Sara Rue hahmona Olivia Caliban

Jaksot 7

The Austere Academy (1)

30 maaliskuu 201846m

The Baudelaires begin life at boarding school and meet a pair of mysterious siblings whose tragic lives sound eerily similar to their own.

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The Austere Academy (2)

30 maaliskuu 201853m

While the Quagmires keep up the search, the Baudelaires struggle to balance their studies with a punishing workout schedule, courtesy of Count Olaf.

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The Ersatz Elevator (1)

30 maaliskuu 201852m

Violet, Klaus and Sunny get new guardians in a fashionable building, where stairs are in -- and the elevator's out. Jacques Snicket trains a recruit.

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The Ersatz Elevator (2)

30 maaliskuu 201842m

The Baudelaires find their friends -- and then lose them -- at the bottom of an elevator shaft. Count Olaf conducts an auction in disguise.

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The Vile Village (1)

30 maaliskuu 201848m

Mr. Poe brings the Baudelaires to V.F.D., a bird-loving village with an Old West vibe. Jacques and Olivia continue their search for the Quagmires.

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Carnivorous Carnival (1)

30 maaliskuu 201846m

Come one, come all to the creepiest circus the world has ever seen, a place where puzzling mysteries -- and a familiar face -- await.

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Carnivorous Carnival (2)

Season Finale
30 maaliskuu 201843m

Still posing as conjoined carnival freaks, the Baudelaires brace themselves for a beastly fate. Will good fortune intervene ... for once?

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