Dolly Parton — Alkuperäismusiikin säveltäjä

Jaksot 8


22 marraskuu 20191h 7m

Jolene's back -- and bolder than ever. Revisit the story of the auburn-haired icon with this modern take on her seductive reputation.

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Two Doors Down

22 marraskuu 20191h 3m

Holy matrimony meets hardheaded tradition as one family prepares for a big-budget wedding ... and a string of life-changing announcements.

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If I Had Wings

22 marraskuu 20191h 3m

The pain of the past and the promise of the future collide in this emotional tale of a family divided by difference -- and reunited by chance.

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Cracker Jack

22 marraskuu 20191h 4m

What happens when life interrupts loyal friendship? Four women reunite for a weekend of memories and try to make peace with lingering secrets.

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Down From Dover

22 marraskuu 20191h 6m

Young love faces adversity during the Vietnam War when a reverend's daughter and a budding soldier brave the unknown, one leap of faith at a time.

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Sugar Hill

22 marraskuu 20191h

A decades-spanning romance returns to its roots in this story of sweethearts turned soul mates and the humble hometown they once called their own.

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J.J. Sneed

22 marraskuu 201957m

The Old West finds new life in this action-packed story of sharpshooter Maddie Hawkins, outlaw J.J. Sneed and their complex bond in the face of chaos.

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These Old Bones

Season Finale
22 marraskuu 20191h 26m

A mysterious mountain woman steps into the spotlight as a lawyer struggles to find her voice in this story of seeing, believing and everything between.

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