Tygh Runyan as Fabien Marchal

Episodes 30

Un roi sans château n'a rien d'un vrai roi

November 16, 201554m

France, 1667. Un an après la mort de sa mère, Louis XIV, âgé de 28 ans, tient déjà seul les rênes du pouvoir. Traumatisé par la Fronde qui avait vu les nobles se rebeller contre son père, Louis XIII, et cible de plusieurs complots, il cherche à asseoir son autorité. Germe alors en lui l’idée d’établir le siège du pouvoir hors de Paris. Il décide de l’installer à Versailles qui n’est alors qu’un relais de chasse où il aime recevoir sa cour. Il entreprend de transformer Versailles… comme on tend un piège. Son but : éloigner les nobles de Paris, les garder sous son contrôle et progressivement faire du château une prison dorée. Le somptueux palais assouvira, au passage, ses rêves de grandeur.

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L'État c'est moi

November 16, 201554m

La reine vient d’accoucher et le palais bruisse de rumeurs sur le nouveau-né. Ses conseillers poussent Louis à entrer en guerre. Selon eux, le roi de France ne peut se contenter de regarder ses rivaux grandir et prospérer ; il doit lui aussi montrer sa puissance. Ayant toujours été élevé dans l’ombre de son frère, Philippe, duc d’Orléans, rêve de gloire et espère la trouver sur un champ de bataille. Il demande à Louis de lui offrir le droit de mener, pour lui, le combat contre les Espagnols.

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Il est temps que la noblesse réplique

November 23, 201551m

Louis n’a qu’une idée en tête : Versailles. Pour les y faire venir, le roi a exigé des représentants de la haute société qu’ils lui apportent leurs titres de noblesse, seuls garants de leurs privilèges. Premier à être déchu de son titre, Montcourt sollicite l’appui du duc de Cassel, l’un des nobles les plus puissants du Nord, qui ne porte par le roi en haute estime. Louis demande à la reine de quitter le deuil pour accueillir son invité : le prince d’Assinie, capable de lui ouvrir les voies commerciales en Afrique de l’Ouest.

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Louis enrage en apprenant les exploits de son frère Philippe sur le champ de bataille ; d’aucuns le considèrent comme le plus vaillant des combattants de l’armée de Sa Majesté. Et il ne décolère pas en apprenant que l’on vient d’assassiner les Parthenay, une puissante famille de nobles du Sud, qui venaient l’assurer de leur soutien. Si les routes menant à Versailles ne sont pas sûres, aucun noble ne s’y aventurera. Isolé, le roi devrait alors renoncer à son plan. Inconcevable pour le monarque qui envoie Fabien Marchal, son chef de la sécurité, mener l’enquête sur le meurtre des Parthenay et rapporter la tête des meurtriers.

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Héros du champ de bataille, Philippe revient du front, transformé. Les Français, à la suite de tous les soldats, admirent ce duc d’Orléans tout auréolé de gloire. Cette reconnaissance commence à faire de l’ombre à Louis. Les routes ne sont toujours pas sûres aux abords de Versailles et les attaques de convois se multiplient. Pour célébrer le traité de paix qu’il vient de signer avec les Espagnols, le roi décide d’inviter les plus grandes familles de nobles à Versailles pour un grand divertissement. Il y convie le duc de Cassel.

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La guerre finie, les soldats ont été réquisitionnés pour mener les travaux du palais de Versailles. Mais usés par la dureté de leur tâche, leurs conditions de vie et les promesses non tenues, ils se révoltent. Deux mille d’entre eux déposent les outils. Convaincu par madame de Montespan, le duc de Cassel se rend à Versailles pour assister aux festivités. Le roi vient de décréter que les nobles qui s’installeront dans les environs seront exonérés de leurs dettes. Sans château ni terre, le duc de Cassel doit se résoudre à rester.

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La forte fièvre dont est victime le roi inquiète Bontemps qui ne quitte pas son chevet. Louis délire et Bontemps fait appeler son médecin. Masson propose un traitement, sa fille Claudine en suggère un autre. On réunit également en urgence le "Cercle du Roi" composé des membres de son entourage en qui il a placé toute sa confiance. S’il arrivait malheur au roi de France, il faudrait désigner un régent. À Paris, on complote contre le roi.

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Chevalier, l’un des conspirateurs, attend son heure dans les geôles de Sa Majesté. Le cerveau du complot lui rend une petite visite de courtoisie pour qu’il ne dévoile jamais l’identité des autres conjurés. Marchal lutte contre l'effet du breuvage que lui a fait ingurgiter Béatrice. Louis se révèle toujours plus fin stratège.

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déterminées continuent de chercher à nous détruire

Louis s’interroge. A-t-il bien fait d’envoyer Henriette, cette femme apparemment si frêle, à Douvres à la rencontre de son frère, le roi Charles II ? Parviendra-t-elle à remplir la mission qu’il lui a confiée et reviendra-t-elle saine et sauve ? À présent que le roi de Suède assure Louis de son soutien, il lui faut absolument l’appui des Anglais. Marchal mène l’interrogatoire musclé de celui qui a cherché à tuer Henriette ; il suit une piste prometteuse. L’influence de madame de Montespan grandit au sein de la cour et dans le cœur du monarque.

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Laissez-moi sentir le soleil sur ma peau

Season Finale
December 14, 201551m

Henriette est au plus mal. Les rumeurs vont bon train. Si certains pensent qu'il s'agit d'une maladie, d'autres craignent qu'elle n'ait été empoisonnée. Dans l'urgence, on fait appeler Claudine. C'est dans la chambre du roi que celle-ci doit soigner la duchesse. Follement inquiet, Philippe accuse son frère d'être responsable de l'état d'Henriette. Apprenant la nouvelle, madame de Montespan se précipite au chevet de son amie. Marchal mène l'enquête et interroge ses suivantes et ses servantes...

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Inside Versailles: Love Life

June 1, 201652m

A closer look at the history behind the drama series Versailles. Professor Kate Williams and Greg Jenner look at Louis XIV's love life.

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Inside Versailles: Gender and Sexuality

June 8, 201652m

Following the latest instalment of Versailles, Professor Kate Williams and Greg Jenner take a closer look at gender and sexuality at the court of Louis XIV.

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Inside Versailles: Nobility

June 15, 201652m

Historical discussion show inspired by drama series Versailles. This week, Professor Kate Williams and Greg Jenner look at the tension between Louis XIV and his nobility.

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Inside Versailles: Warfare

June 22, 201652m

Professor Kate Williams and Greg Jenner discuss 17th-century warfare as seen in drama series Versailles.

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Inside Versailles: Court Entertainment

June 29, 201652m

Following the latest instalment of Versailles, Professor Kate Williams and Greg Jenner dig deeper into the world of Louis XIV and his court entertainments.

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Inspired by drama series Versailles, Professor Kate Williams and Greg Jenner explore the topic of religious conflict in early modern France.

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Inside Versailles: Ballet

July 20, 201652m

Inspired by drama series Versailles, Professor Kate Williams and Greg Jenner look at Louis XIV's impact on the world of ballet.

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Inside Versailles: Anglo-French Relations

July 27, 201652m

Inspired by drama series Versailles, Professor Kate Williams and Greg Jenner discuss Anglo-French relations in the age of Louis XIV.

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Inside Versailles: Court Etiquette

August 3, 201652m

Court etiquette in the age of Louis XIV is the focus of discussion between Professor Kate Williams and Greg Jenner.

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Inside Versailles: 17th Century Court Fashion

August 10, 201652m

Professor Kate Williams and Greg Jenner conclude the series by discussing the historical background of 17th-century court fashion, as seen in drama series Versailles.

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The Labyrinth

March 27, 201755m

Though his palace continues to expand and receive admiration from around the world, Louis is still plagued by nightmares.

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A Still Small Voice

March 27, 201754m

The King's bed example is blamed for the nobility's immorality, fuelled by illicit love potions and powders. Philippe must meet his new bride. Another victim of poisoning confounds Marchal.

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Who Will Guard the Guards Themselves?

April 3, 201752m

A cool welcome awaits Princess Palatine both in the palace salons and her new husband's bed, but Sophie's destiny is worst. Marchal finds a prime suspect for the poisonings.

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April 3, 201752m

Madeleine de Foix is arrested as the poisoner after trying to kill Fabien. Montespans baby suffers an illness. Louis faces criticism from Bossuet and Pascal. Sophie endures a terrifying experience when married to Cassel.

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War and Peace

April 10, 201756m

King Louis XIV's continued insomnia makes him increasingly volatile, meaning Marchal's loyalty counts for nothing. Claudine continues to investigate the mystery toxin, while Sophie seeks a solution to her situation.

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The Sands of Time

April 10, 201753m

A delegation arrives, but won't negotiate with the queen. Phillipe steps up to act as king while Louis is at battle. Fabien mourns Claudine and seeks to avenge her murder. The king's mistress takes her jealousy too far.

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A Night

April 17, 201754m

Louis meets Guillaume d'Orange in a relentless combat and returns to Versailles full of new energy. The court is in shock of two new deaths and Montespan feels herself increasingly isolated.

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The New Regime

April 17, 201753m

Louis ends his relationship with Madame De Montespan who full of humiliation turns to dark forces. Palatine is suffering of suspected poisoning and Cassel reveals Thomas' secret plans to the king.

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Inside Versailles: Madame de Montespan

April 21, 201752m

A closer look at the history behind Versailles. In this episode, Professor Kate Williams and Greg Jenner discuss Louis XIV's mistress Madame de Montespan.

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Seven Shadows

April 24, 201754m

Louis has Phillipe get close to the spy. This ignites the Chevalier's jealousy. Fabien learns what Father Etienne does with the children he rescues. Montespan is desperate to reclaim the king's love, but Louis falls for someone more pious.

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Of Blood and Stone

Season Finale
April 24, 201754m

The affair of the poisons continues. Could it even reach deep into Louis's own court?

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Inside Versailles: Religion

April 28, 201752m

A closer look at the history behind Versailles. In this episode, Professor Kate Williams and Greg Jenner explore Louis XIV's troubled relationship with religion.

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Inside Versailles: Liselotte

May 5, 201752m

A closer look at the history behind Versailles. In this episode, Professor Kate Williams and Greg Jenner shine a light on Philippe's new bride Liselotte.

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Inside Versailles: Monarchy

May 12, 201752m

A closer look at the history behind Versailles. In this episode, Professor Kate Williams and Greg Jenner examine how Louis XIV created an absolutist monarchy during his reign.

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Inside Versailles: Alexandre Bontemps

May 19, 201752m

A closer look at the history behind Versailles. In this episode, Professor Kate Williams and Greg Jenner discuss Louis XIV's premier valet Alexandre Bontemps.

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Inside Versailles: Aphrodisiacs

May 26, 201752m

A closer look at the history behind Versailles. In this episode, Professor Kate Williams and Greg Jenner explore the use of aphrodisiacs and potions at the court of Louis XIV.

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Inside Versailles: William of Orange

June 2, 201752m

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Inside Versailles: Scientific Discovery

June 9, 201752m

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Inside Versailles: Witchcraft

June 16, 201752m

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Inside Versailles: Affair of the Poisons

June 23, 201752m

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Smoke and Mirrors

April 23, 201854m

Louis welcomes Leopold, the Emperor vanquished of the Holy Empire, to Versailles. Philip, victorious in the war, was given the task of selecting prisoners to deport them to the colonies. But the presence of a mysterious prisoner with a masked face awakens his suspicions.

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Trust Issues

April 23, 201853m

Louis and Leopold compete for control of Spain, and Maria Theresa plays a dangerous game by supporting her lover rather than her husband. Philippe continues his investigation on the man with the iron mask. In the salon, the position of Maintenon, the king's pious favorite, is threatened. In Paris, the people refuse to pay taxes.

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The Truth Will Burst

April 30, 201854m

In Paris, Fabien finds it difficult to maintain order. At court, Louis rejects Maintenon when his troubled past is exposed to the light. Philippe is attacked after spotting the man with the iron mask. At the Vatican, Cardinal Leto wishes to hand over the King of France in his place.

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Crime and Punishment

April 30, 201852m

Louis has Marie-Therese confined to the castle, suspecting her of conspiring against him with Leopold. Louis raises indignation by imprisoning a prominent Protestant philosopher. In Paris, Fabien is released in exchange for prisoners, but Louis asserts his authority by having one of them executed as an example.

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The Afterlife

May 7, 201854m

Maintenon returns to the palace and encourages Louis to put his plans into action. Louis wants to discredit Leopold, and makes a secret pact with Barek, the Ottoman emissary. Philippe understands that the Church is at the origin of the conspiracy of the man in the iron mask, and suspects Louis to take part. Marie-Thérèse falls seriously ill.

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The Wheel of Fortune

May 7, 201852m

Louis changes tactics to counter Leopold, but he discovers a new opponent with Cardinal Leto, attending the funeral of the Queen. Meanwhile, Philippe discovers the unthinkable on the man with the iron mask.

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The Book of Revelations

May 14, 201851m

The burning question remains: who is the man with the iron mask? Leto decides to bring the man with the iron mask to Versailles, but Bontemps feels the danger. With the help of Fabien, he removes the prisoner and brings him to Louis and Philippe. The truth is finally revealed.

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Of Gods and Men

May 14, 201855m

While Philippe wants to send the man with the iron mask to the colonies, Louis knows that it must be eliminated. Meanwhile, the revolt rages in the streets of Paris, and the loyalty of Fabien is put to the test in the face of the violence of the King. Leto takes advantage of Louis' weakness and the threat of excommunication.

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The Tinderbox

May 21, 201854m

Fabien knows Louis has killed the prisoner and deduces the truth about the Man in the Iron Mask. Philippe decides to leave the court. Leto convinces Maintenon to support the marriage of Louis and the Infanta Isabella. But against all odds, Louis marries Maintenon and proclaims himself head of the Church of France. Louis accelerates his campaign of expansion in Europe and persecutes the Protestants.

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The Legacy

Season Finale
May 21, 201859m

After crushing the Protestants and thwarted Leto, Louis feels invincible. But his family and France are divided. What to expect from the future? What will be his legacy? Louis summons the Dauphin to show him how to be a good king. Louis decides to go to Paris to bless the sick. He does not know that the rebels fomented an attack for the murder...

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Versailles: An Introduction

September 13, 201852m

Catch up on Season 2 and get a sneak peek of Season 3 of "Versailles," a series that explores the opulence and decadence of France's Sun King, Louis XIV.

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Versailles: Behind the Scenes

September 23, 201852m

A behind the scenes look at the series Versailles.

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Versailles: The Final Act

December 15, 201852m

Versailles: The Final Act celebrates the enormous success of the hit series Versailles while saying goodbye to the iconic series we've come to know and love. The actors, producers, writers, crew and fans all weigh in on the series in this original Ovation special.

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