Amandla Stenberg hahmona Julie

Jaksot 8


8 toukokuu 20201h 10m

As jazz club owner Elliot juggles financial problems, band tensions and a visit from his teenage daughter, a shocking turn of events upends his life.

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8 toukokuu 20201h 8m

Julie enrolls in an international high school but soon grows restless and begins to act out. A worried Elliot hides evidence from the police.

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8 toukokuu 202056m

After a strained funeral, the band surprises Amira with a very different kind of celebration. Elliot encounters the man who beat him up at the club.

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8 toukokuu 202055m

Jude spends a wild and disorienting day with his ex — and her new beau. Elliot contends with demands from the gang and the police.

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8 toukokuu 202054m

Just as Elliot closes in on a record deal, Maja receives an offer to go on tour with a famous singer and decides it's time to take stock of her life.

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8 toukokuu 202053m

Up against a deadline, Elliot scrambles to find the missing cash. Julie tags along as Sim tries to raise money to send his grandmother to Mecca.

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8 toukokuu 20201h

While the band records with Franck Lévy, Katarina struggles under the weight of family obligations and regret. Julie and Sim decide to start fresh.

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The Eddy

Season Finale
8 toukokuu 202055m

As Elliot prepares for his return to the stage, Julie's mother arrives in Paris, Amira's brother drops by with a warning, and Sami turns up the heat.

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