Billy Eichner hahmona Craig

Jaksot 9


10 lokakuu 201322m

Leslie pairs up the Pawnee Parks employees with their Eagleton counterparts. Meanwhile Ben and Chris reunite for an accounting project, and Ann reveals her plans for the future.

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21 marraskuu 201322m

Leslie tries to complete some of her biggest city council goals, like hosting an NFL Play 60 event with the Indianapolis Colts, and trying to add fluoride to Pawnee’s drinking water. Meanwhile, Chris and Ron attempt to bond while building cribs for their future children.

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Farmers Market

23 tammikuu 201422m

Leslie fights with Ben over questionable sales techniques at the local farmers market. Ann searches for a way to vent about the annoying aspects of pregnancy, while April supports Andy in a new creative venture.

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27 helmikuu 201422m

Ben attempts to surprise Leslie with a special anniversary gift. Tom and Adam try to help Leslie bring positive light to the Pawnee-Eagleton merger, while April asserts her new authority as Donna’s boss.

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The Wall

6 maaliskuu 201422m

Leslie's efforts to take down the wall separating Eagleton and Pawnee yield unexpected results; Ben and Tom meet with possible sponsors for the concert; Ron finds a new hobby.

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New Slogan

13 maaliskuu 201422m

Leslie aims to create a new town slogan, but runs afoul of local shock jocks. Andy scouts bands to play the Unity Concert and discovers an interesting secret about Ron, while Tom looks for a restaurant locale with Donna and April.

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Flu Season 2

10 huhtikuu 201422m

In the midst of flu season, a sick Leslie and Andy struggle to book performers for the Unity Concert. Meanwhile, Tom heads to a wine competition in search of a sommelier for his new restaurant, and Ben seeks drunken help from Ron with a personal problem.

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One in 8,000

17 huhtikuu 201422m

Leslie and Ben run a charity auction to raise funds for the unity concert. April steps in to manage Andy's schedule, while Donna asks Ron for help with her ex-boyfriend.

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Moving Up

Season Finale
24 huhtikuu 201444m

Leslie, Ben, and Andy head to San Francisco for a National Parks Conference. Tom opens his restaurant, Ron has another run-in with his ex-wife Tammy 2, Andy lives a rock and roll fantasy, and Leslie makes a huge decision about her future.

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