بحث Orange

No one probably cares, but for the record:

  • For episode 12, the four guest stars I've credited as "Kakeru's Former Classmate" are credited literally under one group as "Friends" (友人達). I've done this since in the episode, Kakeru himself says they are classmates from Tokyo at around time index ~3:40 (before he moved to Nagano, the setting of this anime). It's not a spoiler to credit it this way, and it makes more sense since these characters don't seem to genuinely care about Kakeru.

  • There are a few other characters where I've added more detailed info than what is shown in the official credits, such as the "School Festival Committee Member" (a student, by the way) and the "Shaved Iced Vendor", both in episode 6.

If there's a good reason to change them back to a closer translation of the official credits, then that's fine to change them. Otherwise, I think it's better to keep the more detailed info as it took a while to watch through to find these characters (besides all the new profiles needed for quite a few VAs...).

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