Christine Choi — Makeup & Hair Assistant

Jaksot 6

All Good Things...

17 kesäkuu 201611m

Special Agent Jack Decker finds himself in a treacherous situation with no one but master codebreaker Jonathan Kington to help. Working together, they must stop a horrible evil and its sinister plans.

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The New Recruits

24 kesäkuu 201611m

Young recruit Jack Decker rallies against the pc-culture around him to save hundreds of innocent heroes.

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The Butterfly Effect

8 heinäkuu 201611m

Decker goes back in time to stop one of the largest attacks against America. Will he succeed, or will he alter the course of human history forever?

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Global Hoax

15 heinäkuu 201611m

With an energy crisis plaguing America, Jack Decker and Agent Kington discover a powerful organization at the root of it all.

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Band Together

22 heinäkuu 201611m

Supergroup "Dekkar" infiltrates the world's most powerful terrorist group. In the process, Decker learns the true meaning of friendship from one of his closest allies.

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A New Hero

Season Finale
29 heinäkuu 201611m

With nowhere to turn and danger looming, Agent Jonathan Kington finds a new champion of American freedom - now he just has to convince him to join the team.

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