藤木佳世子 — Designer Fondali

Episodi 37

Il misterioso nuovo studente!!

3 maggio, 201725m

Un nuovo studente, Mitsuki, si è appena trasferito dal Villaggio del Suono a quello della Foglia. Batte senza alcun problema Iwabei e mostra la sua avilità nello studio risolvendo formule complesse. Nè Boruto, né i compagni riescono però a capire cosa pensi. Ma quando un operaio impegnato nelle riparazioni impazzisce, Mitsuki inizia a mormorare strane parole.

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L'ombra di chi muove i fili

14 giugno, 201725m

Sumire e alcune sue amiche finiscono coinvolte in una delle apparizioni del Fantasma e vengono ferite. Boruto si sente responsabile e vuole ora più che mai risolvere la questione. Aiutati dal portalettere che fa loro da guida nell'esperienza di lavoro, i ragazzi monitorano il Villaggio. Ma è una frase di Boruto a far balenare nella mente di Mitsuki e Shikadai una certa possibilità.

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La belva demoniaca fa la sua comparsa... !!

28 giugno, 201725m

Dopo le rivelazioni di Mitsuki sui casi del Fantasma, Boruto è decisissimo a trovarne il colpevole. Intanto il settimo Hokage e il suo team restano sconvolti nell'apprendere l'identità del colpevole avuta con le indagini di Sai. Ed è in quel momento che la Nue, un'enorme chimera, fa la sua comparsa da un'altra dimensione.Il Villaggio è in pericolo, ma a difenderlo ci pensa addirittura il Sesto Hokage, ora in pensione, Kakashi!

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Una nuova strada

12 luglio, 201725m

Gli incidenti dovuti al Fantasma sono finalmente finiti e adesso Boruto non riesce più a usare il suo potere. Il Villaggio torna alla sua quotidianità, come l'Accademia, ma c'è ancora qualcosa che preoccupa Boruto e amici...

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Sarada Uchiha

9 agosto, 201725m

Sarada osserva Boruto che viene rincorso e rimproverato dal padre per uno dei suoi scherzi, e il loro rapporto le fa ricordare l'immagine di suo padre, Sasuke, che lei non ha mai visto. Dopo aver scoperto una foto in cui Sasuke appare con una donna che indossa occhiali uguali ai suoi, Sarada è decisa a conoscere la verità. Riuscirà a scoprire il segreto dietro la sua nascita?

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Tipi di legame

6 settembre, 201725m

Sarada è decisa a salvare Sakura, e si lancia all'inseguimento di Shin con Sasuke, Naruto e Chocho. Dopo una serie di brutali vattaglie con i cloni di Shin, la ragazza è sorpresa nel vedere l'intesa tra Sasuke e Sakura, che non si vedevano da anni. Improvvisamente però, Shin ordina ai suoi cloni di uccidere gli intrusi. La scoperta del legame tra i suoi genitori porterà Sarada a scoprire anche il segreto sulla sua nascita?

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Boruto e Kagura

1 novembre, 201725m

Boruto implora Kagura di cambiare idea e rinunciare alla rivolta, ma il ragazzo rifiuta e lo attacca. Boruto fa di tutto per risparmiarlo, ma Kagura sembra incapace di resistere alle parole di Shizuma. Tuttavia qualcuno interrompe la loro battaglia: è Mitsuki, che avuto una soffiata su quanto sta succedendo. Chi è stato a informarlo e riuscirà Boruto a salvare Kagura?

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La forza dell'unione

17 gennaio, 201825m

Team 7's original mission evolves into a rescue operation after Kiri is kidnapped. The team must face a formidable genjutsu user as well as a skilled sword user. Following Konohamaru's orders, the team successfully rescues Kiri. But Konohamaru is captured and the trio must battle the enemy alone while protecting Kiri.

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La persona che voglio diventare

28 febbraio, 201825m

During the protests, the Byakuya Gang attacks Katasuke's research center, which has been developing new technology for Scientific Ninja Tools. Shikadai figures out what the Byakuya Gang's goal is and rushes after them in pursuit with Boruto close by. Even a weak "pawn" can become strong in one move—what are the two friends who bonded through shogi seeking?

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Padre e figlio

19 luglio, 201825m

Naruto and Sasuke fight against Momoshiki Otsutsuki. Momoshiki gets defeated, but he's helped by Katasuke and his Scientific Ninja Tool. In the end, Boruto puts an end to Momoshiki's life. While dying, Momoshiki talks to Boruto and gives him the Karma Seal.

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Il lato oscuro della Luna

13 settembre, 201825m

Boruto and Sarada sneak out of the village and head to Orochimaru's research lab to find clues about Mitsuki. After evading the ninja guarding the entrance, they get in. But what they observe at the facility and hear from Orochimaru makes Boruto realize that he never truly knew Mitsuki. Meanwhile, the village finds out that Boruto and Sarada have gone in search of Mitsuki, and Shikadai and his Team 10 are assigned a tracking mission to bring back them back.

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Un nemico formidabile! Garaga attacca!

14 ottobre, 201825m

Boruto and the others work together to obtain the Reverse Scale from Garaga. But the battle proves difficult, as Garaga has the power to sense the location of its enemies and turn them into stone. In the midst of battle, the team notices inconsistencies in Garaga's moves and comes up with a successful strategy to subdue him. Boruto is seized with a strange feeling and makes Garaga a proposition.

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Infiltrazione al Villaggio della Roccia!!

18 novembre, 201825m

Boruto and his friends decide to go the Hidden Stone Village to see the former Tsuchikage, Ohnoki. In case of an emergency, Inojin stays back with the young Akuta, who is attached to him. The team secretly enters the village determined to find Ohnoki, but they are unaware that they are being watched.

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Sentirsi veramente vivi

23 dicembre, 201825m

Kakou appears to take the former Tsuchikage back to the village, but Boruto confronts him and they fight. Kakou uses a rare and powerful Particle Style and pushes Boruto to the edge. Meanwhile, Shikadai manages to slip through the Akuta guards and heads for the Hidden Leaf to report on the situation in the Hidden Stone.

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Il volere di Onoki

27 gennaio, 201925m

Ku appears once again to provoke and attack Boruto. Meanwhile, reevaluating his true will and intent, Ohnoki prepares for a fight to the death in order to stop Ku from doing any more harm.

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La giornata genitori-figli

10 febbraio, 201925m

The Hidden Leaf established Parent and Child Day to allow busy parents to spend a day off with their children. Boruto and his sister Himawari await the day with anticipation. The day arrives, and Boruto is happy that his father was able to finish work and come home, so he decides to let Naruto spend all of his time with Himawari.

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Jugo e il sigillo maledetto

24 marzo, 201925m

Boruto and Sarada confirm Juugo’s appearance. However, Juugo is under the influence of a ‘Cursed Seal’, and has transformed into a ferocious monster. The ‘Cursed Seal’ is one of Orochimaru’s research materials. Even though it amplifies strength and stimulates that attack instincts of living beings, Juugo is someone who possessed that capability from birth. Juugo has lost control over himself and begins to attack, putting up a difficult fight against Boruto and his comrades. Even though he’ll be getting assistance from his friends, will they cause damage to Juugo somehow?!

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Al di là del tempo!!

15 dicembre, 201925m

The battle against Urashiki is over, and it's time for Boruto and Sasuke to return to the place where they rightfully belong. Boruto is wistful about leaving Jiraiya and Naruto. Suddenly, Jiraiya makes a request to Sasuke.

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Boruto e Tento

5 aprile, 202025m

Boruto rushes to save Tento, but Shojoji the leader of the Mujina Gang blocks his way. Boruto dodges to protect Tento, but Shojoji and his Corpse Clone Jutsu prove to be too powerful. In the midst of all this, the mark on Boruto's palm reacts and paralyzes him.

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Il sistema di rilevamento del Muro di Ferro

6 dicembre, 202025m

The Yamanaka Clan, who have been tracking the village’s ingoing and outgoing traffic with their advanced sensory abilities, spearheads a plan to create a new sensory system and an operational test is conducted.

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Il Recipiente

10 gennaio, 202125m

Son of Naruto Uzumaki, Boruto, follows his father's footsteps along with his friends to become great ninja. Throughout all their adventures, Boruto is determined to make his mark in the ninja world and live outside of his father's shadow.

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28 febbraio, 202125m

Koji mostra interesse per la trasformazione di Boruto e si ritira, e Boruto e i suoi amici decidono di tornare al villaggio. Sulla via del ritorno, scoprono un ragazzo incosciente che ha lo stesso strano segno sul palmo della mano di Boruto.

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1 agosto, 202124m

Ansioso per quello che è successo a Boruto e a se stesso, e per il pericolo che il Karma pone, Kawaki inizia a preoccuparsi che la sua presenza metta a rischio hidden Leaf Village, soprattutto perché Kara lo sta inseguendo.

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3 ottobre, 202124m

Naruto e gli altri sono esausti dalla loro battaglia con Isshiki. Improvvisamente, Boruto attacca Sasuke. Momoshiki ha preso il controllo della coscienza di Boruto e si trova davanti a loro come un nemico. Kawaki chiama disperatamente Boruto per farlo uscire. Sfortunatamente, le sue parole non sono in grado di raggiungerlo. Sasuke dice a Kawaki un modo per riportare la coscienza di Boruto. Per salvare Boruto, Kawaki tenta un piano rischioso usando un jutsu che ha imparato solo di recente. Mentre Kawaki e Sasuke combattono una battaglia disperata, Naruto alla fine esaurisce le forze. Mentre la sua coscienza svanisce, lui e Kurama ricordano tranquillamente il loro passato.

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Infiltrazione a Dotojima

6 febbraio, 202224m

La Terra dell'Acqua viene conquistata dai pirati e il contatto con la Squadra 5 di Denki viene perso. Il nuovo Team 7 si unisce a un'unità guidata da Kagura e parte per l'isola di Dotou per assistere il Team 5 e salvare gli isolani. Tuttavia, l'unità è composta da Buntan, Hebiichigo e Kyoho, che in passato si erano definiti i "Nuovi Sette Spadaccini Ninja della Nebbia". Sarada e Mitsuki scendono a terra per esplorare l'isola mentre Boruto e gli altri rimangono indietro e osservano la situazione nelle vicinanze.

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Il vortice della vendetta

19 giugno, 202224m

Boruto’s desperate attempts to reason with Ikada fail and he’s unable to change his mind. He prepares himself to give his life to stop the Land of Water and the pirates from fighting. He tells Sarada and Mitsuki that they should not seek revenge if he ends up dying. However, neither of them is able to stand idly by. Will Boruto and his friends manage to stop this cycle of revenge and restore peace to the seas?!

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Konohamaru diventa l'Hokage?!

10 luglio, 202224m

Naruto has been asked to play himself in the popular Evil Jammer Kagemasa shinobi movie series. Konohamaru ends up playing the role in his place. Since this is his first movie appearance and the fact that he will be playing the Seventh Hokage, someone he looks up to, Konohamaru goes all out. However, he’s troubled when production doesn’t quite go as he expected. Upon hearing something from the assistant director, he proposes something to make the movie more enjoyable.

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Il festival scolastico è sotto tiro

25 settembre, 202224m

After what appears to be an assassination attempt on Kae, Kawaki is cautious on the day of the school festival. The festival begins and everyone enjoys themselves. But when it's time for the play, a bomb suddenly goes off at the Academy.

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Gli studenti riuniti!!

23 ottobre, 202224m

The assassin targeting Kae has finally been revealed. Because of their previous clashes, Kawaki knows they are a powerful foe. He decides to chase after the assassin by himself to prevent putting any more students in danger. But Kawaki finds it difficult to do that without knowing where the assassin is; what’s more, his classmates desire to work together to chase down the assassin and save Kae. And so, the entire class begins their pursuit!

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Di nuovo su per il cielo

13 novembre, 202224m

Tsuzura’s hawk has suddenly been sold, so he does what he can to get his precious bird back. Hearing what happened, Boruto ignores Sasuke and rushes to help.

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Vite al capolinea

27 novembre, 202224m

As test subjects drop off one by one, Boruto tries to find a way to get everyone out alive. The next experiment is for the subjects to carry candles that are directly linked to their lives. Although some people try to save only themselves, Boruto and a fellow ninja from the Leaf Village, Kiseru Gankubi, aim to clear the challenge together with everyone…but Ouga’s experiment mercilessly pushes them to their limits!

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Si apre un varco

18 dicembre, 202224m

Ignoring the danger to his own life, Boruto tells the other test subjects to escape while he takes on the person who may be working for Ouga. But they decide to stay and help Boruto fight the suspect.

As they search for Boruto’s whereabouts, Sarada and her team find themselves surrounded by skilled ninja and uncover unexpected information about the incident.

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L'ottava verità

25 dicembre, 202224m

Boruto reawakens to find he’s back where he first found himself.

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Sasuke Retsuden · L'anello

5 febbraio, 202324m

A swarm of dragon-beasts suddenly appears at the Observatory, throwing everything into chaos. When Sasuke and Sakura learn that the director, Zansul, has horrifying ambitions, they split up to try to stop him. Sakura gets back to the Observatory first, but the building collapses while she’s still inside. Meanwhile, Sasuke catches sight of Zansul and his accomplices. He tries to join up with Sakura but is unable to find her. Trapped, Sakura faces a precarious dilemma.

Will Sasuke and Sakura—the most powerful couple in the Village Hidden in the Leaves—be able to crush Zansul’s ambitions and safely return with the Ultra Particles to save their friend?

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12 febbraio, 202324m

Code worships Isshiki Otsutsuki, who was defeated by Boruto and his friends. In order to meet a certain person, he visits the facility that formerly belonged to Boro. Like Kawaki, Code miraculously survived the experiments intended to help select a vessel for Isshiki—and he possesses greater power than even Jigen. He has vowed revenge against Boruto and Kawaki for destroying Isshiki.

Meanwhile, Claw Marks left by Code are discovered just outside of the Hidden Leaf Village. While the Hokage and the others take precautions, Boruto proposes an idea to Kawaki.

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26 febbraio, 202324m

With the disappearance of his Karma, Kawaki has lost his powers. He becomes worried that he won’t be able to protect Naruto or the village he cares for. Seeming to know what Kawaki is thinking, Amado verbally provokes him. Sumire becomes worried that Amado is planning something.

Meanwhile, Code teams up with Eida to get his revenge. Eida introduces him to another person who will be helping them.

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5 marzo, 202324m

Due to the risk that Code might attempt to kill Boruto and Kawaki, guards are assigned to them. Boruto is sick of being watched every day. Meanwhile, Kawaki overhears a conversation between Shikadai and Inojin and learns how to slip past his guard and the Village’s sensory system. Once he decides he must do whatever it takes to protect Naruto and the Hidden Leaf, he jumps into action. Despite their keen sensory abilities, Naruto and the Village’s sensory team are unaware of what’s happening. But Boruto feels a strange sensation that allows him to detect Kawaki’s movements.

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