Kevin Bacon hahmona Dick

Jaksot 8


19 elokuu 201630m

A stalled married couple, Chris and Sylvere, temporarily relocates from New York City to Marfa, Texas. Tensions rise when the couple spends an evening with celebrated artist and mysterious cowboy, Dick, launching them into an unusual sexual fantasy.

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The Conceptual Fuck

12 toukokuu 201725m

Chris' growing obsession becomes a fun and fueled marital pastime.

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Scenes from a Marriage

12 toukokuu 201731m

Sylvere demands Chris undo the damage she's done though it may be too late. Chris's letters bring Devon and Toby together. Determined to clear the air, Chris and Sylvere devise a plan.

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12 toukokuu 201725m

Chris and Sylvere proceed with their questionable scheme but Dick throws them for a loop that their marriage can't handle. Toby and Devon go their own way.

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A Short History of Weird Girls

12 toukokuu 201722m

The women of Marfa expose their history of desire.

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This Is Not a Love Letter

12 toukokuu 201728m

After a grand gesture, Chris grapples with a Dick-less existence. Toby goes viral with a provocative project that Devon takes issue with. Pushed beyond their limits, Dick and Sylvere broker an unlikely truce.

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The Barter Economy

12 toukokuu 201726m

Dick questions his role at the Institute, creating new opportunity for Paula. Toby sets boundaries and Devon takes her work in a new direction. Chris and Sylvere come to an impasse.

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Cowboys and Nomads

Season Finale
12 toukokuu 201725m

Sylvere writes his own letter while Chris explores a new reality with Dick. Devon's performance awakens the people of Marfa.

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