Tori Spelling hahmona Herself

Jaksot 16

The Fairytale Falls Apart

22 huhtikuu 20141h

Tabloids speculate about Tori's marriage to Dean McDermott.

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The Truth Comes Out

29 huhtikuu 20141h

Tori reveals how she discovered that her husband had been cheating on her.

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Tori Finds Her Voice

6 toukokuu 20141h

Tori agrees to let the cameras follow her to film her real life story.

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Another Bump in the Road

13 toukokuu 20141h

Kuvaus ei ole käännetty kielellesi. Auta meitä laajentamaan tietokantaamme lisäämällä sellainen.

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I Love Him and I Hate Him

20 toukokuu 20141h

Kuvaus ei ole käännetty kielellesi. Auta meitä laajentamaan tietokantaamme lisäämällä sellainen.

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Stay or Go

27 toukokuu 20141h

Kuvaus ei ole käännetty kielellesi. Auta meitä laajentamaan tietokantaamme lisäämällä sellainen.

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The Reunion: All Questions Answered

3 kesäkuu 20141h

Brooke Anderson interviews Tori and Dean as they face each other for the first time since Dean left the family to work in Canada. Also: an update on the couple's road to reconciliation

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Season Finale
10 kesäkuu 20141h

Tori reflects on the most explosive moments from the season and reveals exclusive new footage shot behind closed doors.

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Dealing With Demons

21 lokakuu 20141h

Tori attempts to move on from a devastating chapter in her life; Tori focuses on healing herself.

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Back to the Future

28 lokakuu 20141h

Tori decides to sell a massive warehouse of belongings in order to provide for her family.

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Tale of Two Husbands

4 marraskuu 20141h

Tori pursues her past in an effort to control one aspect of her life; Dean battles his demons.

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First Wives Club

11 marraskuu 20141h

When Tori plans a party for Dean's oldest son, she is forced to face her past with Dean's ex-wife.

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He Said, She Said

18 marraskuu 20141h

Tori confronts Dean with accusations made by his ex-wife; the couple visit a spiritual guru.

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Raw Nerves

25 marraskuu 20141h

Tori and Dean take steps to get their professional and personal lives back on track.

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Gone Girl

2 joulukuu 20141h

After confronting two of her most contentious relationships, Tori is faced with a big decision.

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Chunks of My Soul

Season Finale
9 joulukuu 20141h

Tori and Dean must decide if they will continue to document their lives on television.

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