津田健次郎 hahmona Nagaoka (voice)

Jaksot 5

Blade and Dagger

25 tammikuu 201723m

Tazuna meets Chizuru and Hayate, the pair who's car he fixed on the day he met Koyori. They're workers for a major food corporation in the area, and they offer to treat him and Koyori to dinner as a thank you. But after the meal, they reveal that they're actually Hand Shakers themselves!

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Meet Yet

8 helmikuu 201723m

Koyori gets separated from Tazuna, and because she doesn't have a cellphone, she doesn't have a way to get in touch with him. Fortunately, she's found by President Lily and her little brother Masaru, who take her to play the new game, Precious Memories. Koyori shows an amazing talent for the game, but things take a sudden turn when Lily and Masaru are revealed to be Hand Shakers as well.

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Kitten Kitchen

15 maaliskuu 201723m

With the last of their foes vanquished, and Koyori now having the ability to talk, it's time for her and Tazuna to take up a part time job at the local Cocktail Corn. It's a time to reflect on what's gone on so far, meet old friends, and ready the pair for the future.

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Cocoon Cocoon

22 maaliskuu 201723m

Makihara once had a partner, and a boss. Together they researched the Ziggurat, and the mystery of Babel's revelations. But when a pair of Hand Shaker children were born, their lives changed. The children were constantly targeted, and if they were defeated, they would die. Makihara and his partner tried their best to defend the children, but years of fighting wore them down, and they had a falling out. Now his partner is back, and he has a demand: put Koyori back to sleep forever, and separate her from Tazuna.

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Shake the Hands

Season Finale
29 maaliskuu 201723m

Tazuna and Koyori are facing off against Koyori's sister and the doc's old partner. Koyori's sister has been reduced to an emotionless mute after years of difficult treatments and abuse. Can the two of them bear to hurt someone so close to Koyori? And even if so, can they win against Handshakers who are so much more powerful and determined?

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