Daniel Franzese hahmona Jackson Morrison

Jaksot 7


3 lokakuu 201642m

Hayes Morrison needs to dig herself out of what could be a publicly embarrassing situation. She makes a clandestine deal with her adversary, Conner Wallace, to take on the Conviction Integrity Unit and justice system in order to save face for herself and her family. The first case Hayes pushes her team to consider is that of Odell Dwyer, a handsome former high school football player who has been in prison for eight years for murdering his girlfriend.

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Bridge and Tunnel Vision

10 lokakuu 201642m

Wallace's career-making case is reexamined by CIU team, but there are unforeseen complexities in this rape and robbery case, and the woman at the center of the crime becomes victimized again, this time by the press.

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Mother's Little Burden

24 lokakuu 201642m

Hayes and the team tackle the case of a mother convicted in the death of her autistic son.

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The 1% Solution

7 marraskuu 201642m

Hayes launches into damage-control mode following her controversial nationally televised interview, seeking to limit the repercussions within her family and to her mother's Senate campaign. Meanwhile, the CIU takes on the case of a young man from the wrong side of the tracks, convicted for killing a wealthy woman whose privileged family took him in and treated him as one of their own.

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Bad Deals

28 marraskuu 201642m

CIU revisits the case of Sierra Macy, a teenage girl who was kidnapped ten years ago and assumed dead—until she manages to escape her captor’s home after he suffers a heart attack and dies.

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Not Okay

1 tammikuu 201742m

After Hayes and Wallace share a passionate night together, Hayes returns to reality and cautiously considers sticking her toe into relationship waters with Wallace. Simultaneously, she also tries to make amends for her bitter loss in the death penalty case of Earl Slavitt. Hayes implores the CIU team to aggressively pursue the case of Sophie Hausen, a young woman serving a life sentence for murdering a popular college basketball player, whom she accused of raping her.

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Enemy Combatant

15 tammikuu 201742m

Former President Morrison pays Hayes an unexpected visit and lobbies her (and CIU) to take on the case of Omar Abbas, a Muslim-American citizen held for years without trial in a military facility for allegedly planning a chemical attack on Manhattan. But taking on the federal war on terror is a hot-button issue, and Hayes and the CIU find themselves battling the authorities in their search for the truth.

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