矢部雅史 في Chousuke Takada (voice)

الحلقات 47

Episode 0 - Meeting Time

نوفمبر 9, 201410m

Koro-sensei reminisces about his first meeting with Karasuma, where they first butted heads and fought against each other, ultimately coming to respect one another. However, Karasuma eventually points out their actual meeting wasn't nearly as eventful.

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L'ora di assassinio

يناير 10, 201524m

Alla classe 3-E viene assegnato un compito davvero inusuale... assassinare il proprio professore! Ma per quale motivo?

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L'ora di baseball

يناير 17, 201524m

Sugino ha perso fiducia nelle sue abilità nel baseball. In quanto professore, Korosensei non può certo far finta di nulla!

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L'ora di Karma - 1ª parte

يناير 31, 201524m

La sospensione di Karma è terminata e questo nuovo misterioso ragazzo sembra più determinato che mai a uccidere Korosensei!

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L'ora di crescere

فبراير 7, 201524m

Nella 3-E arriva una nuova, affascinante professoressa che sembra essersi invaghita di Korosensei. Ma quale segreto nasconde in realtà?

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L'ora dell'assemblea

فبراير 14, 201524m

La timida Okuda chiede a Korosensei di bere uno dei suoi veleni. Inoltre, la 3-E dovrà affrontare un vero incubo: l'assemblea studentesca

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L'ora della verifica

فبراير 21, 201524m

Korosensei vuole che i suoi studenti ottengano un buon punteggio agli esami, ma il direttore generale in persona ha in serbo qualcosa!

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L'ora della gita scolastica -1ª parte

فبراير 28, 201524m

La 3-E va in gita a Kyoto, con un obiettivo particolare: cercare posti dove assassinare Korosensei! Ma una banda di ragazzacci è in agguato...

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L'ora della gita scolastica - 2ª parte

مارس 7, 201524m

Con l'aiuto dei ragazzi della 3-E, l'esperto cecchino Red Eye tenta di assassinare Korosensei a Kyoto.

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L'ora dello studente trasferito - 1ª parte

مارس 14, 201524m

Tornati dalla gita scolastica, gli studenti della 3-E avranno una grossa sorpresa: una nuova compagna molto particolare!

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L'ora di LR

مارس 21, 201524m

Irina è costretta a una sfida di assassinio contro il suo maestro per poter rimanere come insegnante della 3-E... e il bersaglio è Karasuma!

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L'ora dello studente trasferito - 2ª parte

مارس 28, 201524m

Nella 3-E arriva un altro nuovo studente che dice di essere il fratello di Korosensei! Riuscirà il professore a resistere ai suoi micidiali attacchi?

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L'ora del torneo di baseball

أبريل 11, 201524m

La 3-E deve fronteggiare il temibile club di baseball in un incontro dimostrativo! Cosa si inventerà Korosensei per far trionfare i suoi studenti?

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L'ora del talento

أبريل 18, 201524m

Nella 3-E arriva Takaoka, che sostituirà Karasuma come insegnante di educazione fisica. Sembra affettuoso e bonaccione, ma la realtà è ben diversa.

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L'ora della visione

أبريل 25, 201524m

Korosensei ha una sorpresa per i suoi studenti: una piscina da lui costruita in mezzo alle montagne! Ma Shiro è di nuovo in agguato.

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L'ora della fine del semestre

مايو 2, 201524m

Gli esami sono alle porte e Korosensei ha pensato a come spronare i suoi studenti a dare il massimo, ma la 3-A farà di tutto per contrastarli!

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L'ora della fine della scuola - 1ª parte

مايو 9, 201524m

L'ora della verità è giunta: riuscirà la 3-E a sovvertire le regole della scuola e infliggere una sconfitta alla 3-A, vincendo la scommessa?

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L'ora dell'isola

مايو 16, 201524m

Le vacanze estive sono finalmente iniziate, ma prima della partenza per l'isola gli studenti scoprono uno scottante segreto su Korosensei!

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L'ora dell'azione

مايو 23, 201524m

Il piano di assassinio della 3-E entra nel vivo! Riusciranno gli studenti a uccidere il loro professore o accadrà qualcosa di inaspettato?

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L'ora del pandemonio

مايو 30, 201524m

La sezione E non ha intenzione di cedere alle minacce dell'uomo misterioso e si infiltra nell'hotel Fukuma! Ma non sarà certo una passeggiata.

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L'ora di Karma - 2ª parte

يونيو 6, 201524m

Karma dovrà dare sfoggio delle sue abilità contro un temibile avversario, mentre Nagisa sarà costretto a fare qualcosa di molto... imbarazzante!

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L'ora di Takaoka

يونيو 13, 201524m

Rimane solo un ostacolo sulla strada dei ragazzi verso l'uomo misterioso, ma Korosensei saprà motivarli. Quale sarà il volto del loro nemico?

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L'ora di Nagisa

Season Finale
يونيو 20, 201524m

Nagisa ha perso la ragione e vuole seriamente uccidere Takaoka! Riuscirà ad avere nuovamente la meglio contro un avversario molto più forte di lui?

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L'ora del festival estivo

يناير 8, 201624m

Koro Sensei and his students try some matchmaking at the end of their island trip. Class 3-E's eventful summer ends with a taste of pure festival fun.

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L'ora di Kaede

يناير 15, 201624m

Kaede comes up with a delicious plan of attack, Class 3-E plays an intense game of Cops and Robbers, and Koro Sensei is accused of a serious crime.

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L'ora di Horibe Itona

يناير 22, 201624m

Koro Sensei faces off against the powerful, tentacled Itona and his handler Shiro yet again, revealing more of his teaching philosophy along the way.

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L'ora di tessitura

يناير 29, 201624m

Itona endears himself to the boys in Class 3-E as he shows off his assassination creation. The students call each other code names for an entire day.

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L'ora del leader

فبراير 5, 201624m

Competition between the elite A Class and downtrodden E Class heats up at the school sports festival, with Isogai's livelihood hanging in the balance.

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L'ora di before e after

فبراير 12, 201624m

After an accident, the E Class winds up doing a whole different kind of studying off campus. But will they have a chance to bone up for the midterms?

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L'ora del dio della morte - 1ª parte

فبراير 19, 201624m

A well-intentioned act leads to a falling-out with Professor Bitch. Soon the E Class finds itself facing off alone against a formidable assassin foe.

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L'ora del dio della morte - 2ª parte

فبراير 26, 201624m

When Koro Sensei and Mr. Karasuma reach the Reaper's hideout, it's anyone's guess who'll come out on top--especially with wild-card Irina in the mix.

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L'ora della 2ª partita

مارس 4, 201624m

The students consider their future career options. Nagisa struggles to come to terms with his talent; meanwhile, his mother has her own plans for him.

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L'ora della festa dell'istituto

مارس 11, 201624m

Each class at Kunugigaoka Academy is competing for the highest sales totals in the school festival. How can the E Class even hope to stand a chance?

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ليس لدينا نظرة عامة مترجمة باللغة الإنجليزية. ساعدنا في توسيع قاعدة البيانات الخاصة بنا عن طريق إضافة واحدة.

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L'ora della fine del semestre

مارس 18, 201624m

It's exam time again, and the cream-of-the-crop A Class is a bigger threat than ever before. Top-ranking Asano, however, has something up his sleeve.

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ليس لدينا نظرة عامة مترجمة باللغة الإنجليزية. ساعدنا في توسيع قاعدة البيانات الخاصة بنا عن طريق إضافة واحدة.

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L'ora dello spazio - 1ª parte

مارس 25, 201624m

The end-of-term exams come down to one doozy of a final problem. Principal Asano comes to Koro Sensei with a little wager that has a lot riding on it.

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ليس لدينا نظرة عامة مترجمة باللغة الإنجليزية. ساعدنا في توسيع قاعدة البيانات الخاصة بنا عن طريق إضافة واحدة.

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L'ora di lasciar vivere

أبريل 1, 201624m

Principal Asano recalls his first foray into the world of education. In the drama festival, the E Class puts on a play with a few unexpected twists.

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L'ora della vera identità

أبريل 8, 201624m

Following the drama festival, the E Class learn that one of their classmates is hiding a big secret connected to Koro Sensei's past!

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L'ora della confessione

أبريل 22, 201624m

Koro Sensei begins to come clean about his background after a tense and terrifying encounter with a student who has her own reasons to kill him.

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L'ora del passato

أبريل 29, 201624m

Following the traumatic story of Koro Sensei's past, the E Class is left reeling after learning revelations about his past deeds and identity. As the gather themselves with this new information, it begins to affect their assassination plans.

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L'ora dello scisma

مايو 6, 201624m

The E class is divided over whether to kill Koro Sensei or try to save him. Koro Sensei suggests a way of settling the issue between the two sides.

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L'ora del risultato

مايو 13, 201624m

The battle amongst the E-Class comes down to the final two on each side: Karma vs. Nagisa. But, a new obstacle throws a wrench into the E Class's plans.

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L'ora dello spazio - 2ª parte

مايو 20, 201624m

Class 3-E has agreed to try and save Koro Sensei. In order to do this, they must track down confidential information -- information that takes the class to another height.

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L'ora di San Valentino

مايو 27, 201624m

Nagisa remains uncertain about his future as high-school entrance exams loom over him. It's time for Class 3-E to celebrate Valentine's Day!

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L'ora della fiducia

يونيو 3, 201624m

It's time for the last project from Koro Sensei before the E-Class closes out the year, but the government's own plans and threatens to get in the way.

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L'ora di buon compleanno

يونيو 10, 201624m

The students fight to see their teacher one last time. A figure from Koro Sensei's past arrives with a serious grudge against the super-creature.

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L'ora del boss finale

يونيو 17, 201624m

A pitched battle between two super-creatures threatens to harm the students of Class 3-E. Can Koro Sensei protect them while fighting for his life?

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L'ora del diploma

يونيو 24, 201624m

Time is running out, and the E Class students must decide once and for all whether to kill the teacher who so changed their lives over the past year.

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L'ora del futuro

Season Finale
يوليو 1, 201624m

Graduation day: one of life's chapters ends and another begins as the students and teachers of Class 3-E go on to forge their own paths in the world.

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Lezioni supplementari - L'ora di ognuno 1

نوفمبر 25, 20166m

ليس لدينا نظرة عامة مترجمة باللغة الإنجليزية. ساعدنا في توسيع قاعدة البيانات الخاصة بنا عن طريق إضافة واحدة.

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Lezioni supplementari - L'ora di ognuno 2

نوفمبر 25, 20166m

ليس لدينا نظرة عامة مترجمة باللغة الإنجليزية. ساعدنا في توسيع قاعدة البيانات الخاصة بنا عن طريق إضافة واحدة.

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Lezioni supplementari - L'ora di ognuno 3

نوفمبر 25, 20165m

ليس لدينا نظرة عامة مترجمة باللغة الإنجليزية. ساعدنا في توسيع قاعدة البيانات الخاصة بنا عن طريق إضافة واحدة.

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Lezioni supplementari - L'ora di ognuno 4

نوفمبر 25, 20165m

ليس لدينا نظرة عامة مترجمة باللغة الإنجليزية. ساعدنا في توسيع قاعدة البيانات الخاصة بنا عن طريق إضافة واحدة.

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b ارجع للخلف (او للصفحة الام عند التطبيق)
e انتقل لصفحة التعديل

على كافة صفحات موسم المسلسل

(السهم الايمن) انتقل للموسم التالي
(السهم الايسر) انتقل للموسم السابق

على كافة صفحات حلقة المسلسل

(السهم الايمن) انتقل للحلقة التالية
(السهم الايسر) انتقل للحلقة السابقة

على كافة صفحات الصور

a افتح صفحة اضافة الصورة

على كافة صفحات التعديل

t افتح محدد الترجمة
ctrl+ s ارسال النموذج

على صفحات المناقشة

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w تبديل حالة المتابعة
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c تبديل اغلاق / فتح
a افتح الانشطة
r رد على النقاش
l انتقل لأخر رد
ctrl+ enter أرسل رسالتك
(السهم الايمن) الصفحة التالية
(السهم الايسر) الصفحة السابقة


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