松本輝 — Compositing Artist

Jaksot 14

Episode 1

11 tammikuu 201824m

Hodgins retrieves Violet from the hospital, as Major Gilbert asked him to look out for her. After they meet Gilbert's relatives, he offers her a job.

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Episode 2

18 tammikuu 201824m

Violet tries to adjust to her new job: she needs to learn typing, and her coworkers question whether she has the right demeanor for letter writing.

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Episode 3

25 tammikuu 201824m

Violet enrolls in a Doll training course. Her classmate Luculia befriends her, though she has her own problems with her war veteran brother.

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Episode 4

1 helmikuu 201824m

When Iris goes to her home village on an assignment, Violet accompanies her. Iris's birthday party sparks a disagreement with her family.

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Episode 5

8 helmikuu 201824m

Princess Charlotte is to have a public correspondence with her betrothed, and Violet is entrusted with writing the letters on her highness’s behalf.

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Episode 6

15 helmikuu 201824m

Violet travels to the country of Astrea to work with transcribers copying damaged manuscripts. Her partner Leon has a past not unlike hers.

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Episode 7

22 helmikuu 201824m

A playwright with writer's block and a tragic past summons Violet to the country of Genetrix to help him finish a script. They both learn about grief.

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Episode 8

1 maaliskuu 201824m

Violet learns that Major Gilbert is listed as missing in action, but his family members think he is dead. Unable to cope, she remembers the war.

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Episode 9

8 maaliskuu 201824m

Heartbroken, Violet withdraws from her job and questions whether she even has the right to be an Auto Memory Doll. Then, she receives a letter.

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Episode 10

15 maaliskuu 201824m

Violet travels to a countryside mansion to write a letter for a gravely ill war widow, but her young daughter Ann resents Violet's presence.

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Episode 11

22 maaliskuu 201824m

Against Hodgins' wishes, Violet takes a job from a soldier at a military base in Ctrigall, a former enemy nation now engulfed in civil war.

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Episode 12

29 maaliskuu 201824m

The Major's older brother is ordered to defend the signing ceremony from former Gardarik forces opposed to peace. Violet intercepts his train.

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Episode 13

Season Finale
5 huhtikuu 201824m

The signing ceremony concludes, officially bringing an end to the war. While writing letters for an air show, Violet composes a letter to the Major.

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Episode 1

4 heinäkuu 201834m

Violet accepts an unusual request from a very demanding opera singer: Ilma wants her to write a love letter she can use for lyrics in an aria.

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