Roger Bart hahmona Angelo

Jaksot 7

Andy Goes to Hollywood

16 marraskuu 2017

Andy Klavin travels from his Nebraskan hometown to Burbank, California, where he stumbles into a job meeting a colorful cast of characters – the writers, the producer Fred DeCordova, and most importantly Joy, who’s unlike any woman he’s ever met.

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Dog Day Afternoon

16 marraskuu 2017

Andy juggles confusing feelings for Joy, and when he’s given his first important task at work, one bad thing happens after another. Somehow Andy ends up on his feet, and in the process manages to give Joy the credit she so rarely gets.

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Owed to Joy

16 marraskuu 2017

Joy argues for equal pay at work, while juggling her own personal family drama at home. The writers take Andy on an outing he’ll never forget, and Mitch tries to hide his inner demons. Joy tries to mold Andy into the man she thinks he can be.

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Take Me to Church

16 marraskuu 2017

Freddie invites Andy to his church in Beverly Hills, but it goes very badly, and Joy talks to her therapist about a recent wedding weekend gone wrong. When Andy calls his parents in Nebraska with some good news, he ends up getting news about his brother.

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The Drop

16 marraskuu 2017

Based on a true story, Johnny Carson finds himself entangled in an extortion plot. Authorities are brought in, and some suspect Andy of being the plot. Andy also bonds with Joy and Rasheed while getting high for the first time in his life.

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The Getaway

16 marraskuu 2017

Joy and Andy take a much-needed weekend getaway at Angelo’s party house in Palm Springs, but no one can relax with all the secrets being spilled.

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The Anniversary Show

Season Finale
16 marraskuu 2017

It’s the 10th anniversary show, the big event they’ve been working for all season, and it doesn’t go as planned. Not all the writers are invited back, and Andy stumbles on an invaluable discovery. Joy learns the truth about her father.

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