C. Thomas Howell hahmona Major Bowen

Jaksot 5


26 elokuu 201941m

As the Terminal Islanders adjust to their new surroundings, Chester tries to provide for his family, while fending off the evil that follows him. Henry reels from the trauma of his imprisonment. Asako sees bad omens. Amy takes up a new job.

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The Weak Are Meat

2 syyskuu 201941m

Chester, in search of a better life, is treated with hostility by his fellow Americans; Luz hopes to be accepted by Henry and Asako in their new home as the Japanese American community celebrates Obon, a festival to commemorate the dead.

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Shatter Like a Pearl

9 syyskuu 201941m

The Japanese Americans are forced to undertake a humiliating exercise that divides the community; Chester comes face to face with a man who forces him to question his very nature; Luz, stricken by grief, is forced to make an important choice.

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My Perfect World

23 syyskuu 201941m

The Nakayamas have been torn apart; Chester searches for the person he believes can help, by any means necessary; an outbreak in the community forces Amy to act, though she's caught between doing what she's told and doing what's right.

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My Sweet Boy

30 syyskuu 201941m

Chester and Luz have reached a turning point in their relationship; Amy must take matters into her own hands as she's tormented by a powerful nemesis; Chester meets a boy who gives him answers.

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