Daniel Franzese hahmona Brendon

Jaksot 6

Boyle Heights

1 joulukuu 201730m

Jesse, a Mexican-American lawyer who has somewhat turned his back on his Latino roots experiences a cultural awakening after an encounter with Leo, a fiery and sexy Latino activist.

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8 joulukuu 201730m

Kevin, a young Taiwanese-American, who grew up in a traditionally white American neighborhood begins to have a different understanding of his heritage after meeting the much older, Gino, an adopted Korean-American.

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Leimert Park

15 joulukuu 201730m

Abraham, a young African-American poet, is struggling to define what it means to be a man in Los Angeles under the weight of expectations from family, lovers and friends.

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Bel Air

5 tammikuu 201830m

Married ten years, Bentley and Chase seem to have it all -- a strong and loving union, as well as all the trappings of the good life. But, sadly, over time, the sizzle has gone out of the relationship.

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Silver Lake

12 tammikuu 201830m

Brendon thinks that his marriage to Jeffrey is losing its sizzle, and suggests they have a threesome with a sexy stranger. But after STAR enters his life, bourgeois Old Testament emotions -- jealousy, monogamy, territoriality -- enter Brendon's mind and just won't go away.

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Season Finale
19 tammikuu 201830m

Our former "angels" have all gathered in Malibu for a wedding that proves to be a lovely affair.

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