本渡楓 hahmona Mayuka (voice)

Jaksot 12

The Place He Awakened

22 syyskuu 201824m

In the year 2050, engineer Derrida Yvain becomes aware of a bug in a new line of androids developed by his company. His attempts to avert disaster are blocked off at every turn, and soon, he and his friend Nathan are forced to run for their lives!

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Who Is Left in the World

22 syyskuu 201824m

Derrida awakens from cryostasis ten years in the future, to find a world in ruins filled with rampaging androids. After being saved by a man named Vidaux, Derrida decides to fulfill his promise to Nathan by finding and protecting his daughter, Mage.

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Those Who've Come Together

22 syyskuu 201824m

Derrida stops by Nathan's old house, where he runs into Mage's best friend Yuri, who is now a young woman. Yuri devastates Derrida by informing him that Mage is dead... but his grief is cut short when they're attacked by a woman in black.

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The Time Leaper

22 syyskuu 201824m

To search for more clues about to Mage's whereabouts, Derrida and Vidaux infiltrate company building of Rebuild, the creator of the out-of-control androids. But to do so, they'll first need to navigate the underground tunnels and gain access to the city.

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That Which Is Not Wholly Abandoned

4 lokakuu 201824m

The group traces Mage's steps to a museum in the city of Vanfort. Derrida is struck by memories of visiting this place with his father when he was a child, and the strong memory spurs a sudden leap back to himself ten years before...

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Those Who Search, Those Who Conceal

11 lokakuu 201824m

Damages to Graham from repeated battles have taken their toll. While Vidaux walks to the city for repairs, Derrida and Yuri spend the night in an abandoned home, where Derrida begins experimenting with the mysterious "time ride" phenomenon.

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The Loves of Each

18 lokakuu 201824m

Derrida and Vidaux come to a new town looking for Yuri. But it turns out her kidnappers are from the government, and the conspiracy goes even deeper than expected...

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The Fate of Time

25 lokakuu 201824m

A trap set by Donna ends up leading the group to the man they're searching for. Can Derrida use time rides to save them all from their merciless pursuer?

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Strong Bonds

1 marraskuu 201824m

Vidaux's past with Mayuka is explored as the team makes a brutal charge through a DZ graveyard.

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Those Who Have Let Go

8 marraskuu 201824m

Five years ago after Derrida's tragedy, a reckless experiment gives birth to the entity known as Donna.

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A Quiet Place

15 marraskuu 201824m

Derrida and his friends make a final desperate run to the telescope facility where they believe Mage to be.

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Everything Goes Back to Where It Belongs

Season Finale
22 marraskuu 201824m

With the government closing in, Derrida rushes to find Mage, learn the truth, and make a final time ride to avert disaster.

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