way of thanks, the man decides to rob the company and run off with his secret girlfriend. His wife, however, has other plans.

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3월 20, 196226m

An unfaithful husband and his girlfriend concoct a plan to murder his wife after she plans to divorce him, which will leave him penniless.

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The Last Remains

3월 27, 196226m

A funeral director blackmails a client when he discovers the man's business partner didn't really die in a road accident, but was shot instead.

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Ten O'Clock Tiger

4월 3, 196226m

When a boxing manager tries out a special formula designed to enhance the performance of race horses on one of his prize-fighters, he finds himself in the ring fighting for his own life.

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Act of Faith

4월 10, 196226m

When a writer agrees to sponsor a fledgling author's first book, he receives a lesson in patience.

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The Kerry Blue

4월 17, 196226m

The death of a beloved pooch sets off a series of deadly events for the dog's shattered owner

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The Matched Pearl

4월 24, 196226m

The sale of an expensive pearl teaches a con-man a lesson in honesty that will cost him far more than just his integrity.

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What Frightened You, Fred?

5월 1, 196226m

The warden of a prison is puzzled by the fact a man has just broken his parole conditions just two days after being released. Despite probing for answers, the warden eventually discovers the reason for the convict's return.

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Most Likely to Succeed

5월 8, 196226m

A bragging, successful businessman takes pity on a former down-on-his-luck college friend by giving him a job, revealing how he has cheated the government out of tax revenue. Perhaps he should have kept his mouth shut.

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Victim Four

5월 15, 196226m

A newlywed couple are involved in an accident, leaving them each with a disability. The husband has a bad limp, but his wife's injuries are not as easily identified ... until one night when she goes missing.

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The Opportunity

5월 22, 196226m

An assistant manager of a department store finds a unique use for a girl he has caught shoplifting. Agreeing to let the girl off, he sets into motion a plan that will lead to murder.

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The Twelve Hour Caper

5월 29, 196226m

A disgruntled employee hatches a plan, with the help of two professional thieves, to steal a shipment of negotiable bonds. Will he get away with a clean sweep?

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The Children of Alda Nuova

6월 5, 196226m

An American criminal living in Rome gets more than he bargained for when supplying narcotics to a group of juveniles.

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First Class Honeymoon

6월 12, 196226m

Initially delighted with divorce, a man soon regrets the agreement when his ex-wife's alimony payments are wiping him out. Desperate to claw back the money, a scheme involving a stranger may be the key to his happiness ... or cause further debt.

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The Big Kick

6월 19, 196226m

A desperately broke beatnik couple, Mitch and Judy, plan to use a well-off man, who has shown an interest in Judy, to finance their lifestyle. But who's using who?

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Where Beauty Lies

6월 26, 196226m

Caroline Hardy's affair with the handsome Paul Ross comes to an abrupt end when her brother tells Paul's wife about them. Intent on revenge, Caroline sets off an explosion that will have life-changing results.

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The Sorcerer's Apprentice

Season Finale
7월 3, 196226m

The frustrated wife of a carnival musician is in love with the circus strong man. With the appearance of a homeless boy comes a plan to free her from her husband. But will he play the final trick?

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The Dick Cavett Show

8월 27, 197225m

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BBC Omnibus Part 1

8월 27, 198625m

During a career spanning 50 years of film-making, from the silent era into the age of television, Alfred Hitchcock became as famous a public figure as any of his stars. Tonight's programme looks at the first 25 years of an extraordinary and prolific : career, with extracts from his early British films, behind- the-scenes shots of Hitchcock at work, and rare home movie material seen here for the first time on television. His complex personality is explored through interviews with those who knew him and worked most closely with him. Hitchcock himself, characteristically droll, appears in interviews filmed at different stages of his career. Featuring actors James Stewart, Joan Fontaine and Teresa Wright; screenwriters and collaborators Charles Bennett, Rodney Ackland, Albert Whitlock, John Michael Hayes and daughter Patricia Hitchcock.

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BBC Omnibus Part 2

8월 27, 198625m

"A lot of people think I'm a monster. They don't care to be associated with me because of the nature of the work one does...." By the late 50s, when he made North by Northwest, Alfred Hitchcock was the best-known film director in the world, celebrated equally for adventure thrillers and for the psychological suspense stories that he had been making since he started directing films in Britain in the 20s. Tonight's Omnibus looks behind the image of the droll clown, which he presented in his television series, and at the achievements, and the problems, of the later years. Drawing on television interviews with Hitchcock, the recollections of colleagues and friends, and scenes from his films; the programme explores his relations with his female stars, the brilliance of his film technique, the difficult role of his scriptwriters, and the ambiguous character of Hitchcock himself, showman, practical joker and film-maker of genius.

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Living Famously

8월 27, 200325m

Alfred Hitchcock is probably the most famous director in film history, he made his name and his fortune from scaring millions out of their wits, but his films were more than just entertainment, he put his own deepest fears onto the silver screen. In this BBC special we get a glimpse into the life of Hitchcock. We see how as a child he grew up in the suburbs of London as somewhat of a loner, how he developed an imagination which would help open doors for him as he got an apprenticeship in the fledgling British movie business and ultimately broke through in America, becoming the legend he is today.

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Alfred Hitchcock Presents: A Look Back

10월 4, 200525m

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Paul Merton Looks at Alfred Hitchcock

8월 27, 200925m

Paul Merton looks at the British films of Alfred Hitchcock, the silent films and the early sound films.

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Reputations: Hitch Part 1

8월 27, 200925m

First episode of a two-part profile on the life and films of Alfred Hitchcock.

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Reputations: Hitch Part 2

8월 27, 200925m

Second episode of a two-part profile on the life and films of Alfred Hitchcock.

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