小野大輔 hahmona Hades Aidoneus

Jaksot 12

The Fordbidden Academy

5 huhtikuu 201424m

After being swept away by a magic sword to an unknown yet beautiful world, Yui finds herself in the company of gods with a sacred order bestowed upon her from Zeus himself: strengthen the bonds between man and their deities.

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Beautiful Shackles

12 huhtikuu 201424m

Yui finds out the reasons why herself and her godly classmates have been transported to a school in the skies. In order to get home, they must sufficiently strengthen the bond between man and god by the time they are ready to graduate.

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Sea Breeze Conflict

19 huhtikuu 201424m

Yui and Appolon, desperate to get the delinquent gods to attend school, devise a plan to show them the fun side of school life.

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The Curse of Hades

26 huhtikuu 201424m

The newly formed student council decides to start joining after school activities...all except Hades. With his love of the stars, Yui suggests he join the Astronomy Club, but he coldly refuses. Yui is determined to find out why.

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The Unforgivable Heart

3 toukokuu 201424m

Takeru, otherwise known as the god Susanoo, is the last hold out yet to engage in any extracurricular activities. With their graduation hanging in the balance, Yui must duel with Takeru to see whether or not he will join a club.

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The Moonlight's Feelings

10 toukokuu 201424m

Tsukito agrees to prepare a moon viewing for Yui and the rest of the gods. However, overworking himself might undo all of his efforts.

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Promise of the Frozen Wastes

17 toukokuu 201424m

The seasons suddenly turn, and the students decide to hold a Christmas event. Balder becomes upset after finding out he has to work apart from Yui.

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The Solitude of Light

24 toukokuu 201424m

Tensions flare at the Christmas market, where Loki and Balder face off in front of Yui.

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Dark Prison of Scattered Flowers

31 toukokuu 201424m

The academy has been open for six month now and with exams around the corner, Yui must prepare.

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Lovely and Ephemeral

7 kesäkuu 201424m

Yui and her friends put on a version of cinderalla, which turns out nothing like the original thanks to two mischevious gods...

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Chains of Fate

14 kesäkuu 201424m

While Apollon and Yui make sure that Balder is okay after he passes out, they hear through the grapevine that the gods have nothing good planned for Balder.

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Eternal Separation

Season Finale
21 kesäkuu 201424m

Into the dark abyss of the sea goes Balder. Deeper and deeper he plunges into the nothingness all for the benefit of the world. With Loki right behind him, will the light shine through?

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