甲斐田裕子 as Tsukuyo (voice)

Episoder 368

Jump Festa 2005 Special

24 September 200533m

Gintoki Sakata is a lazy samurai living in an alien-ridden Japan where samurai are no longer needed. This OVA is a set of short comedy stories involving Gintoki and his equally-broke sidekicks Shinpachi and Kagura. One day, Gintoki and his comrades are out viewing the spring flowers when suddenly the Shinsengumi appear, arguing that Gintoki has taken their flower-viewing spot. Gintoki's team and the Shinsengumi must then battle for the right to sit in that spot by using a violent version of rock paper scissors.

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Vengono introdotti Gintoki, Shinpachi, Kagura e il resto del cast, mentre alcuni criminali pianificano di distruggere Edo.

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Vengono introdotti Gintoki, Shinpachi, Kagura e il resto del cast, mentre alcuni criminali pianificano di distruggere Edo.

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Come Gintoki e Shinpachi si sono incontrati per la prima volta, dove Gintoki incastra Shinpachi per crimine per un parfait rovesciato e in seguito si allea per salvare la sorella di Shinpachi, Otae, da un malvagio ladro di denaro.

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Gintoki e Shinpachi (letteralmente) si imbattono in Kagura, una ragazza del clan Yato che sta cercando di scappare dalla yakuza.

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Dopo che un fattorino si è schiantato fuori dal negozio, lo Yorozuya va a consegnare un pacco al suo posto. Ma il pacchetto stesso è una bomba; uno dei tanti attentati condotti dal leader della Joi Faction e dal vecchio amico di Gintoki, Katsura.

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Gintoki e Kagura incontrano un criminale evaso che in seguito costringe Gintoki ad accompagnarlo al concerto dove sua figlia, un famoso idolo pop, sta tenendo la sua esibizione.

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Al principe Hata, il principe di un regno alieno, manca il suo animale domestico e chiede allo Yorozuya di trovarlo.

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Otae chiede allo Yorozuya di fare qualcosa per Kondou, che la sta perseguitando da quando ha rifiutato la sua proposta di matrimonio.

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Dopo aver sentito come Kondou è stato sconfitto da "un samurai dai capelli d'argento", gli Shinsengumi decidono di reclamare il suo onore trovando il samurai per combatterlo.

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Qualcuno ha lasciato un cane gigante alla porta d'ingresso dello Yorozuya con un biglietto che chiedeva loro di prendersene cura. Kagura insiste per tenere il cane, con grande sgomento di Gintoki e Shinpachi.

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Un vecchio sul letto di morte arruola gli Yorozuya per trovare il proprietario di una forcina, una donna di cui si è innamorato cinquant'anni fa.

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Otose ottiene un nuovo aiutante nel suo negozio sotto forma di Catherine, un Amanto dalle orecchie di gatto che ruba tutto ciò che vede.

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Mentre cercano la figlia scomparsa di una famiglia benestante, gli Yorozuya vengono coinvolti nelle attività degli Harusame, un gruppo di pirati spaziali contrabbandieri di droga Amanto. Tuttavia, le cose non vanno immediatamente come previsto e Gintoki e Katsura si alleano per salvare Kagura e Shinpachi.

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Dopo l'episodio precedente, gli Shinsengumi proteggono uno degli spacciatori arrestati da un assassino /

Kagura trascorre la giornata con una principessa in fuga, che desidera essere una ragazza normale.

Nota: il tema finale è stato cambiato in "Mr Raindrop" di Amplified

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Katsura riceve una creatura dallo spazio da un vecchio amico, Sakamoto, mentre nello stesso periodo gli Yorozuya progettano di inserire Sadaharu in uno spettacolo televisivo per animali domestici nel tentativo di guadagnare i soldi dell'affitto.

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Un disoccupato Hasegwa accetta un lavoro come tassista, costringendolo a discutere la sua moralità contro il suo ego.

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Gli Yorozuya trascorrono del tempo con un robot meccanico che si prepara per un festival speciale, ma le sue cicatrici del passato lo costringono alla manipolazione dell'ex alleato Joi di Gintoki Shinsuke Takasugi.

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Yorozuya e Shinsengumi si alleano per sconfiggere un molesto "Robin Hood" che ruba le mutandine delle donne.

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Nel tentativo di ottenere qualche soldo veloce, Gintoki e Hasegawa, insieme a Shinpachi, Kagura e Otae, si dirigono alla spiaggia per sbarazzarsi di un mostro che sta terrorizzando la zona.

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Attenti ai nastri trasportatori!

15 August 200624m

Gli Shinsengumi scoprono che la loro base è infestata da un fantasma. Gli Yorozuya si mettono in gioco e insieme cercano di scoprire il significato della faccenda.

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Gli Yorozuya aiutano un Amanto simile a un kappa a difendere il suo lago dagli sviluppatori che vogliono liberarsene. /

Il fan di Yorozuya si rompe nel bel mezzo di un'ondata di caldo e Gintoki viene coinvolto in un complotto bizzarro mentre cerca di ottenerne uno nuovo.

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Un misterioso kunoichi miope appare improvvisamente accanto a Gintoki, ma questo si rivela essere uno stratagemma per usarlo per la sua ultima missione.

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Kagura vince un viaggio nello spazio per tre. Ma mentre gli Yorozuya sono sull'astronave, lo sono anche un gruppo di dirottatori e il vecchio amico di Gintoki, Sakamoto.

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I volti carini nascondono sempre qualcosa

19 September 200624m

Gintoki viene costretto a lavorare in un bar Okama, dove lui e Katsura lavorano per cercare di aiutare il figlio del proprietario a fare i conti con entrambi i lati di suo padre.

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La serie sta entrando nella sua seconda stagione! Ma gli Yorozuya hanno altre preoccupazioni: una battaglia di ingegno e inganno per prendere il controllo del vaso nabe!

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Non essere timido, alza la mano e dillo

12 Oktober 200624m

Shinpachi ha un incontro improvviso con un vecchio amico che si è unito a una banda per diventare più duro.

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Okita chiede allo Yorozuya di indagare su un anello di combattimento sotterraneo, ma la banda scopre che uno dei membri è più di quanto sembri.

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Kondo è costretto ad andare con il suo superiore per fare un rapporto all'Amanto dopo gli eventi accaduti nell'anello di combattimento sotterraneo.

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Mentre cerca di impegnare la spada di legno di Gintoki, Kagura viene attaccato da un pazzo collezionista di spade, che crede che la spada di Gintoki sia quella che stava cercando. /

Gli Yorozuya si trovano al punto zero di un'invasione di scarafaggi spaziali.

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L'idolo pop Otsu ha ricevuto lettere minatorie ultimamente e spetta allo Yorozuya indagare.

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Ricordi sempre le cose che contano di meno

16 November 200624m

Mentre fa il suo solito SALTO, Gintoki ha un incidente e come risultato ottiene un'amnesia.

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La vita va avanti come un nastro trasportatore

23 November 200624m

Dopo aver lasciato Kagura e Shinpachi per permettere loro di vivere la propria vita, l'amnesiaco Gintoki inizia a lavorare in una fabbrica Justaway sospettata dagli Shinsengumi.

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Sbagliare il nome di qualcuno è maleducato!

30 November 200624m

Gli Yorozuya ricevono due falegnami Amanto da Sakamoto come scuse per aver distrutto la loro casa due episodi fa.

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L'amore non richiede un manuale

7 Desember 200624m

Shinpachi (inavvertitamente) salva una ragazza Amanto con le orecchie da gatto che viene molestata sul treno e, in cambio, vuole mostrargli il suo apprezzamento.

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Shinpachi scopre la vera natura dell'Amanto dalle orecchie di gatto mentre Gintoki, Kagura e Otae tentano di abbatterla. /

Matsudaira vuole che Kondou, Sougo e Hijikata lo aiutino a far fuori il fidanzato di sua figlia in un parco di divertimenti.

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Uno dei colleghi di Otae si trova nei guai con una bizzarra setta gestita da un truffatore e Otae arruola la Yorozuya per riavere i suoi soldi.

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Gintoki incontra Babbo Natale e le sue "renne" e cerca di migliorare la loro immagine e trovare il vero significato del Natale. /

In una turbolenta vigilia di Capodanno, Gintoki e Zenzou si scontrano per ottenere l'ultima copia disponibile di JUMP mentre incontrano altri terroristi dell'incidente di Justaway.

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Tutti a Kabuki-cho partecipano alla gara di costruzione della neve del quartiere, causando un disastro dopo l'altro. /

Gli Yorozuya vengono assunti per prendersi cura di un vecchio maestro di fuochi d'artificio diventato rimbambito per non aver fatto ciò che ama.

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Mentre è ferito e si nasconde dagli Shinsengumi, Katsura finisce per lavorare in un ristorante di ramen di proprietà di Ikumatsu, una donna che odia la Joi Faction.

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Pensa alla gravidanza pianificata

25 Januar 200724m

Il famoso cacciatore di alieni Umibozu arriva a Edo, sia per fermare una minaccia parassitaria... sia per far visita a sua figlia Kagura.

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Non puoi giudicare un film dal suo titolo

1 Februar 200724m

Shinpachi lascia la Yorozuya e va a cercare di salvare Kagura. Nel frattempo, sulla nave di ritorno di Kagura, l'ex minaccia aliena (l'ultimo animale domestico del principe Hata) viene accidentalmente liberata e si scatena l'inferno...

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Sai cosa succede se fai pipì su un verme

8 Februar 200724m

In collaborazione con Umibozu, Gintoki sconfigge l'alieno per salvare Kagura mentre cerca di evitare gli attacchi dello Shogunate.

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Mentre Kagura cerca di tornare allo Yorozuya, assiste alle conseguenze per il resto del cast mentre Otae, Sa-chan e Catherine cercano tutti di assumere la posizione di eroina della serie. /

Katsura arruola gli Yorozuya per aiutarlo a salvare Elizabeth, ma la difficoltà di intrufolarsi li costringe a chiamare un esperto per aiutarli: Sa-chan.

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Dopo aver completato il loro addestramento con Sa-chan, Katsura e Yorozuya si dirigono per salvare Elizabeth, solo per affrontare varie trappole e altri ninja che si frappongono sulla loro strada!

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Sadaharu diventa un demone che Yorozuya cerca di salvare con l'aiuto di ex sorelle sacerdotesse.

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Otae e uno degli ex proprietari di sacerdotesse di Sadaharu fanno squadra per mantenere il loro lavoro cercando di guadagnarsi a vicenda.

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Le ciliegie vengono dai ciliegi?

15 Mars 200724m

Gli Yorozuya trovano un nuovo vicino, un Amanto dall'aspetto spaventoso di nome Hedoro, e pensano che stia tramando qualcosa.

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Un gruppo di assassini vuole eliminare Hijikata. Il problema: nessuno di loro si aspettava davvero cosa sarebbe successo quando avrebbe incontrato Gintoki. /

Gintoki, Shinpachi e Kagura incontrano un vecchio che li "costringe" a giocare con lui, allo stesso tempo i ninja locali si riuniscono per il funerale del padre di Hattori.

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Una vita senza gioco d'azzardo è come il sushi senza Wasabi

Season Finale
29 Mars 200724m

Gintoki e Hasegawa si imbattono in alcuni problemi con il gioco d'azzardo, costringendo loro e una leggenda del gioco d'azzardo a una resa dei conti con la regina del casinò Kabuki-cho.

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Pending Means Pending, It's Not Final

5 April 200724m

Gintoki gives his suggestions to the editor and author of "Gintaman" on what should the series improve on.

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Milk Should Be Served at Body Temperature

12 April 200724m

A baby's dropped off in front of the Yorozuya; claming it's Gintoki's son.

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Itou Kamotarou (appeared on the previous episode) proceeds with his agenda. Hijikata seeks help from the Yorozuya to save the Shinsengumi from destruction.

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While trying to burn old JUMP issues, Gintoki is captured by a female fire fighter in search of a local arsonist.

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Mothers Everywhere Are All the Same

3 Mai 200724m

A mother looking for her son in Edo enlists the help of Yorozuya.

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Don't Make Munching Noises When You Eat

10 Mai 200724m

Continuing from the last episode, it is discovered that the son turned out to be the No.1 "Pimp" in Kabuki District.

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Keep an Eye on the Chief for the Day

17 Mai 200724m

Terakado Tsu (Otsu) goes to be one day chief of the Shinsengumi to improve its image.

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Mutsu requests the Yorozuya recover some stolen cargo.

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A serial killer has been going around town-- and one of the crew meets him head on! In the meantime, Gintoki is requested to locate "Benizakura", an unlucky sword stolen from its owner.

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Kagura gets captured. Tetsuko goes to visit the injured Gintoki and tells him the truth about the benisakura sword.

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The Sun Will Rise Again

14 Juni 200724m

Shinpachi and Elizabeth go on the ship to attack Okada. A battle rages on the ship, at which Kagura manages to escape from captivity. On the other hand, Gintoki and Tetsuko (benisakura forger Tetsuya's sister) head towards Takasugi.

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The battle comes to a conclusion, with benisakura finally taken over Okada's body, and Gintoki will have to use the sword Tetsuko gave him to stop this.

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Yamasaki is sent by Hijikata to investigate what has happened with that fight between Katsura and Takasugi groups. He goes around asking different people, though fails to get any real answers.

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Hattori Zenzo has been hired to kidnap a girl who is able to foresee the future. Meanwhile, the Yorozuya has been hired to protect the very same girl.

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A set of TV crews follow Katsura around for a day to do a television program special interview.

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Kagura's beetle was killed during a beetle fighting match. She tries to drag Gintoki and Shinpachi to go beetle hunting with her. That only succeeds when they know there is a high demand for the beetles - meaning they can make money of it. The trio encounters the Shinsengumi who also happens to be capturing beetles for reason unknown.

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Dango Over Flowers

26 Juli 200724m

An old dango shop owner accepts a challenge from the owner of a popular new dessert shop.

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Gintoki gets into an accident with a delivery girl who has the "Need for Speed". / As Gintoki recovers from the delivery incident, Sa-chan is forced to weigh both her feminine needs and her assassin duties when working a mission at the same hospital.

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Every year during the Matsuri festival, a "Courage Test" event is held. This year Gintoki, Shinpachi and Kagura helps out in the event.

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Please Help by Separating Your Trash

16 August 200724m

Kamenashi (the turtle) tells the group about Otohime, the owner of the Dragon Palace, that they are the only ones who are capable of stopping her plan.

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Too Many Cuties Can Make You Sick

23 August 200724m

The group goes to save Tae. On their way, Shinpachi, Gintoki and Katsura stumble upon a room where they learn about Otohime's past.

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Some Data Cannot Be Erased

30 August 200724m

Otohime's past lover's will gives the antidote (to the aging virus) to Shinpachi. However, their time is limited as a missile carrying another batch of the aging virus, aimed at Edo, is about to be sent off.

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Sadaharu is in "heat" and Yorozuya tries to find him a mate. / Katsura attempts to take a driving lesson-- a "Might Happen" driving lesson, that is.

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Katsura goes undercover at an Amanto-only Japanese restaurant to stop a radical branch of the Joi Faction's plan of causing havoc. Meanwhile, Hasegawa takes over a sushi bar while the owner's at hospital. The Yorozuya ends up helping after the sushi machine went out of order.

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Edo's under attack by M-unibrow zombies!

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Gintoki, Shinpachi and Kagura recaps what has happened to date on their 2nd Year Anniversary special.

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Otae's childhood friend, Kyubei Yagyu appears and takes Otae back to fufil her childhood promise.

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Gintoki, Shinpachi, Kagura, Kondo, Hijikata and Sogo goes to the Yagyu family premises and attempts to get Otae back.

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The battle at the Yagyu family premises continues.

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Four Heads are Better than One

25 Oktober 200724m

Gintoki, Isao, Toujou, and Binbokusai are in the toilet, all looking for something to wipe....

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The battle between Gintoki and Binbokusai begins; meanwhile, Shinpachi discovered that Kyubei was girl.

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A Woman's Best Make-up Is Her Smile

15 November 200724m

The final episode in the Yagyu story arc.

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The Yorozuya attempt to rid a town of monsters for some quick cash / The piggish Amanto female saved by the Yorozuya from the drug pirates enlists them to save her boyfriend from his former gang.

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Rank has nothing to do with luck

29 November 200724m

The cold/flu season hits hard; Yorozuya is enlisted to help out at Otae's workplace.

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Hard-boiled Egg on a Man's Heart

6 Desember 200724m

A washed out detective tells his tale about his life-long quest of pursuing of a thief who turned from righteous to evil.

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Hard-Boiled Eggs Don't Crack

13 Desember 200724m

The detective, Gintoki, Shinpachi and Kagura crashed into a mansion in an attempt to capture the thief.

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Sougo's older sister, Mitsuba, arrived in Edo for a visit. Hijikata and Mitsuba's relationship is revealed.

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Mitsuba is in bad condition due to her sickness; Sougo decides to go help Hijikata.

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Tojo Ayumu enlisted the help of Yorozuya to help make a "woman" out of the tomboyish Kyubei. Gintoki's solution: a Gokon.

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What Happens Twice, Happens Thrice

17 Januar 200824m

The spirit of the sword that Gintoki carries appears to teach Gintoki, Shinpachi and Kagura an ultimate technique.

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Gintoki, Shinpachi Kagura and Hasegawa are hospitalised (The Yorozuya gang for food poisoning from eating unfresh crabs; Hasegawa got knocked down by a car). They get themeslves involved when a young nurse falls in love with one of her patients.

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Our female characters joined a "slimming" camp to shed off their extra weights.

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An assassin has been hired to kill Matsudaira; but encounters unexpected scenerios while carrying out the task.

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Even a hero has issues

14 Februar 200824m

It's Valentine's Day, and a space heroine comes to Edo to confess her intention to...

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Hasegawa gets a job. While commuting on his first day, an accident lands him in jail with harassment charges.

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Men, Be a Madao

28 Februar 200824m

The trial of Hasegawa's harassment charge comes to a conclusion.

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If You're a Man, Don't Give Up

6 Mars 200824m

A planet's attacked by mysterious beings. It is up to Umi Bouzu to settle things and to out an end to the attacks. How will the end turn out?

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Play Video Games for Only an Hour a Day

20 Mars 200824m

The popular game console "Owee" is finally on sale. The otaku, as well as the Yorozuya and the Shinsengumi are at the store trying to get their hands on the consoles.

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Life and Video Games are Full of Bugs

Season Finale
27 Mars 200824m

Yorozuya and Shinsengumi are divided into two teams to play against each other in a video-gaming contest (for their chance to win free "Owee").

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Gintoki gives his suggestions to the editor and author of "Gintaman" on what should the series improve on.

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Rules Are Made to be Broken

10 April 200824m

Some Shinsengumi member shows up, and it is soon revealed to be a rival of Hijikata.

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Otaku Are Talkative

17 April 200824m

Itou Kamotarou (appeared on the previous episode) proceeds with his agenda. Hijikata seeks help from the Yorozuya to save the Shinsengumi from destruction.

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Okita appears to save Kondou from the rebel Shinsengumi led by Itou. The Yorozuya along with Hijikata are also on their way to the scene.

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Important Things Are Hard To See

1 Mai 200824m

Now fully free from the curse, Hijikata battles against Itou. Meanwhile, Gintoki is forced into a confrontation with none other than Bansai, right hand man to Takasugi.

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It’s All About the Beat and Timing

8 Mai 200824m

The concluding finale to the (Itou) Shinsengumi Discord Arc.

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Kagura accidentally knocks out an international soccer team when their capitan was out by giving them water from a janitors bucket and now The Yorozuya and others have to fill the teams spots.

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The Yorozuya are requested to help a Yakuza boss's son who has become a hikikomori, but little do they know how dangerous this job could turn out to be...

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Some Things Are Better Left Unsaid

29 Mai 200824m

The Yorozuya's Yakuza client has died, and the group's young new leader carries a dark secret about the boss's son.

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Life is a test

5 Juni 200824m

Yamazaki, with the intent of spying on the Joui faction, undergoes the necessary testing and training as one of its new recruits.

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Katsura is inprisoned, and fellow inmate Suekichi tries to find a way to make Katsura fall asleep so that he can make a his escape.

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Yorozuya's asked by a crossdresser hostess to help with the courting of a host.

A story about Kagura and an umbrella during the rainy season.

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Katsura briefly takes over the series in an attempt to promote his birthday; in the main story, Gintoki attempts to help Tama find a way to enjoy herself.

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Cleaning the Toilet Cleanses the Soul

3 Juli 200824m

A member of the Shinsengumi suggests a "washroom revolution". Eventually it evolves into a battle of Shinsengumi vs. washroom germs.

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Hijikata tells Matsudaira that he would fend off the store clerks who are coming-on to Matsudaira's daughter, Kuriko, just so he'd spare their lives. Kuriko mistakens Hijikata as some other person and starts to have feelings for him.

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While Gintoki, Shinpachi, Kagura, Hasegawa, Tae, Kyuubei and Katsura are on their way to the legendary Dragon Palace, a quarrel between them ends up bringing them onto an isolated island.

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The older, the wiser

24 Juli 200824m

The time to settle the battle for the official fan club title is finally here. The match between Shinpachi and Hijikata is a card battle using Otsu chip playing cards. Never knowing such a thing existed, Shinpachi rushes to the vendor for some cards. Hijikata on the other hand is fully prepared and delivers the ultra powerful card “Melancholy 5-minutes before start”! Hijikata’s range of powerful attacks forces Shinpachi to stay on the defensive. Can he possibly find a way to make a counterattack?

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Beauty is like a summer fruit

31 Juli 200824m

The group goes to save Tae. On their way, Shinpachi, Gintoki and Katsura stumble upon a room where they learn about Otohime's past.

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Otohime's past lover's will gives the antidote (to the aging virus) to Shinpachi. However, their time is limited as a missile carrying another batch of the aging virus, aimed at Edo, is about to be sent off.

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Smoking ban comes to Edo. Heavy smoker Hijikata is desperate to find cigarettes.

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Part A: "The quality of overseas Japanese restaurants are around that of school cafeterias." Katsura goes undercover at an Amanto-only Japanese restaurant to stop a radical branch of the Joi Faction's plan of causing havoc. Part B: "Plates won't be returned once they're taken."Hasegawa takes over a sushi bar while the owner's at hospital. The Yorozuya ends up helping after the sushi machine went out of order.

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Novices Only Need a Flathead and a Phillips

28 August 200824m

The Yorozuya goes into the world of online role playing game (RPG) to search for the Amantos who are responsible for turning part of their bodies into screwdriver heads.

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Imagination Is Nurtured In the 8th Grade

4 September 200824m

Gintoki, Shinpachi, and Kagura go around in the online role playing game to find powerful players to be their companions on their search for the Amanto. Their new found companions however, are not what they seem to be.

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Always Keep a Screwdriver In Your Heart

11 September 200824m

Gintoki and the gang arrive at Tama’s main system. The group tries to devise a battle strategy for fighting the Great Archfiend Tapir’s black body suit minions. But they can’t come to an agreement. Deciding it’s a waste of time, Kagura charges alone into the swarm of black body suits. Using this as a diversion, the group storms the enemy base, only to be surrounded after Gintoki and the Leukocyte King get into an argument. But during their rumble to decide who’s the strongest, the two wind up destroying the black body suit minions. And finally, the Great Archfiend Tapir appears!

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Otsu has overcome her past scandals and become Edo's top idol. And the release date of her new single has finally been announced! Shinpachi and her other fans are overjoyed at the news. But there trouble arises right before the release. Otsu's music producer, Tsunpo, is late with the creation of her song and says the release will be postponed.

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Entering the Final Chapter!

25 September 200824m

Part A On top of the Odd Jobs building, two awfully familiar men seem to be scheming. They manage to hide themselves from several visitors, but they are spotted by the man who’ll cause the biggest mess of all: Katsura!

Part B Gintoki’s alarm goes off, and he decides to takes a shower to sober up. While in the shower, something happens to Gintoki! Seems Kagura and Shinpachi are also caught up in the mess, and they wonder how this could have happened to them... The three heroes face a crisis like none other!

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The fan club members for Edo's top idol, Tsu Terakado, are at the beach practicing their choreography for an upcoming concert. But Takachin notices his fellow members’ enthusiasm getting sloppy. One of the fan club officers has started exchanging e-mails with a girl he met through a blog. Shinpachi is furious the officer has broken their club rule of “Secret communication with women is forbidden.” As their captain, he puts some spirit into them, but…

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Sometimes You Must Meet to Understand

9 Oktober 200824m

Even though it’s believed the letters are coming from Okita, Shinpachi's response letter turn out to be a big hit. Urara is happy her older sister has received a response to her letters. But her older sister confesses that she sent Urara's picture with the letter. And it looks like both Shinpachi and Urara sent someone else's pictures with their letters!

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Urara's older sister learns that Shinpachi sent Okita's picture with his letters. Shinpachi desperately tries to apologize, but Urara's older sister tells him that she wants to help him get Urara to like him. Afterwards, Gintoki and the others meet up with Urara and Okita. They try to get Urara's attention, but she is only interested in Okita. Urara's older sister can’t do anything about it and runs away in regret. Shinpachi is worried and goes after her, but…

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Beware of Food You Pick Up Off the Ground

23 Oktober 200824m

Worried about her pet’s sudden drop in appetite, Kagura takes Sadaharu to the veterinary hospital. Katsura happens to be there as well, explaining how Elizabeth is in bad health and has been hospitalized to undergo surgery. Fortunately Sadaharu’s condition is nothing serious, but he’s kept overnight just to be safe. Around the same time, an old dog that has also been hospitalized is about to take its last breath. It seems the owner is in critical condition as well, and with only death awaiting them both, Kagura decides to take the old dog to its owner.

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To let the dying dog Kintaro see its owner for one last time, Kagura and Katsura sneak it out of the hospital…only to find themselves caught in the war between the “Planet Eaters” (dogs) and “Planet Pukers” (cats), while Earth’s fate hangs in the balance. Escaping from the Planet Pukers, who are after Kintaro, the two head to the hospital where the old man is hospitalized. Meanwhile, the old man, who is supposedly in critical condition, goes missing. The old man’s children request Gintoki’s services, but when he arrives at the hospital…

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Fights Often Ensue During Trips

6 November 200824m

Otose arranges for Gintoki and the gang to spend their winter break at a hot spring inn located deep in the mountains. Anticipating a secluded hot spring bath, the group hikes their way up the mountain trail, only to arrive at a completely deserted and run-down inn. With no available bus to return to Edo, the gang has no choice but to stay at the inn. The inn’s Okami Oiwa welcomes the group, but Gintoki and Shinpachi notice a transparent being standing behind her back!

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Briefs Will Unavoidably Get Skidmarks

13 November 200824m

The inn Gintoki and the gang are staying at turns out to be a ghost inn where all the stands (ghosts) gather, unable to enter heaven due to their attachment to the living world! Gintoki finds himself left all alone after Shinpachi, Kagura, and Otae are all possessed by stands. The Okami Oiwa explains she was looking for someone tough enough to help run the inn. Forced into working as an employee trainee, Gintoki must now join his co-worker Rei to greet the visiting stand customers…

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Gin and His Excellency's Good-for-Nothings

20 November 200824m

Sick and tired of Oiwa’s tyranny, Gintoki decides to shut down the inn by teaming up with Rei. He plans to use Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, and Mitsuhide (their stands, that is) to bring down the inn’s reputation but is stopped by Okami Otose. Though overwhelmed at first by Okami’s most powerful stand Tagosaku, Gintoki nonetheless manages to exorcize the inn’s customers with the help of Shinpachi and the gang, who are now themselves living stands. With the fate of the inn and himself at stake, Gintoki finally enters a one-on-one battle with Oiwa.

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Be Very Careful When Using Ghost Stories

27 November 200824m

Oiwa lets Tagosaku possess her own body to become “His Excellency.” Fueled by anger and sadness, her surge of attacks gradually corner Gintoki. But just in the nick of time, Gintoki also lets himself be possessed by Stands to become “His Excellency.” To bring down the wasted ghost inn, Gintoki risks everything he has to go up against Oiwa!

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Once, the manga Gintaman gained immense popularity in Jump magazine, and was even made into an animated series thanks to Gintoki’s random advice. Ofuji has since taken over from Konishi as editor of Gintaman… But now the manga’s popularity is on a steady decline! Under these desperate circumstances, Gintoki is once again called forth to help fix the problem! Strong criticism and heated debate ensue between Ofuji, Konishi, and Amachi Sensei, along with their special guest. In the end, what sort of breakthrough solution have they come up with?!

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It's your house, you build it

11 Desember 200824m

As always, Hasegawa, aka MADAO idles away his life. While talking on the phone with his estranged wife Hatsu, Hasegawa ends up inviting her over to his house. But thanks to a string of misfortunes, his home is now a cardboard box in the park! Having told Hatsu that he lives in a pretty nice place, Hasegawa asks Gintoki to help him look for a descent housing…

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Characters unhappy with the popularity poll results begin attacking high-ranking characters. Surrounded by the low-ranking characters, Shinpachi attempts to escape across the rooftops but loses his footing and falls. Just when Shinpachi thinks he’s done for, he is saved by an unknown hand and manages to flee from Catherine and the other low-ranking characters. When everybody is an enemy, which character would be willing to lend a helping hand?

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Let's Talk About the Old Days Once in a While

25 Desember 200824m

Characters unhappy with the popularity poll results begin attacking high-ranking characters. Surrounded by the low-ranking characters, Shinpachi attempts to escape across the rooftops but loses his footing and falls. Just when Shinpachi thinks he’s done for, he is saved by an unknown hand and manages to flee from Catherine and the other low-ranking characters. When everybody is an enemy, which character would be willing to lend a helping hand?

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Don't Put Your Wallet In Your Back Pocket

8 Januar 200924m

The Odd Jobs are requested to remove a hornets’ nest on the temple grounds. Fully armored in protective suits, what awaits the trio is a ginormous hive, like none they’ve ever seen before. Arguing that this wasn’t what they signed up for, Gintoki prepares to leave, but Kagura goes off and destroys the hive. The trio quickly plays dead to avoid getting attacked by the raging hornets, but are instead greeted by something quite unexpected...

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Okita is going through a selection of sweets at the cake shop. As Okita leaves the store, a girl suddenly comes up and stabs him!! Calling Okita her father’s killer, the girl’s action seems to be fueled by a past case called the “Rokkaku Incident.” What is the connection between this incident and Okita, as well as the girl’s father? And more importantly, what’s the fate of Okita who’s been stabbed right at the start of this episode?!

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Butting Into a Fight is Dangerous

22 Januar 200924m

Gintoki and Shinpachi start re-investigating the Rokkaku incident. Upon learning what really happened from Kamiyama, one of Okita’s subordinates, they leave to save Okita. Meanwhile, Okita is captured by Sotatsu Tendo after falling into his trap involving Kirie. Tendo babbles on about how he returned to seek revenge against Okita, who destroyed the Sokai Faction, and goes on to reveal the truth about Kirie’s father.

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Life is about making consecutive decisions

29 Januar 200924m

As Gintoki and the gang head toward Hosen’s lair, they encounter Abuki, one of Kamui’s subordinates, and are overwhelmed by the incredible fighting power of the Yato Clan. On Shinpachi and Kagura’s urging, Gintoki heads out to face Hosen alone. The remaining two fight desperately against Abuki, only to be cornered by the overwhelming difference in power. In the midst of the fierce battle Kagura renews her feelings toward her older brother Kamui and her reason for fighting. But with Shinpachi’s life in danger, Kagura goes through a dramatic transformation…

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Amidst the fierce battle, Kagura awakens to her Yato instincts and defeats Abuto. Thanks to Shinpachi’s desperate plea, Kagura is able to return to her senses and together they head after Hosen. Meanwhile Kamui has brought Seita before Hinowa, who is confined to her quarters. “Mom, let’s go home together!” Seita shouts out to his beloved mother. However, unexpected words leave Hinowa’s mouth…

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Don’t Trust Bedtime Stories

12 Februar 200924m

While on a job observing stray cats at a shrine feeding themselves,the Yorozuya waiting for the boss cat to show up with the name Hoichi. But as he finally shows up, and Kagura and Shinpachi jump out of the bushes to capture him, he escapes easily. So they ask Gintoki to help out, when they notice that he mysteriously disappeared.

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The only way to defeat Hosen is to bring back the Sun to the Yoshiwara Shangri-La, the city trapped within eternal night. Seita runs for the control room to break open the iron-plated seal covering the city. Meanwhile, Gintoki and the Hyakka led by Tsukuyo are desperately holding off Hosen’s attack. But despite their best efforts, they cannot stop the King of The Night’s onslaught…King

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While protecting Gintoki from the stray cats, Hoichi and the cats get caught. Soon Gintoki, Katsura and Kondo goes to save him.

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It is shortly after the fierce battle at Yoshiwara Shngri-la. Shinpachi and Kagura, having faced powerful foes in Hosen and Kamui unlike any they have encountered, are training hard after realizing their lack of strength. Both announce to Gintoki their determination to become stronger. But Gintoki declines to become involved, saying it’s a pain. Learning of the situation, Otae and Hasegawa share their training secrets, but…

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Zip Up Your Fly Nice and Slowly

12 Mars 200924m

The episode begins with a short sequence about Kamui transferring into Yato High School and is told from Abuto's point of view. While the Shinsengumi are out on a mission, Hijikata notices snot coming out of Kondo's nose so he wonders how he could tell him without the others noticing Kondos problem. In the end the snot even takes control over Kondo's body and it comes out that Kondo's true identity is being an Amanto in snot form. As Hijikata destroys it, he realizes it has been all a dream.

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As the bombing of the Shinsengumi headquarters nears, Hijikata and Okita are still unable to find any means for escape. Only one key exists to unlock the shackles chaining each other. But if the key is used, it will set off a bomb to kill the other. The rule of the devil begins to stir distrust between the two. Though he commends them for not betraying one another, Jigzaw pressures them to make the final decision by displaying a certain item.

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If You Can’t Beat Them, Join Them

Season Finale
26 Mars 200924m

The Odd Jobs trio is going about their usual meaningless chatter when a man with an eye-patch suddenly shows up and begins “ordering” them around. The man’s “power” is so strong, the Odd Jobs find themselves unable to defy his orders…

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Gintoki visits a barber shop to get his hair cut. After Kagura mentions that the seventh volume of the manga Abu is missing, the barber runs off to buy the volume and leaves the Yorozuya to look after the shop. After a while Katsura and Kondo enter the shop to get an image change. Then the Shogun enters suddenly the shop and wants a hair cut, too. The Yorozuya fall into despair because they don't even know how to cut hair properly.

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The Shogun wants Gintoki, Kagura and Shinpachi to redo his mage. After Kagura is trying to ask the Shogun how he wants his hair done, she vomits and a Naruto gets stuck on the Shogun's head. Then the three Yorozuya try removing it with a razor and accidentally cut off the Shogun's mage. To cover up their mistake they try to find a replace for it.

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Sleep Helps a Child Grow

16 April 200924m

Kagura can't fall asleep , so she goes to Gintoki's room and troubles him about her problem. After few methods, she finally fells asleep while listening to a story from a radio show. Unfortunately Gintoki listened to this Horror story as well, and now he can't fall aleep.

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It's Christmas in Edo and Kagura writes her father a letter. She is sad that Santa Claus never visited her. Moved, her father Umi Bozu dresses himself up as Santa and hides watching Kagura, Otae, Shinpachi and Hasegawa celebrate Christmas. When he finally jumps out of the bushes to surprise her there is another Santa, a dressed up Gintoki. Both of them think that their counterpart is real. They start punching each other when another three Santas show up (Sachan, Kondo and Kyubei). Kagura decides on a contest to see who's the real Santa.

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The contest has finally begun but instead of a real contest to decide who's the real Santa, Kagura, Otae and the five Santas together with Shinpachi and Hasegawa are shown in various scenes playing a role like a school girl and not fighting each other like in a real contest. In each scene they imagine, the Santa has to show his kind of version what he would do as Santa and this is judged by Kagura, Otae and Hasegawa. Although in the end none of the Santas has any desire to continue with this contest so they all quit. The episode ends with Kagura, all along figured out the identity of everyone, wishing everybody a Merry Christmas.

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Yatai “Guchiri-Ya” (Whining Store) has three rules: One, a customer can come in alone and whine as much as they want. Two, if there’s a familiar face, pretend like you don’t know them. And three, do not share the stories you hear. Tonight’s customers are a drowsy-looking samurai with a sweet tooth, a Mayo samurai, and finally Mr. Gorilla (pseudonym). Though permitted to whine, the three customers cannot help feeling awkward about it. So the master speaks on their behalf and spills their usual complaints, causing panic amongst the group. Just then, a familiar-looking woman enters the Yatai and begins attacking the other customers with sharp words (and weapons)!

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Today’s Tsu Terakado concert is another lively success. But fan club president Shinpachi is angered because only four of the Tsu Terakado fan club members have come to the concert. He is further enraged to learn that many of the club members have left without permission and have joined the new Tsusentai fan club instead. To Shinpachi’s surprise, the Tsusentai leader is Hijikata, who thanks to the demonic sword’s curse has now become a charismatic otaku! Can Shinpachi protect his only(?) distinctive trait from Tosshi’s onslaught?!

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The fierce battle begins over the title of the Official Tsu Terakado fan club. Tosshi, Hijikata’s loser otaku personality created from a demonic sword, was once thought to have been defeated by Hijikata’s strong will, but in reality the personality still survives within him. By reigning as the king of otaku, Hijikata plans to put Tosshi’s soul to rest. Tosshi’s road to the king of otaku versus Shinpachi’s love for Otsu-chan. Who shall be victorious?!

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The preliminary round for the Official Tsu Terakado fan club title is a marathon race. With Takachin in critical condition and Kagura taking the wrong route, team Shinpachi’s chances of winning look slim. But thanks to Gintoki’s quick thinking, Takachin makes an instant (and improved?) recovery and emerges from the hospital to rejoin the race! As the race gradually turns into a battle of deception, Shinpachi runs furiously for the goal. Will he be able to beat the tactical general Tosshi?!

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Tosshi finishes the preliminary race in first place by rounding up all the contestants to block Shinpachi’s team from making the goal. Despite Toshi’s scheming, team Otsu-chan fan club makes a surprising comeback to finish in second place! Hijikata points out that the team cheated by changing their member lineup, but with his own member suspected of using a taxi, the objection is dropped. Kondo and Kagura also finish the race after taking the wrong route and being dropped off by the police. Meanwhile, what happened to Shinpachi who’s still in the race? That being said and done, the main event finally takes place!

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For the second round in the Official Tsu Terakado fan club championships, it is a battle of charms. Both teams must come up with a virtualized situation where the winner is decided by Otsu-chan saying “yes.” First up is the Tsusengumi’s story, taking place in a bar with a beautiful night view. But the romantic mood is ruined thanks to Okita the narrator and assistants Kondo and “Mohawk” Yamazaki going out of control. Hijikata begins to panic, but with Kondo and the others’ carefully crafted stage direction he succeeds in asking Otsu-chan out. Shinpachi’s team find themselves in a tight situation, but...?

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Love Is Unconditional

18 Juni 200924m

The time to settle the battle for the official fan club title is finally here. The match between Shinpachi and Hijikata is a card battle using Otsu chip playing cards. Never knowing such a thing existed, Shinpachi rushes to the vendor for some cards. Hijikata on the other hand is fully prepared and delivers the ultra powerful card “Melancholy 5-minutes before start”! Hijikata’s range of powerful attacks forces Shinpachi to stay on the defensive. Can he possibly find a way to make a counterattack?

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After an intense battle, Shinpachi and Hijikata both fall to the ground with zero life points. Despite being exhausted and battered, the two men rise up to resume their battle. They fight as if their lives—no, their very souls—were on the line and Otsu begs them to stop. But nobody can stop them now. For their battle is no longer just for the title of official fan club...

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PART A - Rumors of Yorozuya imposters gaining popularity within the city reach Gintoki’s ears. Upon investigating, the Odd Jobs Trio discover that someone is using their Yorozuya name for fishy business and making a fortune out of it. Gintoki and the gang seek out to uncover the imposters’ identities, only to discover...?!

PART B - A man dressed in blue full-body spandex appears before Shinpachi. The “Blue Man” begins talking to a dumbfounded Shinpachi. He claims to have come from the future, but...

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The city is hit by a bad flu one winter day. Even Otae is sick with the flu. Shinpachi gets some long-awaited time alone with his sister and is tending to her when he gets a visit from Gintoki and Kagura. Turns out the two have also caught the flu and want Shinpachi to look after them. Irritated by Gintoki and Kagura’s abrupt visit, not to mention their selfish demands, Shinpachi is surprised when even more sick guests arrive.

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Hijikata is on a stakeout near the apartment’s dumpster. There, a sleepy Gintoki comes to throw away his trash. Finding Gintoki’s persistent intrusion a burden, Hijikata arrests Gintoki for insulting and obstructing an officer on duty. But while pushing and shoving each other, Hijikata accidentally handcuffs himself to Gintoki. Hijikata calls Okita who is staking out a different location to come and unlock them and take Gintoki to the Shinsengumi Headquarters. Instead, Okita puts a second pair of handcuffs on Gintoki and Hijikata. In the midst of all this, the Radical Joi Faction makes a move.

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Smooth Polygons Smooth Men's Hearts Too

23 Juli 200924m

Tama works hard everyday starting early in the morning. Even when Otose tells her to take a break, Tama won’t and says she is happy just being with everyone. But Otose notices that Tama’s appearance has changed into that of an angular polygon from an old video game! While Otose and Gintoki discuss that it must have been brought on by overwork, Tama returns from shopping and has now regressed from polygons to pixels!! Why is she going through these changes? And will she be able to return to normal?!

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A Human Body Is Like a Little Universe

30 Juli 200924m

Tama, Tatsumi, Tetsuko, Kozen, Madao, Kyoshiro. Everybody is out in full force to fight for the Kabuki District. Male escorts vs. trannies, Cabaret girls vs. Yakuza, robots blowing things up. It’s an all-out war!

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The Chosen Idiots

6 August 200924m

Jirocho and Gin battle Kada's elite Harusame forces while the rest of the denizens of Kabuki-cho take on her main forces in the streets. Kada is utterly stunned when her elite forces are beat by just these two humans, and flees the scene. Gin then helps Jirocho resolve his issues regarding Tatsugoro; Otose and Jirocho reconcile at the hospital. Outside the hospital, Kada desperately launches one last feeble attempt at conquering Kabuki-cho, but is stopped in her tracks by Pirako and the Yorozuya - Kada settles for swearing that the Harusame will be back, and flees yet again. At the very end, Jirocho denounces all other names he has ever been called except for Father of Pirako, and goes with his daughter back to the country.

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And into the Legend...

13 August 200924m

At last, Gintoki and his friends confront the Great Archfiend. While the Leukocyte King can’t lay a finger on the Great Archfiend who has taken Tama’s form, Gintoki attacks without giving a damn. Angered by his reckless impudence, the Leukocyte King turns on Gintoki. The Great Archfiend then takes the form of the Leukocyte King’s father. But this time Shinpachi and Kagura attack him, and they succeed in kicking him off the throne. The Odd Jobs trio takes this chance to finish the Great Archfiend off, but...

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Part A On top of the Odd Jobs building, two awfully familiar men seem to be scheming. They manage to hide themselves from several visitors, but they are spotted by the man who’ll cause the biggest mess of all: Katsura!

Part B Gintoki’s alarm goes off, and he decides to takes a shower to sober up. While in the shower, something happens to Gintoki! Seems Kagura and Shinpachi are also caught up in the mess, and they wonder how this could have happened to them... The three heroes face a crisis like none other!

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A man called Executioner Kohei is brought under strict guard to the Shinsengumi. He is the executive officer of the Radical Joi Faction, the Akatsuki Party, and is also a lethal murderer who has killed 35 bakufu officials. According to Kondo, Kohei not only endures torture, but laughs with joy during it. The Shinsengumi’s mission is to get Kohei to tell them details about the large-scale terrorist attack the Akatsuki Party is supposedly planning. First off is Yamazaki, who goes to the investigation room to take a stab at it! Will he be able to get Kohei to talk?!

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Part A “It's What's On The Inside That Counts" While taking Sadaharu out for a walk, Gintoki runs into Katsura who is with some “thing” that hardly resembles Elizabeth. Shinpachi and Kagura also notice the change in Elizabeth, or more like being totally replaced, and decide to bring Katsura back to his senses.

Part B “It's What's On The Inside That Counts, But Only To A Certain Extent” It is morning and Gintoki wakes up in his closet for some reason. Dumbfounded, he makes his way to his bedroom after going to the bathroom, only to find himself already sleeping in his bed. Realizing that something funny is happening to him yet again, he tries to resolve it through trial and error.

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Kagura helps a iwamatsu, the last part have the yoruzuya and shinsengumi in the bathhouse just as neighbor Hedero arrives with family members visiting Edo.

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Gintoki’s mouth is swollen like crazy, forcing him to go to the dentist for treatment. Unable to cope with the stress and pressure of waiting, a crazed Gintoki screams for someone to just kill him and be done with it. After getting scolded by the staff, Gintoki waits for his turn when another man with a swollen mouth comes in, making things even more complicated!

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Countdown Begins

24 September 200924m

A look back at Gintama's best moments.

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Jump Anime Tour 2008: Birth of White Demon

30 September 200910m

This episode shows various scenes from the war between samurais and the Amanto, focusing on Gintoki's fights alongside Kotaro Katsura, Shinsuke Takasugi and others. In the end, the episode is revealed to be a trailer from a film, which was in fact fake.

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It's Bad Luck to See a Spider at Night

1 Oktober 200924m

Gintoki and the gang return to Yoshiwara at Hinowa’s request for the first time in a while. Although Hosen’s death has brought freedom to Yoshiwara, it’s also drawn the renewed interest of those who previously avoided Yoshiwara in fear of Hosen’s power. Yoshiwara is now troubled with an increased crime rate, especially illegal drug dealing. Odd Jobs are asked to capture the man responsible. The man in question is said to go by various names, titles, and even faces. The only clue available is the tattooed spider on his neck.

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Gintoki and Tsukuyo infiltrate the Benigumoto, the Red Spiders, to get a lead on the man with the tattooed spider on his neck, but are discovered and quickly surrounded. The two manage to fend for themselves, when the man with the tattooed spider makes a sudden appearance and attacks Gintoki! The man then speaks as if he knows Tsukuyo. Who is this man?!

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Tsukuyo falls into the hands of Jiraia, her former master, and is held captive. Meanwhile Gintoki manages to survive the attack thanks to Zenzo, and he learns about Jiraia’s past. During the Amanto attack twenty years ago, Jiraia is said to have killed his own people within the Oniwabanshu, all for the sake of his devotion to the previous shogun. In the end Jiraia himself was the one to be terminated, but he managed to escape. Now his devotion is directed toward his own creation, Tsukuyo. Jiraia’s motive is to eliminate the bond that she has come to rely upon. And he intends to achieve that goal by setting fire to Yoshiwara and burning down everything!

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Gintoki strikes down Jiraia and frees Tsukuyo from his twisted web. Chiding Tsukuyo for trying to shoulder every burden herself, Gintoki goes on to say that rather than throw away your life to die beautifully, it’s far better to live and be yourself – even if your life is not a pretty one. And finally, Gintoki expresses his anger toward Jiraia for betraying his own student, despite calling himself a master.

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Watch Out For A Set of Women and A Drink

29 Oktober 200924m

Gintoki continues creating havoc in the prison.

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Screw Popularity Votes

5 November 200924m

Character popularity results are announced to celebrate Gintama’s 182nd episode! Shinpachi is alone at the café, feeling depressed after learning that he’s still in 8th place in popularity, unchanged from the previous ranking. Yamazaki, who is in 9th place, drops by to say that boring characters such as they should aim to become the No. 1 steppingstone for others. For Shinpachi and Yamazaki, 8th and 9th place should hold the same meaning as 1st. But in reality Yamazaki can’t give up the hope of ranking higher, and runs off in tears. Shinpachi can do nothing but watch, when suddenly Yamazaki’s scream is heard in the distance!

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Popularity Polls Can Burn in Hell

12 November 200924m

Shinpachi introduces his new girlfriend to Otae...but she turns out to be Momo-san, a character from the popular Love Choris game. There are more and more boys in Edo who can no longer distinguish game from reality like Shinpachi. Otae asks Gintoki to bring Shinpachi back to the real world. The only way is by entering the world of Love Choris and talking some sense into him. Gintoki ends up choosing a very unique heroine to be his girlfriend...

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Popularity Polls Can...

19 November 200924m

Gintoki challenges Shinpachi in the ultimate Love Chorus tournament in order to break his illusion of his virtual girlfriend.

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The Odd Jobs are requested to remove a hornets’ nest on the temple grounds. Fully armored in protective suits, what awaits the trio is a ginormous hive, like none they’ve ever seen before. Arguing that this wasn’t what they signed up for, Gintoki prepares to leave, but Kagura goes off and destroys the hive. The trio quickly plays dead to avoid getting attacked by the raging hornets, but are instead greeted by something quite unexpected...

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Beware of Foreshadows

3 Desember 200924m

The Shinsengumi and the Yorozuya attend the funeral of a close udon shop owner. Instead of moving on, however, the soul of the old man is overseeing the ceremony.

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It’s Goodbye Once a Flag Is Set

10 Desember 200924m

Gintoki and Shinpachi start re-investigating the Rokkaku incident. Upon learning what really happened from Kamiyama, one of Okita’s subordinates, they leave to save Okita. Meanwhile, Okita is captured by Sotatsu Tendo after falling into his trap involving Kirie. Tendo babbles on about how he returned to seek revenge against Okita, who destroyed the Sokai Faction, and goes on to reveal the truth about Kirie’s father.

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Students at a temple school share their independent research projects completed during the past summer vacation. After one of the students finishes reading a well-written journal, the last one to present is a kid named Daigoro. Sleeping in on the first day of summer vacation, Daigoro arrived late at the radio exercises and met Madao, and decided to keep an observation journal about him.

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Part 1 - While researching the Anti-Foreigner War, a reporter interviews Nagai, a former reporter from the war called Nagai in order to know about the White Demon's (Gintoki's alter-ego) activities in such time. He chronicles the events from war, explaining how the samurais decided to fight against the aliens. As Nagai is about to talk about the White Demon, he replaces him with the fictional robot Gundam to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the franchise with the same name.

Part 2 - Kagura starts going to Kabuki-cho's physical fitness lessons where she meets a kid named Hongou Hiashi, whom she befriends. Suffering from a dangerous disease that weakens his body, Hiashi is absent from various lessons even though he promised Kagura to go to every lesson. During a rainy day, Kagura is the only person to come to the lesson, but Gintoki and her friends decide to join her. Next day, Hiashi returns to another lesson and sees Kagura once again.

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Elizabeth and Dark Vader battle to the death and just when things are not looking so good for Elizabeth, Katsura shows up to save his friend.

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Having turned into cats, Gintoki,Katsura and Kondo (who turned into a gorilla) are brought by Hoichi to Otose to get food. While eating, Otose tells them that if caught, they can never return to this town.

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Kabukicho Stray Cat Blues

21 Januar 201024m

While protecting Gintoki from the stray cats, Hoichi and the cats get caught. Soon Gintoki, Katsura and Kondo goes to save him.

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Cooking is About Guts

28 Januar 201024m

Everybody's stranded in the middle of the mountains. To make things worse, the Shogun goes missing.

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The episode begins with a short sequence about Kamui transferring into Yato High School and is told from Abuto's point of view. While the Shinsengumi are out on a mission, Hijikata notices snot coming out of Kondo's nose so he wonders how he could tell him without the others noticing Kondos problem. In the end the snot even takes control over Kondo's body and it comes out that Kondo's true identity is being an Amanto in snot form. As Hijikata destroys it, he realizes it has been all a dream.

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Not Losing to the Rain

11 Februar 201024m

Lately the weather forecasts Ketsuno Ana is predicting are always wrong. When Gintoki meets her on the streets he takes her to the Yorozuya's place to help her.But after a monster attacks the house,it is revealed that Ketsuno Anna is an onmyouji and some other onmyouji is targeting her. After that Gintoki and the others are on the way to the Ketsuno residence,where they fight some odd creatures.

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Not Losing to the Wind

18 Februar 201024m

The number one host in the Kabuki district, Kyoshiro, summons the Odd Jobs members to his club, Takamagahara, and tells them that he intends to quit because of a lady named Madame Yagami who controls the night world. It seems that she declared she would be making a second visit to Takamagahara, which is essentially a death sentence. The hosts at Kyoshiro's have quit out of fear, so Gintoki and co must find hosts to handle the Madame...

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Not Losing to the Storm

25 Februar 201024m

The Madame's arrival is imminent. Kyoshiro, Gintoki, and friends attempt to scout some help, but they end up with a bunch of oddballs. And it turns out that Otae has invited guests from all over town who go wild and leave the bar and Kyoshiro broken! There's no time to worry about taking care of customers. But at the worst possible time, Madame Yagami arrives!

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Never Losing that Smile

4 Mars 201024m

Jellybeans Vanguard Honda is on his fifth year as a Jump editor. However, he's been assigned to the manga Gintaman, which has driven multiple editors insane. In order to save himself, Honda must find a new talented artist so he can be reassigned. One day, he is visited by an aspiring manga artist by the name of N3016. Is this artist as juvenile as his name suggests?

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The Sasaki family is as elite as it gets, and one of its members, Tetsunosuke, has joined the Shinsengumi. He would have joined the Mimawarigumi, a police force with pedigree, but he is considered a troublemaker, which is why he was sent to the Shinsengumi. Kondo assigns Tetsu to Hijikata as an assistant, so Hijikata is forced to endure the new recruit...

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Santa Claus Red Is Blood Red

18 Mars 201024m

It's Christmas in Edo and Kagura writes her father a letter. She is sad that Santa Claus never visited her. Moved, her father Umi Bozu dresses himself up as Santa and hides watching Kagura, Otae, Shinpachi and Hasegawa celebrate Christmas. When he finally jumps out of the bushes to surprise her there is another Santa, a dressed up Gintoki. Both of them think that their counterpart is real. They start punching each other when another three Santas show up (Sachan, Kondo and Kyubei). Kagura decides on a contest to see who's the real Santa.

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Gintama Harumatsuri 2010

25 Mars 201014m

Some of the characters get together and talk about "regrets" they have after 4 years of anime Gintama. Soon they fight over who gets more screen time. Special of the Gintama Harumatsuri live event.

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Everybody's a Santa!

Season Finale
25 Mars 201024m

Tetsunosuke has been ordered to deliver a letter for Hijikata. However, he's captured by the radical Joi Check It Out gang in the process. Tetsunosuke had concealed his identity to join the gang, but now they know that he has connections to the police. He's taken hostage as leverage over the Shinsengumi and Mimawarigumi. However, the Mimawarigumi shows no concern for the hostage and plots to place the blame squarely on the Shinsengumi. Hijikata and the other members are enraged after learning Isaburo's plans. The Shinsengumi and Mimawarigumi are now in an all-out fight.

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Shinpachi Shimura returns to the Yorozuya and discovers his friends drastically changed during the break. Feeling left behind, he returns home and discovers his sister, Tae Shimura, engaged to Isao Kondo. Tae and Kando enlists Shinpachi into the Shinsengumi and reveals that Tae is pregnant. Shinpachi runs to the ocean and laments the sudden change of those around him. There, he learns about Kyubei Yagyu's sex change to modify her life. They are interrupted by and Kotaro Katsura who also changed his genre due to his Kyubei's characters similarities.

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As Katsura and Kyubei fight for the title of the best transgendered, Shinpachi leaves to find that the Shinsengumi members also suffered a sudden change in their selves; Sogo Okita is the leader from the group and orders him and Toshiro Hijikata, Sagaru Yamazaki to attack the Yorozuya. As the three leave, Hijikata knocks out Yamazaki, as he was faking his change. He and Shinpachi learn that an invasion of parasite aliens is responsible for change to their friends and proceed to destroy them. However, they find problems in the outcome, and both Hijikata and and Shinpachi are knocked out in the process, with Gintoki being actually only person without a parasite.

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As Gintoki complains of writing News Years cards, Yorozuya learn of what his friends have done over the holidays. He also receives cards saying his friends have gotten married, while they have lied and just Photoshopped the photos. The episode ends with Kondo, Sachan and Hasegawa telling their story of how they wrote a News Years card. The second part starts with the same opening, but Gin complains of the lack of chocolate. Kagura has a chocolate for Gintoki and Shinpachi, but is too embarrassed to give to them. She enlists the help of Tsukuyo, and Sachan to help, but they are each too embarrassed to help her and make her give their chocolates to Gintoki. She indifferently give Gintoki and Shipachi the chocolate saying they were on the door step, as the happily run for the chocolate, they find all the chocolates were said to be from Kagura.

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Yamazaki has a mental breakdown cause of Anpans and Kondo finally gets a date (Or does he!)

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Catherine appears to have a boyfriend and has drastically improved her appearance. Her boyfriend is a regular at Snack Otose, an entrepreneur by the name of Suejiro. Catherine decides to leave the Kabuki district to start a new bar with him.

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Glasses Are Part of the Soul

9 Mai 201124m

The Odd Jobs' TV breaks out with Sachan inside. Gintoki tells Sadaharu to throw her away with the TV, but Sachan's precious glasses are broken in the process. Gintoki reluctantly buys Sa-chan a new pair of glasses, but they are bottle bottom glasses that are clearly the wrong prescription. Sa-chan is overjoyed that Gintoki has given her a present, but the new glasses are responsible for a chain of failures on her assassination job. Her superiors now question her commitment.

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Gintoki and crew continue to defend Sarutobi against the Lethal Punishers. But against such assassins as the Pillow Masa, T-shirt Tatsu, and the Chuubert Chu Brothers, will they win?

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Due to a lack of budget, the Yorozuya try to use old footage to make a filler episodes. While Hasegawa first plays a theme song, the characters then watch a fake trailer a supposed second film based on the series. The episode ends with a chapter of "Teach us Ginpachi-sensei", a story in which Gintoki is the teacher from high school class composed of anime's characters.

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Pirako Chin is looking for the strongest man in the Kabuki District. Now Gintoki has an underling who wants to turn Kabuki District into a garden of bright red flowers.

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Pirako has double crossed Gin! Her real plan is to help Jirocho, her father, take over the town. Can Gin stop a war?

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Chains Of a Warrior

13 Juni 201124m

Pirako is pleased to hear that Otose, the reason for Jirocho's attachment to the Kabuki district, has been eliminated. With Otose gone, the balance of power among the Four Devas has crumbled and a war is in the works in the Kabuki district. Meanwhile, the Odd Jobs crew is watching over Otose when Saigo appears and informs them that the bar will be destroyed by the Four Devas. He urges them to leave this town, now that they've lost their home...Finally, the day comes for them to leave Snack Otose.

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Iron Town

20 Juni 201124m

Tama, Tatsumi, Tetsuko, Kozen, Madao, Kyoshiro. Everybody is out in full force to fight for the Kabuki District. Male escorts vs. trannies, Cabaret girls vs. Yakuza, robots blowing things up. It’s an all-out war!

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'Tis An Honor!

27 Juni 201124m

Jirocho and Gin battle Kada's elite Harusame forces while the rest of the denizens of Kabuki-cho take on her main forces in the streets. Kada is utterly stunned when her elite forces are beat by just these two humans, and flees the scene. Gin then helps Jirocho resolve his issues regarding Tatsugoro; Otose and Jirocho reconcile at the hospital. Outside the hospital, Kada desperately launches one last feeble attempt at conquering Kabuki-cho, but is stopped in her tracks by Pirako and the Yorozuya - Kada settles for swearing that the Harusame will be back, and flees yet again. At the very end, Jirocho denounces all other names he has ever been called except for Father of Pirako, and goes with his daughter back to the country.

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Odds or Even

4 Juli 201124m

Kagura's older brother, Kamui, visits Kada's cell where she is being kept after having been captured by the Kiheitai and loses at a game of odds or evens. He is approached by one of the 12 captains who tells him he has the 12 captains support if he chooses to overthrow Admiral Abo. Kamui orders his second to kill the members of the Kiheitai, isolating Takasugi so Kamui can duel him. As the Kiheitai's ship is about to be attacked the Admiral double crosses Kamui and imprisons him out of fear. Takasugi visits Kada's cell and loses at a game of odds or evens. After a brief conversation Takasugi rescues Kamui at his execution, overthrowing Admiral Abo. Kamui becomes Admiral and the episode ends with Takasugi visiting Kada's cell one last time to lose at a game of odds or evens.

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Kagura invites a bunch of kids to the Yorozuya. They, along with other characters get shunned by them and invites them into a "factory tour".

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What Happen Twice Can Happen Thrice

18 Juli 201124m

Gintoki and Hasegawa have to help the shogun when he is at the pool

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Otose sent a box of crab to the Yoruzuya. Before they can divide the crab's legs to themselves, suddenly, there came a blackout after the electricity came back one leg is missing and Gintoki ate it. Another blackout came and another leg was missing and Kagura ate it, saying she was attacked by a gorilla. Shinpachi then put up a candle. Then Gintoki and Kagura ate all of the legs. When Shinpachi claims the crab's whole body they found themselves fighting for a crab congee and ended up eating crab-flavored cheap food.

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Kagura helps a iwamatsu, the last part have the yoruzuya and shinsengumi in the bathhouse just as neighbor Hedero arrives with family members visiting Edo.

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Gin, Kondo, Hijkata, and Shin are stuck in the public bath with the demons. Every lie they tell digs their grave deeper. Can they really get away with kicking heads in, ripping off horns, and setting demons on fire with lotion?

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15 August 201124m

The monkey, aka "Jugem Jugem... (abbreviated) Runny Diarrhea," has grown close to Kyubei. However, their time together did not last. The Shogun family ordered that the Yagyu return Runny Diarrhea. The monkey escapes from the Shogun family to see Kyubei again. Kyubei and the other Yagyu members are forced to continue a desperate and fruitless search for Runny Diarrhea.

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The Name Reveals the Person

22 August 201124m

The monkey, aka "Jugem Jugem... (abbreviated) Runny Diarrhea," has grown close to Kyubei. However, their time together did not last. The Shogun family ordered that the Yagyu return Runny Diarrhea. The monkey escapes from the Shogun family to see Kyubei again. Kyubei and the other Yagyu members are forced to continue a desperate and fruitless search for Runny Diarrhea.

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Katsura infiltrates Matsudaira's household and ends up pondering family values.

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Blue And Red Ecstasy

5 September 201124m

The Yorozuya run into a mysterious Blu-ray DVD with a depressed female ghost in it. The ghost moves into their TV, making all the programs gloomy as well. Gintoki then attempts to find use for the ghost as a navigator.

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Gintoki gets thrown in prison after being framed, and while he's made an enemy of the warden, he's managed to become the boss of the prisoners. With his underling Shachi in tow, Gintoki skips his menial labor duties to search the warden's room for anything incriminating. Understanding that the punishment will be fatal if they are caught, Gintoki disguises himself by putting on pajamas...

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Everybody Loves Pajamas

19 September 201124m

Gintoki continues creating havoc in the prison.

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Gintama meets Sket Dance! But not without trouble...

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Love is Neither Plus No Minus

3 Oktober 201124m

Shinpachi introduces his new girlfriend to Otae...but she turns out to be Momo-san, a character from the popular Love Choris game. There are more and more boys in Edo who can no longer distinguish game from reality like Shinpachi. Otae asks Gintoki to bring Shinpachi back to the real world. The only way is by entering the world of Love Choris and talking some sense into him. Gintoki ends up choosing a very unique heroine to be his girlfriend...

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Making It Through Love

10 Oktober 201124m

Gintoki challenges Shinpachi in the ultimate Love Chorus tournament in order to break his illusion of his virtual girlfriend.

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Kagura wants a mobile phone of her own in order to be able to text with her friends. Her wish is granted, and she starts harassing Gintoki and Shinpachi through text messaging.

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The Shinsengumi and the Yorozuya attend the funeral of a close udon shop owner. Instead of moving on, however, the soul of the old man is overseeing the ceremony.

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Katsura visit Yorozuya with a Elizabeth's placard to solve the mystery of Elizabeth's disappearance. But the investigation only reveals a shocking truth.

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The Yorozuya and Katsura follow Elizabeth to stop the Renho from taking over the earth.

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Piggy Banks and Trash Cans

14 November 201124m

The Yorozuya, Katsura, and Sakamoto disguise themselves as Renho and infiltrate their base.

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Empty Planet

21 November 201124m

Elizabeth and Dark Vader battle to the death and just when things are not looking so good for Elizabeth, Katsura shows up to save his friend.

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Goodbye Lionel, Why Don't You Say Something!

28 November 201124m

The Renho join forces with Sakamoto and the Yorozuya against Dark Vader and their home planet in order to bring peace to the universe.

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Please Take Me Skiing

5 Desember 201124m

The Shinsengumi are forced to guard the Shogun on his first snowboarding trip, but they run into the Yorozuya and mayhem ensues.

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A Vacation in Disorientation

12 Desember 201124m

Everybody's stranded in the middle of the mountains. To make things worse, the Shogun goes missing.

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It's a year-end party at Odd Jobs! The Gintama anime has been through a lot, but Gintoki tells Kagura and Shinpachi to keep it cool. And then the usual members join in for some real partying... The next morning, Gintoki wakes up to discover that he's made some very bad mistakes.

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People Can Only Live By Forgetting the Bad

26 Desember 201124m

After getting drunk at the year-end party, Gintoki managed to become a six-timer in one night. In order to prevent the show from being pulled off the air, Gintoki is forced into engaging in a relationship with all of them. And now he has to go on dates with all of them at the same time...

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We Are All Hosts, In Capital Letters

9 Januar 201224m

The number one host in the Kabuki district, Kyoshiro, summons the Odd Jobs members to his club, Takamagahara, and tells them that he intends to quit because of a lady named Madame Yagami who controls the night world. It seems that she declared she would be making a second visit to Takamagahara, which is essentially a death sentence. The hosts at Kyoshiro's have quit out of fear, so Gintoki and co must find hosts to handle the Madame...

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Girls like Vegeta, Guys like Piccolo

16 Januar 201224m

The Madame's arrival is imminent. Kyoshiro, Gintoki, and friends attempt to scout some help, but they end up with a bunch of oddballs. And it turns out that Otae has invited guests from all over town who go wild and leave the bar and Kyoshiro broken! There's no time to worry about taking care of customers.

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Draw Your Life on the Canvas We Call Manga

23 Januar 201224m

Jellybeans Vanguard Honda is on his fifth year as a Jump editor. However, he's been assigned to the manga Gintaman, which has driven multiple editors insane. In order to save himself, Honda must find a new talented artist so he can be reassigned. One day, he is visited by an aspiring manga artist by the name of N3016.

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Check It Out!

30 Januar 201224m

The Sasaki family is as elite as it gets, and one of its members, Tetsunosuke, has joined the Shinsengumi. He would have joined the Mimawarigumi, a police force with pedigree, but he is considered a troublemaker, which is why he was sent to the Shinsengumi. Kondo assigns Tetsu to Hijikata as an assistant, so Hijikata is forced to endure the new recruit...

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Thorny and Rosy

6 Februar 201224m

Tetsunosuke has completely changed as he sincerely tries to perform his new job. Isaburo despises Tetsunosuke and tells Hijikata that he should dispose of him, but Hijikata, who came from a similar background, sympathizes with Tetsunosuke and looks after him. Meanwhile, Gintoki, who was arrested by the Mimawarigumi, has been assigned a mission by Isaburo...

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Festival of Thornies

13 Februar 201224m

Tetsunosuke has been ordered to deliver a letter for Hijikata. However, he's captured by the radical Joi Check It Out gang in the process. Tetsunosuke had concealed his identity to join the gang, but now they know that he has connections to the police. He's taken hostage as leverage over the Shinsengumi and Mimawarigumi. However, the Mimawarigumi shows no concern for the hostage and plots to place the blame squarely on the Shinsengumi. Hijikata and the other members are enraged after learning Isaburo's plans. The Shinsengumi and Mimawarigumi are now in an all-out fight.

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Letter From Thorny

20 Februar 201224m

The Shinsengumi attempt to save Tetsunosuke from the Check It Out gang, but the Mimawarigumi stands in the way. Neither side is willing to back down, but Gintoki, who had infiltrated the gang as a Mimawarigumi spy, manages to save Tetsunosuke! Kondo orders the Shinsengumi to begin fighting back!

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Madaodog Madaonaire

27 Februar 201224m

The middle-aged dumb-ass oldie, or Madao, Taizo Hasegawa finds himself on a game show with a chance to win ten million yen. Will he be able to endure the pressure and become a Madaonaire!? And what is Madao's motivation for participating in the game show...?

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Presents Are Meant To Be Given Early

5 Mars 201224m

A character from 2 years ago is back with a request for Gin. This favor will take the Odd-Job Trio right in the middle of Satan Festival in this very special Christmas episode.

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Gin is trying to hand out New Year Envelopes but the lack of children characters make it hard. To make matters worse, everyone seems to have their mind wrapped around long cylindrical objects and small spherical objects.

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Nobody cares anymore, the animators, producers, not even Hideaki Sorachi. Aww, it’s such a drag even the characters are airing their grievances. Where do we go from here?

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We're Sorry

Season Finale
26 Mars 201224m

Its last episode and Gintama' is going out with a bang. A Gintama clip show!

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Gintoki returns from a six-month vacation to find he has been replaced by a gold-haired imposter.

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Kintoki and Gintoki

11 Oktober 201224m

Tama reveals Kintoki's origins and hatches a plan with Gintoki and Sadaharu to make the town remember the real Odd Jobs leader.

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Kin-san's Kintama

18 Oktober 201224m

After Gintoki saves Tama from Kintoki, he finds the whole town turned against him after Kintoki frames him for the attack! Now Gintoki must face not only Kintoki, but all his former friends too! However, some of them are beginning to have doubts.

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The Meaning of a Main Character

25 Oktober 201224m

It's time for the final showdown. Gintoki's friends rally around him once more, but Kintoki still has one more trick up his sleeve that could spell the end of Gintama forever!

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Courtesan Turns the Tables

10 Januar 201324m

Many years ago, the famous courtesan Suzuran made a promise with one of her clients. She has waiting in Yoshiwara ever since, hoping meet this man again. Many years have passed and Suzuran is now old and on her deathbed. Gintoki and Tsukuyo decide to track down this man, but are shocked when they find out just who he is.

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Inside the Palace!!

17 Januar 201324m

Whilst trying to hide the unconscious Shogun, Gintoki and the gang encounter his uncle, the former Shogun, the man who allegedly made the promise with Suzuran. However, when Tsukuyo asks about her, they discover something that could spell danger for them all.

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Five Pinkies

24 Januar 201324m

Gintoki and the gang storm the palace looking for Maizo and Sadasada, the former Shogun. They find and confront Sadasada, but he still has a few tricks up his sleeve...

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Pinky Swear

31 Januar 201324m

Just when it looks like all is lost, the Shinsengumi and Mimawarigumi arrive to lend their aid to our heroes. Sadasada attempts to escape but Gintoki is hot in pursuit.

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Unsetting Moon

7 Februar 201324m

As the Tendoshu arrive to take control of the situation, Shigeshige makes an unexpected announcement.

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Otae has decided that it's finally time to re-open the dojo to new students. Shortly after deciding this, she and Shinpachi meet with an unexpected acquaintance from the past. His name is Hajime, a former student of the dojo who was missing, assumed dead after being caught in an explosion in the terminal. Now that he has returned, he will help them revive the dojo, however there is something different about him.

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Two Brothers

14 Mars 201324m

Hajime's secret is revealed and the fate of the world hangs in the balance. Gintoki, seemingly ignoring Otae's pleas, decides to settle the score with Hajime himself.

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Liquor and Gasoline, Smiles and Tears

21 Mars 201324m

Shinpachi arrives and saves Gintoki at the last moment. Although Gintoki was trying to save Hajime, Shinpachi and Otae have now resolved to put an end to this no matter what.

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Dog Food Doesn't Taste Like You Think

Season Finale
28 Mars 201324m

Sadaharu, fed up with the lack of food at Odd Jobs, decides to leave to fend for himself. On the way he meets a starving puppy that he can't ignore.

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Sakura Festival 2011

6 Juli 20131h 50m

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Zenya Festival 2013

23 Oktober 201325m

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Jump Festa 2014 Special

3 April 201525m

Odd jobs wake up to find a (not so) familiar spirit, who tries to explain the importance of having special moves.

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You Can Never Pause at the Perfect Time

8 April 201524m

Gin finds a strange clock and accidentally breaks it, causing all time in the universe to come to a stop.

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Odd Jobs continue to try and fix the Universal Clock, with little success.

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Yamazaki is on the verge of breaking down after staking out Odd Jobs' place for days on end. Tama offers some words of encouragement at just the right moment. Unfortunately, Yamazaki's new found affection for Tama soon turns into full-blown stalking. Concerned, the Shinsengumi send Okita to help fix things...

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Part 1 - Tsukuyo attempts to give Seita history lessons, but he refuses to take it seriously. Gintoki attempts to help, but his version of events may not be very accurate.

Part 2 - Shinpachi runs into Gintoki whilst attempting to smuggle "Ho Love-ru" manga. The pair discuss how best to hide them from his sister.

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Part 1 - Sacchan finds a new stalking spot in Odd Job's building, but witnesses some unexpected things as the gang go about their morning rituals!

Part 2 - Yamazaki is fed up with being labelled as boring at work and tries to get a ninja license.

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Gin is tricked into turning up to a reunion party with Katsura and Sakamoto. The two are unhappy with their lack of screen time and are determined to start a flashback arc, but they then get sidetracked trying to figure out the identity of a supposed fifth hero who supported them from the sidelines.

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Gin and co finally remember the phantom fifth member, Kurokono Tasuke. They also remember blowing him up by accident! Could it be that this reunion was arranged by Kurokono's vengeful spirit?

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Whilst buying his cigarettes, Hijikata is persuaded to take a lottery ticket someone left behind. Against all the odds, it's the jackpot winner! Hijikata becomes paranoid that somebody knows he has the ticket and then bumps into the last person he wants to see!

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Part 1 - Odd Jobs discuss ways to advertise themselves to attract new customers.

Part 2 - Now that the previous four Devas have retired, the new leaders try to think of ways to make the Kabuki District less intimidating after being ranked the "least desirable place to live".

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9 + 1 = Yagyu Jyubei

10 Juni 201524m

Chaos ensues in the Kabuki district after a fanatical cult swaps everyone's genders around.

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Odd Jobs and the Shinsengumi (F) team up to overthrow the cult, but Kyubei starts to question whether he/she wants to turn back into a woman.

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10 - 1 =

24 Juni 201524m

The gang break into the cult's headquarters but the leaders have already escaped. Faced with the possibility of never changing back, everyone must now adjust to their new genders.

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Concerned that Seita doesn't seem to be making friends at temple school, Hinowa and Tsukuyo, believing the problem to lie with his lunch box, attempt to fix the problem but only seem to make it worse.

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Recently, there has been a bizarre string of murders around town. The victims have all been killed the same way, with their heads virtually severed, bar a small strand of flesh. Gintoki, whilst stumbling home drunk, encounters what appears to be a reaper who asks him to help with their ritual suicide. He will soon discover just how the two are related.

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Human or Demon?

15 Juli 201524m

After revealing that his name was among the criminals sentenced to be executed, Yaemon blackmails Gin into smuggling Asaemon to safety. Meanwhile, Hijikata and Okita follow up their own leads on the reaper, uncovering a greater conspiracy in the process.

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Farewell, Reaper

22 Juli 201524m

Asaemon confronts Yaemon, but after he reveals that it was Gintoki who was the reason for her father's death, her resolve waivers. Will her blade strike Yaemon or Gintoki?

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Hasegawa come to Odd Jobs looking for new ghost stories to scare kids in the park. Unfortunately, the scariest thing about these stories might be the copyright laws they're breaking!

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5 August 201524m

Gintoki notices that many drunken patrons of Otose's bar are confessing their sins to Tama and decides to take advantage of that by opening a confessional and taking a cut of the fees. Many of the confessions seem to mention a certain worthless boss who sounds very familiar!

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Being a Leader is Tough

12 August 201524m

After the previous episode's escapades, Katsura finds the unconscious Shigeshige and takes him back to the Joi Rebels hideout. Shigeshige has lost his memories of being the Shogun, but everyone but Katsura recognizes him straight away! Katsura, seeing potential in Shigeshige as a natural-born leader, attempts to teach him the qualities of leadership, but ends up being one-upped by him!

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Love is a Roach Motel

19 August 201524m

After inviting Otae to the festival and being rejected, Kondo rampages around, taking his frustrations out on happy couples there. In an effort to hide the fact that the one making the scene is the Shinsengumi chief, Sougo and Hijikata convince him to wear a disguise. A short while later, Kondo runs into Otae, who doesn't seem to recognize him in his cockroach mask.

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A Sizzle Summer / A Nothing Summer 2015

26 August 201524m

Part 1 - After being told by Gin and Shinpachi that part of the joy of eating watermelons is the "drama" that comes with them, Kagura and Princess Soyo decide to raise the stakes.

Part 2 - Summer break is almost over and Seita has not done his homework! He goes to Odd Jobs for help but as usual gets more than he bargained for!

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He's the Sweet Tooth, and I'm the Mayo Guy

2 September 201524m

After getting hit by a truck, Gin and Hijikata mysteriously switch bodies. Now they must adapt to living each other's lives while trying to find a way to switch back.

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Gin and Hijikata find Gengai, who's newest invention is responsible for their body swapping. He tries to reverse the process but it doesn't work as something is missing. Gin remembers that part of his soul ended up in a dead cat which they must now find. Unfortunately, the Shinsengumi, with their new found freedom, and Odd Jobs, with their new strict codes, seem intent on getting in their way.

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I'm Odd Jobs, and He's Shinsengumi

16 September 201524m

Gin and Hijikata manage to track down the cat with part of Gin's soul in it, which is being looked after by Otae. Attempts to capture it are complicated when the rest of the gang turn up and have also swapped bodies!

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Mutsu recalls to Gin how she and Sakamoto first became acquainted.

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Always Leave Enough Room for Pebbles in Your Bag

30 September 201524m

Sakamoto has been kidnapped by the pirates they double-crossed in the past! Now, it's up to Mutsu and Gin to rescue him.

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Part 1 - The Odd Jobs trio try out different outfits and styles, with disastrous consequences.

Part 2 - Facing a disinterested group of old bums at their Dojo, Shinpachi asks the others for help in motivating them. They discover a scroll left behind by his dad containing a secret ultimate move.

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The Two Apes

14 Oktober 201524m

Whilst out "patrolling" Tae's house, Kondo encounters a notorious thief known as Ape Boy. Sensing his Gorilla-like strength and agility, Ape Boy asks Kondo to become his disciple.

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Afros of Life and Death

21 Oktober 201524m

Katsura attempts to infiltrate the Shinsengumi wearing an afro as a disguise. He gets more than he bargained for when he is assigned to the squad of another Afro-wearer with some serious social issues!

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Afuro and Wolfro

28 Oktober 201524m

Zura, having successfully infiltrated the Shinsengumi, now attempts to get rid of Wolfro, deeming him a threat.

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Whilst on a job tailing someone in the blistering summer heat, Gin steals Kagura's parasol, forgetting that the Yato are weak against sunlight. Kagura falls ill and is taken to the hospital.

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Keep Your Farewells Short

11 November 201524m

Kagura's ruse has gone too far! After faking her illness things take a turn for the worse as everyone assumes she is dying. Even Soyo turns up and ends up planning a state funeral for her. It looks like it's too late for Kagura to correct the misunderstanding now!

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Part 1 - After faking a stomachache to work on his Manga in peace in the infirmary, Shachi's work is discovered by the nurse there, who likes it a lot! Shachi wants to try asking her out but doesn't know how to. Gin suggests he do it through his Manga.

Part 2 - Gin and Shachi finally get a chance to debut in Jump, however they only have one night to finish their manuscript! Gin finds some assistants to help. Will they finish in time?

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Jump Festa 2015 Special

20 November 201512m

This special celebrates 10 years of the Gintama anime and provides a preview of the upcoming Shogun Assassination Arc.

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Part 1 - Tetsuko leaves Odd Jobs in charge of her store while she looks for rare materials. It doesn't take long before some strange characters appear asking for various legendary swords to be fixed.

Part 2 - Tama befriends an cigarette vending machine that has become unreliable due to its age. Over time, the two become closer, but their happy days may be numbered.

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Shoguns of Light and Shadow

2 Desember 201524m

After the Shogun nearly falls victim to an assassination attempt by unknown forces, a plan is put into motion to help him escape Edo. Several diversions, each with body doubles set off in different directions, guarded by those loyal to Shigeshige. However the loyalty of some remains uncertain...

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Ninja Village

9 Desember 201524m

Zenzou and the Iga clan have betrayed the Shogun! Their forces are ambushed from all sides as forces loyal to the shogun desperately fight back.

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Ninja Soul

16 Desember 201524m

After it becomes clear that the Iga clan didn't actually betray the Shogun, Gin and co are taken to their village and learn the truth about the Shogun's deep involvement with the clan in the past.

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And Then There Were Five

23 Desember 201524m

As Sarutobi attempts to rescue the critically wounded Zenzou, Odd Jobs, Hijikata and Kondou desparately fight back against the ruthless Yato clan, trying to get the Shogun to safety. Meanwhile, Takasugi seeks out Gintoki to end things once and for all.

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Those Who Protect Against All Odds

6 Januar 201624m

Past histories are finally confronted for Gintoki and Kagura as they face off against Takasugi and Kamui.

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Sworn Enemy

13 Januar 201624m

As Gintoki and Takasugi continue their frenzied fight, the past they shared together with Katsura is revealed, as well as the fate of their teacher, Shouyou.

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The Crows Caw After the Battle Ends

20 Januar 201624m

As various conflicts draw to their conclusions, the Tendoshu swoop in to finish off the survivors.

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Farewell, Buddy

27 Januar 201624m

With the battle over, the survivors each go their separate ways. With Nobunobu appointed the new Shogun, Shigeshige and his retainers retreat to Kyo to regroup. For those left in Edo, there may be dark times ahead.

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The Day the Demon Cried

3 Februar 201624m

Following Shigeshige's assassination, the new Shogun, Nobunobu begins a purge of the old guard. Matsudaira and Kondo are blamed for failing to prevent the assassination and sentenced to be beheaded and the Shingengumi are disbanded. Lost and without a leader, they must now decide what to do next.

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Heroes Always Arrive Fashionably Late

10 Februar 201624m

Gin and Hijikata are drinking away their sorrows when Nobunobu and the Mimawarigumi storm the place. Nobunobu, not satisfied with having crushed Shigeshige and thei Shinsengumi attempts to antagonize Hijikata. Suddenly, an unexpected ally arrives.

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Lost and Found

17 Februar 201624m

Whilst Kondo And Katsura attempt to break out of prison, Hijikata must decide which path to walk.

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Prison Break

24 Februar 201624m

The Shinsengumi and Joi Rebels team up to rescue Kondo and Katsura from the prison island known as Kokujo, but things do not go to plan and they are soon ambushed by a familiar enemy.

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Stray Dogs

2 Mars 201624m

Odd Jobs and the Shinsengumi make land on the prison island, but to reach Kondo and Katsura they must content with the Tendoshu and the Mimawarigumi first.

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Undelivered Mail

9 Mars 201624m

Sasaki Isaburo's past with the Shinsengumi, Matsudaira, and Imai Nobume is finally revealed.

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16 Mars 201624m

Things come to a head on Kokujo Island, as death itself descends upon the battlefield.

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23 Mars 201624m

With everyone fighting to regroup and escape, Sasaki makes the same mistake one more time.

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Farewell Shinsengumi

Season Finale
30 Mars 201624m

The complete fallout of the events at Kokujo Island come to light and brings about farewells nobody thought they'd ever see.

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A Heart Without Love Does Not Smoke

4 August 201626m

Tsukuyo and co are caught up in a conspiracy involving an underground drug that causes people to fall in love with the first person they see.

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An Everlasting Flower

4 November 201626m

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The Monster and the Monster's Child

9 Januar 201724m

Katsura, his faction and the Yorozuya are in Akiba hiding from the bakufu before encountering Nobume, Matoko and Takechi.Thus weaves a tale of the Kiheitai's fall, the Tendoushuu's birth and a surprising secret of Shouyou.

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Leave Letter

16 Januar 201724m

As the Yorozuya struggle with the recent revelations, the Kiheitai find themselves with unexpected allies. Now all will go on a journey to the planet Rakuyou, once the birthplace of two certain redhead Yato.

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The Song of a Samurai

23 Januar 201724m

Enemies and allies have gathered on Rakuyou. So now the battles begin!

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30 Januar 201724m

Katsura, Sakamoto, and Gintoki must face off against the most dangerous members of the Harusame, the 3 Mad Stars. First up, it is Katsura vs Shoukaku, along with the reveal of Katsura's past.

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The Two Fools

6 Februar 201724m

One Star down, two to go; next up, it is Sakamoto vs Hankai. As he struggles to save ship and crew from the android's machinations, a certain character gains development.

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Ten Years

13 Februar 201724m

Two down, one to go; last up, Gintoki vs. Batou with mistaken identities and illusions galore. And in the end, a certain character awakens and a certain quartet reunite.

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20 Februar 201724m

The Heavenly Kings are reunited to fight against the Harusame and Utsuro. Meanwhile, a certain father and son also reunite to kill the other; but not if Kagura have anything to say about it.

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Master of Kouan

27 Februar 201724m

Umibouzu vs. Utsuro and Kagura vs. Kamui. Though along the way, the father and son reveal the figure who has a connection to all four of them, the deceased wife and mother of three of them, Kouka.

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The Lost Rabbit

6 Mars 201724m

Through confusion and suffering, everything falls apart when Kouka grows ill and the ramifications of her constitution becomes apparent. In the present, Utsuro and Umibouzu's plus the siblings' fights end.

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13 Mars 201724m

It is the Yorozuya and Abuto vs Kamui to save him from the brink.

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First Student

20 Mars 201724m

The arc comes to a close. Takasugi vs Oboro and Oboro's past is revealed.

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Season Finale
27 Mars 201724m

Utsuro's past is revealed as well as his ultimate plan, plus revelations are made. The Rakuyou Arc finale.

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Kagura has a boyfriend!! What unspeakable things will happen to him who appears before the obsessively nosey, restlessly agitated Umibozu and Gintoki!?

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Gintoki and Umibozu go all-out to stop Kagura's marriage from happening.

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A Bowl of Ramen

16 Oktober 201724m

Katsura, upon hearing Ikumatsu's story about an old man who used to visit her restaurant every New Year's Eve, enlists the Odd Jobs' help to look for him.

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A Family

23 Oktober 201724m

The gang discover the truth behind the old man and look to reunite him with Ikumatsu and her ramen.

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Hasegawa has a life-or-death encounter with assassins, and the Shinsengumi and Mimawarigumi compete over solving a fictional case.

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3000 Leagues in Search of a Scabbard

6 November 201724m

The Odd Jobs encounter a strange sword at Tetsuko's smithy, and it grows attached (quite literally) to Gintoki's behind!

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The Super Sadist and the Super Sadist

13 November 201724m

Kusanagi reveals the details of an old wound he received at the hands of the cursed sword, Maganagi, as Gintoki and Okita get ready for their duel. Meanwhile, Hijikata investigates Senbe the Manslayer.

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The Strongest Sword, and the Dullest Ass

20 November 201724m

The Excaliburling story reaches its climax as Maganagi takes over Okita's body and reveals the truth to Kusanagi. How will Gintoki respond?

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Wash Your Hands Before a Handshake

27 November 201724m

As group units take over the idol industry, Terakado Tsu must adapt or fall behind the times. But the idol she forms a combo unit with is... Kagura?

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Diamonds are Unscratchable

4 Desember 201724m

Boogie Diamonds 48 has to deal with the sudden arrival of Galaxy Kingdom Bitches 48, who challenge them for the spot of Edo's top idol!

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An Idol's Badge of Honor

11 Desember 201724m

The battle at the Oedo Dome heats up as the fans waver between the two groups, but Otsu is still holed up indoors. Will she fade away, or will Shinpachi and gang rekindle her passion?

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In the first half, Gintoki decides that as protagonist, he can't sit and do nothing as a Gintama game is released. He takes matters into his own hands as Odd Jobs looks to produce a super hit. In the second, Shinpachi buys a new pair of glasses that get him rather high spirits...

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Guardian Spirits Are Also a Part of the Soul

Season Finale
25 Desember 201724m

The Kabuki District Sports Meet begins, and Shinpachi bears witness to the influence guardian spirits have on such events. Will he be able to fight through it and help Odd Jobs win the cash prize?

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Utsuro's master plan is in full effect as Earth is taken over by the Altana Liberation Army. With Odd Jobs still not back from Rakuyo, the residents of Kabuki District have a hard time adjusting to life as a colony.

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Flavoring is Best in Small Quantities

15 Januar 201824m

Katsura, Sakamoto, and Nobunobu arrive at the S.S. Heavenly Bird and try to bring the Liberation Army to the negotiating table. Meanwhile, the various factions in Edo begin to make their move.

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A Delinquent's Kid Has Long Neck Hair

22 Januar 201824m

With the Odd Jobs looking for the Tendoshu, things heat up on the Liberation Army's main ship. Shijaku has promised his cooperation to Nobunobu, but now he must convince his comrades.

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The encounter with Utsuro leaves Gintoki feeling more helpless than ever before. That's when he receives a very powerful reminder.

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The return of some familiar faces breathes new life into Earth's resistance, but they're as troublesome as they've always been! And when the Liberation Army brings out its big guns, it's up to Gengai to respond.

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The machines have done their part and left Earth's future in the hands of humanity. But Gengai's cannon has also painted a huge target on the Kabuki Distruct, and the Liberation Army immediately marches toward it.

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Men Must Live Not Long or Thick, but Hard

19 Februar 201824m

Prince Hata's past is revealed along with the history of Planet Okoku. Can Katsura and Hasegawa really get them on Earth's side?

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The Kabuki District is under siege, and the fearsome Dakini race arrive on the scene. How can the District and its residents cope with this onslaught?

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The Shinra finally make their move and look to capture the creator of the virus cannon with their underhand tactics. But right as things get desperate, the "boss" of the Kabuki District intervenes

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Jump and Power Creep Go Hand-in-Hand

12 Mars 201824m

Under the leadership of the Kabuki District's Four Devas, the residents are beginning to drive out the enemies inside the town. However, they still have to deal with Ougai, the leader of the Dakini force.

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After successfully driving the Liberation Army out of the Kabuki District, its residents enjoy a well-earned break. However, they know that the peace won't last for long.

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Bushido Is Found One Second Before Death

Season Finale
26 Mars 201824m

Gengai has gone missing, and Ensho has brought out his trump card. How can the Odd Jobs, the Shinsengumi, Katsura, Sakamoto, and Nobunobu get out of this desperate situation?

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The Evildoers Who Do Good

9 Juli 201824m

The other half of silver soul arc starts.

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Rabbits Jump High on Moonlit Nights

15 Juli 201824m

Kagura senses Yato presence and runs off to stop them, and she has some unexpected backup!

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Making a Dull World Interesting

22 Juli 201824m

With the Earth's Altana reserves going berserk, and the Flame of Kagutsuchi nearly ready to fire, the Kiheitai are left with hard choices to make in order to prevent the destruction of Earth and the entire galaxy.

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Ensho's past is revealed, and Takasugi revolves to make a final stand to take him down.

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Countless Kings

5 August 201824m

The story shifts back to Earth, where Utsuro has made the Altana ley lines go berserk. Some old, familiar faces rise up to combat it.

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Shijaku presents his brother, Prince Hata, with an impossible choice. As he finally makes his decision, Hasegawa suggests a different solution.

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Always Hold On to Your Trump Cards

19 August 201824m

As Sadaharu fights to quell the rampaging ley lines, the gang puts it all on the line to take down Utsuro.

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The Creatures Known as Humanity

26 August 201824m

The Odd Jobs are joined by old friends in their battle to save the Earth. Utsuro is surprised by a side of humanity he had never seen before.

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2 September 201824m

Two years have passed, and Gintoki has shut down the Odd Jobs business and gone off to do something only he can do. Shinpachi has other ideas, though.

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9 September 201824m

Shinpachi is forced into a plot to assassinate the inaugural prime minister of Japan, Donald Zuramp!

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Two in Girl Years Is Equal to Ten in Man Years

17 September 201824m

Okita and Kagura's daughter (?) rekindle their rivalry, and Okita senses something is off. Meanwhile, Gintoki runs into an old friend.

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24 September 201824m

Gintoki and Takasugi reveal to each other what they've been doing over the past two years, and decide to go save the one thing they never managed to save in the past: their teacher.

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Dun Dun

1 Oktober 201824m

Now back in Edo, Gintoki doesn't know how to face his old friends, and so he decides to try and avoid running into any of them. However, that won't be easy.

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There Are Lines Even Villains Can't Cross

Season Finale
8 Oktober 201824m

Having caught Takasugi Shinsfake, the ladies' gang decides to teach him a lesson and try and get him to spill the beans on where Gintoki is. How will Shinsfake survive this?

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Gintama x Monster Strike - Episode 1

29 August 201911m

Collaboration anime between Gintama and Monster Strike.

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Gintama x Monster Strike - Episode 2

4 September 201911m

Collaboration anime between Gintama and Monster Strike.

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Jump Festa 2015 Special

15 Januar 202124m

This special celebrates 10 years of the Gintama anime and provides a preview of the upcoming Shogun Assassination Arc.

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Tsukuyo and co are caught up in a conspiracy involving an underground drug that causes people to fall in love with the first person they see.

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