東山奈央 hahmona Yune (voice)

Jaksot 12


4 heinäkuu 201124m

On his return from a trip to Japan, Oscar Claudel brings a young girl named Yune to work at his metalworks shop, the Enseignes du Roy.

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11 heinäkuu 201124m

Yune eats her first French breakfast and attempts to hide her dislike of cheese! Claude, Oscar's grandson, takes Yune shopping.

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Japanese Labyrinth

18 heinäkuu 201124m

Claude becomes inspired by Yune with an idea for a sign for a nearby music shop. Later, they find the owners of Yune's kimono.

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Water Light

25 heinäkuu 201124m

Alice, the youngest of the upper-class Blanche family, becomes interested in Yune and wants her to stay with her, but Yune has made a promise to the Claudels.

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1 elokuu 201124m

Claude scolds Yune for her kindness, which is taken advantage of by a boy who steals from the shop.

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8 elokuu 201124m

Alice pays a visit to Yune at Oscar's shop and invites her over for a photograph. There, Yune learns of a past between Alice's sister Camille and Claude

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15 elokuu 201124m

Yune faints from a fever, which fills Claude with guilt for scolding her earlier. He receives help from Alice and her doctor to cure Yune.

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A Child's Room

22 elokuu 201124m

A tea party at the Blanche's brings Claude and Camille together, while Alice shows Yune the nursery where she grew up.

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29 elokuu 201124m

Claude speaks about the past with Camille when they used to play together in the Blanche's family garden.

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5 syyskuu 201124m

Oscar spends time with Yune and Alice. He shows off a slide projector that reminds Alice of her parts of her life back in Japan.

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A Prayer

12 syyskuu 201124m

Alice invites Yune to an exhibition at the Grand Magasin, but Claude opposes and makes other plans for them. Yune shares more about her family in Japan.

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Cat on the Roof

Season Finale
19 syyskuu 201124m

Yune goes out to search for a lost black cat and gets lost, which worries Claude who cannot find her.

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