Lucy Lawless hahmona Alex Wisham

Jaksot 6

Jakso 1

21 syyskuu 20141h

After Ned and Jesse Banks publish a video of a mysterious outback accident that involved a couple of teenagers and a lorry from a classified research facility, they then have to deal with a political machine that is desperate to keep the truth hidden.

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Jakso 2

28 syyskuu 20141h

As Ned investigates the truck accident in the remote town of Lindara, Jesse comes face to face with the 'extraordinary' new powers of the law.

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Jakso 3

5 lokakuu 20141h

Wracked by guilt that Jesse has paid such a high price for trying to help his investigation, Ned fears the worst when he discovers Jesse missing.

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Jakso 4

12 lokakuu 20141h

Ned and Jesse are on the run; their house has been ransacked, their phones bugged, and their computers tracked. With no one to turn to, their only hope is to find the truth in Lindara.

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Jakso 5

19 lokakuu 20141h

Ned and Jesse are forced into an impossible choice - Hani's life in exchange for technology capable of wiping entire cities from the face of the earth.

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Jakso 6

Season Finale
26 lokakuu 20141h

Unless Ned and Jesse take action, their fates will be sealed, their story repackaged, and the truth will remain neatly beneath the radar. It is time to do something radical.

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