Henry Rollins hahmona Himself - Host

Jaksot 14

Presidential Assassinations

2 marraskuu 201330m

Four American Presidents have lost their lives to some of the most notorious madmen in all of history. But Henry Rollins is discovering that there are some strange and wild tales of assassination that you just don't know about. Whether it's failed attempts and medical oddities, or brain-busting conspiracies and savage gun battles, Henry has his crosshairs trained on the most shocking facts surrounding presidential assassins.

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The White House

9 marraskuu 201330m

The White House might be the most recognizable home in the entire world. But as a Washington, D.C. native, Henry Rollins knows there's far more to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue than meets the eye. From dissecting the shape of the Oval Office to uncovering why a brothel once operated on White House grounds, Henry uncovers the most thought-provoking details about the Executive Mansion.

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Founding Fathers

16 marraskuu 201330m

You can find images of the Founding Fathers pretty much anywhere–monuments, paintings, even your money. But Henry Rollins is about to take your preconceived notions of these titans and turn them on their ear. There are unbelievable innovations, bitter rivalries, spy games…and even bankrupt presidents. These are the facts about the Founders you wish you'd been taught in high school.

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Season Finale
23 marraskuu 201330m

Prohibition was one of the most outlandish, and most influential periods in all of American history–and Henry Rollins is going to reveal just how strange it got. From Al Capone's deep, dark family secret and weird D.C. monuments still standing today, to the crazy and sinister things our government did to get average Americans to stop drinking, you won't believe what Henry's dug up.

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The Flag

16 elokuu 201430m

The American Flag is one of the most familiar symbols in the world. Many have sung the National Anthem, pledged allegiance, and waved it proudly... but Henry knows the Stars and Stripes has more stories than you've heard. From its first design to the original pledge, from the Civil War to the Moon, the Flag has taken a journey through American history unlike any other.

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23 elokuu 201430m

Texas--there's no state in America like it. Big. Brash. Bold. But Henry's trek through the Lone Star State will completely shatter what you thought you knew. This once independent nation's history is an adventure of epic proportions--there are macabre spectator events, exotic animals, pirates, natural disasters... and an almost inconceivable political secret weapon. After what Henry uncovers, you'll never see Texas the same way again.

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Civil Rights

30 elokuu 201430m

Henry cracks open the books on one of America's most defining chapters--the Civil Rights movement. On a road not often traveled, he crosses the country in search of the unknown stories that built a generation of heroes. From the little-known actions of iconic pioneers like Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, and Lyndon Johnson to the many courageous deeds of unheralded champions, there's much more to America's fight for equality than you've been taught.

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Edison vs. Tesla

6 syyskuu 201430m

Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla are two of the most famous minds in American History... yet their lives and work are filled with facts you'd never even imagine. There's obscure inventions, eccentric ideas, a proposed duel... not to mention the surprising site where you'll find artifacts from their first collaboration. Henry leaves no bulb unscrewed in finding the most incredible facts surrounding these scientific giants.

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American Revolution

13 syyskuu 201430m

We all know how the 13 Colonies broke from the British Empire and formed the USA, but this bloody conflict brims with incredible accounts that will blow your mind. Henry Rollins unearths tales of overlooked heroes, astonishing innovations and heartbreaking tragedy.

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The Hoover Dam

20 syyskuu 201430m

The Hoover Dam is an iconic American landmark, yet within its massive walls lie tales long buried. From harrowing accounts of the men who built it, to the shocking ways they were kept in danger. There were explosive ideas on how to make a dam so large, and even more incredible ways to protect it. From the Colorado River to California's Salton Sea, Henry's journey to find unknown facts about the Hoover Dam is as colossal as the structure itself.

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4 lokakuu 201430m

Marijuana's plant roots run deep in America and Henry digs up its long and complicated history; from its strange origins, to top-secret government programs.

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The Almighty Dollar

11 lokakuu 201430m

Whether it's in your pocket, in your bank account, or stuffed under your mattress, what most people don't know about the history of their cash can fill Fort Knox. Henry travels the strange and sordid trail of currency in America... from how bills were first printed, to why have coins have ridges on them. There are bizarre stories of wishing wells, the national debt, even the U.S. Government literally setting one state's dollars ablaze. By the end of this trip, your money will never look the same way again.

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Las Vegas

18 lokakuu 201430m

Though it's often defined by gambling, mobsters, and broken dreams, Las Vegas has a background far more diverse--from the Depression's impact on the city, to a President's surprising influence, to its history as a patriotic tourist destination. It attracted the biggest personalities--a famous recluse who helped get rid of the mob, and a larger than life legend that fell victim to the city's vices. What happened in Vegas, won't stay in Vegas... as Henry finds that there's more to Sin City than meets the eye.

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The Gold Rush

Season Finale
25 lokakuu 201430m

The Gold Rush was the largest mass migration in American History--with hundreds of thousands of fortune seekers eager to stake their claim to the billions buried beneath California. Henry mines for little-known nuggets of truth about untold greed, vigilante justice, dangerous and destructive practices.... even secret societies still in existence today. See the far-out history of how Gold Fever REALLY panned out for Americans attempting to make their wildest dreams come true.

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