山下大輝 come Takuma Seto (voice)

Episodi 103

Aullando en el verano

6 aprile, 201524m

Preparándose para el torneo de otoño, los periodistas empiezan a escribir y recordar los juegos del torneo de verano, en este caso el juego entre Yakushi y Seidou.

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La calima del verano

13 aprile, 201524m

Los periodistas siguen escribiendo su artículo sobre el torneo de verano, ahora recuerdan la primera mitad del juego entre Inashiro y Seidou.

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Los reyes del verano

20 aprile, 201524m

Continua la recapitulación del partido final entre Seidou e Inashiro.

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¡Empieza el torneo de otoño!

27 aprile, 201524m

Seidou se prepara para su primer juego del torneo de otoño contra Seidou. Eijun sigue teniendo problemas con sus lanzamientos, y para sumar problemas, el asistente del entrenador le sugiere que pase a ser un mero pitcher de entrenamiento de bateadores. Al ver esto, el entrenador decide tomar medidas para no perder a Eijun.

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La fría lluvia

4 maggio, 201524m

Bajo una torrencial lluvia comienza el juego entre Seidou y Teito. Furuya elimina a los bateadores con sus potentes lanzamientos y el pitcher de Teito hace lo propio con sus lanzamientos bajos a las esquinas.

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Fuera de servicio

11 maggio, 201524m

El partido se reanuda tras el parón por la lluvia. Furuya vuelve a lanzar, pero se queda sin energías y cede una carrera. Al ver esto, el entrenador Kataoka no duda en cambiarlo y meter a Eijun.

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Donde estoy ahora

18 maggio, 201524m

El juego sigue tras el ingreso de Eijun. Las entradas pasan pero el juego sigue cerrado al llegar a la séptima. Por más que los bateadores de Seidou hacen que el pitcher de Teito lance mucho, su entrenador se niega a cambiar a su estrella.

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25 maggio, 201524m

Llega el clímax del juego contra Teito. Ya en la octava, Seidou pierde por una, pero tiene las bases llenas. ¿Podrán darle la vuelta al marcador y seguir avanzando en el torneo?

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Mi camino

1 giugno, 201524m

Mientras el equipo se prepara para el juego de la segunda ronda, hay algunos jugadores secundarios que se sienten fuera de lugar y prefieren estudiar para los exámenes, aunque les cuesta decirles eso a Miyuki.

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Lo que lanzaste...

8 giugno, 201524m

Llega la hora del siguiente juego del torneo, esta vez contra Nanamori. Parece que todo comienza estupendamente contra un rival bastante asequible, pero no tardarán mucho en aparecer los problemas a la hora de lanzar.

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La rebelión del equipo pequeño

15 giugno, 201524m

Eijun sigue en buena forma tras poder lanzar hacia dentro contra Nanamori. Por otro lado, Inashiro está teniendo muchos problemas contra un equipo pequeño que no piensa rendirse hasta el final.

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22 giugno, 201524m

Sigue el apretado partido entre Inashiro y Ugumori. Inashiro ve cómo se le complica el partido a medida que avanzan las entradas, así que el entrenador decide mandar al montículo a Narumiya, con esperanzas de asegurar el marcador.

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29 giugno, 201524m

Los chicos de Seidou analizan el video del partido entre Inashiro y Ugumori ayudándose de las notas que tomó Watanabe. Tras eso, el equipo se entera de que Watanabe y algunos más quieren renunciar al equipo y se genera un conflicto con Miyuki.

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Lo que llevo a cuestas

6 luglio, 201524m

Empieza el partido entre Seidou y Ugumori. Furuya empieza lanzando y, como viene siendo habitual en los últimos juegos, tiene problemas para arrancar, cosa que Ugumori no tarda en aprovechar. Pero es suficiente para que Seidou se desanime, así que enmpiezan el contraataque.

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Persistente y diligente

13 luglio, 201524m

La primera entrada del juego contra acaba con un marcador abultado y las siguientes entradas se suceden en un juego golpe a golpe, donde Furuya logra aguantar a pesar de todo lo que le toca lanzar.

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Reacción en cadena

20 luglio, 201524m

Ugumori empieza a ganarse a los espectadores al ser el equipo pequeño que lucha contra el grande. Llega la octava entrada y Seidou lidera el marcador con cinco carreras de diferencia, pero la estrella de Ugumori se niega a darse por vencido e intenta aprovechar los lanzamientos de Furuya.

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27 luglio, 201524m

Ugumori empieza a recortar distancias en la octava entrada tras una serie de errores de todo el equipo de Seidou. Esto pone nervioso a Furuya, quien va viendo cómo el rival se acerca en el marcador y va ganando motivación.

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Este tipo es bueno

3 agosto, 201524m

Llega la novena entrada del juego contra Ugumori. Para sorpresa de todos, el encargado de cerrar el partido es Sawamura, quien deberá enfrentarse a los limpiadores de Ugumori bajo un estadio que es una olla a presión a favor del equipo pequeño.

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Un desafío intransigente

10 agosto, 201524m

Llega el final del juego entre Seidou y Ugumori, y también el final de otros juegos de octavos de final.

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Con la cabeza en alto

17 agosto, 201524m

Empieza el periodo de preparación para la semifinal. Miyuki consulta con Yuki porque tiene dudas sobre el puesto del capitán y los encargados de reunir datos se plantean pasarse a mánagers.

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¿Susurros del diablo?

24 agosto, 201524m

Seidou empieza a prepararse para el próximo partido. El entrenador Kataoka decide dejar a Furuya fuera para que sane y usar a Sawamura desde el comienzo. Al ver que el equipo no termina de mejorar, el entrenador Ochiai empieza a acercarse a Sawamura y Miyuki para intentar convencerlos de sus ideas.

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31 agosto, 201524m

Sawamura sigue el consejo del entrenador Ochiai y junto a Miyuki desarrollan un nuevo tipo de lanzamiento quebrado antes del juego de cuartos de final contra Oya. El juego comienza con Sawamura en el montículo y no pasa mucho hasta que la batería de Seidou intenta probar su nueva arma.

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Nivel académico

7 settembre, 201524m

Sawamura no empieza bien en la primera entrada y permite que Oya se ponga a la delantera. Miyuki también tiene problemas en su turno de bateo y los jugadores de Seidou empiezan a entender lo complicado que será este juego.

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Mentes individuales

14 settembre, 201524m

El partido contra Oya sigue avanzando y se empiezan a ver los frutos de los datos que recopiló Watanabe.

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21 settembre, 201524m

Sawamura empieza a tomar buen ritmo y elimina a los bateadores de Oya uno tras otro, pero esto no hace que los de Oya se desanimen y siguen luchando por un lugar en la semifinal.

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El engreído chico de primero

28 settembre, 201524m

El torneo de otoño llega a las semifinales con los equipos acostumbrados. Con el triunfo de Seidou, ahora solo resta esperar al próximo oponente. Maki, de la preparatoria Sensen, parece tener serias dificultades contra los gigantes y poderosos bateadores de la preparatoria Seiko. Y Narumiya reflexiona sobre su futuro.

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Paso a paso

5 ottobre, 201524m

Sawamura ha jugado a un nivel extraordinario y eso empieza a dejar huella entre los demás compañeros del equipo, sobre todo entre los pitchers. Debido a ello, Kawakami intenta mejorar un tipo de lanzamiento que tenía olvidado y Furuya le pide ayuda al entrenador para aprender un nuevo lanzamiento quebrado.

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El resistente segundo equipo

12 ottobre, 201524m

Mientras se preparan para jugar la semifinal del torneo, los entrenadores del equipo deciden jugar un interescuadras. Básicamente consiste en enfrentar a los chicos del equipo titular contra los chicos suplentes del equipo. Es la hora de lucirse para intentar conseguir un puesto en el equipo titular.

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Chico demonio

19 ottobre, 201524m

Prosigue el partido interescuadras. Mientras los chicos lo dan todo por lucirse y conseguir mejorar sus habilidades, aparece el antiguo entrenador de Seidou y mentor del entrenador Kataoka para transmitirle un mensaje muy importante y que tal vez haga que cambien las cosas.

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El rugido del rey

26 ottobre, 201524m

Es hora de dar los últimos retoques a las estrategias del equipo y pulir los lanzamientos nuevos que han aprendido, puesto que enseguida comenzará la siguiente ronda del torneo. Esta vez su rival será Seiko, un equipo que parece estar lleno de jugadores musculados y poderosos.

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El valor que me dio

2 novembre, 201524m

Seidou comienza su nuevo juego contra un rival que no parece estar causándole demasiados problemas y parece que todo seguirá así hasta el final. Pero cuando parecía que nada tendría solución, Ogawa, el pitcher de Seiko, empieza a agarrar ritmo y les da muchos problemas.

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Cargado de determinación

9 novembre, 201524m

El pitcher de Seiko está poniendo en graves aprietos a Seidou, pero no solo con sus lanzamientos sino también con la descomunal fuerza que tiene a la hora de batear. Mientras tanto, parece que Furuya está teniendo problemas nuevamente, pero se niega a bajar del montículo.

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El instinto de la estrella

16 novembre, 201524m

El juego sigue adelante, pero Furuya, además de lesionado, empieza a estar fatigado y sus lanzamientos pierden potencia y se vuelven fáciles de batear. En esa situación, el entrenador decide reemplazarlo por Sawamura, quien se encuentra ante una nueva oportunidad de lucirse.

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23 novembre, 201524m

Seidou sigue atravesando una grave crisis por culpa del monstruoso pitcher que juega en Seiko. No solo es bueno lanzando, sino que además tiene una fuerza brutal a la hora de batear y ha hecho mucho daño. Pero lejos de hundirse, Sawamura saca fuerzas de flaqueza para seguir lanzando.

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El mundo que hay más allá

30 novembre, 201524m

El juego llega a entradas extras, con lo que el margen de error ya es inexistente. En esa situación, empieza lanzando Seidou con la intención de dejar a cero a su rival y esperar a que luego los bateadores del equipo deshagan el empate.

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La continuación del verano

7 dicembre, 201524m

El juego entre Seidou y Seiko ya es historia, así el toca el turno a la otra semifinal, que enfrentará a Yakushi contra Ichidai. Yakushi llega en plena forma con un registro de 33 victorias, pero Ichidai no está dispuesto a ceder tan fácilmente.

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14 dicembre, 201524m

A medida que avanza el juego entre Ichidai y Yakushi, la situación se pone muy tensa porque la ventaja de Ichidai corre mucho peligro ante la sola presencia de Todoroki. Ahí es donde el entrenador de Ichidai tiene que decidir qué debe prevalecer: el orgullo del pitcher o la victoria.

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Un lanzamiento diabólico

21 dicembre, 201524m

El partido de la segunda semifinal se va acercando lentamente a su final e Ichidai lleva ventaja. Justo en el peor momento es el turno al bate de Todoroki, el bateador más temido. No obstante, el entrenador de Ichidai indica a su pitcher que no debe dejarlo avanzar. ¿Será buena idea o no?

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Cumpliendo las expectativas

4 gennaio, 201624m

La final del torneo es al día siguiente, así que los dos equipos se están preparando y motivando para la gran cita que les puede abrir las puertas de su gran sueño o cerrarlas de golpe una vez más.

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A jugar

11 gennaio, 201624m

Durante la noche previa a la final del torneo aparecen los antiguos compañeros que estaban en tercero para ayudarlos a practicar y darles consejos de última hora. Mientras tanto, aún existe la duda de si Furuya podrá jugar por la lesión y si Miyuki está lesionado o no.

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El primer bateador

18 gennaio, 201624m

Por fin comienza la final del torneo y en la primera entrada ambos equipos hacen su primera toma de contacto y lo hacen lo mejor que pueden para intentar conseguir las primeras carreras que los impulsen hasta el torneo nacional.

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Bola rápida

25 gennaio, 201624m

Seidou empieza el partido con muy buen pie en la final, pero el entrenador de Yakushi toma la decisión de hacer un cambio repentino y casi inesperado que hará que cambie el ritmo del partido.

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De este lado

1 febbraio, 201624m

Raichi ha resultado ser un auténtico monstruo lanzando esas bolas rápidas y va ponchando uno tras otro a sus rivales de Seidou. Por otro lado, Kawakami sabe que tendrá que aplicarse al máximo si no quiere tener problemas durante el partido.

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La mejor rápida

8 febbraio, 201624m

Todos los Cazadores presentes luchan duramente para proteger la academia y a toda la gente. Ruby y Blake tendrán que hacer frente a enemigos especialmente duros. Por otro lado, Pyrrha se ve obligada a tomar una decisión muy repentina e importante.

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Los que están en el campo

15 febbraio, 201624m

Raichi está teniendo problemas para lanzar en esta entrada, así que su padre decide cambiarlo por Sanada. Al mismo tiempo, todos los compañeros de Miyuki se enteran de su lesión, lo que hará que se siembren las dudas temporalmente.

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La decisión

22 febbraio, 201624m

La quinta entrada está siendo un verdadero dolor de cabeza para Seidou, y Miyuki ya no es capaz de ocultar su lesión porque sus movimientos no son los de siempre. ¿Cómo voltearán la situación?

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29 febbraio, 201624m

La situación para Seidou es realmente crítica, y cuando peor están las cosas, llegan los limpiadores de Yakushi para complicarlo aún más si cabe. Pero en la hora de la verdad es cuando Miyuki y Sawamura tienen que demostrar que son una batería de verdad.

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7 marzo, 201624m

La gran actuación de Sawamura en el montículo deja a cero a Yakushi una entrada más, así que vuelve a atacar el equipo de nuestros protagonistas. No obstante, son los últimos bateadores del equipo y se tienen que enfrentar a un monstruo como Sanada.

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14 marzo, 201624m

El partido ya transcurre por la alta de la novena, con Seidou al borde del precipicio y a punto de caer eliminados si no lo remedian en esta última oportunidad que tienen para atacar.

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La última entrada

21 marzo, 201624m

Se acaba el partido y Maezono es la última esperanza que le queda a Seidou para, como poco, remontar el partido y ver si llegan a entradas extras. Sanada lo tiene arrinconado, pero nunca se sabe qué puede pasar cuando uno está al límite.

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Buscando diamantes

Season Finale
28 marzo, 201624m

Ya solo queda por defender esta última entrada para abrir las puertas del torneo nacional. Para ello, el entrenador Kataoka decide dar entrada a Furuya en lugar de Sawamura para cerrar el partido.

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Más allá del sueño

2 aprile, 201924m

Furuya y el resto del equipo se preparan para afrontar los nuevos retos tras obtener una oportunidad con el sudor de sus frentes.

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Hijo del béisbol

9 aprile, 201924m

Va a comenzar el partido de cuartos de final de Seidou contra Komadai Fujimaki. En él veremos un apasionante duelo entre dos pitchers de primera clase.

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Blessed by the Baseball Gods

16 aprile, 201924m

It's ninth day and fourth round of the spring invitational and Seido will finally face Komadai Fujimaki. It's Masamune Hongo's first start of the tournament, and he has not given up a single run. How will the Seido batters counter his 150 km/h fastballs and sharp splitters? Meanwhile, Furuya is starting for Seido. How will he fare against the Komadai Fujimaki batters?

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The Day It Began

23 aprile, 201924m

The quarterfinal match against Komadai Fujimaki is wrapping up. Miyuki earned Seido's only hit against Komadai Fujimaki's Hongo in seven innings. However, Seido's Furuya continues to respond to Hongo and improve his game. Will Seido be able to earn a spot in the semifinals? Will Sawamura get a chance to play?

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30 aprile, 201924m

Losing to Komadai Fujimaki, Seido is out of the spring invitational. What did Furuya as he pitched against Hongo? But there's no time to bask in the afterglow of Koshien Stadium. The Seido lineup is shifting once again. New first-years are joining the team. The other baseball club members are carefully measuring the time left until the summer tournament. And then Haruichi unveils a unexpected change.

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Go Straight

7 maggio, 201924m

Seido has little time to rest after the spring invitational before the Tokyo spring tournament. Their first round opponent is Eigen High School. Kawakami is the lead-off pitcher, but the crowd is expecting Furuya who shone at Koshien Stadium. Will Furuya make an appearance? And what about Sawamura, who was disappointed and Koshien Stadium and is all too aware of Furuya's prowess?

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14 maggio, 201924m

A third-round game at the Tokyo spring tournament is attracting a lot of interest. Inashiro Industrial, the runner-up team from last year's summer tournament with this generation's best southpaw, Mei Narumiya, is facing Yakushi, a quarterfinal finisher from the spring invitational. How have they grown after their winter training and experience in the invitational? Has Narumiya recovered after his disappointing run in the fall? This heavily watched game is about to get under way!

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21 maggio, 201924m

At Meiji Jingu Secondary Stadium, the sparks are flying as Inashiro and Yakushi's game wraps up. Meanwhile, Okumura and the other new Seido first-years are learning how tough high school baseball can be. Seido can seat 20 players on the bench for the spring tournament, but they've only registered 18. Coach Kataoka purposely left two spots open so the third-years for whom this is the last summer tournament, as well as the second and new first-years will compete for them.

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Battle, Battle

28 maggio, 201924m

Seido has made it to the fourth round of the Tokyo Spring Tournament. With East and West Tokyo competing, there are some interesting games coming! Teito, a school that has played many times at Koshien Stadium and defeated the reigning champions Inashiro in last year's fall tournament, is facing Ugumori who have been getting lots of attention. The winner of this game will play Inashiro in the fifth round! It will be a match to see!

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4 giugno, 201924m

Sawamura goes to tell Miyuki about Okumura's outburst, but remembers his own conflict with upperclassmen and judging Chris before knowing his situation. In the spring tournament, Teito's game against Ugumori finishes and Seido will face Kasuga First High in the quarterfinals. Will Furuya start, or Sawamura? With Ichidai Third High's Amahisa and the new first-years watching, Coach Kataoka declares they will win and selects the starting pitcher...

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Where You Look

11 giugno, 201924m

It's the quarterfinals of the spring tournament and Seido is playing Kasuga First High. In the bottom of the third inning, Haruichi Kominato gets a timely hit to give Seido the lead and bring the cleanup Miyuki up to bat. Can Miyuki take the pressure of starting pitcher Sawamura? The fifth inning sees a big chance for Kasuga First. Can Sawamura see the game through? Meanwhile, the effect of Koshien Stadium on Furuya has become apparent, making him more focused on being the ace. What is it he sees, looking forward?

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18 giugno, 201924m

After being added to the bench, first-year Masashi Yuki hits a home run in his first game. Okumura, Yui and Asada, each with their own emotions, are practicing and getting more familiar with the team. The team is preparing for their next game against Ichidai Third High. During practice, Miyuki prioritizes catching for Furuya, which frustrates Sawamura. Having been reproached by Miyuki for clasing with Sawamura, Okumura volunteers to catch for him.

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Batting First

25 giugno, 201924m

The spring tournament game against Ichidai Third High has finally begun. Seido is batting first against Ichidai Third High ace Kosei Amahisa. Seido's cleanup starts as Haruichi Kominato steps up to the plate with one out and a runner on third. Will Miyuki getting them to bat first help them take the lead? Meanwhile, Seido's starting pitcher Furuya takes the mound with the same emotions he felt in the Invitational. The early innings are turning into a heated battle!

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2 luglio, 201924m

The spring tournament game against Ichidai Third High has finally begun. Seido is batting first against Ichidai Third High ace Kosei Amahisa. Seido's cleanup starts as Haruichi Kominato steps up to the plate with one out and a runner on third. Will Miyuki getting them to bat first help them take the lead? Meanwhile, Seido's starting pitcher Furuya takes the mound with the same emotions he felt in the Invitational. The early innings are turning into a heated battle!

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My Role

9 luglio, 201924m

It's Seido vs Ichidai Third High in the spring tournament semifinals. Up 2 - 0 until the fifth inning, Seido's starting pitcher Furuya faces an Ichidai rally. Unable to control the ball, his pitching continues to falter. Miyuki trusts Furuya as the ace and does his best to guide him. However, after his third walk in one inning, Coach Ochiai gives Coach Kataoka a bit of advice, helping him make a firm decision to...

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Only After You've Won

16 luglio, 201924m

It's the spring tournament semifinal game against Ichidai. After saving his team with his perfect relief pitching, Sawamura is now the lead-off batter in the top of the sixth. Can Sawamura get on base and lead his team in a counterattack? Ichidai Third High's Amahisa's impeccable pitching hasn't allowed Seido a run since the second inning. Will the Seido batters support Sawamura and mount a comeback? Which team will advance to the final?

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Three Months

23 luglio, 201924m

After their own semifinal game the nine Seido players watch Inashiro's semifinal against Teito. Narumiya and Mukai both played at Koshien Stadium as first-years, and then received their powerhouse school's ace number as second-years, and they'll both be pitching. Meanwhile, Seido High School is analyzing their game against Ichidai Third High, focusing on Coach Kataoka. Then, Miyuki remembers a certain thought...

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Something to Find Out

29 luglio, 201924m

After seeing the result of the spring tournament, the Seido players think about what they lack, and begin to act on it. Sawamura shows an especially strong will to improve, and it propagates to other third-years. Meanwhile, the final game of the spring tournament is being played. Miyuki and Furuya, who has felt pressure ever since playing at Koshien Stadium, are at Meiji Jingu Secondary Stadium to see it.

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Competitive Streak

6 agosto, 201924m

Coach Kataoka announces the team will play an intrasquad game, setting the practice fields abuzz. The first-years are eager to perform in order to make the second string, but so are the upperclassmen who want to make the first string. With Sawamura and the other main players looking on, first-year Kukki starts the game. How will Okumura, Seto and the other first-years counter the intense competitive spirit of the upperclassmen?

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12 agosto, 201924m

The first-years are playing the second and third-years in an intrasquad game. In the third inning, the Asada-Okumura battery comes on to face the upperclassmen. After seeing Okumura and Seto's aggressive play, Asada thinks to himself that he wants to live upto Okumura's expectations. Will Asada's pitches hit their mark? Meanwhile, Kawashima continues his intense pitching to try to take back his illustrious spot on the bench. Can Okumura and Seto's devious batting continue to work on the upperclassmen?

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Out of Time

20 agosto, 201924m

With the intrasquad game over, Kataoka selects those who will be on the first string, causing joy and sorrow among the first-years and the upperclassmen. Meanwhile, Miyuki begins talking about the team at length with Kuramochi in their classroom. Although he says, "Honestly, no amount of time would be enough," Kuramochi says Miyuki still seems to be enjoying himself.

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27 agosto, 201924m

Miyuki has ordered Sawamura and Furuya to practice with the first-year catchers. Will they be able to lead and live up to Miyuki's expectations? During night practice, Sawamura is enthusiastic to have Miyuki catch for him. Then Coach Kataoka shows up and watches the numbered pitches Sawamura throws to Miyuki. Kataoka has something to tell Sawamura.

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One Pitch, One Second

3 settembre, 201924m

During the long break in May, the powerhouse schools travel to different parts of the country to compete in practice games to prepare for the summer tournament. Fujimaki Komadai has traveled to Osaka to play Osaka Kiryu; Inashiro is playing Saiho in Aichi; Yoshinaga from Tokushima is in Kumamoto playing Shogakkan. Seido tides themselves over by playing Yamaga in Saitama, but then it's time for Sawamura to take the mound against Hakuryu, a team that finished in the semi finals of the Invitational.

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10 settembre, 201924m

The game against Hakuryu and third batter Mima is finally under way. They are one of the most mobile teams in the country. Sawamura finds himself in trouble early in the first inning. Will his pitching style work against the Hakuryu batters? Meanwhile, Seido has changed up their batting order to be more aggressive after their loss in the spring tournament. How will they fare in this game?

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17 settembre, 201924m

Sawamura's pitching is looking strong against Hakuryu. Mima and the high school baseball fans were expecting to see Furuya pitch, but they have to acknowledge Sawamura's skill. Meanwhile, out in left field, Furuya can't stop thinking about standing on the mound. What will Kataoka do as he loses his focus? And then, Sawamura faces Mima for the third time.

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Beneath the Same Banner

24 settembre, 201924m

The game against Hakuryu, a quarterfinalist in the Invitational, is entering the final stretch. What has Sawamura felt and learned facing a nationally ranked powerhouse school? What did Furuya feel and learn watching Sawamura pitch the game on his own? Both pitchers have mixed emotions. Meanwhile, Mima, who also wants to play professionally, has taken an interest in Miyuki.

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The Note

1 ottobre, 201924m

Seido’s first string returns from the golden week practice games. Due to Sawamura’s outstanding performance in the Hakuryu match, an article about him was published, making his presence known. Coach Kataoka hands out baseball journals with some comments about the practice games written in them. Sawamura’s comments from the coach serve to motivate him to work harder, while Furuya’s compels him do some self reflection. The team practices fielding with the coach.

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I'm Not Stopping

8 ottobre, 201924m

After a series of successful practice games, the Seido Nine are intensely focused on preparing for the summer tournament. Sawamura, encouraged by Kataoka's words, begins rising early in the morning to train. Meanwhile, after seeing Sawamura's improvement, Furuya tries to help out with batting practice. Their rivalry seems to be having a positive influence on both of them, until...

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After Spring Comes

15 ottobre, 201924m

The Seido baseball team is hard at work preparing for the summer tournament. Meanwhile, the team managers are reviewing notebooks and clippings of newspaper and magazine articles about the team since their appearance at the Invitational. They remember the passionate emotions of Sawamura and Furuya during the games. Seeking consecutive spring and summer appearances at Koshien Stadium, they are striving to improve.

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Bloom of Youth

22 ottobre, 201924m

Sawamura is the starting pitcher in the practice game against Chiba's powerhouse, Naruta Industrial. How will his pitches fare against their batters known as the Southpaw Killers? It will be another trial for Sawamura, who must handle another big game. Plus, Naruta Industrial and Kuramochi have a previous relationship. What happened between then?

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Kind of Like a Promise

29 ottobre, 201924m

In order to prepare for unforseen circumstances in the summer tournament, Coach Kataoka has the players play out of their normal positions. Sawamura played left field in a practice game and Furuya played the infield during batting practice. Coach Kataoka asks straight-out if Yui, a first-year who made the first string, if he can play multiple positions. How will Yui, who has played catcher his whole career, respond?

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5 novembre, 201924m

Returning from his injury, Furuya joins a game with the second string. Seeing Sawamura shine in the first string's game, Furuya mulls over the words Kataoka wrote in his journal. Meanwhile, in Yamanashi prefecture, Seido's rivals Yakushi, Ichidai Third High and Inashiro Industrial compete in intense games for the spring Kanto Tournament. Sawamura and his teammates watch intensely as their rivals become stronger.

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Heat Transfer

12 novembre, 201924m

Sawamura has demonstrated his remarkable growth during the practice games, and people have taken notice, especially his outstanding performance in the Hakuryu game. His pitching has inspired Furuya, too. In the second-string game, Furuya's pitching showed meaningful progress. His emotions transfer into the ball.

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19 novembre, 201924m

An announcement is made that Miyuki will leave the team and play in the Tokyo Invitational. Seto and Okumura will play on the first string while Maezono and Kuramochi take charge of the team. Miyuki sets off for the Inashiro Industrial practice field where the invitational will be held. Well-known players from several schools arrive for the team's first meeting.

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Because He's Awesome

26 novembre, 201924m

It's the Tokyo Invitational game against the Wynd Youth Academy. The starting pitcher is Shunshing Yeung from Akikawa Academy. He's known as a precise machine, but because of JHBF regulations, it's his first game in quite a while. How will Yeung's pitches fare against the American team? Meanwhile, Seido's round-robin games against Seiho and Yamamori are underway. How will Seido take on these powerhouse schools without Miyuki?

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As a Catcher

3 dicembre, 201924m

Miyuki's team in the Tokyo Invitational is having trouble batting against Wynd Youth's left-handed pitcher Conrad. The American team has the lead going into the seventh inning, when Narumiya finally takes the mound. Meanwhile, Furuya and Ono have formed a battery to take on Yamamori. Ono is quietly eager to help Furuya pitch the way he's used to, even without Miyuki.

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Invincible Mentality

10 dicembre, 201924m

Taking the mound in the seventh inning against the American Wynd Youth team, Narumiya strikes out their cleanup batter Carlisle, but his last swing is so hard, it goes full circle and hits catcher Inui in the head. Coach Kunitomo decides to switch catchers. As Miyuki dons the catcher's mask, he and Narumiya form a battery that should be impossible. Meanwhile, Seido is playing Yamamori Academy in a practice game. With Miyuki away, Ono is making impressive gutsy plays, until there's an accident...

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17 dicembre, 201924m

It's the final innings of the game against the Wynd Youth. Following Narumiya's masterful relief pitching, the other Inashiro players, Carlos, Shirakawa and Yamaoka have really shone. Miyuki is reminded how imposing his rival team is. Meanwhile, in Seido's practice game against Yamamori, Yui is wearing the catcher's after Ono had to leave the field. Several walks and battery errors are making the game difficult. Yui blames himself for throwing off Furuya's rhythm.

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I'm Counting On You

24 dicembre, 201924m

After losing Ono to an injury, the Furuya-Yui battery has trouble establishing a rhythm, repeated making errors and walking batters. Still unable to recover, they give up runs and with the team in trouble, Furuya has to leave the mound. Kaneda the relief pitcher pitches well, but he is unable to stop Yamamori Academy's momentum, and Seido's winning streak ends at nineteen games. In game 2 against Seiho High School, the beast of Aichi, Sawamura is the starting pitcher. After receiving encouragement from Coach Kataoka, Sawamura boldly takes the mound.

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7 gennaio, 202024m

It's Seido's practive game against Seiho, the beast from Aichi. Sawamura has a great first inning, striking out two batters. They're facing Seiho's ace Akashi, once hailed as the super rookie when he played at Koshien Stadium as a first-year. After an injury caused his form to deteriorate, he spent a year in obscurity. Now, he has returned armed with a muscular body and powerful pitches. The Sawamura-Okumura battery must cooperate to take on Seiho's machine-gun-like batting lineup.

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Shared Fate

14 gennaio, 202024m

The tense practice game against Seiho is tied at 0. Sawamura gets into trouble in the top of the sixth inning, but an incredible throw to home by center fielder Aso pulls the team through. In the bottom of the same inning, lead-off batter Yuki's hit arcs high. How far will it go? Meanwhile, Sawamura is feeling the weight of his responsibility to the coach and his team and continues spiraling down. His dogged determination is obvious to not only the nine fielders, or the players on the bench, but even to the fans in the stands.

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20 Players

21 gennaio, 202024m

On the train home after the Tokyo Invitational game, Miyuki meets Narumiya and gives him some honest advice. They promise an intense battle in the summer tournament. Meanwhile, the fierce game against Seiho on Seido's practice field has come to an end. The Seido nine reflect on their challenges to address, including those from their loss to Yamamori Academy. It's now time to decide the twenty players who will make the roster for the summer tournament.

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Summer Training Camp

28 gennaio, 202024m

The Seido baseball team is holding their summer training camp. The managers are working hard to prepare onigiri for them to eat. Sawamura is trying to eat natto, his least favorite food, in order to gain the stamina to pitch for nine innings without getting tired. The players are keenly interested in who will perform well in the training camp and earn a numbered jersey for the summer tournament. Will Sawamura, Furuya or Kawakami earn the right to wear the ace number?

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Setting Sail

4 febbraio, 202024m

It's the final day of the summer training camp. The batters of the Seido nine are doing all they can to prepare to face top-tier pitchers like Narumiya and Amahisa. That evening, Coach Kataoka starts fielding drills that work the players to the bone. The next day is the drawing to decide which block each school will play in for the summer tournament. What teams will Seido High School be up against?

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11 febbraio, 202024m

Showing the sum total of his pre-tournament training, Sawamura pitches impressively against powerhouse school Kokonoe, holding them to two runs in eight innings. Meanwhile, Ochiai still holds esteem for Furuya who wore the ace number and still continues to improve. Will Seido's ace for this summer be Sawamura, or Furuya? What will Kataoka decide?

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18 febbraio, 202024m

Seido awaits their first game of the summer tournament. Sawamura wants to get used to wearing the ace number and so begins to sleep in his uniform, earning him a teasing from his roommates. Coach Kataoka receives an stimulating call from his former mentor Coach Sasaki, the coach of Yura Sogo Engineering High School who they are about to face. Yura Sogo competes in the first round anticipating their game against the seeded Seido. What does the cunning Coach Sasaki have up his sleeve?

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Under the Feet

25 febbraio, 202024m

The summer tournament is finally under way. Seido's first opponent, Yura Sogo led by Coach Sasaki, is preparing themselves thoroughly for the game. Narumiya starts the first game for Seido's rival, Inashiro. Even though their opponent is no match for them, Inashiro never wants to show any sign of weakness in a baseball game. In stadiums around the country, powerful schools begin their battles. And now it is time for Sawamura to take the mound for the first time as ace...

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Get Back

3 marzo, 202024m

Sawamura takes the mound with the ace number for Seido's first game of the summer tournament. But the first batter gets on base which messes up his rhythm, and he gives up one run in the first inning. With another runner in scoring position, Coach Sasaki has the Yura Sogo batters aim for Sawamura's inside fastballs. Sawamura's been caught in Sasaki's cunning trap. Can they get back in the game?

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Seido Goes All Out

10 marzo, 202024m

Seido's first game of the summer tournament against Yura Sogo is heating up. In the first inning, Seido allowed two runs and only scored one, giving Yura Sogo the lead. Sawamura walks the lead-off batter in the top of the fourth inning and is struggling to regain his composure. Will Kataoka decide to keep Sawamura in or switch pitchers? Meanwhile, the Seido fielders rally to support their pitcher. Will Seido be able to strike back?

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17 marzo, 202024m

Seido has defeated Yura Sogo in a called game. Reflecting on their inability to establish a rhythm in the early innings, Seido begins to analyze and strategize against their next opponent, Hachiya Oji. Of particular interest is their captain, second baseman Kawabata. Kuramochi and Haruichi are fired up to face their rival fielder. Meanwhile, Kataoka calls Sawamura to his office after the coaches' meeting, and tells him to make the most of his experience from the first game.

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That's the Reason Why

24 marzo, 202024m

The summer tournament is in full swing and Seido is playing their second game against Hachiya Oji and their skilled second baseman Kawabata. Furuya is the starting pitcher and has recovered nicely, throwing howling fastballs in the first inning. But Hachiya Oji has been expecting them, and third batter Kawabata hits one which nearly sails into near center field, but Haruchi and Kuramochi are there to stop it!

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Ace of Diamond

Season Finale
31 marzo, 202024m

It's the top of the seventh inning in Seido's game against Hachiya Oji. Hachiya Oji has to score this inning or else the game will be called. Kawabata fought his way to a base, but it would be Hachiya Oji's last offensive. Seido's victory is imminent. After hearing Furuya say he'd get to play next game, Sawamura watches the game from the bench, the number one on his back. The story of these two players vying for the title of ace will continue.

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