Lainie Kazan hahmona Maria Portokalos

Jaksot 7

The House Gift

24 helmikuu 200330m

In the opener, which backtracks from the film, the newlyweds arrive from their honeymoon in, where else, Greece, to an overwhelming family reception and news that Gus (Michael Constantine) has given them a generous gift — a house.

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The Empire Strikes Back

2 maaliskuu 200330m

Nia needs to find a way to tell her parents that she does not want to inherit the family buisness

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9 maaliskuu 200330m

Cousin Ariana visits from Greece and announces that she has left her husband Dimitri because of him cheating with his (buck-toothed whore). So Nia decides to meddle in helping find Ariana a job with Nikki and Aunt Voula's help, Gus and Maria have the same idea in playing matchmaker with a Greek-American named, Spiro, Nia think's he's no good for her, leading Ariana to reveal that she likes Spiro, forcing Nia to admit to her father and the rest of the family that she was wrong.

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The Free Lunch

16 maaliskuu 200330m

Nia is suspicious of her father giving Officer Joe free lunches, she believes that Gus is being blackmailed, so she gets the officer to pay for his food, Nia then realizes that her father and Joe have an arrangement(free lunches for a double parking space,) so she goes to City Hall to apply for a zoning permit, when the clerk is about to lose her cool with Nia, she eventually gets the permit with one exception (luches for the clerk.)

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Big Night

30 maaliskuu 200330m

Thomas tries to impress Gus by saying he knows tennis celebrity Pete Sampras, but then is stuck when Gus wants him to invite the man to their house.

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Nick Moves Out

6 huhtikuu 200330m

After being teased by Nia, Thomas and Nikki. Nick decides to move into his own apartment, when Maria learns that her son has moved she has no one to comfort anymore, Nia tells her mother to take up a hobby, she ends up crowding Nia and Thomas by cleaning their house, and she ends up driving the rest of the family up the wall. When Nick spends a lonely night in his apartment, and inviting everyone over, he tells that he's moving back home because he misses the loudness of his family.

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Greek Easter

Season Finale
13 huhtikuu 200330m

Nia throws the Easter family dinner, she even invites her father's oldest friend Constantine Christakos, when Nia realizes that Gus hates the man more than life itself it's up to her to fic things before they ruin Easter, it turns out Gus says he stole his recipe for his famous feta omelette, at dinner when Constantine toasts Gus, and when he said ""I accept your apology, they go at it, and it's up to Thomas to fix things, they eventually resolve their differences, Maria accidentally spills that she and him went out on a few dates, thinking that was the reason for Gus's 40 year hatred for him, they start up again and Nia is stunned when she learns that her mother used her lamb for the feast.

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