C. Thomas Howell hahmona Daniel Stinger

Jaksot 5

Full Stop

4 elokuu 201544m

The Stitchers team is on the defense when Cameron and Detective Fisher are targeted in a shooting. Kirsten's stitch leads them to Robert Barbiero, a security expert who has worked with Maggie in the past and was close to Kirsten's mom. As Kirsten follows the clues that Ed Clark left her, she finds unexpected answers to long-held questions.

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Out of the Shadows

5 kesäkuu 201744m

Fueled by his love for Kirsten, Cameron finds a way to bring her back to reality, but it could cost them their relationship. Meanwhile, the Stitchers lab is on lockdown, leaving an anxious Linus unable to check on his father’s condition after surgery. But, as the team prepares to be reassigned for breaking protocol, NSA Director Mitchell Blair surprises everyone by demanding an emergency stitch that yields shocking new information.

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10 heinäkuu 201744m

Cameron’s estranged father, currently serving time in prison for white-collar crimes, is accused of murdering a prison guard. Going against protocol, Kirsten stitches into the guard’s memory for clues.

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Kill It Forward

7 elokuu 201744m

A series of murders, including a professional volleyball player, lead the Stitchers team searching the darkest corners of the Internet. Meanwhile, Kirsten gives Maggie an ultimatum.

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Season Finale
14 elokuu 201744m

Kirsten’s father Daniel Stinger shows up and Kirsten must perform the most important stitch of her life.

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