Marilyn Norry hahmona Roberta

Jaksot 5

Curse of the Starving Class

19 huhtikuu 201842m

Ben begins to investigate some suspicious overfishing, meanwhile Decker ramps up his efforts to find his escaped mermaid and shows the true extent of his influence.

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The Wolf at the Door

31 tammikuu 201942m

Ben, Maddie and Ryn desperately try and keep the newly arrived mermaid pack hidden from the rest of the town, but the new mermaids’ quick degradation on land forces them to get them back to the sea unnoticed during the town’s Mermaid Beauty Contest. Elaine grows more suspicious of Helen and her connections to their family.

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No North Star

13 kesäkuu 201942m

Ben, Maddie and the other humans deal with the fallout from the attack on the oil rig, while the mermaids reacclimate to their ocean home. Ryn comes back to land to follow through on an agreement she made with the military, despite not knowing what their ultimate goals are.

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2 huhtikuu 202042m

As an old friend visits Helen, a new mermaid arrives leaving Ryn questioning their motives. Maddie learns the truth behind Ian’s death, as Ben fights for his mother’s treatments. While Xander is inspired to take on more responsibility.

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2 huhtikuu 202042m

When another mysterious death is uncovered in Bristol Cove, Ryn suspects Tia. Maddie befriends a new acquaintance in Seattle. Helen warns the hybrids of trouble. Xander begins training and Ted revisits the past.

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