Episodes 56


Connexió, Megaman!

March 4, 200221m

Som a l'any dos mil ix i gairebé és com si visquéssim en un videojoc. La ciutat Den Tech està intercomunicada gràcies a una cibermatriu que ho connecta tot. Tothom té ordinadors de butxaca, els PETS, que els permeten combatre amb els ciberguerrers contra la força del mal, els Tres Mundials. Avui en Megaman, ciberguerrer d'en Lan, entra en acció!

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La baralla del metro

March 11, 200221m

En Dex, que acaba de sortir de l'hospital, ha rebut un altre atac. Aquesta vegada d'un gos robot. En Lan i la Maylu el perseguiran fins al metro, on el Comte Zap i l'Elecman han llançat un atac per provocar-hi el caos. Podran aturar el tren en Lan i en Megaman, abans que es converteixi en l'Exprés del Gran Desastre? La col·lisió és imminent!

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Daltabaix al trànsit

March 18, 200220m

A la classe d'en Lan acaba d'arribar una alumna nova, la Yai. Mentrestant, la Maddy, una agent dels Tres Mundials, i el seu NetNavi, en Wackoman, han infectat els semàfors de la ciutat Den Tech amb un virus informàtic per crear un embús dels que fa història. Seran capaços d'evitar el pànic en Lan i en Megaman abans que sigui massa tard?

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Compta fins a tres

March 25, 200221m

El senyor Higsby és un professor convidat que ha arribat a la classe d'en Lan amb molt males intencions. D'entrada, fent servir el seu NetNavi, en Numberman, s'ha apoderat del sistema de control de l'escola i ha tancat la Yai, la senyoreta Mari, en Dex i la Maylu a la classe. Des de fora, en Lan hi ha enviat en Megaman al rescat. Hi seran a temps?

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La rebel·lió dels peixos robot

April 1, 200221m

El senyor Wily, cap dels Tres Mundials, la Maddy, el senyor Match i el Comte Zap acaben de deixar anar un virus informàtic en forma de peixos robot. En Megaman i en Glide entraran a la cibermatriu per intentar aturar-lo. De sobte, quan està a punt d'engolir-los una onada enorme, apareix un misteriós NetNavi anomenat Sharkman. Però, és amic, o enemic...?

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Gel a dojo

April 8, 200224m

A la ciutat Den Tech s'han quedat sense aigua! Els membres dels Tres Mundials han capturat en Tory i el seu pare, el doctor Froid, i els han obligat a fer servir el seu NetNavi per congelar els programes que controlen la central depuradora d'aigües de la ciutat. Hi seran a temps en Lan i companyia? En megaman també s'ha quedat glaçat!

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El llançament

April 15, 200224m

El Comte Zap dels Tres Mundials està decidit a robar el videojoc que està a punt de treure l'Ayano Tech. Per aturar-lo, en Megaman s'haurà d'enfrontar a l'Elecman, que té la missió d'eliminar el NetNavi d'en Lan. Fins i tot amb l'ajut d'en Black Rose i d'en Woodman, en Megaman ho tindrà molt complicat per aturar l'ultrapoderós Elecman!

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Quin mal geni

April 22, 200224m

El senyor Match està convençut que l'única manera de recuperar la força és eliminant per sempre en Megaman. Un malentès farà que la Maylu sigui víctima del caos infernal que en Torchman ha provocat per tota la ciutat. Ara són la Roll i la Maylu els que s'hi han d'enfrontar. Hi arribarà a temps en Megaman, abans que quedin tots socarrimats?

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A cop de ioga

April 29, 200221m

En Yahoot, mestre de ioga i estrella de la televisió, s'ha aliat amb els Tres Mundials. Farà servir el seu poderós NetNavi, en Magicman, per hipnotitzar tot el seu públic i convertir tota la ciutat en... animals! En Megaman es veurà incapaç de superar en Magicman. De sobte, apareix en Protoman, controlat per un misteriós ciberguerrer. Qui deu ser?

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El gran premi N1

May 6, 200221m

En Lan i els seus amics estan molt emocionats entrenant-se per assistir al Gran Premi N1. El que no saben és que els membres dels Tres Mundials també s'han apuntat a la competició amb la intenció de provocar-hi el caos. En Lan i en Megaman es veuran obligats a neutralitzar el NetNavi d'en Higsby, en Numberman. Però, arribaran a temps a la competició...?

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L'increïble Skullman

May 13, 200221m

El primer rival d'en Lan al Gran Premi N1 és una capsa plena de sorpreses. La Miyu, la misteriosa endevinaire, fa servir els seus poders per predir tots els moviments d'en Lan i d'en megaman. A més, el NetNavi de la Miyu, l'Skullman, sembla imparable! Els nostres amics també hauran de jugar amb el factor sorpresa, si volen fer alguna cosa.

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Bogeria desenfrenada i combats violents

May 20, 200224m

Just abans del Gran Premi N1, la Maddy havia insultat la Maylu i la Yai en una botiga de records. Ara, la Maylu ha jurat que guanyarà la Maddy, la seva pròxima rival. Malauradament, en Wackoman, el NetNavi de la Maddy, és tan trampós com ella. La Roll haurà d'aprofitar tots els error de la Maddy. A més, en Lan s'enfrontarà al senyor Match!

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El combat entre en Lan i en megaman i el senyor Match i en Torchman està més emocionant que mai! Però en Lan no s'esperava mai que el seu rival l'ataqués amb un virus que ha malmès les plaques solars de l'estadi! L'últim combat del dia serà entre en Higsby i en Numberman i la Sal i en Woodman. Sembla que en Higsby ho té fàcil... O no?

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Un combat al carrer

June 3, 200221m

Per celebrar les victòries de la primera setmana del Gran Premi N1, la Yai ha convidat tota la colla a un sopar que acabarà en un repte entre en Lan i en Chaud. Just quan comença el combat membres dels Tres Mundials deixen anar una sèrie de virus programats per esborrar en Megaman i el NetNavi d'en Chaud, en Protoman.

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El llegendari programa avançat

June 17, 200221m

Després del combat amb en Chaud, en Lan s'ha adonat que l'única manera que en megaman tingui opcions de guanyar en Protoman és arribant a dominar a la perfecció el llegendari Programa Avançat. Aviat s'haurà d'enfrontar a en Yahoot i en Magicman i només els podrà vèncer amb una tècnica ben depurada. El pròxim combat és entre en Chaud i el Comte Zap!

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Els Netnavis autònoms

June 24, 200221m

La segona setmana del Gran Premi N1 comença amb un combat molt emocionant entre la Roll i l'Iceman. A partir d'aquí el campionat continua ple de reptes. El primer serà entre els misteriosos Stoneman i en Blasterman, uns NetNavis autònoms, que han desafiat en Dex i en Woodman. Pot ser que l'Stoneman i en Blasterman siguin les armes secretes d'en Wily?

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Els combats en parelles continuen. Ara és el torn d'en megaman i en Sharkman, del Comandant Bou, contra l'Stoneman i en Blasterman, que faran un forat al ring que xuclarà els quatre NetNavis. Si no tornen en 10 minuts quedaran tots desqualificats. En Lan sospita que el Comandant Bou podria ser en Maysa disfressat.

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Roll, l'emperadriu malvada (1a part)

July 8, 200221m

Els Tres Mundials n'han fet una de les seves perquè la Maddy i el senyor Match continuïn a la competició després d'haver estat eliminats. S'hauran d'enfrontar a en Megaman i la Roll. Els Tres Mundials enredaran la Maylu perquè descarregui un programa que transformarà la Roll en un NetNavi malvat, decidit a eliminar en megaman.

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Roll, l'emperadriu malvada, (2a part)

July 15, 200221m

El combat entre en Torchman i en Wackoman i en megaman i la Roll continua. Ara, però, és el Comte Zap el que controla la Roll, anomenada Emperadriu. Cada vegada que en Lan llança un atac amb en megaman, la Roll ataca el nostre heroi. Com acabarà? El següent combat serà entre en Protoman i en Shinningman i en Whaleman i en Rocketman.

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Un equip no és cosa d'un (1a part)

July 22, 200221m

La semifinal del Gran Premi N1 enfrontarà en megaman i en Protoman contra l'Stoneman i en Blasterman. Mentre en Lan i el seu NetNavi s'esforcen per perfeccionar la tècnica del Programa Avançat, la Yai i en Chaud s'han quedat tancats dins d'un ascensor. Tot indica que no arribaran a temps al combat i, és clar, això seria molt greu!

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Un equip no és cosa d'un (2a part)

July 29, 200221m

En ple combat, en Protoman, que li sembla que en megaman és un destorb, decideix atacar tot sol l'Stoneman i en Blasterman. De seguida s'adonarà que el poder regenerador de l'Stoneman el fa gairebé invencible. Si vol salvar en Protoman, en Megaman haurà de demostrar que s'ha convertit en tot un mestre del Programa Avançat. Se'n sortirà?

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Tot s'enfonsa

August 5, 200224m

Ha arribat el moment de la gran final. Els finalistes són en Lan i en Chaud, amb els seus NetNavis, en megaman i en Protoman! El combat és tan ferotge que els suports hidràulics que aguanten l'estadi s'han malmès i s'ha començat a enfonsar tot. A més, hi ha una sorpresa final que no se l'espera ningú. Te la perdràs?!

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El retorn d'en Faraó-man

August 12, 200224m

En Faraó-man ha tornat amb set de venjança. El senyor Wily ha enviat un exèrcit de clons de l'Stoneman i en Blasterman per capturar-lo, però aquesta vegada en Faraó-man va per lliure. Després de perdre el seu propi "regne" i quedar tancat a la presó, ara farà servir la ciberxarxa per provocar desastres en el món real. Abans, però eliminarà en Megaman!

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Rebuilding Megaman

August 19, 200224m

El pare d'en Lan, el senyor Hikari, ha trobat la manera de reconstruir en Megaman! Ara que ja n'han recuperat tota la informació, només és qüestió de col·locar-la a la ciberestructura d'en Megaman, que és a la xarxa de l'Scilab. El problema és que ara, aquesta xarxa, un sistema de màxima seguretat, la controla en Faraóman!

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En Megaman viu

August 26, 200224m

Els clons d'en Blasterman i l'Stoneman han atacat en Faraóman i n'han sortit il·lesos. La Roll i companyia no han estat tant de sort i en Faraóman els ha petrificat. En Protoman, en canvi, ha pogut salvar l'estructura d'en Megaman i s'enfrontarà tot sol a en Faraóman. Aleshores, apareix en megaman amb el Doble Programa Avançat!

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Bizarre! Mystery of the Ghost Ship!

September 2, 200224m

For placing second in the N1, Lan wins a trip around the world. He starts in the tropical Jawaiian islands, and his friends follow along for some fun in the sun. However, a ghost ship appears, capturing Maysa and Tory. The kids infiltrate the boat to rescue their friends.

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To Become an Idol!

September 9, 200224m

The girls enter a contest to be just like Aki, a virtual pop singer. However, contestants go missing, so the boys dress as Aki to investigate the situation. A virus has infected Aki causing the mayhem, so MegaMan, GutsMan, and Iceman jack-in to rescue their idol.

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El segrest de Megaman

September 16, 200224m

Lan visits Netopia's Heaven City, but as soon as he arrives, his PET is stolen. After chasing the thieves down, he befriends a man named Raoul with NetNavi ThunderMan. Meanwhile, the mayor of Heaven City has plans to bulldoze Raoul's downtown home, but Lan agrees to help fight back. Meanwhile, Mr. Match arrives to Jawaii islands to have a rematch with Lan, but he arrives too late: Lan left Jawaii islands.

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Supervivència set

September 23, 200224m

En Lan ha arribat a Marcaburd. Allà, se li apareix un home misteriós que li parla dels combats clandestins que s'hi organitzen, amb uns premis extraordinaris. Tot plegat és una trampa de la senyora Milionària, que té intencions de quedar-se el nostre heroi pel seu museu de NetNavis. En Megaman s'haurà d'enfrontar al poderós Snakeman!

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Megaman roba

September 30, 200224m

El Comte Zap, que se sent un fracassat després de la desaparició dels Tres Mundials, se'n va a visitar la seva mare. Ella el convencerà que s'ha de tornar a enfrontar a en Lan. I ho té molt bé! Precisament en Lan passa per la mansió de la família Zap en la seva gira mundial. El repte serà electrificant! El Compte Zap i l'Elecman estan decidits a venjar-se!

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El gran combat del curri

October 7, 200224m

Els últims dies de la gira mundial en Lan els passarà a Namasty, el país famós per tenir el millor curri del món. En Yahoot ha reunit els antics membres dels Tres Mundials per atrapar en Lan en un cibercombat, convençut que la seva derrota serà el començament d'una nova organització més malvada que mai. Arribaran a temps els seus companys per ajudar-lo?

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October 14, 200224m

En Lan i en Megaman, que acaben de tornar de la seva gira mundial, s'han trobat que ha aparegut una nova tecnologia a internet: la ciutat de Xarxaburg! A més, un grup de cibercriminals han començat a atacar per apoderar-se del món virtual. El seu primer objectiu serà la Yai. Serà capaç d'aturar l'Airman, el nostre heroi?

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La fàbrica de virus

October 21, 200224m

A strange acid rain and viruses loom over NetCity, destroying it. MegaMan and co. jack-in to fend off the viruses, and they soon discover an underground factory that's the source of the mayhem. But when MegaMan goes to destroy it, he meets ShadowMan, an assassin NetNavi hired to delete him.

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El pànic de les targetes

October 28, 200224m

Mysteriously, Higsby has become very wealthy, and Yai's family has gone broke. Mr. Gauss is responsible, a member of Grave who is using MagnetMan to switch people's bank accounts around. Lan and Chaud investigate the situation, but Gauss escapes.

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El compte enrere de la catàstrofe

November 4, 200224m

Sal takes the kids on a camping trip into Okudan Valley. There, she meets a childhood friend Dave. But Dave claims to be a Grave member who plans to use QuickMan to destroy the valley's dam. It turns out to be a bluff but CutMan, another Grave member, appears to finish the job.

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La ciutat Dentech es congela

November 11, 200224m

A new air-conditioning penguin toy is introduced during a heat wave, but they're really being distributed by Grave. Soon, the penguins begin to blanket DenTech City under a sheet of ice. Lan manages to jack-in to NetCity and finds that FreezeMan is responsible for this mess. FreezeMan is defeated with the help of another new NetNavi named HeatMan.

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El llamp carmesí

November 18, 200224m

The events of episodes 33 and 36 are recapped through the point-of-view of the WWW. This episode elaborates on the deletion of TorchMan to the hands of FreezeMan, and the rebirth of TorchMan in the form of HeatMan thanks to the efforts of the enigmatic man named Famous.

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Els germans Cutman

November 25, 200224m

The five younger brothers of CutMan declare revenge against MegaMan for deleting their older brother. Luring MegaMan into a fake China Town district, they begin attacking with a barrage of origami warriors. ProtoMan appears and assists in the rescue of MegaMan.

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Endevina qui ve a cibercombatre

December 2, 200224m

Lan meets a boy named Whip, unaware that he's really the princess of Brightland, Princess Pride. ShadowMan targets Pride because her NetNavi, KnightMan, has a valuable virus protection program. Lan and MegaMan aid "Whip" in the battle against ShadowMan.

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Una partida molt moguda

December 9, 200224m

Tora, world-class NetChess Battling Champion and his NetNavi KingMan, have come to DenTech City to challenge Lan and MegaMan. Tora never plays for free though, and demands that whoever loses the NetBattle must give their NetNavi to the winner! Lan accepts the challenge, but soon realizes he has no idea how to play chess! Luckily, Maylu does and partners up with Lan. As the incredible battle nears its end, ShadowMan mysteriously appears on a mission to delete both KingMan and MegaMan!

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L'increïble Rush!

December 16, 200224m

All of the NetNavis in DenTech City are turning into cats! A freak electrical storm released a Cat Virus that's causing the transformations. To add to the confusion, Rush has somehow materialized in the human world. Dr. Hikari shows up to lend his help, and he reveals that if the Cat Virus isn't stopped soon, MegaMan and the others will remain cats forever! After sixty-foot-tall versions of Rush and the Cat Virus face off in the human world, MegaMan and the others are able to defeat the Cat Virus and give Dr. Hikari the data he needs to write a vaccine program. Everything goes back to normal--except that Rush can still appear in the human world. Will the vaccine work? And why is Rush now suddenly able to appear in the human world whenever he wants? What is going on?

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Treballar per Grave

December 23, 200224m

Maddy is bored and restless since the disintigration of World Three, so she jumps on the offer to become Mr. Gauss's new executive assistant--despite protests from her old companions. Meanwhile, Commander Beef gets wind of a secret meeting for senior Grave officers which is to take place at Gauss's mansion. He, Lan, and the others crash Gauss's costume party, unaware that it is actually a ruse to lure them into his trap. When Gauss traps them in the basement of his mansion and begins flooding it, Lan tries to save himself and his friends by jacking into the net while fighting rising waters. In order to pull the plug on the rising water, MegaMan must battle MagnetMan. Watching the drama unfold, Maddy begins questioning Grave's ruthless and controlling methods and decides to aid Lan, lending WackoMan's support to MegaMan in a mad NetBattle against MagnetMan. In the end, Maddy realizes that she's happier back with her old friends--even if it means washing dishes back at #1 Curry!

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Take Me Out to the Ball Game!

December 30, 200224m

Kyuta, a new student in Lan's class, is the son of famous baseball player Kyuma Hoshida, but he's depressed about having to move from his old town. To cheer him up, Lan and all of his friends in DenTech City invite him to a game of NetBaseball.

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La traïció d'en Knightman

January 6, 200324m

When her NetNavi KnightMan goes out of control and threatens BrightLand's cyber defense system, Princess Pride summons Lan for help. Lan, Maylu, Dex, Yai, and Tory arrive quickly on the scene, to discover KnightMan hacking away at BrightLand's protective Firewall--the country's primary protection against enemy invasion! MegaMan jacks in to restrain KnightMan, but soon discovers that one of Princess Pride's newest NetNavi subjects, MoltanicMan, is in fact the real traitor! It was he who hypnotized KnightMan, causing him to go berserk, as part of his plan to tear down BrightLand's defenses! With these defenses, his own country, DarkLand, can invade! Will Lan and MegaMan be able to stop the crafty MoltanicMan, before BrightLand is destroyed?!

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A la lluna

January 13, 200324m

All contact with NetNavis in DenTech City's moon station has been lost! While Commander Beef rockets to the moon to investigate, Lan and his friends are trying to learn more about the mysterious new ""ExtraCodes"" rumored to make NetNavis mightier than ever! Then Commander Beef encounters a dangerous new NetNavi, PlanetMan, who's trying to take over the moon. But before the Commander can react he's locked outside the lunar station with only two hours of air left! With Mr. Famous's help, Lan and his friends rush to the space center and beam MegaMan and GutsMan to the moon's cyber station to battle PlanetMan. But even with MegaMan now wielding an ExtraCode to get the amazing AquaCustom Style, will he be able to handle its awesome, energy-draining power?

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El llegat del senyor Wily

January 20, 200324m

Maddy, Count Zap, Mr. Match, and Yahoot have just learned that the genius of their missing leader, Mr. Wily, lives on in a data chip stored safely on a faraway island--and with it lives their dream of restoring World Three! Luckily, Lan and his friends learn of the plan at the last minute and race to try and stop them! But with victory still up for grabs, the mysterious Mr. Gauss enters the picture and takes the Wily chip for himself! With Lan in hot pursuit, Mr. Gauss flees, but not before revealing a shocking secret about Count Zap!

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El gran premi de cibermòbils

January 27, 200324m

AyanoTech is hosting a NetMobile Grand Prix in NetCity! MegaMan and his friends, plus World Three and the Net Agents, all compete to see who has the fastest NetVehicle! But the winning car will have to be more than just speedy, because in this race, anything goes, including using BattleChips to sideline your opponents. It's all legal! And, as if driving under those conditions weren't tricky enough, the CutMan Brothers, who vowed to take revenge against MegaMan, join the race and create utter mayhem! In all the confusion, who will take the lead and win?!

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La ciberbèstia

February 3, 200324m

The mysterious Bass floats over NetCity, watching as the Grave VirusBeast rampages on the loose, devouring NetNavis and growing in size! Even with ProtoMan's help, Lan and MegaMan are powerless to stop the Beast from swallowing their friends! Can anything be done to halt this monster before it consumes the entire cyber network? What role does the cryptic Bass have to play?!

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February 10, 200324m

No one knows what to make of the mysterious new NetNavi Bass, but everyone is intruiged when it seems that he alone can resist the CyberBeast that's slowly destroying the entire Cyber Network! What will he do with that kind of power? What does he want? And whose side is he on: MegaMan's? Grave's? Taking no chances, Kid Grave sends FreezeMan to delete Bass. Then Bass makes off with an unconscious MegaMan, launching Lan and his friends on a desparate search to find him. And worst of all: Mr. Wily has returned.

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En Bass

February 17, 200324m

The Grave VirusBeast continues absorbing the internet. Lan and his friends team up with former WWW members to try and stop Grave. However, Mr. Gauss and MagnetMan intervene, and a strange bug left behind by Bass in MegaMan's system begins to consume him. Meanwhile, Bass attempts to absorb the VirusBeast, but is himself absorbed instead.

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El final del final

February 24, 200324m

At last MegaMan comes face-to-face with the terrifying Grave VirusBeast that's devouring the entire cyber world... and unless it can be stopped, the network will be destroyed and Mr. Wily will control the world! But it's a losing battle: even AquaCustom Style MegaMan falls before the power of the VirusBeast and is infected with a bug! Then the incredible happens! MegaMan regenerates and emerges in a completely new style: BugStyle! But he gets further infected by the VirusBeast in the process, and now the unstoppable, rampaging monster that's triggering the end of everything is... MegaMan himself!

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Secret of the Ayano-Kouji House!

March 3, 200324m

When a vacuum robot sucks up everyone's PETs, Yai and her friends are forced to explore the booby-trapped depths of the Ayano mansion in order to retrieve their stolen NetNavis. Yai's comical and clumsy maid Sakurako makes the excavation more difficult for the cast.

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El cibercombat dels cors

March 10, 200324m

Maysa and Higsby have both fallen for Ms. Mari, but she's in love with Commander Beef! Higsby challenges the Commander and Maysa to a NetBattle to prove he is the true hero. Meanwhile, Yai and her family manage to build a fantastic stadium for the event in one night, and since Ribitta is stuck somewhere in the Himalayas on assignment, Sal is persuaded to be the announcer at the match. Higsby's up first, but he's so nervous, he loses immediately. Then Lan, NetBattling for Maysa, finally gets to take on his idol, Commander Beef. The love battle is on. Who will have the heart of the shy schoolteacher?

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Chisao's in Town!

March 17, 200324m

Dex's little brother, Chisao, comes for a visit and our heroes discover the siblings are nothing alike. Chisao attends Kindergarten for geniuses! Chisao idolizes Dex, believing that his big brother is the gang's mentor and leader. Dex begs his friends to play along, just until Chisao returns home to Netopia. Meanwhile, a new noodle restaurant opens up next door to #1 Curry, creating a bitter rivalry between Yahoot and Saburo, the noodle shop owner. Saburo tricks Chisao into helping him sabotage Yahoot's restaurant, and gives him a NetNavi with new powers that stuns even MegaMan! In an explosive NetBattle, Saburo's scheme is uncovered, but when the smoke clears, will Dex remain a hero in his little brother's eyes?

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Cap a uns terminals revolucionaris

March 24, 200324m

Lan and Chaud are about to have the NetBattle to end all NetBattles, only it ends before it can really start. Chaud is called away on business for his father, so he rushes off to get to a small company to finish a cutting edge new Ultimate Molecular Chip they were hired to create. Chaud soon finds himself doing chores at the company, helping perfect the Molecular Chip, fighting off a hostile takeover of the business, and even defeating the viruses and NetNavi that the company's assistant released after trying to steal the Molecular Chip! What's so great about this chip? What will it be used for? And why is Chaud cleaning bathrooms to help make sure it gets done?

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Season Finale
March 31, 200324m

Lan's father, Dr. Hikari, has started an incredible experiment, bridging the CyberWorld to reality! But when things go terribly wrong, and his father goes missing, Lan fears the worst! The key to the experiment, the Dimension Core, has drawn powerful Viruses to it, and now these monsters have materialized in the human world! Lan and his friends must battle these increasingly terrible life-sized Viruses, while MegaMan and the other NetNavis desparately look for a way to help them before it's too late!

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