Olivia Newton-John hahmona Bitsy Mae Harling

Jaksot 12

The Day Tammy Wynette Died (1)

23 heinäkuu 2008

Peggy is missing. Her daughters Latrelle and LaVonda search for her at the request of her sister Sissy. Peggy's mental patient son Brother Boy is heart-broken to learn that Tammy Wynette has died. Noleta and GW, the couple who live in a trailer next to Sissy's house, fight because he wants to...

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The Day Tammy Wynette Died (2)

30 heinäkuu 2008

The spirit of Tammy Wynette visits Brother Boy, and he meets Dr. Eve, who announces she's going to dehomosexualize him. Bitsy Mae drags Peggy to the bar, where Latrelle spies her dancing with G.W. Noleta spends time with her new, electronic sexual aid. Ty has several run-ins with his ex-girlfriend.

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Pills, Poison and Penises

6 elokuu 2008

LaVonda, Latrelle and Peggy go to the mental institution to see Brother Boy, who's lapsed into a coma. Noleta tries to kill G.W. Ty becomes overly self-conscious about appearing nude on stage. Latrelle's Valium addiction begins to spiral out of control.

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Secrets and Lies

13 elokuu 2008

Noleta considers several methods of murdering G.W; Bitsy Mae finds out the truth about the fire that burned down her mobile home; Ty finds himself hiding his sexual orientation from friends; Sissy and LaVonda discover Latrelle's stash of pills.

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Brother Boy awakens from his coma and butts heads with Dr. Eve. Meanwhile, Sissy squares off with a neighbor's goat, Ty befriends an older neighbor, and Peggy sleeps with G.W.

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Call Waiting

10 syyskuu 2008

After Latrelle spies G.W. at the motel, LaVonda puts two and two together and realizes that G.W. and Peggy are having an affair, which LaVonda keeps secret from Noleta. Meanwhile, LaVonda plans to visit Ty in Los Angeles.

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An Audacious Affair

17 syyskuu 2008

Bitsy Mae and the gang at Bubba's decide to confront the church members; Brother Boy tries to convince Dr. Eve to continue his therapy; Noleta suspects G.W. of being unfaithful; Ty comes clean, but Sara refuses to believe he's gay.

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Guess Who's Coming to Bubba's?

24 syyskuu 2008

Bitsy Mae speaks to the church; Peggy explains her reasons for taking Bitsy Mae in; Brother Boy is troubled in Dr. Eve's therapy; Sissy, Noleta and LaVonda search for a missing Latrelle.

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Those Pesky Little Stalkers

1 lokakuu 2008

Latrelle owns up to her pill addiction; Brother Boy learns of an escape out of the mental institution; Bumper goes to Latrelle's house to attack her; Walker dies and Sara moves into his old place, upsetting Ty further; G.W. wants to get rid of Noleta so he can be with Peggy.

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Desperately Seeking Ty

8 lokakuu 2008

Noleta and her gun save the day when Bumper fights with Latrelle, LaVonda and Sissy; the church circulates a petition to close Bubba's bar; Noleta finds evidence of G.W.'s extra-marital affair with Peggy; LaVonda catches Bitsy and Glyndora in a compromising position; Sara refuses to accept that her ex, Ty, is now involved with a man.

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Compromising Situations

22 lokakuu 2008

Ty tells come out to Marc and tells Sara that he and Jacob are a couple; Brother Boy and Jackie try blackmail to get out of the institution; church members picket Bubba's; Bitsy Mae takes Glyndora in after Ritchie beats her; Latrelle quits popping pills, while Sissy wants to quit smoking; Noleta decides to accompany LaVonda to L.A. to see Ty's play.

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The Trip

Season Finale
29 lokakuu 2008

LaVonda and Noleta arrive in Los Angeles for the opening of Ty's play, but Ty has other problems; G.W. proposes to Peggy; Bitsy Mae shares her feelings with Glyndora; Latrelle kicks her pill addiction; Sissy confesses to killing the goat and is arrested along with Noleta; Brother Boy blackmails Bumper and he and Jackie make their escape.

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