Ross Mathews hahmona Himself

Jaksot 7

Jakso 2

11 tammikuu 20081h

Debbie Holden from Baltimore, MD and Joe Lorenzo from Brooklyn, NY are introduced to their mob who include regulars, Sommore, Ross Mathews, Richard Rubin, Oscar the Grouch and the Dahm Triplets.

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Jakso 3

18 tammikuu 20081h

Joe Lorenzo from Brooklyn, NY returns to finish his game in an attempt to beat the mob and Chicago, IL native Sarah Greene gets her chance to battle for the grand prize.

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Jakso 4

25 tammikuu 20081h

The smartest man in America, Christoper Langan from Bozeman, MT tries to use his smarts to win the million-dollar prize. Single mother Rosemarie Pesci from Temecula, CA takes on the rowdy mob.

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Jakso 5

1 helmikuu 20081h

Kristin Moran from Villa Park, CA takes a chance against the mob including a special member, Jake the chimp, for her chance to win the grand prize. Robert Macklin from San Francisco, CA challenges the mob.

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Jakso 6

8 helmikuu 20081h

Tim Murdock from Hilliard, OH competes against the energetic mob. Contestant Clint Tausher from Los Angeles, CA is confident that he is better at pop culture knowledge then the mob.

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Jakso 7

15 helmikuu 20081h

Pop culture savant, Clint Tausher from Los Angeles, CA returns to finish his game to compete for the grand prize. Beauty queen, Cassandra Whitehead from Houston, TX works her magic against the mob.

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Jakso 8

Season Finale
22 helmikuu 20081h

Sarah Greene from Chicago, IL returns to play the game and tries to outwit the mob. Eric Smart from Los Angeles, CA takes the challenge of facing the eager mob members.

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