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Jaksot 7

Umaru and Alex

15 lokakuu 201724m

Taihei invites his coworkers over for dinner after work, and one of them, Alex, catches Umaru's attention. Why does this guy seem so familiar, and what's his deal with anime?

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Umaru and Friends

22 lokakuu 201724m

Alex interrupts Kirie and Umaru's afternoon to play a dating sim game. Kirie finds herself identifying with the main character. Later, Umaru discovers an addictive new game.

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Big Brother Departs

5 marraskuu 201724m

Taihei leaves for a business trip with his co-workers. While his boss Kanau thinks of a way to spend time with him, Taihei has his hands full with a vacation-happy stowaway.

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Umaru and Dreams

12 marraskuu 201724m

While visiting Umaru, Kirie’s secret aspiration is found out! Will Umaru’s encouragement be enough to help Kirie overcome her self-doubt?

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Umaru and Amusement Parks

19 marraskuu 201724m

Umaru and the girls head out to spend a fun day at the amusement park, but Kirie is having a few struggles. Will the day end up a total disaster?

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Umaru and Hikari

26 marraskuu 201724m

Umaru and the gang have a spontaneous get-together, but when things don't go as expected, hilarity ensues.

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Everyone and Umaru

Season Finale
24 joulukuu 201724m

It's the end of the year, and everyone is figuring out what Christmas gifts to get their loved ones. Can Umaru and the others find the perfect presents?

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(oikea nuolinäppäin) siirry seuraavaan jaksoon
(vasen nuolinäppäin) siirry edelliseen jaksoon

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