Matthew Broderick hahmona Peter

Jaksot 4

There Won't Be Blood

30 lokakuu 201823m

It's Halloween, the favorite time of year for the Conners, but an email from the school banning certain costumes, including Mark's, sets off an argument between Dan and Darlene. Jackie introduces someone new to the family at the Halloween party and insists that Dan vet him, only to immediately wish that she hadn't.

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Hold the Salt

4 joulukuu 201823m

Dan questions Peter’s motives when he learns about the pricey Christmas gift that Jackie purchased for her new, unemployed beau. Meanwhile, Darlene receives dating advice from an unlikely source.

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O Sister, Where Art Thou?

11 joulukuu 201823m

When Becky helps Harris keep a secret from Darlene, it opens up a can of worms that causes a rift between the two sisters. Jackie supports Peter with his Nordic history project, and Dan reunites with an old friend.

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We Continue to Truck

Season Finale
22 tammikuu 201923m

As Darlene grapples with a life-changing offer from Ben, an unexpected conversation with David turns her world even more upside down. Relationship problems lead Jackie to the bottom of the bottle at the last place she remembers being truly happy. Becky’s hopes of a happily ever after with Emilio are jeopardized when Dan delivers alarming news.

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You need to be logged in to continue. Click here to login or here to sign up.

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