尾鼻亮太 — Key Animation

Jaksot 3


15 elokuu 201624m

The letter from the future details the regret felt by everyone for being unable to celebrate Kakeru's birthday. As such, high school Naho and the gang pester Kakeru about what he wants until the big day. On the other hand, 26 year-old Naho and the gang gather at the late Kakeru's grandmother's house to celebrate his birthday, like they had promised in the past.

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5 syyskuu 201624m

It's the athletic festival. Kakeru hurt his ankle during the pole-toppling game, and hid that fact from everyone else. Kakeru tries to keep his suffering to himself, when Suwa and the gang call out to him. Met with everybody's kindness, Kakeru begins to tell them what he's been keeping pent up inside. And then, the class relay begins.

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19 syyskuu 201624m

Kakeru moves to Matsumoto with his mother mother after she decides to move there for her own reasons. When she passes away on the first day of school after Kakeru transfers, Kakeru blames himself and thus refuses Suwa's invitation to join the Soccer club. Kakeru sees some old classmates from Tokyo, but none of them understand what Kakeru is going through. In the end, Kakeru becomes so distressed that he feels that he has no way out.

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