Episodes 39


A New Challenge

1 Oktober 202324m

The deciding match of the All Japan Junior Youth Soccer Tournament ends in an unprecedented twist. Now, with Tsubasa Ozora out, it’s Kojiro Hyuga’s turn! An intimidating match of formidable high school students awaits. Will they step up to the challenge?

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Greetings to an Old Rival

8 Oktober 202324m

The team to travel to Europe has been announced! Hyuga is captain, but Tsubasa is determined to play in the French tournament in two weeks. In Germany, a practice match reunites the team with Wakabayashi, who shocks the team with his unusual comment.

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Professional Warrior

15 Oktober 202324m

Team Japan and Hamburg have a practice match, and Wakabayashi shows off his iron defense. Schneider initiates a fierce attack and makes scoring impossible. Hyuga meanwhile is furious. Then there’s Tsubasa…

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Starting Again from Zero

22 Oktober 202324m

While the practice match against Hamburg has proven disastrous for Japan, they vow to start afresh. Captain Matsuyama desires his teammates’ trust, while Hyuga focuses on overcoming Schneider. Meanwhile, Wakabayashi makes a surprising announcement.

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Another Heavy Hitter

29 Oktober 202324m

Taro Misaki, now in France, has received a request to join Japan Junior Youth. The three years he’s spent away hasn’t helped his confidence, but playing with Tsubasa again appeals. Now Misaki challenges Team France to prove he’s still got it!

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Action! Japan Junior Youth!

5 November 202324m

Tsubasa returns to the field in style! Early in the match against Munich, he makes a decisive move. With Tsubasa back in action, his teammates play like completely different athletes. Then Hyuga and Tsubasa decide to make things even more interesting.

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Converge on Paris!!

12 November 202324m

The team lands in France, with games starting soon. Coach orders a rest day, but Tsubasa can’t sit still. As he dribbles around Paris, he passes someone practicing just like him. The boy, it turns out, is a familiar face with amazing skills.

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I'm Taro Misaki

19 November 202324m

It’s the opening ceremony of the International Junior Youth Tournament. As players from twelve participating countries gather, Misaki thinks back about his time in Japan and how far he’s really come. But the memories aren’t all happy. He remembers not only how his father’s career has had a major impact on his life and his soccer, but also how his father’s complicated life as an artist has pulled him into a situation where he is faced with a seemingly impossible dilemma.

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A Great Journey

26 November 202324m

It’s Japan versus Italy in the opening game of the tournament, and tensions are running high. Team Japan’s tempers are flared over Italy’s previous comments about how they weren’t worth their time back before the practice match that never was. Still, having been handed the position of captain from Matsuyama, Tsubasa rises to the occasion. Italy may have Tsubasa marked, but he responds with some characteristic fighting spirit.

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They've Returned the Golden Duo

3 Desember 202324m

Italy's goalkeeper, Zino Hernandez, makes incredible saves. So much so that his perfect record has earned him the reputation as Europe’s best goalie. His skill puts Japan on the offensive, but Misaki is watching. Then the coach makes a surprising move.

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The Fierce Tiger Awakens

10 Desember 202324m

Thanks to Tsubasa and Misaki, Japan manages to tie with Italy, leaving the Europeans to tighten their defenses in the hope achieving a draw. Meanwhile, the crowd is in thrall to Japan and cheers them on with only one minute to go. Tsubasa then makes one final gamble…

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Destined for Victory

17 Desember 202324m

The host country, France, has its first match against England, and the stadium is buzzing with excitement. Elle Sid Pierre, France’s captain, wows with his elegant dribbling. Meanwhile, Tsubasa and his friends take note and are impressed. But as host, Team France is feeling the pressure. Will France be able to come through?

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A Pledge in the Starry Sky

24 Desember 202324m

Former Brazilian soccer player Roberto Hongo makes a visit to a soccer stadium in the outskirts of Paris where he speaks with Katagiri of the All Japan Soccer Association. Roberto makes himself clear; he does not want Tsubasa knowing he is merely miles away in the same city. As Tsubasa's former coach, Roberto still regrets breaking the promise he made to Tsubasa to take him to Brazil. He deeply admires Tsubasa and will never forget the days he spent as his coach.

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Never Give Up

7 Januarie 202425m

It’s Japan versus Argentina, and the winner progresses to the finals. Tsubasa, however, is preoccupied. While on the pitch, he learns that his former coach, Roberto, who has since remained incognito, is now in the stands somewhere watching.

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Japan Junior Youth Strikes Back

14 Januarie 202424m

While Japan reels from Diaz’s latest soccer feat, Tsubasa and Hyuga join forces for a special attack. Tsubasa has got his groove back. Taking the opportunity, the Tachibana Twins and Jito dash toward the goal. The time to strike back is now!

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A Battle of Ups and Downs

21 Januarie 202424m

Misaki makes a miracle shot, tying the score for Japan. But a tie isn’t good enough if they want to make it to the semifinals. With both teams unwilling to give an inch, it’s anyone’s guess who will walk away the victor.

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The Young Noble of the Field Returns!!

28 Januarie 202424m

It's the second half, 4 to 4. To break the impasse, Japan puts in Jun Misugi, an amazingly skilled player who also has a heart condition. It’s been three years, but finally, Jun can stand on the same field as Tsubasa. Argentina is in for a fight!

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The Top Four Assemble!

4 Februarie 202424m

Thanks to Misugi’s overhead, Team Japan manages to take the lead, a first for this match. But the self-declared genius is ready and launches his infamous Banana Shot over everyone’s heads, etching a giant arc in the sky. Who will make it to the top four?

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The Ball of Fire Revealed

11 Februarie 202424m

It's the first match of the final tournament. Uruguay begins with some lightning-fast attacks, which achieves a goal in just the first fifty seconds. But Germany’s Schneider manages to even the score. Which ace striker will dominate is anyone’s guess…

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The Battle Begins!! Japan vs. France

18 Februarie 202424m

In the second match of the finals Japan faces host France in a stadium filled with fans for the home team. Still Japan pulls off a three-way attack, stealing the ball back from a furious French captain, Pierre, who now seems to be planning something…

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10 vs. 11

25 Februarie 202424m

Ten minutes into the first half, Soda is given his second yellow card, forcing Japan to play on with only ten players. Then, Pierre gets a penalty kick, upping the score 2 to 1. Hyuga doesn’t give up, but luck just doesn’t seem be on Japan’s side…

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The Elegant Beast Attacks

3 Maart 202424m

In the second half rain is pelting the players and the pitch. France turns on a furious attack, but Japan ends up saved. But Izawa is now badly injured. In his place steps Misugi, who’s confidant the tables can turn. Let the clash of captains begin!

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Misaki vs. Pierre

10 Maart 202424m

Behold, France’s enigmatic Eiffel Attack! Team Japan stands at the ready, reflexes primed, but it’s Pierre and Napoleon all the way. Perfect pass work epitomizes the French forces as they make their way to the goal. Can Tsubasa resuscitate the team?

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Overtime in the Rain

17 Maart 202424m

Thanks to Misaki, the score is tied, initiating the first overtime of the tournament. But Coach Mikami is out of substitutions, and everyone is more than fatigued. Now Japan’s worst fears have become a reality. Things are not looking good…

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A Wounded Final Defense

24 Maart 202424m

It’s overtime, and Hyuga is ready to fight. He takes on Pierre, but Hyuga’s badly injured leg allows his opponent to swipe the ball out from underneath him. France continues to launch a brutal wave of attacks. Meanwhile, Wakashimazu is writhing in pain.

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The Miracle Fist

31 Maart 202424m

Overtime in the second match of the finals is underway, but a winner has yet to be declared. Now five representatives from each team are to join the kickoff. First up is France’s captain, Pierre. The whistle sounds. Whom will fortune smile on today?

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The Lions of the Final

7 April 202424m

At last the final. Japan is to face off against Germany. While Team Japan has managed to survive so far, it’s a team of injured players. And the big surprise is the starting lineup. Wakabayashi’s debut is now. Japan is now the strongest is has ever been!

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A Shooting Storm

14 April 202424m

The time for kickoff at the finals has arrived! Wakabayashi’s research on Team Germany has proven successful as Japan manages to dominate early on. Only this time Germany’s goalie is the elusive and intensely foreboding Steel Giant, Deuter Muller.

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Schneider vs. Wakabayashi

21 April 202424m

Japan is stunned by Muller’s ability to block all shots. Suddenly Muller makes a massive kick, launching a super-long-distance pass over to Schneider directly in front of Japan’s goal. Once teammates, Wakabayashi and Schneider battle is just beginning!

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A Blazing First Point

28 April 202424m

In the first half, Wakabayashi’s research has given the advantage to Team Japan. Then Japan gets another chance at that prized first point with a free kick. But strangely, Goalie Muller wants nothing standing between him in front of the goal and Tsubasa.

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The Most Powerful Shot in History

5 Mei 202424m

Schneider’s Fire Shot may’ve dashed Japan’s hopes of a first point, but Hyuga is already devising a comeback. With Tsubasa’s help, he is about to unleash something no one could have anticipated—the fiercest kick in soccer history!

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A Hat in Tatters

12 Mei 202424m

Twenty-five minutes into the first half, Tsubasa and Misaki combine forces to tie up the game. Schneider now is even more revved up and goes head-to-head with Goalie Wakabayashi. Then Schneider boldly unleashes his Fire Shot. The result? Sparks fly.

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Respond to the Message!

19 Mei 202424m

Something has been weighing on Tsubasa’s mind. Katagiri’s cryptic message from halftime about page 52 must be a reference to the notebook, the one into which Roberto put all he knew. Soon Tsubasa traces his memories, stirring up lessons from the past.

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A Glimpse at Global Greatness!?

26 Mei 202424m

Japan pulls off a second point and Germany is frantic! What’s more, Schneider has no feeling in his left leg. Just as Germany’s offense appears to have cracked under the pressure, Schneider wakes up his teammates. Now Germany’s Workman, Kaltz, is pumped.

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It's Done!

2 Junie 202424m

Schneider evens the score with only seven minutes to go. Now it’s an all-out war. Tsubasa tries to break through by dribbling, but is brutally tackled by Kaltz midair, sending Tsubasa crashing to the ground. The tournament ends now!

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A Promise to the Heavens

9 Junie 202424m

Japan is world champion! Elated, Tsubasa and his teammates converge on the pitch. Meanwhile, Schneider has something to say to Tsubasa. Through his interviewers, Tsubasa tells the world about the dream he’s held dear since childhood.

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16 Junie 202424m

Having returned from France, Tsubasa becomes coach of Nankatsu MS’s soccer team. Soon Manager Kumi is confessing her love to Tsubasa, despite knowing that Sanae and Tsubasa already have feelings for each other. Time is running out before Brazil.

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To a New Era!

23 Junie 202424m

A month has passed since the International Junior Youth Tournament in France, and Japan’s athletes are beginning to go their separate ways. Tsubasa is using the time he has left before graduation to practice with a new club team, impressing the coach who is convinced Tsubasa has achieved a level of soccer equal to pro. Meanwhile Wakabayashi in Germany receives an early offer to go pro from Hamburg. Back in Japan Hyuga and Wakashimazu are already practicing with high schoolers with the goal of becoming regulars for Toho Academy HS. Then there’s Misaki, who is finally back home in Japan from France…

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Tsubasa Takes Off

Season Finale
30 Junie 202424m

Tsubasa is in a whole new league now. Gone are the days of Junior Youth. At an entirely new international competition, Tsubasa is more than ready to get out on the pitch and play. Then the stands call in unison. Tsubasa… Tsubasa…

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