Billy Eichner hahmona Felix

Jaksot 8

Welcome to New York

14 heinäkuu 201731m

Lisa and Ethan move to New York, reconnect with old college friends and learn that some secrets are harder to keep than others.

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14 heinäkuu 201731m

Facing a brutal deadline, Ethan brainstorms ideas for his Y.A. novel. Meanwhile, Sam, Lisa and Marianne meet some admirers out on the town.

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Mission Impossible

14 heinäkuu 201731m

Ethan and Lisa run the gauntlet to ensure their IVF is a success. Max and Felix celebrate a special occasion. Sam opens up.

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Party Bus

14 heinäkuu 201732m

Ethan organizes a wine-tasting trip for his wife and friends, but his perfectly planned excursion hits a few bumps in the road.

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The Engagement Party

11 tammikuu 201930m

The gang is forced to put on their happy faces and reconnect at Max's swanky engagement party, where "severe awkwardness" is everybody's plus-one.

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Old Habits

11 tammikuu 201930m

Lisa and Charlie consider their future. Nick invites Lisa to crash his weekend with Merrill. Felix orders Max to stand up to Ethan.

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Free Fall

11 tammikuu 201930m

The gang attends an extreme funeral, Ethan gets an earful from Felix, and the awkward encounters keep on coming for Lisa.

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The Wedding

Season Finale
11 tammikuu 201929m

Max and Felix's big day arrives -- and so does the drama as secrets are revealed, confessions are made, and poorly timed punches are thrown.

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