Kelly Metzger hahmona Vaash Ti (voice)

Jaksot 4

The Phantom Clone

29 toukokuu 201322m

Yoda and a class of Padawans fight to prevent the creation of a super weapon that could win the war for the forces of evil.

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Menace of the Sith

4 syyskuu 201322m

Darth Sidious shows off the new Sith clone, JEK 14, an extremely powerful weapon of the dark side. However, JEK has a mind of his own and wants to be his own master. It's up to Yoda and the Jedi to stop the Sith -- and to try and bring JEK 14 to the side of good.

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Attack of the Jedi

Season Finale
27 marraskuu 201322m

Obi-Wan discovers that several major Sith lords and their apprentices are gathered at the planet of Mustafar. The Jedi must hurry to Mustafar to destroy the Sith, but it's a trap and the Republic fleet is destroyed. Yoda, Anakin and the Padawans travel to Endor to find JEK. All hope now rests on JEK to come to the rescue.

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Escape from the Jedi Temple

4 toukokuu 201422m

Luke's poor judgment nearly gets him and his friends captured by Darth Vader, and, after witnessing this bit of immaturity, both Yoda and the ghost of Obi-Wan make the decision to expand Luke's training and bring out the last of the Jedi Holocrons.

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