Billy Eichner hahmona Matt Drudge

Jaksot 3


7 syyskuu 20211h 2m

After the death of her boss, White House staffer Linda Tripp is moved to The Pentagon where she meets Monica Lewinsky. Paula Jones decides to sue The President for sexual harassment.

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The President Kissed Me

14 syyskuu 20211h 1m

Monica reveals to Linda that she is having an affair with the most powerful man in the United States.

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Not to be Believed

21 syyskuu 20211h

Tensions rise between Monica and the President. Paula is offered a settlement. Linda begins to feel that she has a target on her back.

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The Telephone Hour

28 syyskuu 202153m

Monica leans on Linda for support. Linda begins documenting their conversations.

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Do You Hear What I Hear?

5 lokakuu 202159m

As Monica prepares to leave D.C., she grows concerned that someone is sharing news about her affair. Linda meets with the FBI.

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Man Handled

12 lokakuu 20211h 1m

The Office of the Independent Counsel ensnares Monica Lewinsky, holding her for 12 traumatizing hours in a hotel room.

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The Assassination of Monica Lewinsky

19 lokakuu 202158m

The world learns about the affair and Monica Lewinsky becomes the most famous woman in America.

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Stand By Your Man

26 lokakuu 20211h

The President must admit the truth to the Nation - and to The First Lady.

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The Grand Jury

2 marraskuu 20211h 5m

Monica Lewinsky and Linda Tripp tell their stories to 23 strangers.

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The Wilderness

Season Finale
9 marraskuu 20211h 14m

The Starr Report brings the world to a standstill. The President is impeached. Linda faces the aftermath of her decisions, Paula makes desperate choices, and Monica considers how to move on with her life.

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