Dove Cameron hahmona Gwen Stacy / Ghost-Spider (voice)

Jaksot 6

Mission: Ghost Hunter

13 elokuu 20184m

While pursuing the criminal responsible for her best friend's death, Ghost-Spider is mistakenly accused of the crime by both SHIELD and the NYPD.

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Floor Toms Spider Webs

13 elokuu 20184m

As Ghost-Spider deals with the loss of her friend, she continues hunting for the culprit while also trying to keep up appearances with her friends and bandmates.

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13 elokuu 20184m

Best friends, Ms. Marvel and Squirrel Girl, join forces to apprehend an alleged super-hero-turned-vigilante: Ghost-Spider!

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Two On One

13 elokuu 20184m

Finally confronting Ghost-Spider, Squirrel Girl and Ms. Marvel discover that there's more to this 'villain' than meets the eye.

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The Stories They Tell

13 elokuu 20184m

Ghost-Spider finally gets the chance to tell her side of the story when she's captured by Squirrel Girl and Ms. Marvel.

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The Secrets We Keep

Season Finale
13 elokuu 20184m

Ghost-Spider's run from the law finally ends when she's caught by SHIELD agents Patriot and Quake, but everything changes when her true identity is revealed.

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