Khloé Kardashian hahmona Host - Herself

Jaksot 24

Muscle Cub & the DUFF

12 tammikuu 201750m

With the help of Khloe and trainer Gunnar Peterson, overweight Will gets his life back. Stephanie lost her confidence after being bullied, but Khloe gifts her experts who forever change her.

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Softball Sweethearts & Former Footballer

19 tammikuu 201750m

Sam and Nicole try to lose weight together; Sam doubts Nicole's commitment to shaping up; Dexter is tired of his man-boobs and wants to shut his taunting athletic father.

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Revenge-ance & Uber-entitled

26 tammikuu 201750m

Jill has long been an emotional eater; experts help Jill rediscover her true self and show her sister that she's back on her feet for good; Sukhda wants to prove to both herself and her judgmental friends that she can win the battle of the bulge.

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The Former Addict & the Future Bride

2 helmikuu 201750m

Jessy's mom encouraged her to lose weight as a teenager and she turned to drugs, so Khloé gifts Jessy with a group of experts to help her get into the best shape of her life; Lauren sufferes a traumatic loss at a young age.

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Untying the Knot & Giraffically Sexy

9 helmikuu 201750m

Tiffany's pending divorce turns her world upside down, but Khloé and her team transform her pain into gain and help her find true love along the way. Jamie has been criticized for her appearance for as long as she can remember, but her journey of self-acceptance has her aspiring to reach new heights when Khloé shows Jamie that bigger is better.

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The Lost Voice & Half-Baked

15 helmikuu 201750m

After Ranella's dramatic weight gain brings her singing career to a halt, Khloé and celebrity trainer Corey Calliet help Ranella gain the courage to once again step on the stage; Brittany, a single mother, masks her pain with food.

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From Mom to MILF

23 helmikuu 201750m

Gabriela emotionally eats to cope with her fiancé's cheating; her family is in the dark, she fears the news will devastate them; she is determined to be a healthy role model for her daughter.

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Typecast & Camera Shy

Season Finale
2 maaliskuu 201750m

Opera singer Anjelica's weight gain has resulted in her getting typecast in minor roles; Khloé and her squad of experts help Anjelica shape up and teach her the benefits of surrounding oneself with positivity.

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Web of Lies & Mommy Issues

7 tammikuu 201850m

Ken had a hearbreaking chilhood and created an alter ego to help him survive his difficult past. The team helps him stop his lies and rediscover who he truly is. Also: Melody wants a stronger relationship with her mother but her mom’s negativity towards her weight gain keeps them apart, she hopes to gain the confidence she needs to stand up to her mom once and for all.

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Invisible Girl & Living a Lie

14 tammikuu 201850m

Having long battled her weight, Hollywood publicist Melissa is used to feeling invisible and constantly in the shadows of her clients. The son of Indian immigrants yearns to prove himself to his traditional parents, but won't tell them he's gay.

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Model, Interrupted & The Basic Bitch

15 tammikuu 201850m

After a life-changing accident that left her immobile for three months, Kelsey Rose had her modelling career ripped away from her. Joel wants revenge on his ex-boyfriend, but his odd behaviour leads to a shocking revelation.

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Lost Identity & Never Been Kissed

21 tammikuu 201850m

Shayla finds out that the man she thought was her father actually isn't, and goes on a journey of discovering the truth about herself; after being bullied his entire life, Kevin gets tired of being the fat kid.

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Binge Eating Bachelorette & Drill Sergeant

11 helmikuu 201850m

Crysta started binge eating because she isn’t happy in her relationship. With Khloé’s guidance and the help of her trainer, Crysta will have to decide if her boyfriend is the one or if she moves on without him. Also: former marine Aaron Williamson helps rebuild Mike, a former military man who turned to food after a tragic accident got him honorably discharged.

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Eye of the Tiger & The Other Woman

18 helmikuu 201850m

For the first time in his life, Rocco must prepare to get into the ring and duke it out for his father's sake.

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The Excuse Queen & The Pop Star

25 helmikuu 201850m

Hoping to change her family's dangerous path toward diabetes and heart disease, 23-year-old Nicole embarks on a life-saving journey; unloved and unaccepted by his mother, Alexis spends his entire childhood feeling worthless.

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The Odd Couple & the Ex Factor

Season Finale
4 maaliskuu 201850m

Newlyweds Chad and Allison attempt to get healthy, with trainer-to-the-stars Latreal Mitchell working to keep both goals of the odd couple on track; Rebecca wants to prove to her unfaithful former boyfriend that he did not crush her spirit.

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Love Me, for Me

7 heinäkuu 201950m

Deeran has spent his life trying to make his father proud, resulting in repressing his sexuality and living a life of guilt and shame; Khloé hopes he will find the strength and courage to speak his truth to his father and be accepted.

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The Twins & the Bullied Brother

14 heinäkuu 201950m

After losing both parents by their teens, twins Ashley and Amber turned to food to cope; Logan was bullied for being overweight as a child by his older brother, which led him down a path that ended in a broken neck and probation camp.

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Becoming Amy & From Scrawny to Brawny

21 heinäkuu 201950m

Amy had a wake-up call when she and her daughter were kicked off an amusement park ride due to her size; when Eddie's first love cheated on him with buffer men he went into a spiral of self-hate and body shame.

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Hungry for Love & the Fighter

28 heinäkuu 201950m

Kay has been closed to love since her husband left her just two weeks after the loss of their unborn child; Javier left a violent gang life behind when he became a father, and wants nothing more than to make his father proud.

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The Widow & the Hollywood Executive

4 elokuu 201950m

Carolina gains 30 pounds after the love of her life dies in a car crash; Sean's fears of being vulnerable and open about his sexuality put Khloé and celebrity trainer Gunnar Peterson in a difficult position.

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The Emotional Eater & the Dancer

11 elokuu 201950m

Hayley has spent her life living in fear of her father, resulting in her seeking comfort in food; after learning of her father's sudden passing, Annie turns to food and leaves her dream of becoming a professional dancer behind.

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At eight months pregnant Terra finds out that her boyfriend is cheating on her; alone and about to become a single mom, Terra drowns her feelings with food; after a traumatic incident, Alexandria turns to food to help her numb her pain.

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The Mother/Daughter Duo & The Sugar Addict

Season Finale
25 elokuu 201950m

After confronting a turbulent past, Allison, from season two, returns hoping for a second chance; always a chubby child, Ariel spends her adolescence being made fun of for her size.

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