Kris Jenner — Vastaava tuottaja

Jaksot 7

Are You Still Texting Bitches?

11 syyskuu 201642m

Rob and Chyna are planning their new lives together as parents until suspicions on either side lead to Rob moving out of the house.

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Rob'ing the Cradle

18 syyskuu 201642m

With Scott’s help Rob struggles to overcome his insecurities, while Chyna gets a taste of self-doubt during a trip to Cannes.

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Going Down to Chyna-town

25 syyskuu 201642m

Rob has to cope with life in the spotlight as he and Chyna attend Khloé’s birthday party and travel to D.C. to meet Chyna’s family. Chyna takes Rob to the strip club where she got her start.

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Bonding and Bondage

2 lokakuu 201642m

After years of estrangement, Rob attempts to reconnect with his friends with help from Scott. Meanwhile Chyna and Rob strengthen their relationship by "dating"; including a kinky night in.

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Baby Bump in the Road

9 lokakuu 201642m

Rob feels he finally has his life back on track, but when Chyna is less than supportive, Rob deletes his social media and blocks Chyna from his phone.

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Paternity or Eternity

16 lokakuu 201642m

With the Kardashian’s urging, Rob reluctantly agrees to therapy. Meanwhile Chyna pursues a paternity test for her unborn child.

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Rob & Chyna Baby Special

Season Finale
18 joulukuu 201642m

The due date approaches for baby Dream's arrival, putting pressure on Rob and Chyna to make some major life decisions. However, the couple have a hard time agreeing. Meanwhile, there's a meeting between polar-opposite matriarchs Kris Jenner and Tokyo Toni.

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